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[学术文献 ] 作物生长模型研究现状与展望 进入全文



[前沿资讯 ] Orchard Robotics Gains $3.8M to Build Robots and AI to Power Precision Crop Management 进入全文

Global AgInvesting;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

Tech-enabled precision crop management startup Orchard Robotics has gained $3.8 million in funding from a Pre-Seed round led by Contrary and an oversubscribed Seed round led by General Catalyst with participation from Humba Ventures, Soma Capital, Correlation Ventures, VU Venture Partners, Genius Ventures, along with angel investors Howard Lerman, Joshua Browder, Rory and Kieran O’Reilly, and many others, reports Global AgInvesting. “Orchard Robotics has a bold vision to transform the future of farming and bring digitization and automation to farms,” said Niko Bonatsos, managing director, and Max Rimpel, partner, General Catalyst. “The experience of the team, early success with large customers, partnership approach, and their data-first platform stood out to us, and we look forward to helping the company modernize a legacy industry for the fruit industry and beyond.” Founded at Cornell University by company CEO Charles Wu, Orchard Robotics provides precision crop management for fruit farmers through a vehicle-mounted, AI-powered vision system that gathers data including fruit size, count, color, growth rate, and more, about the fruit on each individual tree. “Our mission at Orchard Robotics is to help farmers produce more food for the world, more profitability, efficiently, and sustainably,” said Wu. “This starts with giving farmers the precision data they need to do what they do best.” Despite orchards often having up to millions of trees across thousands of acres growing hundreds of millions of fruit, farmers have historically been in the position of having to rely on small and imprecise sample sizes, for instance, counting the fruit on only 10 trees out of a 10,000-tree block to make critical crop management decisions. Each tree is a unique, living thing, needing specific inputs, treatments, and care throughout the entire season to produce the best, high-quality crops. Using today’s imprecise practices and homogenous treatments leads to inefficient resource usage, higher labor costs, and the potential for significant crop loss and value.

[前沿资讯 ] Groundbreaking Research Validates Biome Makers’ BeCrop Soil Intelligence Technology 进入全文

Biome Makers;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

Biome Makers, a global agtech company, proudly announces its contribution to the publication of two scientific studies validating the efficacy and reliability of the company’s revolutionary technology. These landmark papers demonstrate a significant leap forward in the field of soil health intelligence and predicting soil functionality. The first study titled “Physicochemical Properties and Microbiome of Vineyard Soils from DOP Ribeiro (NW Spain) Are Influenced by Agricultural Management,” evaluated the impact of conventional and sustainable management systems of vineyards from DOP Ribeiro on the soil’s condition. The multidisciplinary research brought together expertise from a range of institutions: Estación de Viticultura e Enoloxía de Galicia (EVEGA-AGACAL); Instituto de Investigación en Análisis Químicos y Biológicos (IAQBUS) at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC); Biome Makers Inc; the Área de Edafología y Química Agrícola at the Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ciencia del Suelo, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidade de Vigo; and Laboratorio de Evaluación y Tecnología Ambiental at the Campus da Auga-Campus de Ourense, Universidade de Vigo. The second study, titled “Enrichment of putative plant growth promoting microorganisms in biodynamic compared to organic agriculture soils,” investigates regenerative versus organic agricultural soils in 3 locations in Germany and 21 locations in France. This was a collaborative effort between the University of Kassel, the University of Geisenheim, BioDynamie Services, and Forschungsring e.V. These studies highlight the effectiveness of Biome Makers’ technology, BeCrop, and its proprietary indexes in microbial metabolism, soil bio-sustainability, while also detecting stress, nutrient deficiencies, and correlating with different management practices. Dr. Alberto Acedo, Biome Makers’ Chief Science Officer and co-founder, commented, “These papers are a testament to our commitment to transparency and scientific excellence. By opening our technology for peer review and validation, we aim to foster trust and collaboration while pushing the boundaries of soil health data and innovative technology.” The significance of these findings extends beyond Biome Makers’ own technology; they also highlight the superiority of the soil database and intelligence over others in the market. As noted in one of the papers, “These results showed how the workflow of Biome Makers’ index inference works, but also that their databases are superior to the limited literature review we conducted for their verification.” In addition to its scientific validation, BeCrop Technology stands out for its accessibility via API connections. This means that BeCrop’s powerful soil intelligence solutions can seamlessly integrate into existing agricultural systems, enabling farmers and agricultural professionals to harness the benefits of advanced soil health assessment without disrupting their workflow. These papers showcase the trust and credibility of Biome Makers’ BeCrop Technology. They provide a competitive edge and a foundation for building knowledge and references that contribute to the advancement of soil science globally.

[前沿资讯 ] Agri-tech Market Contraction Drives Shift to Resilience, Sustainability and Tech Integration 进入全文

DAI Magister;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

Venture capital investment experienced a significant contraction in 2023, as global business underwent a period of turbulence. According to PitchBook data, the agri-tech sector followed this pattern, with investments decreasing from $11.8 billion in 2022 to $7.1 billion last year, a reduction of 40%. Indoor farming was one area where this fall was particularly severe, falling from $2 billion to under $500 million. The early signs show that the market contraction has sown the seeds for robust M&A activity in 2024. In reaction to the downward trend, startups have been forced to create more sustainable business models. On top of this, tech companies are new entrants to the market, enticed by the critical role of data in agriculture and the need to transform the industry in response to growing environmental concerns. According to Ali Al Suhail, Vice President at DAI Magister, the stark devaluation of agri-tech firms means that both venture-backed and early-stage startups will continue to suffer in 2024. As alternative routes to growth, these firms must shift their focus to seeking new partnerships or attracting acquisitions. Al Suhail said: “In order to attract the right buyer, agri-tech firms need to consolidate their messaging to crystalize the distinct challenges and opportunities within the sector. Precision farming firms, for example, could emphasize technological synergies to attract tech buyers. Other firms within the sector might focus on a different set of buyers. Looking at fintech solutions for farmers, those firms will need to draw in investors by showcasing fund management capabilities. “Ultimately, agri-tech is a market intrinsically linked to farmers’ economics and the regulatory environment. It is also a sector heavily impacted by forces of the natural world. If there are supply shortages or volatile changes to commodity prices, market confidence can vary hugely. To bring in new investment, it’s therefore a question of educating the wider market about the challenges of the sector and how new and innovative solutions will drive the industry forward. “In the first quarter of this year, we’ve seen some interesting new acquirers entering the market. Where historically farmers’ limited adoption of agri-tech solutions had dampened their ROI and data standardization, a recent shift has signaled a broader embrace of tech applications driven by a regulatory focus on climate and farmer efforts to optimize yield. “A strong example of a new entrant is tech giant Microsoft, which partnered with Bayer to create data solutions for the agriculture industry. In a similar vein, Google recently launched Mineral.ai, a tool that utilizes AI and machine learning to unlock sustainable methods of farming. In early 2023, Google claimed it has already analyzed 10% of the world’s farmland, and we expect them to continue making significant progress throughout this year. “Finally, AWS partnered with Leaf, making Leaf’s Unified Farm Data API available on the AWS Marketplace. These launches and partnerships signal a period of transformation for agri-tech, with new market entrants driving tech adoption.” Al Suhail concluded: “The entry of tech giants may help break the agri-tech M&A valuation ceiling, which has seen only a dozen companies surpass the $250 million mark over the last decade. This could unlock fundraising opportunities for growth-stage players in the sector, who have faced doubts from investors on their ability to cross the $250 million valuation mark.”

[科研项目 ] 中国农机院牵头的国家重点研发计划项目正式启动 进入全文


2024年4月2日,中国农机院牵头的国家重点研发计划“黑土地保护与利用科技创新”重点专项“黑土地绿色生产‘耕种管’智能装备研发与示范”和“黑土区苏打盐碱土‘上下连排’障碍消减关键技术与装备研发及应用”项目启动会暨实施方案论证会在北京顺利召开,标志着该项目已进入全面正式实施阶段。中国农机院作为牵头单位,联合中国农业大学、吉林大学、东北农业大学、吉林农业大学、中国水利水电科学研究院、北京市农林科学院、黑龙江省农业科学院、辽宁省农业机械化研究所、自然资源部土地整治中心、潍柴雷沃智慧农业科技股份有限公司、黑龙江德沃科技开发有限公司、北大荒集团、内蒙古自治区农牧业科学院等多家单位协同攻关,项目执行期限为5年。 “黑土地绿色生产‘耕种管’智能装备研发与示范”项目针对农机装备作业质量与效率不高、智能化水平低等突出问题,围绕黑土地耕层改土提质、高性能播种、秸秆覆盖条件的中耕追肥、精准喷药和作业参数智能监控等短板,将突破关键技术15项、研制智能装备15种、开发智能农机装备作业管控平台1套,支持在黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古等地建立千亩核心示范区 ,实现黑土地用养结合,促进农业可持续发展。 “黑土区苏打盐碱土‘上下连排’障碍消减关键技术与装备研发及应用”项目针对苏打盐碱土盐碱上返,土壤黏重且通透性差,耕层有机物少且肥力不均等关键问题,重点开展排控、改土、淋洗、培肥沃土等关键技术,形成“上下连排”消障提质技术模式体系及工程化综合改良方案,将突破关键技术5项、研制专用装备7套,构建技术模式3套,在黑龙江省、吉林等苏打盐碱土区建立千亩示范区,实现排盐控碱、提质增产协同目标,为盐碱地改良和粮食产能提升提供技术基础和装备支撑。 中国农机院党委书记、董事长马敬春代表项目牵头单位致辞,要求项目团队要切实承担起国家、行业赋予的重任,树立产业科技理念,将解决产业重大问题作为根本目标,深化产学研对接与合作,推进科技资源聚集共享与协同创新,全面做好各项研究任务的实施,努力产出高水平的科技成果,切实解决黑土地“耕种管”和苏打盐碱土障碍消减的短板瓶颈问题,助力黑土地保护农机装备向高端化、智能化、绿色化方向发展。 中国农村技术开发中心副处长孙康泰对国家重点研发计划“黑土地保护与利用科技创新”重点专项整体背景、管理做法和要求、注意事项等进行了详细解读,并对项目的实施提出了具体要求。 中国农村技术开发中心童玉娥副主任总结讲话,要求项目团队聚焦“三项任务”和“三大行动”,持续完善项目管理,落实具体举措,明确用户需求清单,强调目标导向,坚守科研诚信底线,按照关键节点积极推进,及时梳理项目成果,加强项目沟通与分享。 专项跟踪专家组和咨询专家组听取了项目的实施方案汇报,对方案可行性、技术先进性、指标合理性、组织管理和保障措施等方面提出了意见和建议。 两个项目负责人及各自课题负责人、子课题负责人围绕项目的总体目标、主要研究内容、考核指标、具体实施计划等重点与难点问题进行了详细探讨,明确了今后项目开展的切入点与发力点。

[专业会议 ] 2024 年智能农机跨界应用论坛在驻马店举办 进入全文


智慧农业成为全球农业机械化发展的未来方向。3月29日,2024 年智能农机跨界应用论坛在河南省驻马店市举办的2024全国农业机械展览期间成功召开。本次论坛由中国农业机械化协会、中国农业大学主办,中国农业机械化协会智慧农业发展分会承办。来自全国的农机行业的相关从业人员近百人参加了本次会议。 农业农村部社会事业促进司原司长李伟国出席会议并致辞。李伟国表示,智能农机将作为农业现代化的重要标志,深刻改变传统的或者是以往的农业生产模式。农业生产是自然与经济相交织的过程,传统农业生产中,农民要学会种田,需要相当长时间的亲自实践积累经验,费时又费力。智能农机、智能农业的发展,可能将原先复杂的农业劳动变成一种主要由机器自动完成的简单劳动,不仅对劳动力的需求数量大幅减少,对劳动力素质的限制要求大大放宽。李伟国指出,我国智能农机的发展一方面,要紧跟信息化、智能化等科技的最新发展成果、动态,不断推进智能化农业机械装备的研发,提高农机装备操控的精准性、便利性和数字化。另一方面,要紧扣我国农业的实际,加强技术的集成,逐步建立起不同应用场景下的通用模型和专用模型,形成有解决实际问题的应用方案。李伟国认为,智能农机广泛应用至少应达到以下三个目标:一是生产效率的提升;二是生产成本的降低;三是劳动者体力和脑力的解放。 本次论坛主题聚焦智能农机跨界应用与智慧农业技术的应用案例与解决方案开展研讨,为跨界融合与未来农业发展提供交流平台和互动渠道。为促进产学政研深度结合与跨界融合,会议主办方特邀中国农业大学教授贺冬仙、华南农业大学教授辜松、中国农业大学教授马耘韬、山西农业大学教授郑德聪、河北省农科院农业机械化研究所研究员范国昌、潍柴雷沃智慧农业科技股份有限公司高级工程师蔡彦彬、北京科百宏业科技有限公司副总经理刘枫等国内知名专家与同行共同探讨农业机械与AI技术在设施园艺、智慧育种、粮食减损、智慧灌溉、农业生产全程机械化、大马力拖拉机及嫁接机器人等领域的智慧技术解决方案。 中国农业机械化分会培训宣传部(机手工作部)部长李雪玲主持会议。


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