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Digi International Drives Digital Transformation With the Launch of Digi X-ON

Digi International推出Digi X-ON,推动数字化转型

Digi International;Global Ag Tech Initiative;
Digi International, a leadingglobal provider of Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity solutions, todayannounced the launch of Digi X-ON™, a breakthrough edge-to-cloud IoT solutionthat provides the components needed for IoT systems from one trusted andreliable supplier.Designed to remove the barriersof integrating, deploying and scaling industrial IoT systems, Digi X-ONintegrates hardware, software, and cloud connectivity into a single, secure,and reliable platform that delivers measurable business value — supporting manydifferent applications and use cases such as connected cities, smart utilities,industrial IoT and smart agriculture.“With customers deploying DigiX-ON in a range of use cases, we are seeing excellent results, such as greatervisibility into the health of large livestock herds, automation in buildings,and digital transformation in supply chain use cases, as well as improvedreturn on investment,” said Mike Rohrmoser, VP of Product Management, OEMSolutions at Digi International.For example, a lead customer,Fever Tags, empowers ranchers, feedlots and dairies to take a proactive andinnovative approach to animal health, enabling early detection of illness, andallowing for timely intervention to reduce extensive antibiotic treatments,prevent death loss and disease spread. This not only improves animal welfarebut also contributes to the animal’s continued weight gain and a moresustainable and responsible approach to livestock management.“With a FeverTags solution, wecan identify and treat sick cattle up to 72 hours before they show signs ofillness that you can detect visibly,” says John Greer, CEO of FeverTags.“Anytime you can keep an animal healthy, and eating and drinking, you deliveran immediate financial impact and an ROI to the cattle owners.”Greer added, “FeverTagsprovides immediate cost savings by early sickness identification and treatingonly sick animals instead of giving antibiotics to the entire herd.” Thisreduces costs for veterinarians, bankers and insurers who can monitor individualanimals or entire herds from their phone or computer.In addition, Greer said, “Wealso provide other features, such as traceability and predictive values we canuse to identify if cattle originating from a particular location are all proneto sickness, which helps cattle owners to isolate and treat health problemsquickly. The herd’s data captured in our software presents a predictive valueto cattle and dairy organizations, providing early actionable treatment thatresults in an immediate ROI.”The Digi X-ON platformcommunicates several miles omnidirectionally, so the tags can cover a250,000-head feed yard, or a 40,000-acre ranch or a dairy, as structures andbuildings do not impede the communication signal.“Digi’s WDS custom engineeringservices designed and manufactured the custom tag for monitoring animal healtharound the Digi XBee® LR for LoRaWAN,” said Rohrmoser. “The XBee module allowsthe sensor to be pre-activated, so tagging a cow and activating the tag on arugged tablet takes just seconds as a cow enters the feedlot, a key benefit ofDigi X-ON’s scan-and-go provisioning.Deploying IoT networks requiresa diverse set of components and systems, from sensors and gateways toconnectivity, software, and cloud platforms. As industrial IoT adoptionaccelerates, organizations deploying LoRaWAN networks struggle with fragmentedtechnology ecosystems, which leads to higher costs, integration complexity, anddisjointed support that slows down their digital transformation.“Digi X-ON changes industrialIoT from a complex multi-vendor puzzle into a single, seamless solution thatdrives real business results,” said Rohrmoser. “Customers can now focus onachieving their business goals instead of wrestling with the complexities oftechnology integration, scaling from concept to production with remarkablesimplicity, speed, and scalability.”With industrial IoT set toreach $2.5 billion by 2032, Digi X-ON empowers businesses to lead theirindustries by eliminating complexity and accelerating time to value with afuture-ready, scalable solution.Digi X-ON development kits,produced by SparkFun, are available worldwide. These kits provide businesseswith everything they need to start building their IoT solutions today. For moreinformation, visit www.digi.com/X-ON.

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