[学术文献 ] 南方丘陵山地油菜和小麦播种机械化发展现状与趋势 进入全文
[学术文献 ] 丘陵山地水稻机械化技术研究现状与展望 进入全文
[统计数据 ] 国家统计局关于2024年粮食产量数据的公告 进入全文
根据对全国31个省(区、市)的调查,2024年全国粮食播种面积、单位面积产量和总产量分别如下: 一、全国粮食播种面积119319千公顷(178979万亩),比2023年增加351千公顷(526万亩),增长0.3%。其中谷物[1]播种面积100458千公顷(150687万亩),比2023年增加532千公顷(797万亩),增长0.5%。 二、全国粮食单位面积产量5921公斤/公顷(395公斤/亩),比2023年增加75.8公斤/公顷(5.1公斤/亩),增长1.3%。其中谷物单位面积产量6493公斤/公顷(433公斤/亩),比2023年增加74.1公斤/公顷(4.9公斤/亩),增长1.2%。 三、全国粮食总产量70650万吨(14130亿斤),比2023年增加1109万吨(222亿斤),增长1.6%。其中谷物产量65229万吨(13046亿斤),比2023年增加1086万吨(217亿斤),增长1.7%。 国家统计局 2024年12月13日 注:[1]谷物主要包括稻谷、小麦、玉米及谷子、高粱、大麦、燕麦和荞麦等。
[前沿资讯 ] Design of an implantable biosensor for real-time in vivo measurements in aquatic organisms 进入全文
Wageningen University & Research;
本研究探讨了人类白细胞介素-6 (IL-6)生物传感器芯片的研制。首先,讨论了先前开发的IL-6生物传感器的主要局限性:芯片上缺乏可能的光学元件集成以及对用于抗原结合的商业水凝胶的理解不足。因此,光学电路被重新设计了一个非对称Mach-Zehnder干涉仪,它允许使用单一波长的激光源。此外,聚合物刷直接在芯片表面合成,为选择性防污层提供了更多的理解和控制。实验表明,非对称Mach-Zehnder干涉仪可以检测到低至0.8 ng mL-1的人IL-6浓度。建议进行后续实验,充分挖掘芯片的潜力。本论文为生物传感器芯片的进一步研究铺平了道路,并为其功能向植入式生物传感器的扩展奠定了坚实的基础。
[前沿资讯 ] Growers Edge Acquires AQUAOSO Technologies to Help Lenders Better Evaluate Farmland Values and Climate Risks 进入全文
Growers Edge;Global Ag Tech Initiative;
Growers Edge, a financial technology firm that provides modern financial products and data-driven tools for agricultural retailers, manufacturers, and lenders, today announced the acquisition of AQUAOSO Technologies, which offers its services under the Agcor brand and provides mapping, data, and analytics software for agricultural lenders. Many agricultural lenders undervalue weather, water, and climate risks in their financing decisions. Traditional land valuation methods don’t consider the impact of the worsening effects of climate change, which can include unpredictable fluctuations in temperature and precipitation that increase the frequency and range of droughts, floods, insects, weeds, and diseases. Agcor’s climate intelligence model, which uses location-based data to determine future impact of weather, water, and other climate events, helps lenders better understand climate risks. It’s part of a suite of software tools on the Agcor platform, which lenders use to streamline operations, better manage their portfolios, and build stronger relationships with customers. Lenders, including Golden State Farm Credit, American AgCredit, and MetLife, use Agcor’s technology to quickly and accurately assess risk exposure and identify hidden revenue opportunities in their portfolios. Agcor improves the agricultural lending process by integrating loan, collateral, appraisal, sales, and other lending data into a single source. Lenders use that data to evaluate and automate loan decisioning, appraisal, and portfolio risk management processes. Together, Growers Edge and Agcor will empower financial institutions to make faster, better-informed lending decisions. “The most accurate farmland valuations are backed by the most comprehensive data and realized by streamlined ag lending processes,” said Matt Hansen, CEO of Growers Edge. “As we’ve built out advanced land valuation models at Growers Edge, Agcor has developed close partnerships with agricultural lenders by providing them with the analytical tools they need to build trust-based relationships with borrowers. The combined dataset, analytics engine, and suite of software tools will reshape the landscape of agricultural lending.” The acquisition marks another major milestone for Growers Edge. Over the past 12 months, the company has expanded its RangeAg farmland valuation tool to cover 144 million acres or over 50 percent of all federally-insured farmland in the US, partnered with firms like Mondelez and PepsiCo to increase the adoption of environmentally friendly practices, and supported a significant awardee of the EPA’s $14 billion National Clean Investment Fund. “Agcor and Growers Edge share a commitment to unparalleled precision and efficiency in the farmland valuation space,” said Chris Peacock, CEO of AQUAOSO Technologies. “As we integrate our data and analytics tools into their existing valuation models, we’ll develop a more powerful software suite for our current and future customers.”
[学术文献 ] 畜禽体温自动监测技术与应用综述 进入全文