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[学术文献 ] Which and how many soil sensors are ideal to predict key soil properties: A case study with seven sensors 进入全文


Soil sensing enables rapid and cost-effective soil analysis. However, a single sensor often does not generate enough information to reliably predict a wide range of soil properties. Within a case-study, our objective was to identify how many and which combinations of soil sensors prove to be suitable for high-resolution soil mapping. On a subplot of an agricultural field showing a high spatial soil variability, six in-situ proximal soil sensors (PSSs) next to remote sensing (RS) data from Sentinel-2 were evaluated based on their capabilities to predict a set of soil properties including: soil organic carbon, pH, moisture as well as plant-available phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. The set of PSSs consisted of ion-selective pH electrodes, a capacitive soil moisture sensor, an apparent soil electrical conductivity measuring system as well as passive gamma-ray-, X-ray fluorescence- and near-infrared spectroscopy. All possible combinations of sensors were exhaustively evaluated and ranked based on their prediction performances using model stacking. Over all soil properties, data fusion demonstrated a considerable increase in prediction accuracy. Five out of six soil properties were predicted with an R2 ≥ 0.80 with the best sensor fusion model. Nonetheless, the improvement derived from fusing an increasing number of PSSs was subject to diminishing returns. Sometimes adding more PSSs even decreased prediction performances. Gamma-ray spectroscopy and near-infrared spectroscopy demonstrated to be most effective, both as single sensors or in combination with other sensors. As a single sensor, RS outperformed three out of six PSSs. RS showed especially potential for fusion with single PSSs but was of limited benefit when multiple PSSs were fused. Model stacking proved to be more robust than using single base-models because sensor performances were less model-dependent.

[学术文献 ] A disposable fiber-optic plasmonic sensor for chemical sensing 进入全文


The integration of fiber optics and plasmonic sensors is promising to improve the practical usability over conventional bulky sensors and systems. To achieve high sensitivity, it typically requires fabrication of well-defined plasmonic nanostructures on optical fibers, which greatly increases the cost and complexity of the sensors. Here, we present a fiber-optic sensor system by using chemical absorption of gold nanoparticles and a replaceable configuration. By functioning gold nanoparticles with aptamers or antibodies, we demonstrate the applications in chemical sensing using two different modes. Measuring shift in resonance wavelength enables the Pb2+ detection with a high linearity and a limit of detection of 0.097 nM, and measuring absorption peak amplitude enables the detection of E. coli in urinary tract infection with a dynamic range between 10(3) to 10(8) CFU/mL. The high sensitivity, simple fabrication and disposability of this sensing approach could pave the way for point-of-care testing with fiber-optic plasmonic sensors.

[学术文献 ] Sensitive and specific detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food samples using imprinted upconversion fluorescence probe prepared by emulsion polymerization method 进入全文


Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) is a foodborne pathogen with high morbidity and mortality rates, necessitating rapid detection methods. Current techniques, while reliable, are labor-intensive and not amenable to on-site testing. We report the design and synthesis of a novel imprinted upconversion fluorescence probe through Pickering emulsion polymerization for the specific detection of L. monocytogenes. The probe employs trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate and divinylbenzene as cross-linkers, acryloyl-modified chitosan as a functional monomer, and the bacterium itself as the template. The developed probe demonstrated high specificity and sensitivity in detecting L. monocytogenes, with a limit of detection of 72 CFU/mL. It effectively identified the pathogen in contaminated salmon and chicken samples, with minimal background interference. The integration of molecular imprinting and upconversion fluorescence materials presents a potent and reliable approach for the rapid and specific detection of L. monocytogenes, offering considerable potential for on-site food safety testing.

[学术文献 ] Sample-in-answer-out centrifugal microfluidic chip reaction biosensor powered by Thermus thermophilus Argonaute (TtAgo) for rapid, highly sensitive and multiplexed molecular diagnostics of foodborne bacterial pathogens 进入全文


Foodborne pathogens endanger public health and rapid, sensitive and accurate detection of them is vital. Argonaute stands in the frontline as the next generation nucleic acid detection tool, bearing a few comparable advantages. Centrifugal microfluidic chips (CMCs) use centrifugal force to achieve liquid flowing, mixing and reaction, eliminating complicated designs of valves and pumps. In this study, for the first time, we devised a Thermus thermophilus Argonaute (TtAgo)-powered centrifugal microfluidic chip reaction biosensor for Sample-inAnswer-out detection of Pathogen S. aureus (termed as ASAP) with ultrahigh rapidity and sensitivity in a one-pot fashion. The samples subjected to testing were mixed with a home-made nucleic acid fast extraction reagent and then the mixture was injected into the sample cell of CMC, which was centrifuged down into the reaction cell. The reaction cell was preloaded with both LAMP (Loop-mediated isothermal amplification) and TtAgo systems. As such, the species-specific nuc genes were amplified by LAMP, while the TtAgo performed site-specific cleavage to output fluorescent (FL) signals. The sample-to-answer time was 17 min, and the limit of detection (LOD) reached 1 CFU/mL. ASAP was able to perform simultaneous multiplexed detection and up to 16 samples can be detected at the same time. ASAP reduced reagent consumption and minimized the influence of carry-over and cross-contamination. ASAP was capable of detecting S. aureus in foods, but also detecting physiological samples from infect, holding great promise for practical applications. Overall, our work has enriched the Argonautepowered biosensing and CMC biosensor technology by providing a conceptually novel bacterial detection platform.

[专业会议 ] 推动行业升级——2024中国国际农机展系列报道之四 进入全文


今年的国际展,成为一次全面检阅近年来农机行业发展进步的最佳平台。 本届展会上,一个最大的亮点是拖拉机这一行业主导产品的全面进步与升级。近年来,在国内企业的努力下,动力换挡产品已经越来越成熟。除了几家大企业,迪马驰、英轩重工、悍沃、常发均展出了动力换挡产品。悍沃重磅发布了全新一代的“超越”系列拖拉机系列,会上其300马力拖拉机揭开了神秘面纱,该系列产品覆盖160-300马力多个产品型号,涵盖了同步器换挡、动力换向、动力换挡及无级变速换挡4大技术路线。迪马驰采用全动力换挡的系列拖拉机涵盖UP3204/3404/3604/4004等大马力机型,全动力换挡系列拖拉机传动系统采用了公司自研的、具有独立知识产权的IFP400智能全动力换挡16F+4R变速箱和加强型前后桥,能满足各种农机具作业速度需求,作业效率更高;换挡平顺、响应快,可在提高拖拉机适用性和作业效率的同时降低油耗,还可选配智能换挡模式,油耗更经济。 潍柴雷沃持续推进CVT拖拉机商业化应用的成果,潍柴雷沃系列CVT拖拉机突破了智能无级变速、负载敏感液压系统等关键技术,具备作业高效、操作简便等特点,其智能化控制系统能够根据作业需求自动调整动力输出,自动匹配最佳作业速度,大大提升作业效率和精准度。 中联农机展出的TF220谷物联合收割机是目前国内最大喂入量、最大马力、最大割幅、最大粮箱谷物联合收获机,成为现场人气焦点。它不仅可以收割玉米、大豆、小麦等多种作物,实现一机多用;还采用了复合脱粒+大面积清选系统,在满足高效作业的同时,把籽粒损失降至降低至0.6%以下,大大超过当前国家标准要求;更兼具地面坡度自动仿形、自动调整参数、智能辅助驾驶等智能技术,是一款高可靠、高舒适、高智能的丰收利器。 山东五征在展上发布了新产品MT3004重型拖拉机和全新大棚王NA704拖拉机。五征MT3004是其自主研发的全新重型拖拉机产品,大棚王NA704拖拉机则是五征针对大棚、果园、丘陵等作业环境开发的一款50-70马力的短轴距、低矮机型,能够满足旋耕、犁耕、还田、播种、运输等作业需求。 新能源、混知动力农机也已经成为越来越重要的一个重要苗头。玉柴展会期间重磅发布了全系列农业机械混合动力系统总成,其中YCK09 IE-Power总成,适配260~300马力重型拖拉机、青贮机、采棉机及联合收割机等收获机械;适用于犁耕、旋耕、打包、联合整地、播种施肥、驱动耙及平地等全场景工况作业。江苏沃得于当日上午举行混合动力DK3004重型拖拉机发布会,该拖拉机搭载玉柴YCK09 IE-Power总成,受到客户高度关注。 与之相伴的是,农机的智能化也在快速推进。智慧农业已经越来越成为展会的一个受瞩目的板块。千寻位置、上海华测、上海联适、惠达科技、金色大田、北京经纬等企业齐齐亮相。这次会上,作为制造商的潍柴雷沃也重磅发布了由潍柴雷沃智慧农业打造的“智慧农业云全场景解决方案”正式发布。据透露,该解决方案通过构建智慧农业“云”生态,将信息技术与农业生产全场景全面互联互通,重塑农业科学生产模式,旨在帮助农业从业者科学管理、智能决策,在引领数智化服务发展的同时不断推动整个产业发展迈向更高水平。另外,此间召开的智慧农业大会集中展现农业新质生产力在推动产业高质量发展中的变化趋势和市场机遇。 10月26日下午,2024中国牧场大会作为今年国际展的重要活动之一,以机械化推动畜牧业高质量发展,促进形成标准化规模养殖与机械化协调并进的畜牧业发展新格局。大会的主题活动包括“2024中国牧场大会启动仪式暨南方牛羊养殖装备技术及饲草料高效利用论坛”、“牛羊智慧养殖技术装备现场演示会”等。来自中国农业机械流通协会以及畜牧业相关院所、高校、产业体系、协会和龙头企业等的200多名代表参加大会开幕式。全国各地的草牧业管理部门、行业协会、国际组织、科研院所;饲草企业,奶牛、肉牛、羊养殖企业等农业经营主体;畜牧装备设施及投入品制造、经销企业:网络及科技企业,金融及法律服务机构等畜牧业相关各单位参加大会各项活动。 此次中国农业机械流通协会联合中国农药工业协会、华中农大、湖南农大等单位联合举办的中国智慧农业大会,以‘智慧农业赋能农机产业,抢抓数字农服新机遇’为主题,通过展现智慧农业为代表的技术革命性突破,以农业社会化服务为代表的生产要素创新性配置,全景呈现农业产业深度转型升级的未来趋势,集中展现农业新质生产力在推动产业高质量发展中的变化趋势。 中国农业机械流通协会会长范建华指出,“打造农机新质生产力,加快建设农业强国”不仅是本届中国国际农机展的鲜明主题,更是时代赋予农机行业的神圣使命。新时代新征程,农业机械作为推动现代农业发展的重要力量,正以前所未有的速度和规模,深刻改变着传统农业的面貌,为构建中国特色农业强国奠定坚实基础。

[专业会议 ] 国际交流桥梁——2024中国国际农机展系列报道之三 进入全文


“今年一个明显的感受是外国人多”。锐牛股份董事长朱树生说。锐牛股份是国内农机胶带领域的“隐形冠军”,近年来,由于国产化替代战略的引领,包括锐牛股份在内的很多国产零部件质量大幅提升。这次展会期间,很多外国友人主动上门找朱树生及同事来商谈出口业务。 宁波康博机械是一家主营出口业务的零部件制造商,零部件非常全,在多国都有生意往来。这次吸引了众多的外商来洽谈业务,让公司负责人王卫华显得非常忙碌。 确实,来到2024年中国国际展的人士都会发现,今年的外国人明显多了。就在展会前震撼发布十多款新品的临工机械拖拉机边上,有一位外国朋友用不太流利的语言同其员工详细咨询,对临工的多款拖拉机产品表示出很大兴趣。 28日上午,在主营黑森牌撒肥机和佩特库斯高端种子包衣机等产品的福克思德展台前,还有好几位来自中亚地区的外国人与该公司负责人胡明交流。胡明流利的外语,让他在与国际客从交流、开拓海外业务方面很有优势。三天中,有不少外商现场签约代理或购买黑森机械撒肥机。 尽管是展会的最后一天,在德国定居多年、专程从德国赶来参展的德国福林格(Fliegl)集团负责中国业务的朱珠女士仍在展台前坚守。福林格集团是欧洲最大的农业拖车生产厂家,旗下福林阁(青岛)农业机械公司经营的固态有机肥撒肥机、液态肥有机肥撒肥机、液态肥施肥罐车等产品,在国内中高端用户市场获得了良好口碑。 一些国内企业还充分利用中国国际展平台,邀请海外的代理商与经销商来参观、加强合作。展会期间,占据主场优势的中联重科举隆重举办了农业机械2025年海外商务大会,来自亚洲、欧洲、非洲、美洲等地的200多位海外嘉宾与会,在中国国际农机展展区观摩了中联农机34款主销产品,包括这次发布的国产最大喂入量谷物联合收获机TF220等9款新品,同时在中联智慧产业城展区观摩了其果实采摘机器人、植保无人机、大马力电动拖拉机等38款前沿创新成果及数十款核心零部件,并深入中联重科智能工厂领略企业的智能制造。毫无疑问,这是一次零距离展现中联农机实力和产品、增强合作伙伴信心的一次绝佳时机。一位来自泰国的经销商就表示,“中联重科卓越的产品性能、强大的企业实力,给予我们合作信心,也帮助我们实现业务拓展。” 据了解,今年中国国际展国外展团又增加了三个,共有意大利、德国、加拿大、土耳其、日本、阿尔及利亚、韩国等企业抱团参展。展前登记的来自中东南亚、中亚等地区海外观众众超过2000人。 主办全球第一大农机展德国汉诺威国际农机展的德国农业协会国际事业部总经理Jens Kremer此间也来到了长沙,对中国国际农机展的规模和软硬件条件给予充分认可。他表示,德农协也要通过中国办公室,把更多德国企业带到中国来,通过展会平台向中国客户展示他们全球最先进的技术,促进中德农机交流。 活动促进交流方面,今年展会为海外市场设立了贸易论坛,10月25日下午举办的中国国际农机贸易峰会上,有来自亚太、非洲、欧洲等地区30多个国家600余位国外买家与中国企业进行贸易对接,同期举办了国外产品推介会和亚太农机协会理事会第10届成员会议、中俄智慧农业对接会、泰国、越南农机市场分析报告会等活动。 在同一天召开的适宜家庭农业和小农户的农机供需国际交流会上,除了中方代表,还有联合国粮农组织可持续农业机械化负责人Josef Kienzle,世界粮食计划署津巴布韦国别办公室主任Barbara Tulu Clemens,以及来自巴西、尼日利亚、南非、加纳、津巴布韦、斯里兰卡、柬埔寨、泰国、日本等近20个国家的政府机构、驻华使领馆、国际组织、农业团体、企业、媒体代表参加了会议。 10月27日,联合国可持续农业机械化中心(CSAM)在长沙举办了五年发展战略(2025-2029)研讨会,来自政府部门、研究和教育机构、民间团体、企业、媒体以及驻华国际组织等代表应邀出席研讨会。代表们围绕CSAM发展战略规划进行了研讨,并对规划提出了诚恳宝贵的建议。会议由CSAM主任李宇彤表示,研讨会旨在为利益攸关方和合作伙伴提供一个平台,以分享观点和见解。 正如中国农机流通协会会长范建华所指出的,这些活动对拉紧中外农机企业利益纽带、推动农机经贸往来、促进国家关系发展起到了重要作用。



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