[专业会议 ] 批量思维大餐——2024中国国际农机展系列报道之二 进入全文
论坛是展会的重要主菜。很多来参展的人士,一个重要的任务就是搜集信息。即使一些因非主市场或企业无力参展等原因来长沙的企业,也会派出员工来搜集行业信息。 今年的国际展展会论坛活动方面,中国智慧农业大会、牧场大会均备受关注。牧场大会重点关注南方草食畜牧业养殖模式转型升级,水稻秸秆等地缘性饲料的开发利用。此外,本届中国国际农机展上还将围绕国家重大战略、农业前沿科技、农业机械化高质量发展等主题,组织召开农机市场发展论坛,分环节、分作物的研讨活动,产教融合,金融、媒体等支持农机化发展的活动等,各种论坛活动共计50余场。 由国机集团联合中国工业经济联合会等单位举办农机产业链融通发展论坛,湖南省政协副主席、民盟湖南省委主委何寄华,工业和信息化部装备一司二级巡视员辛晨华,中国工业经济联合会执行副会长兼秘书长熊梦,国机集团党委书记、董事长张晓仑等均出席会议并讲话。论坛以“向‘新’突破,以‘质’谋变,合力推动农机产业链高质量发展”为主题,进一步探讨农机行业发展新质生产力的方向、路径、机制,共谋农业机械化和农机产业高质量发展。 第六届全国中药材生产机械化发展论坛主要围绕国家中药材产业政策的最新导向,深入分析了当前中药材生产面临的机遇与挑战。针对中药材生产的全程机械化装备研发与应用以及基于农机农艺深度融合的耕作、种植、管理、收获和初加工等环节,各方展开了深入的交流与研讨,共同推进中药材机械化的发展。论坛汇聚了国内中药材领域的顶尖智慧,特邀6位知名专家,共同分享最新的研究进展和技术创新成果,为推动中药材产业的高质量发展提供了宝贵思路与实践路径。 全国旱田高速精密播种机械化技术发展论坛上,众多专家学者以及农机生产企业的代表们齐聚一堂,围绕全国旱田高速精密播种机械化技术的最新发展展开深入而广泛的交流与探讨。 随着农机市场的饱和,农机后市场是行业比较关注的领域。27日召开的农机后市场论坛,来自国内外的代表就农机后市场服务探索、俄罗斯农机经销体系及后市场业务发展、聚焦新服务升级打造后市场生态、农机后市场与新媒体的结合、农机零配件后市场发展、农机零部件后市场的短视频营销、立足农机后市场拓展农机新流通、农机报废更新与再制造实践、二手农机发展现状与趋势深耕、进口大马力收割机后市场解决高端零部件“卡脖子”问题等论题进行了深入交流。 俄罗斯农机经销商协会董事谢斯塔克·弗拉基米尔在农机后市场论坛上作《俄罗斯农机经销体系及后市场业务发展》报告 第五届全国果蔬茶生产机械化发展论坛上,7名国内业界知名专家共同探讨果蔬茶生产机械化的最新进展与未来趋势,并分享宝贵经验。来自果蔬茶行业知名专家、企业代表、种植大户等200余人参加了会议。论坛还请来了中国工程院院士陈学庚讲话。 27日召开的在第九届植保机械与施药技术国际研讨会,不仅为国内外专家学者提供了一个交流合作的平台,也为推动植保机械与施药技术的发展和应用提供了新的思路和方向。会上,来自中国农业大学农业无人机系统研究院、中国农业大学药械与施药技术研究中心、湖南农业大学机电工程学院等国内机构和德国、比利时、意大利等多个国家的专家学者、企业家及行业代表共计150余人参加了此次国际研讨会。 2024年是农机新媒体爆发式增长的一年,大部分的企业和经销商已经在做或开始布局新媒体。受经济大环境不景气的影响,农机行业也不例外,农机企业和经销商开拓新的获客途径、提升自身营销能力迫在眉睫,才能在激烈的市场竞争中生存下来。带着问题导向,10月27日召开的“企业/经销商如何运用新媒体提升销量”为主题的分享论坛上,行业专家,知名企业代表新媒体的运用与发展方向等方面进行了经济分享,共同推动中国农机新媒体的发展。 论坛多而专,信息量极大,来参展的所有人士均能各取所需。
[专业会议 ] 年度行业盛宴——2024中国国际农机展系列报道之一 进入全文
短短三天的时间就如同三个小时,让国内外农机行业人士再次体验到中国国际农机展这块“金字招牌”及其本身的无穷魅力。 10月26-28日,由中国农业机械流通协会、中国农业机械工业协会、中国农业机械化协会联袂打造的2024年中国国际农业机械展(下称“国际展”)如期而至。在行业人士共襄盛举的支持与追捧中,让今年的国际展这块招牌变得更加闪亮。 尽管首次在长江以南举办,但并没有影响天南海北人的热情、丝毫未影响全届展会的人气。出于金字招牌,人们依然穿越时空,从五湖四海相聚星城,为的是一睹这个精彩绝伦的硕大平台。据主办方统计,本届展会2600多家中外展商参展、展出面积25万平方米、超20万观众参展。 相形之下,前几年在武汉、青岛等城市举办往届展会,展商数量最多为2300余家,展览面积最大为22万平方米,观众人数最多为15万人次。因此,无论是展商数量、观众数量还是展览面积,本届国际农机展都创下举办以来的纪录。 在举办地湖南当地政府部门也高度重视,湖南省委常委、常务副省长张迎春出席了今年的展会开幕式并宣布大会开幕。国机集团董事长张晓仑,农业农村部农业机械化管理司副司长、一级巡视员王甲云,农业农村部农机化总站站长刘恒新及来自一些国家的政府机构代表、农机企业高层参加了开幕式。 因此,今年在长沙举办的参展商数量、观众人数和展览面积,均创国际农机展办展以来的新纪录。展会期间正值周末,有很多家长带孩子来参观,在中联重科、潍柴雷沃、约翰迪尔、科乐收这些知名企业的展台时常可见小孩子爬上他们庞大机器上拍照玩耍。 大厂的倾情“演出” 今年的国际农机展,可以说规模大、企业多、展品全、技术新,真正成为观察行业发展的晴雨表和观察哨。 今年的国际展一如既往给全行业端出一套年度产品盛宴。按展会官方的说法,传统展区产业链品类齐全,包含有拖拉机、耕整地机械、保护性耕作机具、种植施肥机械、灌排设备、植保机械、中耕机械、收获机械、收获后处理机械、农副产品加工机械装备、运输机械、三轮汽车、工程机械、内燃机及发电机组、水稻全程机械装备、果蔬茶机械、丘陵山区机械、农用航空器、设施农业装备、饲草装备及耗材、饲料加工设备、中药材机械、油料机械水产渔业机械、秸秆综合利用装备、农业废弃物处理利用装备、养殖与粪污处理利用装备、机械加工装备、维修设备及工具、各类零部件及耗材等。 之所以不厌其烦罗列于此,在于产品品类实在太多,很难记得住。当然,展品多而全,是在情理与意料之中的事。展品是展会的第一大主角,没有产品,就不能叫做展会。既然来参展,哪家企业都想在此次展会上,拿出自己的看家产品、秀出自己的看家功夫,获得更大的品牌展示效果与商机。 大企业是展会的人气主角。央企国机集团携旗下中国一拖、中国农机院等企业以整装面貌登场,在面积达3454平方米的国机集团展区,带来100多台套设备及核心部件。中国一拖展出了包括发动机、关键核心零部件、拖拉机、收获机械等在内的全系列产品,其中450马力的无级变速轮式拖拉机、动力换挡拖拉机、辣椒收获机,以及超大型纵轴流谷物收获机等首次参展。中国农机院展示了液压集成解决方案,传感器、智能终端,农业机器人及北斗远程监测系统和农机作业监管云平台等关键技术和大方捆打捆机、青饲料收获机,以及新发布的1730A马铃薯收获机等高端装备。 依托主场之便,中联重科中联重科展出规模达3000平方米,展区现场34款产品,既有适用于我国北方旱田、南方水田、丘陵山地等区域的产品,也有针对海外市场进行了优化升级的产品,还有全新发布的系列产品与技术,展品覆盖主粮作物生产全过程,高品质、高科技、全品类引来超高人气。期间该还发布了达到20公斤/秒的国内最大喂入量的TF220谷物联合收割机、行业领先水平的5HXQ-60低温双循环烘干机、380马力DV3804混合动力拖拉机和PL80履带式收割机等重磅新品。 作为国内企业CVT技术最为成熟的领先企业,潍柴雷沃在拖拉机展区展出了240-340马力CVT系列智能拖拉机和液压翻转犁、打捆机、18行电驱精量播种机等多款高端农机具,在收获机械展区则展出谷神CF04茎穗兼收玉米机、雷沃谷神RG系列履带机等产品,其自主研发的18公斤大喂入量小麦机雷沃谷神GS8189首次亮相展会。 东风农机展出了全系选配电控液压提升、液压输出等功能DF504-3A、DF704-K等中型拖拉机系列、DF1004-9、DF1204-F、DF1404-6X、DF1604-5L等大型拖拉机系列和涵盖了动力换向、动力高低档、动力换挡、混合动力等升级版技术路线的DF2004-G、DF2204-CP、DF2404-H、DF2604-XP、DF2804(F)等重型拖拉机系列,展现了专业化的拖拉机制造商形象。 泰安国泰农业装备集团有限公司体现出务实的参展风格,主打自己的畅销产品,携旗下50至240马力的拖拉机亮相。国泰泰山2404拖拉机动力强劲,质量稳定可靠,配备全封闭豪华空调驾驶室,全景玻璃门窗,视野开阔,悬浮座椅,驾驶舒适。可选配4组液压输出,满足大型复合式机具配套要求,适用于家庭农场、大型农场等大面积农田作业,可实现灭茬、犁耕、深耕、深松、整地和播种等重负荷作业。国泰总经理杨旭表示,公司的理念是追求最可靠的产品、以最真诚的服务,做最有温度的企业。 作为潍坊系中的知名企业,悍沃农业装备发布了“超越”系列拖拉机,该“超越”系列产品覆盖160-300马力多个产品型号,主要涵盖同步器换挡、动力换向、动力换挡及无级变速换挡四大技术路线。此外,公司还展出了逐渐上规模的玉米收获机产品。 潍坊另一知名企业萨丁重工携其明星产品——涵盖全新升级“非凡”系列拖拉机、转弯半径小于2米的萨丁“小蛮腰”、更适用于水田作业的“蛟龙”履带拖拉机、不烧尿素的全新EGR产品、300马力重型拖拉机以及动力换挡大马力拖拉机亮相,展现专业的拖拉机制造商形象。 新兴势力展品亮眼 国际展十天前举办了新品发布的新锐企业临工农机,借着发布会产生的巨大流量,国际展期间再次风光无限。公司携13款机型重磅参展,其中包括多款“之最”。临工农机20公斤/秒的大喂入量智能收获机,该产品配备 8-12行玉米籽粒割台,日作业量超1200亩;产品采用液压传动匹配二挡动力换挡技术,可在作业区间实现无级变速。全车配备30余处传感器,可实时监测作物水分、产量、收获损失率等信息,可以收获玉米、大豆、高粱、小麦等多种作物。临工农机展示的拖拉机产品涵盖120-600马力,包括同步器换挡、动力换向、动力换挡、CVT、HMCVT等多种技术产品,包括三款混合动力拖拉机。其中,临工农机7E系列拖拉机采用电传动与机械传动耦合的EMCVT技术,是国内最先进的混动拖拉机,代表着未来农业机械发展趋势;展出的9E系列拖拉机,采用串联式ECVT混动架构,功率达到600马力,是全球最大马力的混动重型拖拉机。 近年来快速崛起的英轩重工以三面迎客的展台布局,为观众提供人性化、沉浸式的参观体验。十余款拖拉机和玉米收获机整齐排列,以其精湛的工艺、可靠的性能和创新的设计,吸引了众多海内外客户的目光。YM2404旗舰版、动力换挡机型YX2604-7P、混合动力YX3004-8HEV这三款产品更是凭借高效节能、智能环保等突出优势,受到了与会用户和行业专家的广泛关注和高度评价。今年,英轩拖拉机继续向大马力、高端化升级,销量、销售额、市场占有率和销售均价均进一步提升。 来自山东荷泽的玉米机专业化企业江华机械展出了旗下“慧丰”3系、4系、5系、6系玉米收获机产品及9YFQ打捆机产品。值得一提的是,江华“慧丰”6-650型自走式玉米籽粒收获机惊艳亮相,该产品采用单纵轴流脱粒系统,采用全球领先的柔性脱粒技术,籽粒破碎低、损失率低;可一机多用收获小麦、高梁、谷子等多种杂粮。智能化程度高,可动态智能检测和智能化控制。展台前,江华机械展位参观洽谈合作的国内外客户络绎不绝。 苏州久富展出了全新升级的7公斤系列全喂入稻麦联合收割机全新升级1308 PLUS+、绿色智能的久富G62型无人驾驶同步侧深施肥/G825型高速插秧机,此款G62型产品采用单北斗卫星定位技术按照规划路线插秧作业,实现了地头自动转弯,并确保插秧作业的直度和精度,同时无人驾驶实现了从装苗、上苗、插秧只需一个人操作,极大地降低了劳动强度,节约作业成本,提高效益;同时施肥插秧同步作业,施肥采用微电脑全程控制,施肥精准度高,节肥省工等优势。另外展出了采用增产型钵毯两用技术的久富F6型六行手扶插秧机。 这次进入农机行业的工程机械企业和湖南本地的企业均表现出色。前些年已经进入农机领域但一直比较低调的徐工农机这次也首次参展,展出了XT2004-6D、XT1604-6B、XT804-4D拖拉机和XCA430自走式玉米收获机、XR720履带式谷物联合收获机。 铁建重工展出规模500平方米,产品主打高端差异化,包括大方捆压捆机、自走式鲜食(制种)玉米收获机、Q700大型青贮收获机和4MZD-6采棉打包机。另一工程机械企业山河智能也展出了采棉机。富佳、郴州粮油、农夫、农友等企业展台也达到400平方米。 外资竞相首发新品 在华外资品牌非常重视这次国际展平台,并纷纷借此平次首次发布新产品。约翰迪尔精心呈现了包括6E-1204基础型、8R 410拖拉机、S7 700、C2 400联合收割机以及全新升级的8600青贮收获机等五款顶尖农机设备,展现了这家全球农机老大在技术创新上的深厚底蕴。继在新疆展展出之后,约翰迪尔8410再次现身中国国际农机展,据说今年首批进口的29台82410被中国用户一抢而光。S7 700大型收获机则是首次参展,额定功率408马力,采用三作物流单纵轴流脱粒分离系统,适用于玉米籽粒、大豆、小麦等多作物收获。 科乐收(CLAAS)展出了新品DOMINATOR380(简称D380)联合收割机及XERION 4500拖拉机、JAGUAR 960TT青贮收获机,全面展示CLAAS在高效农业装备领域的技术实力与创新成果。值得一提的是,本次展会重磅首发的D380联合收割机是该公司在CLAAS 成熟技术基础上升级开发,满足用户对更高作业效率、收获质量及多作物收获的需求,发动机升级到240马力,关键部件采用全球知名品牌,多作物收获能力和收获质量适合跨区用户、农机合作社和家庭农场。 洋马农机应“新质生产力”的展会主题,携新款机型AW118全喂入联合收割机以及多款收获机、插秧机明星产品如洋马Y1180R水稻机、半喂入收割机等产品亮相长沙国际会展中心W2展馆,吸引数万名观众驻足观摩洽谈。据了解,洋马AW118全喂入联合收割机配备2.4米割台,喂入量可达7公斤/秒,理论作业效率达13亩/小时,受到水稻产区用户的追捧。 苏州久保田携其包括他的三个拖拉机经典机型在内20余款覆盖主粮作物耕种收等全系列产品亮相。在插秧机方面,苏州久保田展示了包括KA10N和SPV-8AD25等新品在内的7款高速插秧机和多款配套选装件。KA10N作为久保田首次面向中国市场推出的10行高速插秧机,收割机方面则展出了久保田展出了2款半喂入收割机和3款全喂入收割机。 作为知名欧洲品牌,道依茨法尔携9款动力换挡和动力换向产品亮相,并召开全系列动力换挡发布会。其8W系列整车最大承载重量高达14吨。 农机具高端升级 中科滕森在展位现场展出了4铧液压翻转犁、耕整地机械代表作之一联合整地机、气力式免耕播种机、复式精量条播机,大、中型气吹式播种机和为水田量身打造的穴直播机。中科滕森条播机采用仿形播种单体播深一致,达到出苗全齐匀壮效果,比传统种植模式增产10%以上。呈现出农机具领域的龙头面孔。 农机具领域的河北圣和携旗下圣和与普劳恩德两大品牌的全线产品进行了集中展示,包括特高箱旋耕机、通轴打浆机、旋耕播种机、开沟机、甘蔗叶粉碎机及出口系列产品,赢得中外客户的关注。另一家来自河北宁晋的农机具企业中农耕耘展示了旗下系列升级版液压翻转犁等产品。 播种机领导品牌德邦大为展出了高效精量的播种机械、牧草机械、精准的水肥一体化设备和智能的平台系统,展现出德邦大为在粮食单产提升领域的深厚实力和广泛布局。德邦大为精量播种机配置高端智能监控,“两行三肥”“二次压种”提单产创高产技术,提高化肥利用率10%以上,提高出苗率5%以上,提高粮食产量5%以上,还能使植株生长更整齐茁壮,具有抗倒伏效果,从而提单产创高产。 作为秸秆饲料打捆机的开创者,四平顺邦农机展出了其第十二代秸秆饲料打捆机,这款产品可自动称重、自动出包,适用多种农作物秸秆,产出的成品饲草可直接喂食牛羊。此外,顺邦农机还展出了秸秆粉碎还田码条一体机和不受作业场地限制的固定式秸秆饲料打捆机。 作为全球农机具巨头,德国雷肯带来了一系列代表行业前沿水平的农机具产品,如智能机械除草机 EC-Weeder系列、高性能液压翻转犁Juwel 10系列、最新国产化液压翻转犁SinOpal系列、复式精量播种机Zirkon+Saphir系列、高速精量条播机Solitair系列等高端农机具展品。展示了德国雷肯在耕整地、精量播种、智能机械除草等方面的先进产品及整体解决方案 另一德国农机具知名品牌阿玛松则携明星产品Precea (普里斯亚)6000-2CC电驱气吹式高速精量播种机等参展。 优质零部件支撑整机变强 产品升级的一个重要前提是零部件。作为本次展会的一个重要组成部分,很多零部件制造商在展会期间倾力布展参展表现亮眼。作为我国内燃机行业的龙头企业之一,全柴动力为农业装备行业打造了多款明星产品,在此次展会集中亮相,如适用于高速插秧机的V13,配套中型拖拉机和收获机械的V28、V35、V36、V38N、S38等,以及针对大马力农业机械市场开发的S45和S65,产品功率从20马力覆盖到300马力,为行业和用户带来整套创新、高效、环保的动力解决方案。 玉柴根据行业发展趋势和现代农业生产需求,重点展示大马力和高端农机动力产品,并重磅发布了全系列农业机械混合动力系统总成,包括YCK16-500kW混合动力总成、YCK09 IE-Power总成、YCA07K IE-Power总成、YCA05P IE-Power总成、YCF36-75kW混合动力总成、YCF11-15kW混合动力总成六款产品。 东方红柴油机携16款高端发动机赴会,带来了农业装备用全平台发动机的解决方案,是这次展会展出平台最多,覆盖范围最广,发动机数量最多的发动机厂家。展现出了作为农业装备领先发动机制造商的硬核实力,庞大的展会阵容吸引了大量国内外专业观众的目光。 作为国内收获机械关键部件胶带制造商的锐牛股份有限公司携旗下高品质红标系列胶带、金标系列胶带、石油装备专用胶带、橡胶履带等产品闪亮登场。这些产品具备耐磨、耐高温、抗拉伸、传动功率大、高承受力、高耐磨、稳定性好、寿命长等特性,已广泛应用于水稻联合收割机、小麦联合收割机、玉米联合收割机、青贮收割机、花生收获机等农业机械设备及石油开采、矿山等工程机械设备。 作为国内弹齿产品的领先制造商和农机龙头零部件企业,南通卓越精密件公司(即“曹弹簧”)携旗下系列高端创新产品重磅亮相零部件展厅。全球第一台 8-30mm 冷卷数控成型机(冷卷大弹簧相关)能够精准地实现线径 8-30mm 的冷卷成型,操作全由数控系统掌控。以往冷卷法通常适用于簧丝直径较小的弹簧生产,而此次能够实现较大线径弹簧的冷卷成型,突破了传统冷卷工艺的应用范围限制。另外,曹弹簧全球首台套全自动农机板簧生产线也震撼登场。该生产线实现了农机板簧生产的全自动化,从原材料的上料到弹簧的成型、加工、检测等环节,全部由自动化设备完成,大大提高了生产效率和产品质量的稳定性。 知名农用滤清器制造商石家庄欧亚惠通在展会期间进行了新产品自动排尘鲲鹏系列的全球首发,这款颠覆传统的产品引领旋流管预滤器领先科技,将粗滤做出精滤的效果,用了以后不用管,超级省心。 本次展会上,长期主攻汽车领域的鹤壁市伟诚电气切入农机行业,展出了精致的农机线束,大幅提高产品的腐蚀、耐高温等性能,有效提升整机可靠性。 零部件强则主机强。国内农机产业链上下游一齐发力,共同推升我国农机产品向全球中高端价值链进军。从本次国际展,让我们对国内农机行业发展的美好前景乐观以期。
[学术文献 ] Biotemplated Janus Magnetic Microrobots Based on Diatomite for Highly Efficient Detection of Salmonella 进入全文
沙门氏菌引起的食源性疾病对公众健康构成重大威胁。有效地检测它们仍然具有挑战性。本文研制了基于硅藻土的生物模板Janus圆盘状磁性微机器人(BJDMs),用于牛奶中沙门氏菌的高效检测。BJDMs装载了适配体,可以在群中磁驱动捕获沙门氏菌,在30分钟内在5.8 × 10(2)至5.8 × 10(5) CFU/mL的线性范围内,检测限低至58 CFU/mL。此外,BJDMs的二氧化硅表面具有较大的比表面积,可以吸附捕获的沙门氏菌中的DNA,这种特异性也通过多种食源性细菌的混合物测试得到了证实。这些基于硅藻土的微型机器人具有批量生产和低成本的优点,并且可以通过加载不同的探针扩展到其他类型的细菌毒素的检测。因此,本研究为构建食品安全实际应用中的快速生物检测平台提供了可靠的策略。
[学术文献 ] Advancements and challenges on SERS-based multimodal biosensors for biotoxin detection 进入全文
[学术文献 ] Design and Test of Intelligent Farm Machinery Operation Control Platform for Unmanned Farms 进入全文
The unmanned farm control platform is of great significance in promoting the supervision of farm production with less manpower or autonomous operation of farm machinery and the construction of farm informatization. Addressing the existing control platform for farm location information acquisition is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and lacks the whole process control of multiple types of farm machinery. In this paper, we propose an Internet of Things (IoT) control scheme for intelligent farm machinery operation of unmanned farms and design the access standards for multiple types of farm machinery, as well as realize the remote control of intelligent farm machinery operation by constructing a remote control model. A high-precision map construction method is designed to improve the DeepLabV3+ algorithm to identify fields and roads. The control models of path planning, remote task, remote control, and safety system are built to achieve the remote control of intelligent agricultural machinery operation. The proposed technology is implemented in the platform integration and application tests are carried out. The error of the constructed high-precision map is less than 3 cm, the completeness rate of the automatic boundary extraction rate is 96.71%, and the correctness rate is 95.63%, which can be used to obtain the boundary instead of manual labeling or on-site point picking. The use of the platform for the simultaneous control of three farm machinery operations reduces the number of people in operation and production and reduces the professional requirements of the personnel, which will promote the management of the entire farm by one person or even by no one in the future.
[前沿资讯 ] Sustainable as well as cost-effective: a dairy farmer’s complicated puzzle 进入全文
Wageningen University & Research;
How can dairy farmers make their farms meet environmental standards of the future while keeping their business operations viable? This is a challenge for the government, the sector and in practice. Wageningen University & Research (WUR) provides support through the Cows & Opportunities project. “Until the eighties, dairy farmers had relative freedom in their business operations”, says researcher Koos Verloop. “Yet, it became increasingly clear that nature and the environment are seriously affected by carbon emissions in the sector.” This initially became apparent mainly due to nitrate leaching into groundwater at dry sandy soils. Due to nitrate leaching, the suitability of groundwater for drinking water extraction was put under pressure. The problems with ammonia emissions were also clear at an early stage. Later on, the issue of greenhouse gas emissions was included as a point requiring attention. In fact, dairy farming goes hand in hand with emissions of the greenhouse gases methane and nitrous oxide, as well as carbon dioxide. This article appeared in TO2MORROW, the magazine of the TO2 Federation. This organization publishes this impact report once a year, featuring the results of research and collaboration among the five TO2 institutes: Deltares, MARIN, NLR, TNO, and WUR. TO2MORROW 2024 was published on November 19, 2024 Reduced emissions per litre Researchers, public authorities and dairy farmers, jointly launched the Cows & Opportunities project 25 years ago with the aim of establishing sustainable and viable farms with the help of smart solutions. “How that should be applied is a complicated puzzle for dairy farmers”, says Verloop, who has been involved in this initiative since 2010 and offers support to dairy farmers through Wageningen University & Research (WUR). Currently, sixteen farmers across the Netherlands are participating in the project. Every year, the researchers together with the dairy farmers and their advisers, formulate “challenging but achievable” goals to reduce harmful emissions. “We study which strategies and measures they can apply”, says Verloop. For example, dairy farmers can reduce the emission of ammonia by leaving the cows out to pasture more often. Manure and urine that end up in the same place in the barn, cause more ammonia emissions. However, leaving them out to pasture more often increases the risk of nitrate leaching into the groundwater. Verloop says: “We are therefore studying how to have cows left out to pasture without adversely affecting the water quality. We already know that good turf quality can help; this can be achieved by not allowing cows to graze on the same plot of land all the time. Good turf protects groundwater. In fact, plants absorb nitrate and as a result, less nitrate leaches into the soil and groundwater. Less manure and environmental losses The type of feed that cows are given, affects the amount of nitrogen and phosphate produced by manure. The researcher emphasises how relevant it is for dairy farmers to offer their cows the right feed. Of course feeds are provided to keep livestock healthy and to maintain the level of milk production, but it is also important that the resulting production of nitrogen and phosphate with manure does not become unnecessarily high. This is important because farmers are allowed to spread a limited amount of nitrogen and phosphate with manure across the land. This is stated in the Nitrates Directive, a European directive that regulates nitrogen in agriculture to prevent water pollution. Verloop explains: “Cows mainly eat grass, which is high in proteins and produces a great deal of milk, but if the protein content is too high, cows start producing unnecessarily high concentrations of nitrogen in manure. By feeding the dairy cattle with a specific amount of protein, dairy farmers reduce the amount of nitrogen in manure and thus the nitrogen emissions of their cows, without having to reduce the volume of milk.” Methane emissions from cows can also be limited by controlling specific feed materials in the ration mixture. This, however, is a rather expensive approach, which is sometimes perceived by livestock farmers as being too artificial and therefore not suitable for every farm. Lower protein content “By mowing the grass in a certain way and at a specific time, the protein content is reduced, although this can be at the expense of the energy value.” That is why, aside from grass, dairy farmers additionally give cows maize, which contains less protein, or other types of feed concentrates with a lower protein content and more energy. “In the meantime, the optimum amount of protein that cows should get is quite well known”, says Verloop, “but in practice it appears to be difficult to do that properly.” To help farmers with this, WUR developed the “KringloopWijzer”, which gives dairy farmers an insight into the environmental and climate performance of their dairy farms. These include emissions of nitrogen, ammonia and phosphate, which they can take into account. In the meanwhile, the “KringloopWijzer” has become the standard in the dairy sector and is used to calculate and reflect business performance. For example, the sustainability label “On the way to PlanetProof” is in line with this. Herbal-rich grassland Verloop and his colleagues are studying other “opportunities” for dairy farming to work towards fewer emissions, a more sustainable environment and social aspirations. This includes, for example, supporting biodiversity. On some farms there are opportunities to cultivate more herbal-rich grassland. There is a lot of experimentation with flower strips and hedgerows and collaborations with nature organisations. The impact on biodiversity is key, but it is also important to look for ways to make it viable, for which allowances are useful. Carbon capture in the soil has also been suggested to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “Plants extract carbon dioxide from the air and those parts of plants can be preserved in the soil as organic substance”, Verloop explains. He and his colleagues calculated the outcome of this solution; it seems possible to partially compensate for the emissions. In addition, organic substances in the soil contribute to soil fertility. So there is rather a lot of willingness and interest to look at this in practice. Cycle The puzzle is not entirely complete, but thanks to the insights gained in this research project, we have succeeded in reducing the amount of nitrate in the groundwater, and so too the emission of ammonia into the air. Farmers have also managed to make better use of nitrogen and phosphate in animal manure by recovering them through harvested crops. The circulation of these substances from feed to manure, to soil, to plants and back to feed has thus become a more closed circle. There are continuously fewer losses to the environment, and that is the cycle which is the subject of so much debate nowadays. Koos Verloop: “A unique aspect of this project is that farmers, public authorities, advisers and researchers work together constructively to find concrete solutions, to not only improve the situation for the environment but also for dairy farmers. And in doing so, we bring together the pieces of the puzzle.” More recognition It is also in the public interest to develop an approach that will enable dairy farmers to produce in an environmentally-friendly manner in a practical way. One of the development aspects is that it is still difficult for entrepreneurs to make their business performance visible with less environmental pressure. To this end, the “KringloopWijzer” is a powerful tool, which in principle, offers opportunities for public authorities and dairy farms to steer towards goals without imposing the “how”. It is not coincidental that the Cows & Opportunities concept forms the basis for the “KringloopWijzer”. However, the inclusion of this tool in government control could be much better. Collaboration between research, public authorities and the sector is also very important here. Problem: the government wants to implement policies that allow dairy farmers to achieve integrated environmental goals in the areas of climate, biodiversity and circular agriculture while maintaining income. It is quite difficult for dairy farmers to meet all the requirements while remaining economically viable. TO2 Solution: Cows & Opportunities helps dairy farmers with practical know-how and effective solutions to meet the environmental requirements. It provides entrepreneurs with an insight into how different, and sometimes counteracting measures can best be applied at their specific dairy farm, so that emissions of methane and ammonia, and so too the leaching of nitrate, are as low as possible. Impact: one of the solutions is to compose the rationing mixture for cows in such a way that emissions of ammonia and methane are reduced. Putting the cattle out to pasture more frequently also helps. The trick here is to undertake this in such a way that the amount of nitrate leaching into the groundwater is confined for business operations on sand. This often means that a dairy farmer must manage his livestock, rationing mixtures, and crops in such a way, that commodities supplied to the dairy farm (such as feed and fertilizers) are efficiently converted into products, without significant losses. This allows livestock farmers to save on their commodities and produce with fewer losses to the environment. Who: Wageningen University & Research. Duration: the programme has already existed for 25 years over various research periods. Follow-up: in the coming period, researchers want to focus on solutions for loss of the derogation, focusing on the goal, and applicability in policy and regulation.