Ecorobotix ARA Ultra-High Precision Sprayer Named a 2025 World Ag Expo Top 10 New Product
Ecorobotix ARA超高精度喷雾机被评为2025年World Ag Expo十大新产品
- 关键词:
- 来源:
- AgPR;Global Ag Tech Initiative;
- 类型:
- 前沿资讯
- 语种:
- 英语
- 原文发布日期:
- 2025-01-20
- 摘要:
- Ecorobotix, an AI companyspecializing in precision agriculture, has announced its ARA Ultra-HighPrecision Sprayer has been recognized as one of the World Ag Expo Top 10 NewProducts for 2025. This prestigious honor highlights Ecorobotix’s innovation inAI-driven agricultural technology.The ARA sprayer will beshowcased at the World Ag Expo, February 11-13, 2025, in Tulare, California.Visit booth S54 to see the ARA sprayer and learn more about the technologydriving this transformative solution.The ARA Ultra-High PrecisionSprayer uses advanced AI Plant-by-Plant™ software to identify and treatindividual plants with unmatched accuracy. Its high-definition cameras andreal-time analysis allow precise treatment on areas as small as 2.4×2.4 inches,reducing chemical use by up to 95%. Usable even in windy or nighttimeconditions, the ARA sprayer is a game-changer for farm profitability.New Algorithms for 2025In addition to the recognitionat World Ag Expo, the Ecorobotix carrot algorithm is now launched as a paidfeature, enhancing the versatility of the ARA Sprayer’s over 20 crop-specificsolutions. Ecorobotix has also introduced nine new beta algorithms for cropslike cauliflower, broccoli, leek, soybean, and cotton, available for testing in2025. Growers are encouraged to test these algorithms free of charge for oneseason with their ARA Sprayer, contributing valuable feedback to further refinealgorithm performance.Join Us at World Ag ExpoDon’t miss your chance toexperience the future of agriculture at booth S54. Attendees are invited toexplore how the ARA sprayer’s cutting-edge technology is revolutionizingagriculture! Learn more at
- 所属专题:
- 63