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[学术文献 ] 复合酶制剂对断奶仔猪生长性能、养分消化率和肠道微生物群落的影响 进入全文


试验旨在评估不同添加量复合酶制剂在高比例大豆蛋白日粮中对断奶仔猪生长性能、日粮养分消化率和肠道菌群的影响。选择初始体重为(6.29±0.12)kg的28日龄杜×长×大断奶仔猪120头,随机分为4组,每组5个重复,每个重复6头,正试期28 d。CEP 0、CEP 250、CEP 500和CEP 750各组在基础日粮中分别添加复合酶制剂0、250、500、750 mg/kg。结果表明:与CEP 0组比较,CEP 500组和CEP 750组提高了试验全期平均日增重、降低全期耗料增重比和腹泻率(P<0.05),并提高了全期粗蛋白质和粗纤维的消化率、1~14 d的日粮干物质消化率(P<0.05),CEP 750组提高了全期木聚糖和甘露聚糖的消化率(P<0.05);复合酶制剂组肠道乳杆菌属和巨型球菌属的相对丰度均高于CEP 0组(P<0.05)。由此可见,在断奶仔猪高比例大豆蛋白日粮中添加500 mg/kg以上复合酶制剂可显著提高营养物质表观消化率,降低腹泻率,提高仔猪的生长性能。

[学术文献 ] 仔猪喂奶系统设计与输送管道优化 进入全文


针对当前仔猪喂奶自动化水平程度较低,劳动强度较大、饲喂效率低下这一问题,设计一种仔猪喂奶系统,开发以PLC控制器为核心的自动控制系统,实现仔猪喂奶过程中加水、控温、搅拌和饲喂等操作的自动化控制,并应用CFD数值模拟探究管径、管道材质、入口温度和管道流速对奶水输送管道压力分布及温度分布的影响,依据仿真结果确定了输送管路的基础参数值,即管道材质为PPR材质、管径为6分管(外径25 mm,壁厚2.8 mm)和管道流速为0.8 m/s。性能试验表明:仔猪配奶罐温度控制精度的平均相对误差为0.91%,温度变化幅度保持在±1℃;仔猪配奶罐温度控制稳定性试验的温度样本标准差为0.226 3℃,变异系数为0.499%;仔猪饲喂点的温度分布范围在36~45℃;仔猪喂奶器压力分布范围在28.36~53.20 kPa。研究结果表明,该仔猪喂奶系统可以正常实现供水、搅拌、加热、循环和排水等功能,各饲喂点的管道压力及温度分布均满足仔猪饲喂要求。

[学术文献 ] Clostridial diarrheas in piglets: A review 进入全文


Clostridium perfringens type C and Clostridioides difficile are the main enteric clostridial pathogens of swine and are both responsible for neonatal diarrhea in this species. The role of Clostridum perfringes type A is under discussion. History, clinical signs, gross lesions and histological findings are the basis for a presumptive diagnosis of C. perfringens type C or C. difficile infection. Confirmation is based upon detection of beta toxin of C. perfringens type C or toxin A/B of C. difficile, respectively, in intestinal contents or feces. Isolation of C. perfringens type C and/or C. difficile is highly suggestive of infection by these microorganisms but it is not enough to confirm a diagnosis as they may be found in the intestine of some healthy individuals. Diagnosis of C. perfringens type A-associated diarrhea is more challenging because the diagnostic criteria have not been well defined and the specific role of alpha toxin (encoded by all strains of this microorganism) and beta 2 toxin (produced by some type A strains) is not clear. The goal of this paper is to describe the main clostridial enteric diseases of piglets, including etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, pathology and diagnosis.

[前沿资讯 ] 国内首批非瘟疫苗来了!3家企业获批,其市场规模或超300亿! 进入全文



[前沿资讯 ] Scientists are developing antibiotic alternatives to treat pigs for PID 进入全文

The Pig Site 官网

Scientists at the University of Nairobi are developing a healthier and more affordable alternative to antibiotics to address a disease in pigs known as porcine infectious diarrhea (PID). The scientists in Kenya are collaborating with counterparts from The Ohio State University to identify probiotics that could save pig farmers the trouble of buying and (mis)using antibiotics. The IDRC-supported project is looking into which probiotics would work best to combat rotavirus in pigs and in what doses. The probiotics under trial are currently being administered in solution form to the farm animals. PID is caused by rotaviruses that animals are exposed to in contaminated environments, said Dr. Joshua Onono, a veterinarian who is leading the team of scientists in the research project. He explained that rotaviruses affect piglets in particular, causing diarrhea that can lead to stunted growth. “They will lose weight and the farmer will spend more on feed,” Onono stated. “This, together with costs incurred in treatment, will eat into the farmer’s profits.”The challenge with rotaviruses, added Onono, is that they spread quickly within a herd and contaminate the environment. They also affect other farm animals like poultry. “The only way for a farmer to rid the farm of the virus is by depleting the infected stock and staying without animals for some time, while disinfecting the farm throughout, before introducing a new and healthy herd,” Onono said. This is a situation that pig farmers like Lydia Karume are keen to avoid. Karume, who has a pig farm in Kenya’s Murang’a County, said that diarrhea is the major cause of death among her piglets. “The diarrhea is usually virulent: in some piglets they start to have diarrhea in the morning and by sunset they are dead,” she said. “As a pig farmer, you need to have medicines — or the money to acquire them — ready at all times so that you can respond quickly,” Karume added.

[前沿资讯 ] 研究首次成功培育3个基因编辑小型猪新品系 进入全文





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