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[前沿资讯 ] AE50 2025: 10 Ag Innovations from CNH Awarded by ASABE 进入全文

CNH Industrial;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

Customer-inspired Ag Tech and Engineering solutions from CNH’s Case IH and New Holland brands have won 10 AE50 2025 awards. These awards honor the year’s 50 most innovative products and systems engineered for the food and agricultural industries. Winners are determined by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). Case IH The Axial-Flow (AF) 260 series combines bring together the latest innovations with subscription-free, integrated technology. The combine sets a new standard for operator experience while also maximizing production and grain handling with single-rotor Case IH harvesting technology. The AF combine series has been redesigned from the ground up to maximize capacity and crop flow with efficient horsepower, simplified maintenance and connectivity as standard. The C500 series corn heads were created to seamlessly pair with the AF and 260 series combines, delivering reliability, durability and enhanced grain savings and performance. Large Square Baler Automation controls are designed for hands-free efficient baling, automatically adjusting tractor speed and steering to match windrow volume to maximize throughput for consistent, high-quality bales. The Quadtrac Heavy-Duty Suspension brings greater productivity by facilitating faster transport speeds of up to 26.5 mph with a smoother ride thanks to the fully suspended track system, which closely follows ground contours. Model Year 2025 Magnum tractors with 21×5 PowerDrive transmissions will benefit from Automatic Productivity Management 2 (APM2). APM2 technology manages the driveline and engine to control ground speed while optimizing fuel economy and prevents engine stalls. The Modular Tramline System for the Early Riser 2160 48-row 20-inch Large Front-Fold planter offers industry-leading 20-inch planter tramline compatibility, productivity, and performance. The Modular Tramline System is tailored to the swath sizes of a farmer’s equipment fleet while minimizing the number of unused tramlines – areas of the field which are not planted and over which the vehicles drive – bringing increased yield potential, productivity and reduced operator fatigue. New Holland The IntelliSense™ Bale Automation system uses cutting-edge technology that integrates SmartSteer™ swath guidance to keep the baler in the middle of the windrow, together with IntelliCruise II™ speed control which uses LiDAR (light detection and ranging) technology to adjust the balers forward speed in real-time. This ensures the baler is always full for more efficient baling and higher quality bales. The CropSpeed Monitoring System, featured in the FR Forage Cruiser range of self-propelled forage harvesters, increases productivity using radar technology to detect the speed of crop, and if it detects a potential spout blockage, the operator receives a warning to reduce forward speed. The UltraFeed™ Pickup head is also designed to enhance the performance of the FR Forage Cruiser. Its 13-foot working width means the UltraFeed Pickup efficiently handles larger windrows, and thanks to a range of new features, improves crop flow through the harvester. CNH’s continued inclusion in prestigious awards, such as the AE50 – where this year we received 20% of all awards – reaffirms our commitment to advancing innovation through our iconic brands, delivering solutions that make farming more efficient, effective, and sustainable.

[前沿资讯 ] John Deere Reveals New Autonomous Machines & Technology at CES 2025 进入全文

Deere & Co.;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

John Deere revealed several new autonomous machines during a press conference at CES 2025 to support customers in agriculture, construction, and commercial landscaping. Building on Deere’s autonomous technology first revealed at CES 2022, the company’s second-generation autonomy kit combines advanced computer vision, AI, and cameras to help the machines navigate their environments. While each of these industries experiences their own set of challenges, a commonality across all is skilled labor availability. l  Agriculture: the American Farm Bureau Federation also estimates there are roughly 2.4 million farm jobs that need to be filled annually. l  Construction: Eighty-eight percent of contractors struggle to find skilled labor. l  Commercial Landscaping: 86% of landscaping business owners can’t find labor to fill open positions. “Our agriculture, construction, and commercial landscaping customers all have work that must get done at certain times of the day and year, yet there is not enough available and skilled labor to do the work,” said Jahmy Hindman, Chief Technology Officer at John Deere. “Autonomy can help address this challenge. That’s why we’re extending our technology stack to enable more machines to operate safely and autonomously in unique and complex environments. This will not only benefit our customers, but all of us who rely on them to provide the food, fuel, fiber, infrastructure, and landscaping care that we depend on every day.” Autonomy Expanding to More Machines: l  Autonomous 9RX Tractor for Large-Scale Agriculture: Tillage is one of the busiest times of the year for farmers. With the second-generation autonomy kit, featuring 16 individual cameras arranged in pods to enable a 360-degree view of the field, farmers can step away from the machine and focus their time on other important jobs. The advanced autonomy kit also calculates depth more accurately at larger distances, allowing the tractor to pull more equipment and drive faster. l  Autonomous 5ML Orchard Tractor for Air Blast Spraying: Protecting crops through air blast spraying is a challenging and repetitive job. Featuring the latest autonomy kit with added Lidar sensors to address the dense canopies found in orchards, the initial machine will be offered with a diesel engine. A battery electric tractor of comparable size and capacity to existing diesel 5M/ML models on the market today will follow. l  460 P-Tier Autonomous Articulated Dump Truck (ADT) for Quarry Operations: Quarries supply the essential raw materials vital for building roads, buildings, and infrastructure, and it’s a complex process to mine, process, and transport materials. Using the second-generation kit, the ADT will handle the repetitive tasks of transporting material around the quarry to facilitate different steps in the cycle. l  Autonomous Battery Electric Mower for Commercial Landscaping: Commercial landscaping is a highly competitive industry and having the staff to support different bids is essential. The autonomous commercial mower leverages the same camera technology as other Deere autonomous machines, but on a reduced scale since the machine has a smaller footprint. With two cameras on the front, left, right, and rear, 360-degree coverage is achieved, and staff can focus on other aspects of the job. Select machines will be autonomy ready from the factory and the second-generation perception system will be available as a retrofit kit for certain existing machines, providing customers with multiple paths to adoption based on where they are in their technology journey. The machines are managed via John Deere Operations Center Mobile, the company’s cloud-based platform. By swiping left to right to start, the machine can be started once placed in the appropriate spot. Through the app, users also have access to live video, images, data and metrics, and the ability to adjust various factors like speed. In the event of any job quality anomalies or machine health issues, users will be notified remotely so they can make necessary adjustments. Ways to Connect with John Deere at CES 2025 The fully autonomous machines will be on display from January 7-10, 2025 at John Deere’s CES booth #5016, located in West Hall at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The booth will also showcase cutting edge technologies customers across industries are taking advantage of, like connectivity, AI, renewable fuels, and electrification. John Deere will also participate in three panel discussions on Wednesday, January 8: l  At 9 a.m., Deanna Kovar, President for the Worldwide Agriculture & Turf Division at John Deere will speak on a panel titled, “Tech Without Borders: The Benefits of Tech for all Communities.” The discussion will take place in the Las Vegas Convention Center’s North Hall, Level 2, N258. l  At 1 p.m., Sarah Schinckel, Director of Emerging Technologies in the Intelligent Solutions Group (ISG) at John Deere will speak on a panel titled, “AI or Die? Why Farms Must Embrace the AI Revolution to Survive.” The discussion will take place in the Las Vegas Convention Center’s West Hall, Level 2, W218. l  At 3 p.m., Gaurav Bansal, VP of Engineering at Blue River Technology (a John Deere company) will speak on a panel titled, “Robot Farm 2050: A Look at Robotics & The Future of Farming.” The discussion will take place in the Las Vegas Convention Center’s West Hall, Level 2, W218.

[专业会议 ] 中国农业机械化协会智慧农业发展分会年会暨智慧农业技术报告会在沪成功举办 进入全文


12 月 27 日,中国农业机械化协会智慧农业发展分会年会暨智慧农业技术报告会于上海圆满落下帷幕。本次会议由中国农业机械化协会智慧农业发展分会、上海花卉园艺(集团)有限公司光明花博邨科技分公司联合主办,吸引了众多行业精英、专家学者以及企业代表齐聚一堂,共同聚焦智慧农业发展,为农业现代化进程添砖加瓦。 受李伟国会长委托,中国农业机械化协会战略咨询委员会主任刘宪出席会议并致辞,光明食品集团上海企业发展有限公司总裁诸伟琦,中国农业大学教授贺冬仙,农业农村部中国农村技术开发中心计划协调处原处长杨经学,二十一世纪创新规划设计研究院院长王仕涛等专家出席会议。中国农业机械化协会智慧农业发展分会各副主任委员单位、会员单位代表 70 余人参加会议。 会议期间,专家们围绕智慧农业的核心技术突破各抒己见,展开深度交流。二十一世纪创新规划设计研究院院长王仕涛以《创新与农业新质生产力》为题,站在政策角度,条分缕析地阐述了当前农业发展面临的危机与机遇,同时对农业新质生产力的核心要素和深层动力进行了深入解读,为参会者拨开迷雾,指明方向。 各大企业代表也在会上积极分享智慧农业技术的落地案例,亮点频出。未来智农(北京)科技有限公司董事长白宝锁带来了关于 LED 工厂产业发展的国内外动态报告;江苏侬盛泰格农业科技(集团)有限公司总裁郑凯分享了设施智能装备创新技术与产业应用情况;上海达汇农业机械设备有限公司技术总监王洪武对设施叶菜生产全过程机械化解决方案进行解读;上海花卉园艺(集团)有限公司光明花博邨科技分公司总经理袁伟详细介绍了光明多多垂直农业挑战赛项目实践及成效;浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院研究员林涛则从第四届国际无人自主温室种植挑战赛剖析了果菜植物工厂未来。这些丰富且实用的案例充分展现了智慧农业技术在实际生产中蕴藏的巨大价值,对农业产业链朝着数字化、智能化方向升级起到了强有力的推动作用。 中国农业机械化协会智慧农业发展分会在年会上对过去一年的工作成果进行了全面总结,并对未来发展方向做出规划。后续将进一步强化产学研用协同创新机制,用心搭建技术交流与合作平台,全力以赴促进智慧农业技术在更广泛的范围内得以应用与推广,旨在助力我国农业加速迈向现代化、智能化、可持续发展的新阶段,为乡村振兴战略的稳步实施筑牢坚实的技术根基,努力开创智慧农业发展的全新局面。 中国农业机械化协会战略咨询委员会主任刘宪对智慧农业发展分会一年来的工作给予了充分肯定,并转达李伟国会长对分会下一步工作的三点要求:一是要加强跨界协同与产学研合作,以此为驱动力,推动智慧农业技术不断创新并广泛应用;二是构建政产学研用协同模式,聚焦智慧农业技术的成果转化以及产业化发展,让技术真正落地开花结果;三是要积极加强国际交流与合作,促使我国智慧农业技术走出国门,在国际舞台上崭露头角,实现国际化发展。 会议同期还举办了智慧农业发展圆桌对话,中国农业大学教授贺冬仙、农业农村部中国农村技术开发中心计划协调处原处长杨经学、未来智农(北京)科技有限公司董事长白宝锁、江苏侬盛泰格农业科技(集团)有限公司总裁郑凯、上海达汇农业机械设备有限公司副总经理宣颖俊、上海花卉园艺(集团)有限公司光明花博邨科技分公司总经理袁伟、浙江大学研究员林涛等专家学者从多元视角深入解读了智慧农业的概念内涵与发展走向,并就当前智慧农业发展过程中存在的问题展开了深入的探讨交流。 会议的成功举办,为我国智慧农业领域注入了新的活力与动力,在推动行业发展、促进交流合作等方面都有着不可忽视的重要意义,值得行业内外持续关注。

[前沿资讯 ] World FIRA 2025 Welcomes New Holland’s Award-Winning Automation Technology 进入全文

GOFAR;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

As a testament to the growing commitment of major players in agricultural machinery and agri-equipment, New Holland confirms its participation to World FIRA for the second time, announcing the signing of a multi-year agreement with the FIRA events, the leading field-based exhibitions for agricultural robotics and autonomous solutions in Europe and the United States. At the 9th edition of the World FIRA, taking place from February 4 to 6, 2025, in Toulouse, New Holland will showcase its brand-new T4 FNV specialty tractor, equipped with an advanced guidance system and the winner of the EIMA 2024 Technical Innovation award. FIRA, a Unifying Brand on the International Stage Since its creation in 2016 in Toulouse, FIRA has continuously expanded, offering an international platform for farmers, experts, and industry stakeholders. With the stated mission of providing a sounding board for the agricultural robotics industry by fostering networking, media coverage, business development, and knowledge of the latest advancements, FIRA increasingly attracts start-ups, young companies, and even the giants of agri-equipment. “This partnership with New Holland marks a decisive turning point in the history of FIRA and agricultural robotics,” emphasizes Aymeric Barthes, President of GOFAR, the organizing association behind FIRA. “By participating alongside us in the ambition to make agriculture more resilient through automation and robotics, New Holland provides significant support to the industry.” New Holland, Official Partner of World FIRA New Holland is participating in World FIRA 2025, showcasing its ongoing commitment to automation research, which is at the core of the company’s DNA. “By participating in this event, New Holland aims to demonstrate its cutting-edge solutions that enhance efficiency, productivity, and sustainability in agriculture, providing farmers with the tools they need to tackle the challenges of modern farming,” says Marie Mouton, Global Communications Manager at New Holland. “New Holland views World FIRA 2025 as a valuable opportunity to connect with our partners, industry leaders, and collaborators, fostering a dialogue on the future of agriculture, particularly on how automation can support sustainability goals by reducing fuel consumption and emissions.” Presentation of the T4 FNV Specialized Tractor Equipped with the Award-Winning Advanced Vision Assisted Guidance System at EIMA 2024 Among other innovations in the field of automation, the advanced Vision Assisted Guidance system awarded at EIMA 2024 will be showcased at World FIRA 2025. Designed for T4 FNV specialized tractors, it uses LiDAR technology to manage steering and tool control, enhancing operator safety, comfort, and precision. This system assists both experienced and less skilled operators by automating tasks and reducing environmental risks. Operating without GPS, it ensures reliability even under challenging conditions.

[前沿资讯 ] Fermata Closes $10M Series A Funding to Build the Brain of Ag 进入全文

Fermata;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

Fermata, a data science company specializing in computer vision agriculture solutions, closes $10 million in a Series A funding round backed exclusively by Raw Ventures. This investment will support the company’s strategic vision of developing a centralized digital brain for the horticulture industry, allowing autonomous management of crops through advanced data analysis, creating an ever-evolving system that continuously learns from available data. The agricultural industry is characterized by a dual challenge: on the one hand, much of it remains predominantly non-digital, with farmers relying on intuition and experience to identify and diagnose crop issues – an approach that is often time-consuming and imprecise. On the other hand, even in advanced greenhouses where tech solutions are implemented, the sheer volume of data generated can overwhelm growers, leaving them unable to extract meaningful insights. As a result, many continue to rely on traditional methods, rather than utilizing the potential of the data to make informed, actionable decisions. Initially focusing on identifying pests and diseases, the funding will be used to expand Fermata’s system into a command center for crop health, further developing its suite of AI-driven solutions to address a range of agricultural challenges. Using advanced data analytics, the system monitors a wide range of plant health factors, from fertilization to pollination status, with future capabilities set to include forecasting tools like yield prediction tracking. Fermata’s Croptimus suite will process visuals collected through its products, and integrate third-party data sources to build more accurate models. If a grower is already using solutions for data collection, this information could be integrated with Fermata’s products in the future to generate advanced predictive insights. For growers not yet collecting data, cameras can be installed to monitor plant health. As visual data is gathered—whether from sensors or other sources—Fermata continuously uses it to refine and improve the accuracy of its insights and predictions. The company has already forged strategic collaborations with Microsoft, NVIDIA, Wageningen University, Bayer Crop Sciences, yieldsApp, and agRE.tech, and plans to continue partnering with industry leaders to expand its impact throughout the agritech sector. These new capabilities build on Fermata’s current offerings, as its Croptimus suite provides 24/7 crop monitoring through computer vision to ensure plants remain healthy while scouting for potential threats. This approach has already demonstrated the potential to generate 30 percent savings on lost crops, while minimizing the need to use harmful pesticides. Fermata’s proprietary data allows them to build models that are not only accurate and highly efficient but also cost-effective to run, further enhancing the scalability of their solutions. “Over the past five years, Fermata has been on a journey to discover the best applications of computer vision to meet growers’ needs,” says Valeria Kogan, Founder and CEO of Fermata. “We proudly call what we’ve built, ‘The Eyes of Ag.’ With the new funding, I’m thrilled to see Fermata scaling to bring all the other senses to the agricultural industry, ultimately evolving into its Brain. I’m happy we are a part of a global collaborative effort to shape the farming of tomorrow.” “Raw Ventures is proud to continue supporting Fermata, reaffirming our commitment to driving investments in sustainability,” says Victoria Palatnik, managing partner of Raw Ventures. “As always, our support goes far beyond funding, providing substantial resources to help the company succeed. This latest funding round highlights Fermata’s impressive achievements, including significant technological milestones, the development of impactful partnerships, and a transformative effort by its management team, which has guided the company from an early-stage startup toward becoming a resilient and mature business.”

[前沿资讯 ] AGCO Brands Win Five 2025 AE50 Awards 进入全文

AGCO;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

AGCO Corporation, a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural machinery and precision ag technology, won five 2025 AE50 awards from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). Each year, ASABE recognizes products from the agricultural, food and biological industries for innovation, engineering advancement and market impact. AGCO’s 2025 awards include offerings from its AGCO Parts, Fendt, Precision Planting and PTx Trimble branded products, demonstrating quality across the company’s product lines and confirming AGCO as a leading innovator of agriculture solutions. AGCO brands won five 2025 AE50 Awards, including (clockwise from top-middle) Fendt’s Momentum 30-Foot Planter and ErgoSteer retrofittable steering joystick, AGCO Part’s Application Lift System, Precision Planting’s ReconBlockage sensor and PTx Trimble’s OutRun autonomous grain cart solution. ASABE’s AE50 Awards are presented annually to new products and solutions that achieve innovation and engineering excellence. “AGCO’s 2025 AE50 winners build on the momentum set by our innovations of the last five years, providing farmer-focused solutions that save time, reduce costs and enhance yields,” said AGCO Chairman, President & CEO Eric Hansotia. “I’m especially proud that these awards span our brands, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to addressing farmers’ needs and values.” AGCO Parts Application Lift System AGCO Parts’ Application Lift System allows operators to efficiently lift and exchange application systems (usually dry to/from liquid) at their own locations, increasing machine usefulness, versatility and return on investment. Prior to this solution, additional equipment such as cranes and loaders were required for such changes, increasing cost, time, difficulty and personnel needs. The Application Lift System can leverage the adjustable suspension of the Fendt Rogator applicator to perform most of the exchange. Optional chain hoists are available for final adjustments or lifting from machines that do not include adjustable suspensions. Fendt ErgoSteer Retrofittable Steering Joystick Fendt ErgoSteer is a retrofittable steering joystick for Fendt 500 to 1000 series tractors that provides ergonomic, precise and intuitive control for field operations. Operated with the left hand from the seat’s armrest, ErgoSteer allows comfortable and efficient tractor control with minimal movement from the driver. Compatible with all FendtONE Profi+ wheel tractors with the latest software, ErgoSteer offers adjustable steering sensitivity and a return-to-center function for straight driving. Fendt Momentum 30-Foot Planter The Fendt Momentum 30-Foot Planter brings advanced planting benefits to smaller farms, with 100-bushel seed capacity and 800-gallon liquid fertilizer capacity. Factory-installed Precision Planting options include Conceal fertilizer openers and EMHD for accurate liquid control. The Load Logic system and high flexion tires reduce compaction, and the SmartFrame toolbar offers 52 inches of row unit travel for uniform planting depth, leading to improved emergence and optimum yields. Precision Planting ReconBlockage Sensor Precision Planting’s ReconBlockage prevents skips and yield loss when seeding and fertilizing by using acoustic sensors to detect flow variance by section, instantly alerting operators of blocked runs, which cost time and money. ReconBlockage sensors work like stethoscopes, capturing and interpreting sounds and alerting operators via a wireless app to buildup issues that would otherwise plague optical sensors. PTx Trimble OutRun Autonomous Grain Cart Solution OutRun is an autonomous solution that allows tractors to pull grain carts without drivers during harvest. It is a self-contained kit that supports older tractor models and helps maintain or improve productivity when labor is scarce. OutRun’s interface allows operators to position grain carts around fields, and autonomously match speed and distance with combines for on-the-go unloading and unloading in designated zones. The solution avoids unharvested land and uses previously traveled paths to minimize soil compaction. OutRun operates using its own communication system for reliable operation regardless of cellular coverage in the field.


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