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[科技报告 ] 未来10年主要农产品市场形势如何?这份《展望报告》收藏好 进入全文


4月20日-21日,由农业农村部市场预警专家委员会、农业农村部市场与信息化司指导,中国农业科学院农业信息研究所主办,农业农村部信息中心、农业农村部农村经济研究中心、农业农村部农业贸易促进中心、中国农学会、农业农村部大数据发展中心等协办的2024中国农业展望大会在北京召开。 2014年以来,中国农业展望大会每年召开一次,已形成了“固定时间、固定内容、固定程式”的中国农业展望大会制度。 农业展望是研判未来一段时期农产品市场供需形势变化、引导农业生产、消费和贸易活动的重要调控支撑手段,是农业新质生产力的重要组成部分,也是世界发达国家管理和服务农业的通行做法。 2024年是中国农业展望大会11周年,主题是“加强全产业链监测预警 发展农业新质生产力”。4月20日上午,农业农村部市场预警专家委员会秘书长、中国农业科学院农业信息研究所研究员许世卫发布了《中国农业展望报告(2024—2033)》。 《展望报告》总结回顾了20种(类)主要农产品2023年市场形势,对未来10年尤其是2024年、2028年和2033年等重要时间节点的生产、消费、贸易、价格走势进行了展望,对存在的不确定性进行了分析和讨论。 那么,未来10年,我国主要农产品市场形势如何?跟随小编一起来了解一下。 《展望报告》指出,2024年,随着新一轮千亿斤粮食产能提升行动全面实施,乡村全面振兴有力有效推进,农业综合生产能力将继续稳步提升。粮食和重要农产品稳定安全供给能力将持续增强,农业高质量发展继续保持强劲势头。 未来10年,农业新质生产力将得到充分发展,农业转型升级加速推进,乡村全面振兴将取得重大进展,农业农村现代化水平显著提升。粮食等重要农产品综合生产能力将显著增强,农产品供给质量与市场竞争力将明显提升。 粮食 产量增长快于消费增长 粮食自给率逐步提高 未来10年,中国粮食综合生产能力将稳步提高,播种面积基本稳定,产业结构持续优化,粮食供给保障能力将不断提升。预计粮食单产稳步提高,2033年为429千克/亩(6438千克/公顷),年均增长1.0%;粮食产量稳定增长,达到7.66亿吨,年均增长1.1%。粮食消费刚性增长,但增速放缓,工业消费增加是拉动粮食消费增加的主要动力。预计2033年粮食消费量为8.40亿吨,年均增长0.3%。粮食供需紧平衡将成为长期态势,但产需平衡压力有所缓解,粮食自给率将提高至91.5%。粮食贸易规模仍将维持高位,但总量有所下降,利用国际粮源适当弥补紧缺品种产需缺口、改善品种结构仍将发挥重要作用,预计2033年粮食进口量为1.10亿吨,年均减少3.5%。 稻谷 生产总体稳定 消费量和进口量稳中有降 未来10年,稻谷播种面积将稳中略降,单产逐步提高到505千克/亩(7575千克/公顷)水平,产量稳定在21000万吨以上,口粮绝对安全有保障。稻谷消费量稳中略降,预计2033年为20624万吨,年均下降0.2%。其中,受居民消费结构升级、人口老龄化加快以及人口总量减少等因素影响,稻谷口粮消费量稳中有降,预计2033年为15180万吨,年均下降0.3%。国内稻米产业将加速向优质化、品牌化和特色化发展,市场有效供给能力不断增强,对国外优质大米市场形成挤出效应,与基期相比,大米进口量将有所下降,展望期末预计在300万吨左右。 小麦 生产能力不断提升 进口需求逐渐下降 未来10年,小麦播种面积将稳定在3.5亿亩左右,随着小麦单产提高,产量稳步增长,2033年将达14626万吨,年均增长0.6%。展望期间中国食品工业将加速发展,小麦工业消费需求日趋旺盛,但随着小麦玉米比价关系回归正常,小麦饲用消费将大幅下降,小麦消费总量呈高位回落趋势,预计2033年为14135万吨,年均下降0.4%。由于优质专用小麦产能不断提升,小麦进口量将高位回落,预计2033年进口量为485万吨。 玉米 产量持续增长 进口量呈下降趋势 未来10年,玉米播种面积保持稳定,预计2033年为66366万亩(4424万公顷);随着农业基础设施的持续完善,良田、良种、良法、良机、良制的集成推广,预计单产水平持续提高。展望期末将达到486千克/亩,年均增长1.3%;产量将稳步增长至3.23亿吨,年均增长1.4%。玉米消费量稳中有增,预计2033年消费量将达3.21亿吨,年均增长1.1%。进口量持续下降,预计2033年将减至680万吨。 大豆 单产、产量逐年增长 自给率显著提升 未来10年,在国家大豆和油料产能提升工程深入推动下,单产水平显著提升,产量稳步增长,预计2033年大豆播种面积将增至18447万亩(1230万公顷),单产增至193千克/亩(2901千克/公顷),产量达到3568万吨,年均增长分别为2.4%、3.9%、6.4%。由于大豆食用消费增加和饲用需求保持高位,大豆消费量稳中略增,预计2033年将达11329万吨,年均增长0.3%。随着国产大豆产能持续提升,大豆自给率将不断提高,进口呈高位下降趋势,展望期末大豆自给率将提高至30%以上,进口量将减至7869万吨,年均下降1.9%。 油料 产量持续增长 消费结构逐步优化 未来10年,良种良法配套、农机农艺融合等生产技术集成推广应用,带动单产稳步提升,油料产量将持续增长。预计2033年油料产量将达到4639万吨,年均增长2.3%。受人口总量减少、经济增长和城镇化速度趋缓、人均食用植物油消费量接近饱和等因素影响,居民食用植物油消费量增速将继续放缓、结构进一步优化。预计2033年食用植物油消费量将达3702万吨,年均增长0.11%,明显低于过去10年2.6%的年均增长水平;居民食用消费缓慢下降,年均下降0.14%。未来10年,中国将继续利用国际市场来满足和优化国丙食用植物油供应,但油籽和食用植物油进口量下降。 棉花 产量增加 消费和进口呈下降趋势 展望期内,受劳动力和土地成本持线上升、水土资源条件约束趋紧、植棉比较效益低等多重因素影响,农户植棉积极性下降,棉花种植面积小幅减少。随着《全国粮油等主要作物大面积单产提升行动实施方案(2023—2030年)》实施和新疆棉花目标价格补贴与质量挂钩政策全面落实,棉花单产稳步提升,品质持续改善。预计2033年棉花产量为584万吨,年均增长0.1%;中国将继续保持全球最大棉花消费国地位,但全球贸易保护主义加剧、非棉纤维替代等将导致棉花消费量呈下降态势,预计2033年棉花消费量为735万吨,年均下降0.5%;棉花进口减少,高等级棉花仍然是进口的重点,预计2033年将减至160万吨,年均下降2.2%。 糖料 产量稳中趋增 消费和进口增速放缓 未来10年,受良种良法补贴及机械化补贴等政策支持,糖料种植面积趋于稳定,糖料单产稳中有增,预计2033年企糖产量将达到1154万吨,年均增长1.7%;受人口老龄化加快、居民膳食结构调以及代糖消费增加等因素影响,中国食糖消费呈低速增长态势,预计2033年食糖消费总量1644万吨,年均增长0.6%;由于食糖消费不断增长,国内食糖产不足需的情况长期存在,食糖进口量缓慢增长,预计2033年食糖进口量592万吨,年均增长1.3%。 蔬菜 供需基本平衡 消费结构改善 未来10年,蔬菜种植面积基本稳定,产量稳中略增,预计2033年产量81045万吨,年均增长0.2%,其中,商品产量63385万吨,年均增长0.5%。蔬菜消费小幅增长,消费结构不断优化。预计2033年消费量达到61824万吨,年均增长0.5%,其中,鲜食消费占消费量的比例有所上升,将从2024年的43.4%增至2033年的45.5%。蔬菜进、出口量均小幅增加,保持净出口态势。蔬菜价格季节性、周期性波动依然明显,但波动幅度趋缓,总体呈上涨趋势。 马铃薯 产量稳步增加 消费量总体呈增长态势 展望期内,马铃薯种植面积稳定增加,预计2033年为9235万亩(616万公顷),年均增长1.0%。随着各地深入实施马铃薯种业振兴计划,尤其是加快普及脱毒种薯应用,中国马铃薯单产将呈提高态势,预计2033年为1255千克/亩(18832千克/公顷),比基期增长5.9%。在种植面积增加和单产水平提高的共同作用下,马铃薯产量将持续增加,预计2033年为11594万吨,年均增长1.6%。从长期来看,马铃薯消费量总体增加,2033年为11664万吨,年均增长1.3%。 水果 产量和消费稳中略增 进出口贸易规模扩大 未来10年,水果产业加快向高质量转型发展,面积相对稳定,果园面积约1.97亿亩(1314万公顷),瓜果类面积约3210万亩(214万公顷),单产水平提高,产量增速放缓,优质果品供给增加,品种结构和供应节奏进一步优化。展望期间,预计水果产量年均增长0.9%,2033年将达到3.40亿吨。随着城镇化进程加快和城乡居民收入增长,水果消费需求持续增加,预计2033年水果(含西甜瓜)消费量达3.29亿吨,年均增长0.8%,其中直接消费量1.61亿吨,年均增长0.5%,加工消费量6541万吨,年均增长4.6%。水果进口量和出口量保持增长趋势,年均增速分别为9.0%和9.5%,贸易逆差长期存在。生产成本上涨、果品品质整体提升等因素推动水果价格波动上涨。 肉类 产量和消费量总体保持增长 进口先增后减 展望期内,随着生猪产能的优化调整,牛羊肉基础生产能力的稳定,肉类生产实现稳定发展,肉类产品供给保障能力增强,肉类产量总体将呈增长态势。预计2033年肉类产量达到9764万吨,年均增长0.4%。肉类市场需求稳步释放,肉类消费量保持增长,2033年将达到10253万吨,年均增长0.3%。随着居民收入及生活水平的提高,居民膳食结构逐步优化,禽肉、牛羊肉市场份额将提高。展望初期,考虑到牛羊肉国内外价差依然明显,牛羊肉进口小幅增长,预计2024年肉类进口量606万吨,比上年略增0.5%;展望中后期,随着国内肉类产品供给保障水平的逐步提升,自给率将稳步提高,进口量将呈稳中略减态势,预计2033年进口量584万吨,年均减少1.4%。 猪肉 产量呈现稳中有降趋势 进口量减少 展望期内,生猪规模化养殖比例逐步上升,产业结构不断优化,猪肉生产提质增效,产量总体下降并稳定在5400万吨左右。预计2033年猪肉产量5386万吨,年均减少0.3%。受人口老龄化以及居民消费升级等因素影响,展望期内猪肉消费总量有所下降。预计2033年猪肉消费量下降至5479万吨,比基期减少5.0%,年均减少0.5%。国内猪肉消费需求的总体下降使得猪肉进口需求下降,但居民对带骨猪肉仍然存在刚性需求,仍将有一定量的猪肉进口,预计2033年猪肉进口量107万吨。 禽肉 生产和消费持续增加 自给率稳步提升 未来10年,禽肉生产结构不断优化,国产优质品种市场占有率持续提升,禽肉产量稳步增长,预计2033年产量将达到2905万吨,年均增长1.7%。随着城镇化水平不断提升,新一代消费习惯改变,肉禽预制菜市场规模扩大,禽肉消费持续增加,在肉类消费中的占比明显提升,预计2033年消费量为2932万吨,年均增长1.5%。禽肉产量增速快于消费增速,进口需求逐渐减少,禽肉进口量占国内消费的比例总体呈下降趋势,预计2033年进口量为105万吨,年均减少2.6%。肉禽生产效率提升,产品国际竟争力逐步增强,禽肉出口稳步增长,预计2033年出口量78万吨,年均增长2.5%。 牛羊肉 生产和消费保持增长 进口增速放缓 未来10年,随着牛羊生产技术水平的提高,良种化、规模化、标准化、智能化程度的提升,生产供应能力增强,牛羊肉产量将保持增长。预计2033年牛肉、羊肉产量分别为798万吨和587万吨,年均增速分别为1.0%和1.2%。综合考虑未来肉类消费结构升级、新型城镇化深人推进、人口负增长等多重影响,牛羊肉消费需求增速将有所放缓。预计2033年牛肉、羊肉消费量分别为1110万吨和646万吨,年均增长率分别为1.2%和1.4%;年人均牛肉、羊肉消费量分别达到7.97千克和4.64千克。随着牛羊肉自给水平的提升,对外依赖有所降低,进口增速放缓。预计2033年牛肉、羊肉进口量分别为312万吨和59万吨,年均增速分别为1.9%和4.0%。 禽蛋 产量增长趋缓 出口继续增长 未来10年,随着高产品种以及精准饲喂、环境控制、疫病防控等现代化装备和技术得到广泛推广应用,蛋禽养殖良种化、规模化、机械化水平不断提升,国内逐步建立起生产高效、资源节约、环境友好、布局合理的养殖格局,禽蛋生产能力持续增强,产量稳中有增,预计2033年将达到3716万吨,年均增长0.7%。人们对合理膳食搭配与营养均衡要求的提高,禽蛋人均消费量上升空间逐渐变窄,禽蛋消费增速将放缓,预计2033年禽蛋消费量3675万吨,年均增长0.6%。禽蛋出口量有望保持增长势头,预计2033年出口量24万吨,年均增长5.8%。 奶制品 产量持续增长 消费量逐步提升 展望期内,中国奶牛养殖规模化程度和单产水平进一步提高,产量保持增长,预计2033年奶类产量将达到5800万吨,年均增长4.1%。随着城乡居民收入增加,健康饮奶理念逐步普及,奶制品消费需求逐步增长,预计消费量年均增长3.3%,到2033年将达到7920万吨;奶制品人均消费量达到56.90千克。未来10年,中国奶源白给率不断提升,但奶制品进口仍存在刚性需求,进口量整体趋增,预计2033年进口量2143万吨,年均增长1.2%。 水产品 消费增长略高于产量增长 进口保持增长 未来10年,中国现代渔业建设步伐加快,传统养殖、捕捞、加工持续转型升级,新业态新模式加速发展,带动渔业生产稳定向好,预计2033年水产品总产量7550万吨,年均增长0.9%,其中养殖产量6253万吨,年均增长1.1%;捕捞产量基本稳定。食用消费稳定增长,加工比例进一步提高。预计2033年消费量8066万吨,年均增长1.2%,消费增速略高于产量增速。需求支撑水产品进口持续增长,预计2033年进口量832万吨,年均临长2.7%;受出口市场萎缩、竞争压力扩大的影响,预计出口量316万吨,年均减小1.8%,水产品贸易逆差或将成为常态。 饲料 产量缓慢增长 消费结构逐步调整 未来10年,饲料工业逐步进入成熟发展期,在规模化、标准化、智能化养殖发展驱动下,工业饲料普及率继续提高,饲料产量将保持增长态势,但增速放缓。预计2033年饲料产量达3.36亿吨,年均增长1.0%。人口总量逐渐减少,老龄化进程加快,动物食品消费数量结构面临调整,工业饲料消费结构将随之变化,消费量总体小幅增长。2033年工业饲料消费量3.34亿吨,年均增长1.0%。展望期内,饲用谷物、饲用蛋白原料进口来源更加多元,饲料原料供给更有保障,饲料价格波动程度将减弱。

[前沿资讯 ] AI Precision Spraying Pioneer Greeneye Technology Raises $20M to Scale U.S. Operation 进入全文

Greeneye Technology;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

Greeneye Technology, the pioneer of AI-enabled precision spraying technology that is proven to reduce herbicide use in farming by an average of 88%, has announced the completion of a $20m funding round led by Israeli investment company Deep Insight. The round is supported by existing investors Syngenta Group Ventures, JVP, Orbia Ventures, and Eyal Waldman, the founder and former CEO of Mellanox (now part of Nvidia), as well as other notable new investors including Iron Nation and Amol Deshpande, the founder and former CEO of FBN. Also as part of today’s announcement, Greeneye welcomes Barak Ben Eliezer, Managing Partner at Deep Insight, to its Board of Directors. The investment will be used to significantly scale Greeneye’s operation in the U.S. and to advance the technology’s analytical capabilities and extend its usage to new inputs and crops. The next phase of expansion will see dozens more systems deployed in farmers’ fields this year, targeting the 200m acres of corn, soybean and cotton grown in the U.S. “Securing this round of capital in today’s challenging economic climate is further validation of Greeneye’s mission to drive mainstream adoption of precision spraying technology in the U.S. and, ultimately, globally,” comments Nadav Bocher, CEO, Greeneye Technology. “We are delighted to welcome our new investors, and I would also like to thank our existing partners for their continued support. Together, we will continue to push technological boundaries in order to solve farmers’ critical challenges, overcome environmental challenges, and protect farmland for generations to come.” Greeneye’s mission is to significantly reduce the millions of tons of agricultural chemicals that are applied to farmers’ fields globally each year, the majority of which are sprayed onto bare soil or crops. This overuse of chemicals – the result of what has until now been a necessary reliance on broadcast spraying – results in soil and water pollution, causes weeds to develop resistance to herbicides, increases chemical levels in food, and creates a large financial burden for farmers. Greeneye’s breakthrough solution harnesses AI in combination with cutting-edge hardware to identify weeds among crops with high accuracy and spray chemicals only where they are needed – directly onto the weeds (see video). Uniquely, it is designed to integrate with any brand, model or size of commercial sprayer, enabling farmers to seamlessly transition to precision spraying without having to invest in a costly new sprayer. In addition, its dual line/tank configuration enables precision and broadcast spraying to be carried out simultaneously, increasing both productivity and efficacy. In 2022, Greeneye became the first company to launch precision spraying technology commercially in the U.S. Barak Ben Eliezer, Managing Partner, Deep Insight, comments: “Our mission is to invest in disruptive technologies and ambitious leadership teams that have the potential to solve the world’s biggest challenges, and Greeneye fits squarely into that category. “Building safe and resilient food systems that are capable of feeding a growing global population is of the utmost importance, and it starts by equipping farmers with the tools they need to transition to new practices. Not only does Greeneye understand this, but it has succeeded where others have not by bringing to market a viable precision spraying solution that is easy and affordable for farmers to implement into their existing operations. From a strategic point of view, Greeneye has also proven that it has a very clear understanding of the milestones it needs to reach in order to drive mass adoption of its technology, and it has achieved those milestones time and time again. We are proud to invest in Greeneye Technology and to be part of its exciting journey.” Greeneye Technology is a shining example of Israeli innovation that is bringing about truly transformative change,” says Gadi Porat, General Partner, JVP. “As concerns around the level of chemicals found in our food continue to increase, the global effort to address the issue is intensifying. Not only is Greeneye’s groundbreaking technology helping to ensure that the food we eat is healthier and safer, but it also translates into significantly lower costs for farmers. We are extremely proud of the huge strides Greeneye is making to address the world’s climate and environmental crisis. With its talented founders and business leaders at the helm, and with its additional investment partners, we are confident that Greeneye will become an international category leader in its field.”

[前沿资讯 ] GROWMARK Partners with Intelinair to Advance Position as Digital Agronomic Leader 进入全文

Intelinair;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

As GROWMARK, Inc. continues to position itself to lead in the digital agronomy space, it has partnered with Intelinair, an ag data analytics company, on a new digital agronomy application to equip its farmer customers with data-driven insights to improve agronomic outcomes throughout the growing season. The myFS Agronomy application provides additional functionality for farmers while creating synergies with myFS Solution Center for an enhanced digital experience that: Enables customers to quantify agronomic opportunities impacting business decisions through data analytics. Provides data-driven agronomic insights to implement solutions for diagnosing problems in the field. Utilizes field data to assist with making growing decisions. Allows users to closely monitor news, weather, and markets. Equips FS crop advisors to have impactful discussions with their farmer customers based on a wide range of agronomic data. “The new myFS Agronomy app delivers a digital experience focusing on data-driven analytics, enhanced communication, and agronomic intelligence into the hands of our FS members and their customers,” said GROWMARK’s Director of FS Agronomy, Brendan Bachman. “This digital experience aims to increase our farmers’ bottom line by streamlining the decision-making process for better outcomes while enabling FS to make proactive agronomy decisions and stay connected with our farmer owners.” GROWMARK Chief Financial Officer, Brad Drake, says the new tool will help farmers stay on top of the latest technology available. “As agronomic technology continues to evolve, farmers will get overwhelmed with more and more data to make decisions. The GROWMARK System will continue to deploy emerging technologies to help farmers manage the data in a way that equips them to make decisions that support their long-term profitability. Intelinair President and CEO Tim Hassinger says, “With in-season agronomic insights and the new Analyze capability, farmers can get help monitoring their entire fields for issues during the season and then evaluate what changes can be made for the following crop season. The addition of the postseason analytics suite this year provides valuable information for data-driven decision-making throughout the entire year.” The myFS Agronomy platform is available on iOS, iPadOS, Android, Android tablet, and can also be accessed through the web.

[前沿资讯 ] Varda and TrueFootprint Partner to Support Smallholder Farmers with Field Data and EUDR Compliance 进入全文

Varda;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

Varda, the agtech data service provider, has partnered with TrueFootprint, the value chain transformation platform that helps companies improve their sustainability and boost regenerative agriculture, to assist farmers with their digital transformation and mapping of farmland. Varda, founded by Yara, the global leader in nitrogen fertilizer production, established its Global FieldID solution to provide a geospatial reference framework for the entire agricultural industry. The solution will integrate with TrueFootprint’s FieldApp platform to help farmers meet the requirements of the upcoming EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) which is set to be implemented at the end of this year. The collaboration will allow smallholder farmers to easily track, and evidence crop production, to ensure that forests are being respected. Under EUDR, companies in the EU are prohibited from buying from producers who have engaged in, or may potentially engage in, deforestation. This means operators and traders are required to collect geographic coordinates of the land where their commodities are produced and ensure full product traceability down to the farm level, representing a significant challenge, especially for smallholder farmers. TrueFootprint aims to make its collaborative FieldApp platform easily accessible for farmers who lack digital tools so they can get key insights into their farmland to identify, report and discuss solutions to agricultural problems. “By integrating Varda’s Global FieldID into our FieldApp platform we can help its users save time and resources when mapping out their fields, facilitating collaborative data sharing with key stakeholders and providing evidence of EUDR compliance. Varda’s solution allows farmers to assign unique IDs to each land plot, mapping fields out digitally, similar to a ‘QR code for fields’, in a universal way that tackles data fragmentation,” explained Fredrik Galtung, CEO, TrueFootprint. “The time has come for Global FieldID. It will help us onboard many more farmers faster and make it easier for food companies, traders and regulators to check that farmer cooperatives are compliant with deforestation regulations,” he added. Davide Ceper, CEO at Varda, commented: “Large producers are well prepared and organized to supply the necessary information to validate their practices. However, smallholder farmers in some countries lack the technological ‘know how’ to do the same. This could lead to some farmers being forced out of business, which would further impact deforestation levels in these areas as they lack alternatives. This collaboration will provide farmers with essential digital tools to map out their farmland, identify issues and seamlessly share data to key stakeholders, ensuring that users comply with the upcoming regulations.”

[前沿资讯 ] Ecorobotix’s ARA Crop Sprayer Prepares for Global Impact on Vegetable Production in 2024 进入全文

Ecorobotix;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

As the last traces of winter melt away, farmers worldwide are gearing up for another successful season with the support of Ecorobotix’s ARA ultra-high precision sprayer. With the dawn of the 2024 season, ARA sprayers have already embarked on their inaugural missions, signaling the commencement of another year filled with promise and productivity. From meticulously weeding California lettuce fields to detecting potato regrowth in Dutch onion fields, ARA continues to prove itself in versatility and efficiency. In the Netherlands, Abemec, in collaboration with Doorgrond, recently celebrated a significant milestone: the sale of 95 ARA sprayers for this year. Nard Savelkouls, Product Manager at Abemec, expressed his enthusiasm and referred to last year’s successes, in which their customers completed over 3,000 hectares with ARA. Across Ecorobotix’s global dealer network, partners have been actively engaged in showcasing ARA’s capabilities. For example, in the UK, The Burdens Group recently conducted a demonstration, elucidating ARA’s prowess to British farmers. Meanwhile, in Argentina, Abelardo Cuffia participated in the ExpoAgro event in San Nicolás, Buenos Aires. Farmers globally are already using ARA’s capabilities to meet different crop management needs. The applications are as varied as the agricultural areas. In the Alpine region, ARA is seen in meadows and pastures, while in Germany, for example, ARA is used to control weeds in sugar beets and onions. The adaptability of ARA extends to crops such as lettuce, spinach, corn, chicory and much more. In addition, ARA offers green-on-green and green-on-brown capabilities to ensure effective weed control in fallow fields for optimal crop growth. Ecorobotix is also gearing up to participate in several upcoming events, notably in the U.S.: The Summer Convention of the National Onion Association in Anchorage, Alaska The Organic Produce Summit in Monterey, California FIRA USA 2024 in Woodland, Sacramento, California A full list of events can be found on ecorobotix.com. The enthusiasm for ARA transcends geographical boundaries, with farmers eagerly embracing the technology to meet their evolving crop management needs. From precise herbicide application to targeted treatments of fungicides, insecticides, and fertilizers, ARA is revolutionizing agricultural practices through Ecorobotix’s innovative Plant-by-Plant AI software and advanced spraying capabilities.

[前沿资讯 ] AGCO’s Launch of New Tech Brand: Was It Successful? 进入全文

Upstream Ag;Global Ag Tech Initiative;

Editor’s note: In a recent issue of Upstream Ag Professional, agribusiness analyst Shane Thomas explains why AGCO’s PTx launch underscores the critical need for clear and targeted communication of product and brand messaging. Here’s a summary of that article: AGCO Corp. recently launched its new precision agriculture brand, PTx, incorporating Precision Planting and a joint venture with Trimble. While AGCO emphasized retrofit solutions and market differentiation, doubts linger about the effectiveness of its launch strategy. The integration of Trimble products into AGCO equipment underscores AGCO’s focus on retrofitting, complementing existing offerings. However, the success of this strategy hinges on effective communication to resonate with target customers. AGCO CEO Eric Hansotia’s statement about being farmer-focused lacked specificity, echoing legendary strategist Roger Martin’s observation that a non-specific strategy isn’t truly strategic. The ambition to serve “every single farmer” sounds appealing but lacks practicality and specificity, reminiscent of marketing maven Seth Godin’s caution against serving everyone. Specificity in target audience and value proposition is crucial for effective communication, an area where AGCO’s launch fell short. While AGCO aims to lead in precision agriculture, its communication failed to articulate why farmers should care about retrofit options or the PTx launch. The missed opportunity lies in highlighting the implications of retrofit solutions: flexibility, control, and optimization. Effective communication should focus on enabling farmers to build resilient and adaptable operations. AGCO’s communication strategy contrasts with Steve Jobs’ iconic “Think Different” campaign for Apple, emphasizing aspirational branding and targeted messaging. AGCO’s emphasis on retrofitting while playing catch-up with autonomous systems signals a lack of leadership, akin to CNH Industrial’s passive approach. Ultimately, AGCO’s communication strategy will shape its customer base and actions. Farmers seek solutions that optimize their operations, highlighting the importance of clear and compelling communication from PTx Trimble. As AGCO evolves its communication strategy, it must articulate its differentiated approach effectively to resonate with target customers and establish leadership in the precision agriculture market. For more in-depth coverage, visit Upstream Ag.


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