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[前沿资讯 ] 科研人员开发出可改变物理形态的新型模块化机器人系统 进入全文


美国芝加哥大学研究团队开发出一种名为“Granurobot”的新型自组织模块化机器人系统,该系统可以改变其物理形态,并以最佳方式穿越不同的环境,具有高度适应性和变形能力。受自然界的自组织蜂拥行为和沙堆等颗粒材料的软适应性特性启发,该系统由多个简单组件组成,根据作业环境要求,通过组件局部的物理互动,实现组件的组合或分离,进而形成不同的结构,适应作业环境需要。该技术仅利用物理原理来调整机器人身体结构,而不依赖于任何数字计算。这为开发具有高度适应性和变形能力的机器人系统提供了新方向,有望推动机器人技术的发展。相关研究发表在《科学机器人》(Science Robotics)杂志上。 本文摘自国外相关研究报道,文章内容不代表本网站观点和立场,仅供参考。

[前沿资讯 ] 美国将成立人工智能智能制造研究所 进入全文


美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)将公开征集并资助成立一家新的美国制造研究所,重点是利用人工智能(AI)提高美国制造业的韧性和技术水平。该研究所主要关注制造工艺、新型材料、使能技术、供应链集成和先进制造的其他相关方面,如纳米技术应用、先进陶瓷、光子学和光学、复合材料、生物材料和先进技术材料、微电子工具开发、食品制造、超导体、先进电池技术、先进传感器等。NIST预计五年内向其拨款7000万美元。新授予的人工智能研究所将加入由美国国防部、能源部和商务部资助的17家现有美国制造研究所网络。 本文摘自国外相关研究报道,文章内容不代表本网站观点和立场,仅供参考。

[学术文献 ] Comparative study of soil interaction and driving characteristics of different agricultural and space robots in an agricultural environment 进入全文


This paper investigates four different mobile robots with respect to their driving characteristics and soil preservation properties in an agricultural environment. Thereby, robots of classical design from agriculture as well as systems from space robotics with advanced locomotion concepts are considered to determine the individual advantages of each rover concept with respect to the application domain. Locomotion experiments were conducted to analyze the general driving behavior, tensile force, and obstacle-surmounting capability and ground interaction of each robot. Various soil conditions typical for the area of application are taken into account, which are varied in terms of moisture and density. The presented work covers the specification of the conducted experiments, documentation of the implementation as well as analysis and evaluation of the collected data. In the evaluation, particular attention is paid to the change in driving characteristics under different soil conditions, as well as to the soil stress caused by driving, since soil quality is of critical importance for agricultural applications. The analysis shows that the advanced locomotion concepts, as used in space robotics, also have positive implications for certain requirements in agricultural applications, such as maneuverability in wet conditions and soil conservation. The results show potential for design innovations in agricultural robotics that can be used, to open up new fields of application for instance in the context of precision farming.

[学术文献 ] Robotics in greenhouses. Scoping review 进入全文


One of the main initiatives to increase the profit, production, and quality of greenhouse horticulture, as well as its sustainability, is the use of robots. This paper focusses on the state-of-the-art of the use of robots in greenhouses since the 1980 s on the basis of the PRISMA methodology. It is really a scoping review because the main objective is to map the literature on the application of robotics in greenhouses to identify key features, terminology, context, applications, and scope related to this topic, without critically evaluating individual developments. The authors propose a terminology and a set of criteria to classify the technologies related to greenhouse robotization. Research methodology has been to extract information from scientific databases (mainly Scopus, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and IEEE Xplore) using a combination of filters and keywords related to this topic. Specifically, 330 publications have been identified up to 2023, including 257 in this study. Statistical analyses have been applied to assess the risk of bias and compare the results, showing significant statistical differences. Finally, based on these analyses, conclusions are presented from technical, socioeconomic, and application perspectives, as well as identifying the main R + D + I challenges and opportunities for the development of robots for greenhouse agriculture tasks.

[专业会议 ] International Symposium on Robotics & Automation 进入全文


Agricultural production is challenged by world food demand, the need to reduce agriculture's environmental footprint, the shortage of labor, and unprecedented variations in weather patterns. These stressors are accelerating the pace of innovation in automation and robotic systems which have benefited from the advancements made in machine vision, sensors and actuators, artificial intelligence (AI), and human-robot interactions. This symposium will provide a space where academia, industry, funding agencies, and other stakeholders can exchange knowledge on emerging trends and identify challenges along with opportunities in the fields of automation and robotics in agriculture. The symposium will be held on Monday, 22 July 2024 in Manhattan, KS, USA, in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. Registrants of the 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture can add a registration to the symposium to their order at no additional cost. Hear from renowned National and International experts on recent advances in: Machine vision systems, sensors, and artificial intelligence algorithms to support automation and robotics development Data fusion and processing algorithms to support real-time automation and robotics applications Design and deployment of swarm robots Economics and logistics of adopting robotics systems in row crop production Opportunities and mechanisms for collaboration among academia, government, and industry to advance development and applications of robots in production agriculture

[专业会议 ] Welcome to the 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture 进入全文


The 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture will highlight significant research and its applications in precision agriculture and showcase emerging technologies and information management for agriculture. It will offer oral and poster presentations and exhibits, as well as discussions and exchanges of information on various aspects of precision agriculture. Sessions will offer information on key topics for scientists, crop consultants, advisors, extension personnel, agronomists, producers, and other practitioners. The 16th ICPA will be held at the Manhattan Conference Center in Manhattan, Kansas USA. The purpose of ISPA is to: Organize and conduct the biennial International Conference on Precision Agriculture Develop and maintain a web-portal to communicate the latest developments in Precision Agriculture. Maintain a member listserv to communicate among society members. Publish a monthly ISPA e-newsletter for members and newsletter subscribers Provide members an opportunity for publication of original scientific research in the society sponsored, peer-reviewed journal, Precision Agriculture. We look forward to seeing you in Manhattan, Kansas, USA, 21-24 July 2024!


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