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[科技报告 ] 华为智能世界2030报告 进入全文


2024年9月,华为公司发布了《华为智能世界2030报告》。2024版报告,华为对2021年发布的《智能世界2030》进行系统刷新,展望面向2030年的场景、趋势,并对相关预测数据进行了调整,是对未来十年智能技术如何塑造全球社会、经济和环境发展的深刻洞察,旨在预测和探讨2030年及以后的智能世界蓝图。报告通过对医疗、农业、居住、出行、城市建设、企业、能源和数字可信共八个关键领域的展望,描绘了未来技术与产业深度融合的前景。报告预测了通信网络、计算、数据存储、数字能源、云计算、ICT服务与软件、智能汽车解决方案、电力数字化、城市数智化、数据中心、智慧园区等11个具体领域的产业趋势、未来场景、未来关键技术特征,并提出倡议。 展望一 医:数智服务医疗,让生命有质量 展望二 食:用数据换产量,普惠绿色饮食 展望三 住:新交互体验,让空间人性化 展望四 行:智能低碳出行,开启移动第三度空间 展望五 城市:城市新基建,让城市有温度,更宜居 展望六 企业:新生产力重塑生产模式 展望七 能源:让绿色能源更智能,呵护蓝色星球 展望八 数字可信:数字技术与规则,塑造可信未来 通信网络2030 计算2030 数据存储2030 数字能源2030 云计算2030 ICT服务与软件2030 智能汽车解决方案2030 电力数字化2030 城市数智化2030 数据中心2030 智慧园区2030  

[前沿资讯 ] Smart Farming: 6 Emerging Trends for Agritech Startups to Watch 进入全文

Dr. Sat Kumar Tomer;CEO | Satyukt Analytics;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

The agriculture sector is changing, and the revolution is as a result of technological development. The concept of smart farming involving the use of advanced technologies such as AI, IoT, and big data analytics is defining the future of agricultural practices and is currently generating a tidal wave of opportunities for agritech startups. These startups are well placed to meet the growing demand for food around the world while at the same time offering efficient, sustainable farming solutions. Here are six emerging trends and the opportunities that they present for agritech startups: 1. Precision Agriculture: Data-Driven Farming for Maximum Efficiency Precision agriculture is an important pillar of smart farming, which includes the use of data in enhancing farming methods. Precision agriculture helps to make real-time assessments of factors like soil, water, and crop health. The use of satellite imaging, GPS, and sensory technology enables the farmer to apply water, fertilizers, and pesticides appropriately, increasing production and minimizing wastage. For agritech startups, this presents the opportunity to create systems that collect data and present this to farmers so they can make better decisions. Such sensors, drones, or software solutions can be created by startups, and this real-time data can help farmers to work most efficiently, with the lowest operational expenses and with reduced emission of pollutants to the environment. The possibility of customization of these solutions depends on the type of crops and geographic location, which only adds value to these solutions. 2. AI-Driven Crop Management: Enhancing Productivity and Decision-Making Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming crop management, where it performs tasks which were previously handled manually and also carries out risk assessment. Automated crop management employs big data analytics by relying on machine learning (ML) algorithms to predict climate changes, disease risks, and the optimum time for harvesting. This makes it possible for the farmers to prevent anything that might hinder the growth of the crop and also improve the yield of the crop. Agritech startups can leverage artificial intelligence to create apps that will assist farmers in managing the growth of crops, pinpointing the onset of diseases, and assisting in informed decision-making. Their products might also ensure optimal use of materials and manpower, reduce costs on labor, and boost the management of the supply chain. If the startups manage to tackle such essential problems as crop losses and resource wastage, they will have a great potential for enhancing food safety and environmentally friendly technologies. 3. IoT Integration: Connected Devices for Smarter Farms The arrival of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the agtech space is making everything more connected by using devices such as smart devices, automatic irrigation machines, and drones. These IoT devices help farmers monitor and manage their farms even from far away by providing real-time information about the soil, weather, and the performance of the equipment on the farm. When it comes to agritech startups, IoT offers themselves a grand avenue to grow solutions that address the multiplicities of the farming value chain. Startups can develop software that optimizes irrigation based on forecasts or work on drones, which will help to control the state of huge fields and identify if crops are stressed. 4. Robotics and Automation: Redefining Labor and Productivity Robotics and automation convergence in agriculture is mitigating the growing shortage of labor force and increasing efficiency. In terms of reliability, autonomous machines do relieve people of responsibilities in activities such as planting, weeding, and harvesting among other responsibilities. From an innovation perspective, technologists in startups can identify the low-hanging fruit of using robots in the agricultural industry regarding repetitive duties that require human intervention in undertaking the task. Automation technology offers scalability, enabling farmers to manage larger areas of land without compromising productivity. With advancements in AI and machine learning, these robots can adapt to different environments and crops, making them a versatile solution for diverse farming needs. 5. Blockchain for Traceability and Transparency A trend that recent studies have identified is the application of that technology in the food supply chain which primarily guarantees the traceability of products. With the use of blockchain technology, all the information relating to farming, such as what seeds were planted, how the farm was cared for, and how the crops were transported, is stored in a secure, tamper-proof mode. This kind of transparency is not only appealing to the consumer who wishes to trace the sources of the delicacy but also helps the growers in defending their earnings and minimizing swindles. Such agritech startups can easily leverage blockchain to create ecosystems that will guarantee proper quality assurance at every level of food production to combat and prevent any violations of the quality standards or environmental laws. It will increase the level of transparency, and assist in trusting farmers in terms of their ability to meet consumer needs and be competitive in the market. 6. Sustainability and Climate Resilience: Future-Ready Farming However, because climate change is an ongoing process that impacts agriculture in a negative way, climate-friendly and sustainable farming practices are required more than ever before. There are increased uses of practices like regenerative agriculture farming and efficient water use, while innovations such as artificial intelligence and the internet of things are making farming more efficient. The major opportunity that presents itself to agritech startups is to design solutions that ensure farmers make minimal negative impacts on the environment and are sustainable. This ranges from developing tools that help in the conservation of water, reducing the use of chemicals, and generally improving the ground. Climate-smart agriculture is one of the key areas that start-up companies will be able to address in a short time, hence becoming profitable ventures, especially due to the increasing demand for environmentally friendly farming practices. Seizing the Opportunities: The Role of Agritech Startups With the advent of artificial intelligence, IoT, robotics, and data analytics in the agricultural industry, there is a conducive environment for agritech startups to thrive. As those startups come up with solutions that address some of these major challenges in farming, such as food production, sustainability, and resources, they will also shape the future of farming while occupying a large niche in the global agritech market. It will be startups that are innovative, scalable, and sustainable that will drive the change in traditional farming practices. Working hand in hand with farmers, scientists, and governments, agritech startups have the potential to widely implement smart farming tools and establish a better, more productive farming industry. To summarize the above thoughts, the future of agriculture will belong to people creating better technological solutions for farming and optimizing farming for the benefit of both people and the environment. This is the moment for agritech startups to come up with solutions and capture the market. Agricultural startups have a unique opportunity to look for a solution for current problems and shape the future of agriculture with a global trend for food security and new sustainable agricultural practices.

[政策法规 ] 大力推进智慧农业发展 赋能农业现代化建设——农业农村部市场与信息化司负责人解读 《农业农村部关于大力发展智慧农业的指导意见》、《全国智慧农业行动计划(2024—2028年)》 进入全文


近日,农业农村部印发《农业农村部关于大力发展智慧农业的指导意见》(以下简称《指导意见》)、《全国智慧农业行动计划(2024—2028年)》(以下简称《行动计划》),明确今后一段时期推进智慧农业的工作思路和重点任务。农业农村部市场与信息化司负责人就《指导意见》和《行动计划》制定有关情况进行解读。 问:为什么要出台《指导意见》和《行动计划》? 答:主要有三个方面考虑。一是落实党中央国务院部署的战略需要。习近平总书记高度重视智慧农业发展,作出系列重要论述。连续多年中央一号文件对发展智慧农业作出重要部署。党的二十届三中全会《决定》提出“完善促进数字产业化和产业数字化政策体系”,强调“加快新一代信息技术全方位全链条普及应用”。大力发展智慧农业,是在农业农村领域把握新一轮科技革命和产业变革新机遇的战略选择。二是推动农业现代化发展的现实需要。我国人多地少、资源紧缺,推进农业现代化面临不少矛盾和挑战,农业生产效率仅为非农产业的1/4左右,农业比较效益偏低,资源环境刚性约束趋紧,亟需大力发展智慧农业,加快改变大水漫灌、粗放经营的生产方式,以智能化来实现精准化,全面提高土地产出率、资源利用率、劳动生产率。三是建设农业强国的迫切需要。当前,以生物技术和信息技术为特征的新一轮农业科技革命正在孕育大的突破,各国都在抢占制高点。全球主要国家都在大力推进智慧农业建设,我国无论是关键技术装备还是应用的广度、深度,与美欧等发达国家相比还有较大差距。我们必须加力推动智慧农业赶上来,努力搭上信息化这辆快车,加速农业强国建设进程。 近年来,农业农村部大力推进智慧农业建设,出台了系列政策措施,实施了系列重大项目,不断促进信息技术与农业产业各环节各领域融合应用,取得了阶段性成效。据我部监测,2022年全国农业生产信息化率达到27.6%,为破解“谁来种地,怎么种地”提供了信息化解决方案,成为推动传统农业向现代农业转变的关键一招。但同时,智慧农业大面积推广应用还面临着诸多难点卡点。为此,农业农村部组织开展了智慧农业专题调研,对全国智慧农业发展情况做了全面系统梳理,并在此基础上,聚焦破解智慧农业应用落地难点卡点的政策措施,研究起草了《指导意见》和《行动计划》。其中,《指导意见》明确了今后一段时期发展智慧农业的总体布局,充分体现指导性。《行动计划》是对《指导意见》的进一步具体化和行动化,突出行动导向和落地实施的可操作性,确保能够形成可感可及的工作成果。 问:下一步推进智慧农业的总体思路是什么,有什么样的具体目标? 答:下一步推进智慧农业总体思路是,按照推进乡村全面振兴、建设农业强国的总体布局,聚焦当前智慧农业落地应用面临的难点卡点,以提高农业全要素生产率和农业农村管理服务效能为目标,根据不同行业领域的实际需求,加强顶层设计、加大政策支持、强化应用导向,加速信息技术在农业农村领域全方位全链条普及应用,着力破解信息感知、智能决策、精准作业各环节的瓶颈问题,统筹推进技术装备研发、集成应用和示范推广,大幅提升农业智能化水平,为加快农业农村现代化提供新动能。 力争到2030年,高端传感器、关键零部件、成套智能装备等关键技术装备取得重大突破,智慧农业标准体系、检测制度基本建立,技术先进、质量可靠的国产化技术装备大面积推广,智慧农业在重点地区、重要领域、关键环节得到广泛应用,农业生产信息化率达到35%左右。到2035年,关键核心技术全面突破,技术装备达到国际先进水平,农业全方位、全链条实现数字化改造,农业生产信息化率达到40%以上。 问:推进智慧农业建设提出了哪些重点任务? 答:《指导意见》从分类推进智慧农业落地应用、加快技术创新推广、推动智慧农业产业健康发展等3个方面提出了13项重点任务。 一是全方位提升智慧农业应用水平。分别从主要作物种植、设施种植、畜牧养殖、渔业生产、育制种以及农业全产业链、农业农村管理服务等7个方面,分类指导智慧农业建设。重点是围绕提高农业全要素生产率和农业农村管理服务效能,大力探索推广节本增产增效和重大自然灾害、病虫害预警防控的信息化解决方案,加快提升农业农村部门管理服务的数字化水平。 二是加力推进智慧农业技术创新和先行先试。包括加快技术装备研发攻关、建设智慧农业引领区、健全技术推广服务体系等3个方面。其中,智慧农业引领区重点是鼓励有条件的地区开展先行先试建设,通过强化政策创设、推动机制创新、集中用好各类支持措施,打造智慧农业发展高地,探索形成区域性的整体解决方案。 三是有序推动智慧农业产业健康发展。包括加强标准体系建设、强化数据要素保障、加强人才队伍建设等3个方面。重点是加快制修订一批智慧农业共性关键标准与通用技术规范,建立智慧农业技术装备检验检测制度,建立健全农业农村数据管理和交易制度,培养一批符合产业需求的应用型、创新型和复合型人才,夯实智慧农业发展基础。 问:《行动计划》的主要内容包括哪些方面? 答:《行动计划》聚焦智慧农业发展的重点领域和关键环节,瞄准农业农村生产管理面临的难点问题,部署实施智慧农业公共服务能力提升、重点领域应用拓展、示范带动3大行动8项重点任务。 一是智慧农业公共服务能力提升行动。重点是“一平台”、“一张图”、“一模型”,即通过打造国家农业农村大数据平台、共建农业农村用地“一张图”、开发一批基础模型算法,强化智慧农业公共服务底座建设,提升公共服务能力水平。二是智慧农业重点领域应用拓展行动。重点是“提单产”、“育农场”、“延链条”,即赋能主要作物大面积单产提升,培育一批智慧农(牧、渔)场,推进农业全产业链数字化改造。三是智慧农业示范带动行动。重点是“一省”、“一模式”,支持浙江省先行先试建设智慧农业引领区,支持科研院校持续推进智慧农业技术模式迭代创新,探索推广智慧农场技术模式。 问:如何确保《指导意见》和《行动计划》落地见效? 答:重点从三个方面加强保障。 一是加强组织领导。健全完善推进智慧农业发展工作机制,加大工作力量支撑,强化总体设计和统筹布局,协同推进重点任务重大项目落实。细化工作举措,明确“路线图”、“时间表”,确保各项任务落实到位。组建智慧农业专家咨询委员会。 二是强化政策支持。加大已有项目和政策向智慧农业倾斜力度,加大农机购置与应用补贴等对高端智能农机装备的支持力度。充分运用多种资金渠道,谋划实施智慧农业重大项目重大工程。支持将智慧农业项目纳入农业农村基础设施融资项目库,鼓励引导金融机构、社会投资等有序参与智慧农业建设。 三是做好宣传交流。及时总结宣传智慧农业的典型经验和先行先试创新做法,推广新技术新装备,努力营造全社会广泛关注和参与智慧农业建设的良好氛围。推动智慧农业国际交流合作。

[科技报告 ] 成果发布 | 2024年人工智能十大前沿技术趋势展望 进入全文


10月23日,在2024年世界科技与发展论坛主题会议“人工智能治理创新为培育科技治理生态构建国际信任基础(Intelligence)”上,世界机器人合作组织理事长、中国科学院院士乔红现场发布了《2024年人工智能十大前沿技术趋势展望》。 2024年人工智能十大前沿技术趋势展望 乔红 大家好!非常荣幸能够与大家共同探讨人工智能领域的前沿技术趋势。人工智能作为当今科技革命的重要驱动力,正以前所未有的速度改变着我们的生活和工作方式。从智能制造到智慧城市,从医疗健康到金融服务,人工智能的应用无处不在,其影响力深远而广泛。然而,我们也面临着新的挑战和机遇。如何把握人工智能的发展方向,如何推动技术创新与产业升级,如何确保人工智能技术的可持续发展,这些问题都需要我们深入思考和探讨。今天,我将与大家分享我对人工智能十大前沿技术趋势的展望,希望能够引发大家的思考和讨论,共同推动人工智能技术的发展和应用。 01  AI共性技术         02  大规模预训练模型       03  具身智能     04  生成式人工智能   以上就是今天分享的人工智能十大前沿技术趋势展望。总的来说,人工智能的发展正以前所未有的速度推进着科技的进步和社会的变革。我们可以看到,无论是AI共性技术、大规模预训练模型、具身智能还是生成式人工智能等前沿领域,都充满了无限的可能和潜力。这些技术的发展不仅将为我们带来更加便捷、高效的生活方式,还将推动各行各业的创新和发展。让我们共同期待这个充满机遇和挑战的未来吧! 谢谢大家!  

[前沿资讯 ] Rivulis Launches D4000: A Breakthrough in Drip Irrigation for Challenging Terrain 进入全文

Rivulis;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

Rivulis, a leader in innovative irrigation solutions, will launch its groundbreaking D4000 PC drip irrigation system at the Irrigation Association Show on November 4, 2024. This revolutionary thin-wall pressure-compensated drip line is designed to make drip irrigation possible on land previously inaccessible for drip irrigation, allowing growers to maximize their productivity and profitability. The D4000 PC, equipped with advanced pressure-compensation technology, ensures uniform water distribution across varying landscapes, including hilly terrain with slopes. Unlike traditional non-pc thin-wall drip systems, which are restricted due to the lack of pressure compensation, the D4000 PC paves the way for precision irrigation on longer flat terrains and even sloped terrains, transforming agricultural practices and expanding farming possibilities. “Rivulis is committed to innovation that empowers growers to push the boundaries of what’s possible in agriculture,” said Eran Ossmy, President of Micro Irrigation at Rivulis. “The D4000 PC is a testament to this commitment, providing an efficient and sustainable solution that allows farmers to cultivate previously underutilized land. With this product, we’re not just offering a new drip line; we’re unlocking new opportunities for the future of farming.” Unlocking New Possibilities for Farmers The D4000 PC is designed specifically for high-value vegetable crops establishing a new standard in drip irrigation. Key features include: Revolutionary Design: The D4000 PC’s pressure-compensated system delivers consistent flow rates, optimizing water use and ensuring crops receive the precise water and fertilizer needed for optimal growth. Maximized Land Use: Growers can transform previously unusable land into productive fields, enhancing output and profitability while maintaining sustainable farming practices. Efficiency: With the ability to extend lateral runs by up to 25% and to reduce the diameter of the tubing, the D4000 PC minimizes material and labor costs, making field management simpler and more economical. Sustainable Solution: Constructed from fully recyclable materials, the D4000 PC aligns with global trends toward environmentally responsible farming practices, ensuring that growers can maintain their commitment to sustainability. Game-Changing Performance in Challenging Terrains The D4000 PC’s design allows it to overcome the limitations of traditional irrigation systems, providing significant advantages for growers facing the toughest field challenges. Its innovative pressure-compensation technology enables uniform irrigation even on slopes, ensuring efficient water and fertilizer use and healthier crops. Extensive field trials demonstrate the D4000 PC’s exceptional performance, maintaining consistent flow rates under varying pressure conditions. For example, in a tomato field test, the system showed no decline in efficiency, delivering uniform water distribution even when there was a significant pressure increase. It is designed for flexibility, with customizable dripper spacing and flow rates of 0.16gph and 0.23gph, making it suitable for various crops and soil types. This versatility ensures that growers can tailor the system to meet specific irrigation needs, maximizing efficiency and yield. Join Us at the Irrigation Association Show Rivulis invites all agricultural professionals to visit their booth at the Irrigation Association Show on November 4, 2024 to experience the D4000 PC firsthand. This revolutionary product represents a significant leap forward in irrigation technology, and Rivulis is excited to showcase its potential to change the landscape of modern agriculture. Rivulis is a global leader in micro-irrigation, dedicated to creating a sustainable agri-food supply chain to combat climate change. We offer innovative irrigation solutions for various crop environments through our brands: Rivulis, NaanDanJain, Jain, Eurodrip, and Manna. With 80 years of experience, 22 manufacturing sites in 15 countries, and 3,000 employees in 35 countries, Rivulis has R&D centers in Israel, California, Greece, and Irrigation Project Design Centres worldwide.

[前沿资讯 ] Ecorobotix ARA Precision Sprayer Certified to Reduce Plant Protection Product Drift by 95% 进入全文

AgPR;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

Spray drift is a major concern for farmers and governments alike, as it wastes resources and harms neighboring crops, ecosystems, and public health. Strict regulations have emerged to address this, and innovations in spray technology are key to compliance. Ecorobotix’s ARA ultra-high precision sprayer addresses this problem head-on, reducing drift by up to 95%, as shown in recent studies in Germany and the Netherlands. While both certifications apply only to the current ARA model and are nationally recognized, these results demonstrate ARA’s strong potential for global drift reduction, making it a valuable solution to this widespread challenge. The ARA sprayer has earned recognition on the Dutch DRT-list (Drift Reducing Technique), achieving a class 95% drift reduction, following a thorough assessment by the Technical Committee for Technology Assessment (TCT). This listing helps Dutch farmers comply with plant protection product regulations and environmental conservation efforts, provided the technique is used according to the prescribed settings. In Germany, ARA has similarly been recognized by the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) and included in the “Verzeichnis Verlustmindernde Geräte” (Directory of Loss-Reducing Devices). The system achieved certification of 95% drift reduction, demonstrating that, when operated under specified conditions—including specific nozzle spacing and shielding—ARA can significantly reduce chemical drift. These certifications allow German farmers to comply with regulatory standards while minimizing environmental impact. One of ARA’s key strengths is its ability to reduce drift even in difficult weather conditions. In areas prone to strong winds, ARA’s precise spray technology and protective covers help keep drift to a minimum, providing farmers greater flexibility in their operations. Ecorobotix’s ARA sprayer reduces the use of plant protection products by 60-95% compared to traditional broadcast sprayers, thanks to its ultra-high precision 6x6cm spraying footprint. This allows farmers to significantly lower both input usage and manual labor costs.


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