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- Growth in Precision Agriculture: Fruit Thinning Robots Market to See Significant Growth by 2032 进入全文
- Lafayette College Partners with Sollum Technologies for Lighting Study 进入全文
- Source.ag Expands Its Partner Network, Joins Forces with Sigrow 进入全文
- BeeHero Extends Its Pollination Insight Platform to Apple Growers 进入全文
- Monarch’s Autodrive Marks the First Commercially Available, Fully Autonomous Feature in a Driver-Optional Tractor 进入全文
- AgTech Pioneer and Farmerline CEO Appointed to Heifer International Board 进入全文
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- Behavioral Responses of Aphid (Myzus Persicae) to Volatiles from Non-Host Plant Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia) 进入全文
- Analysis of In Vivo Plant Volatiles Using Active Sampling and TD-GC×GC-TOFMS 进入全文
- Challenges of climate change and air pollution for volatile-mediated plant-parasitoid signalling 进入全文
- Emissions of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds from Plants: Impacts of Air Pollutants and Environmental Variables 进入全文
- Exploring volatile patterns in tea plants under varying intensities of tea aphid infestation using multivariate analysis 进入全文
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- 湖南省人民政府办公厅印发《关于支持常德市合成生物制造产业高质量发展的若干措施》的通知 进入全文
- Final piece in synthetic yeast puzzle delivered 进入全文
- Chromosome Engineering: Technologies, Applications, and Challenges 进入全文
- The de novo design and synthesis of yeast chromosome XIII facilitates investigations on aging 进入全文
- Enveda’s fusion of natural product insights and AI just got a boost with a new CFO at the helm and $130M in fresh capital 进入全文
- Computational design of serine hydrolases 进入全文
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- An e-nose could be a powerful tool in the feed chain for quality and safety control and mycotoxin monitoring 进入全文
- Chemoenzymatic Synthesis Planning Guided by Reaction Type Score 进入全文
- Metabolic Engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum for High-Level Production of 1,5-Pentanediol, a C5 Diol Platform Chemical 进入全文
- Efficient Expression and Activity Optimization of Manganese Peroxidase for the Simultaneous Degradation of Aflatoxins AFB1, AFB2, AFG1, and AFG2 进入全文
- Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for De Novo Biosynthesis of the Platform Chemical Pelletierin 进入全文
- Protein Engineering of Substrate Specificity toward Nitrilases: Strategies and Challenges 进入全文
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- Genomic and GWAS analyses demonstrate phylogenomic relationships of Gossypium barbadense in China and selection for fibre length, lint percentage and Fusarium wilt resistance 进入全文
- Cotton GhBRC1 regulates branching, flowering, and growth by integrating multiple hormone pathways 进入全文
- Introgression from Gossypium hirsutum is a driver for population divergence and genetic diversity in Gossypium barbadense 进入全文
- Function deficiency of GhOMT1 causes anthocyanidins over-accumulation and diversifies fibre colours in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) 进入全文
- GhBZR3 suppresses cotton fiber elongation by inhibiting very-long-chain fatty acid biosynthesis 进入全文
- Retrieving a disrupted gene encoding phospholipase A for fibre enhancement in allotetraploid cultivated cotton 进入全文
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- 农学院张文利课题组发表关于植物中基于低样品量/单细胞的染色质状态鉴定技术综述 进入全文
- 农学院吴玉峰教授团队联合康奈尔大学Jian Hua教授合作揭示mRNA m6A修饰调控低温抗性和翻译效率的分子机制 进入全文
- 品质分子改良课题组揭示番茄STM3-J2复合体拮抗调控花序分枝数的分子机制 进入全文
- 远缘杂交技术创制番茄新种质的方法及其在番茄改良中应用 进入全文
- 水稻基因OsHsp40及其在制备具有非生物胁迫抗性转基因植物中的用途 进入全文
- Is partial desynapsis in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) pollen mother cells linked to aneuploidy in the crop? 进入全文
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- AI meets UAVs: A survey on AI empowered UAV perception systems for precision agriculture 进入全文
- Wireless communication protocols in smart agriculture: A review on applications, challenges and future trends 进入全文
- Understanding technology acceptance in smart agriculture: A systematic review of empirical research in crop production 进入全文
- 人工智能助推智慧农业高质量发展 进入全文
- 人工智能在生物技术专业教学中的研究应用 进入全文
- 农业现代化中人工智能与计算机技术的实际运用分析 进入全文
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- 专家团队在盐碱地资源高效利用研究中取得系列进展 进入全文
- 在不同种植体系镉污染生物炭修复效果评估方面取得研究进展 进入全文
- 专家团队在稻田固碳领域取得重要进展 进入全文
- A NAC Transcription Factor from 'Sea Rice 86 ' Enhances Salt Tolerance by Promoting Hydrogen Sulfide Production in Rice Seedlings 进入全文
- Engineering of rice varieties with enhanced resistances to both blast and bacterial blight diseases via CRISPR/Cas9 进入全文
- Reconstruction of the High Stigma Exsertion Rate Trait in Rice by Pyramiding Multiple QTLs 进入全文
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- Transcriptional signatures of wheat inflorescence development 进入全文
- DMC1 stabilizes crossovers at high and low temperatures during wheat meiosis 进入全文
- Natural variation of STKc_GSK3 kinase TaSG-D1 contributes to heat stress tolerance in Indian dwarf wheat 进入全文
- A new winter wheat genetic resource harbors untapped diversity from synthetic hexaploid wheat 进入全文
- Genome-wide analysis of MADS-box transcription factor gene family in wild emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccoides) 进入全文
- Genetic mapping of deoxynivalenol and fusarium damaged kernel resistance in an adapted durum wheat population 进入全文
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- 美国“印太经济框架”的本质、影响及中国的应对策略 进入全文
- 新型全球化的逻辑理路:历史生成、理论回响与实践演进 进入全文
- 全球价值链嵌入对中国农产品出口贸易的影响研究 进入全文
- The Russia-Ukraine war: Implications for global and regional food security and potential policy responses 进入全文
- Farm size limits agriculture's poverty reduction potential in Eastern India even with irrigation-led intensification 进入全文
- Russia, Ukraine, and global food security 进入全文
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- Enhanced prediction of vegetation responses to extreme drought using deep learning and Earth observation data 进入全文
- Rebound of surface and terrestrial water resources in Mongolian plateau following sustained depletion 进入全文
- Spatio-temporal detection of agricultural disaster vulnerability in the world and implications for developing climate-resilient agriculture 进入全文
- "Drop industrial agriculture": Major study reports that people and environment both benefit from diversified farming, while bottom lines also thrive 进入全文
- Toward to agricultural green development by multi-objective zoning and nitrogen nutrient management: a case study in the Baiyangdian Basin, China 进入全文
- Monitoring Surface Water Change in Northeast China in 1999–2020: Evidence from Satellite Observation and Refined Classification 进入全文
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- Multi-strain yeast fraction product supplementation can alleviate weaning stress and improve performance and health of piglets raised under low sanitary conditions 进入全文
- 国内首批非瘟疫苗来了!3家企业获批,其市场规模或超300亿! 进入全文
- 复合酶制剂对断奶仔猪生长性能、养分消化率和肠道微生物群落的影响 进入全文
- 仔猪喂奶系统设计与输送管道优化 进入全文
- Scientists are developing antibiotic alternatives to treat pigs for PID 进入全文
- Clostridial diarrheas in piglets: A review 进入全文
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- Transcriptomic analysis of seed development in Paysonia auriculata (Brassicaceae) identifies genes involved in hydroxy fatty acid biosynthesis 进入全文
- Smart Plant Breeding for Vegetable Crops in Post-genomics Era 进入全文
- Plant Phenolics in Abiotic Stress Management 进入全文
- Advances in Research on Vegetable Production Under a Changing Climate Vol. 2 进入全文
- Sustainable Agriculture in the Era of the OMICs Revolution 进入全文
- Genome-wide association and RNA-seq analyses identify loci for pod orientation in rapeseed (Brassica napus) 进入全文
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