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[学术文献 ] 膨化玉米对断奶仔猪生产性能、养分表观消化率和血清指标的影响 进入全文


试验旨在研究玉米-面粉-去皮豆粕型日粮中用不同比例膨化玉米替代玉米对仔猪生长性能、养分表观消化率、血清免疫指标和抗氧化应激能力的影响。选择180头体重(6.0±0.5 kg)的21日龄杜×长×大去势仔公猪,随机分为3组,每组4个重复,每个重复15头。玉米组日粮含30%玉米,膨化玉米+玉米组日粮含15%膨化玉米+15%玉米,膨化玉米组日粮含30%膨化玉米。试验期14d。记录21~34日龄仔猪腹泻情况、投料量、死淘头数,试验结束时对猪群进行称重;试验第12~14天收集新鲜粪样,测定计算养分表观消化率;前腔静脉采血测定血清免疫指标、氧化应激指标。结果表明:各组断奶仔猪的平均日增重(ADG)、存活率无显著差异,膨化玉米组耗料增重比(F/G)和腹泻率低于其他两组(P<0.05);膨化玉米+玉米组日粮干物质、粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、钙、磷的表观消化率高于玉米组(P<0.01);各组仔猪血清中免疫指标、氧化应激指标均无显著差异,但膨化玉米+玉米组总蛋白(TP)含量、免疫球蛋白(IgA、IgG、IgM)浓度、总超氧化物歧化酶(T-SOD)活性、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性、皮质醇(COR)浓度高于玉米组(P>0.05)。由此说明,在断奶仔猪日粮中用膨化玉米代替玉米可以降低仔猪腹泻率,提高日粮养分消化率,但对生长性能、血清免疫指标、抗氧化应激能力影响不显著。

[前沿资讯 ] 统计局:2022年全国猪牛羊禽肉产量9227万吨,创历史新高 进入全文



[前沿资讯 ] New research: survival of a surrogate ASF virus-like algal virus tested in feed matrices 进入全文

The Pigsite 官网

Because ASFV is a highly contagious virus, and countries such as those in the Americas, Australia and New Zealand where the disease is still absent, research with African swine fever virus (ASFV) can only be conducted in a highly restricted biosecurity level 3 facility. Consequently, this has resulted in only a few laboratories in the world that have regulatory approval to work with this virus. These biosecurity restrictions also limit the capability of evaluating ASFV survival and inactivation in various feed ingredients under real world feed supply chain demonstrations because unlike many RNA viruses, no suitable surrogate has been available for ASFV. African swine fever virus is a member of the Asfarviridae family which is part of a larger group of virus families that are classified as nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses (NCLDVs) and evolved from a common ancestor. These NCLDVs are found in a variety of environments, and can infect humans (Poxviridae), fish (Iridoviridae), insects (Ascoviridae), swine (Asfarviridae), amoeba (Marseilleviridae and Mimiviridae) and algae (Phycodnaviridae). Until now, no surrogate NCLDV with similar features to that of ASFV, nor any other virus with suitable surrogate properties, have been proposed for use in studies to evaluate ASFV survival and inactivation in feed ingredients and complete feeds. Emiliania huxleyi virus strain 86 (EhV-86) is an ecologically important NCLDV which controls blooms of the marine unicellular phytoplankton Emiliania huxleyi and shares many important features with ASFV. Both ASFV and EhV-86 share many physical characteristics, such as complex virion ultrastructure and sensitivity profile to time and temperature exposure. In fact, EhV-86 has recently been shown to be one of the most thermally stable viruses known, with temperatures up to 100°C damaging most of the virus particles yet leaving a subset of intact and potentially viable particles for future re-infections. Given the similarities shared between ASFV and EhV-86, proposed the use of EhV-86 as a surrogate for ASFV. ASFV is stable in a variety of environments, including animal feed ingredients as shown in previous laboratory experiments and simulations. Emiliania huxleyi virus has a restricted host range limited to a species of marine algae called Emiliania huxleyi. This algal NCLDV has many similar morphological and physical characteristics to ASFV thereby making it a safe surrogate, with results that are applicable to ASFV and suitable for use in real-world experiments. The research team inoculated conventional soybean meal (SBMC), organic soybean meal (SBMO), and swine complete feed (CF) matrices with EhV strain 86 (EhV-86) at a concentration of 6.6 × 107 virus g−1, and then transported these samples in the trailer of a commercial transport vehicle for 23 days across 10,183 km covering 29 states in various regions of the United States. Upon return, samples were evaluated for virus presence and viability using a previously validated viability qPCR (V-qPCR) method. Results showed that EhV-86 was detected in all matrices and no degradation in EhV-86 viability was observed after the 23-day transportation event. Additionally, sampling sensitivity (we recorded unexpected increases, as high as 49% in one matrix, when virus was recovered at the end of the sampling period) rather than virus degradation best explains the variation of virus quantity observed after the 23-day transport simulation. Conclusion:Use of the NCLDV EhV-86 as a surrogate for ASFV in experimentally inoculated conventional and organic soybean meal and complete feed based on corn and soybean meal was present in a viable form after a 23-days transcontinental truck transport journey. However, sampling sensitivity rather than virus inactivation best explains the variation of in EhV-86 quantity detected in feed matrices after the 23-days transport period. These results demonstrate for the first time that ASFV-like NCLDVs can retain viability in swine feed matrices during long-term transport across the continental United States, thereby providing evidence for the use of EhV as a surrogate for ASFV for evaluating virus survival and inactivation under real-world demonstrations.

[前沿资讯 ] Lallemand: Yeast fed to sows benefits microbial transfer in offspring and piglet performance post-weaning 进入全文

Feednavigator 官网

New data confirms that supplementation of lactating sow diets with a live yeast had a positive effect on the performance of progeny during the nursery period, says Lallemand Animal Nutrition. The improvement in piglet performance may be partially explained by changes in gut microbiota, said David Saornil, product manager, swine applications, Lallemand Animal Nutrition. The latest research findings from the company on transgenerational effect of feeding yeast to sows was presented at the French swine research congress, Journees de la Recherche Porcine (JRP}, held on January 31 to February 1, and organized by the French swine institute (IFIP} and the French public research institute dedicated to agricultural science, INRAE. Previous data had shown that the live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM I- 1079 (Levucell SB} applied to sows enhances weanling piglets, performance and influences sows, gut microbiota - the microbial maternal imprinting concept, said Lallemand. The objective of the new study was to confirm the effect of Levucell SB (SB} in the sow diet on piglet performance and gut microbiota after weaning. In the current context of pharmacological ZnO removal and antibiotic use reduction in swine production, it is more important than ever to have the best possible start for the progeny, said the company. A piglet that is strong at weaning will be healthier and perform better during the post-weaning stage, it added. In that context, the Lallemand Animal Nutrition swine team has been looking at how sow management and nutrition have a signification influence on piglet development, including aspects like fetal programming or microbial and immune transfer.

[前沿资讯 ] 预计美国2023年猪肉出口量为64亿磅 进入全文


美国农业部2月份发布的最新《牲畜、乳制品和家禽展望》报告称,美国2022年第四季度猪肉出口稳定,出口量接近17亿磅,比2021年同期增长约1.6%,主要是由于对墨西哥和中国的出口同比增加。截至2022年,美国出口总量为63亿磅,比2021年低10%左右。2022年的大部分差额是由于中国猪肉行业的复苏以及中国经济全年的中断,导致对中国香港的出口量下降,这两者都减少了其对外国猪肉的需求。中国政府的数据显示,2022年中国的猪肉进口下降了50%以上,所有主要猪肉出口国都消化了部分急剧减少的猪肉进口。美国猪肉去年在海外市场遭遇重大阻力,因为美元汇率上涨,而美联储(Federal Reserve)为减缓近期高通胀而采取的紧缩货币政策导致美国利率上升。2023年初,美联储的名义广义美元指数显示,与2022年秋季相比,美元有所贬值。这将增强美国猪肉的竞争力,特别是在亚洲市场,那里与欧洲和加拿大出口猪肉的竞争一直很激烈。2023年美国猪肉出口的其他重要决定因素可能是美国宏观经济的总体状况,受到GDP增长、就业创造率和通货膨胀率等变量的影响。总的来说,在其他条件相同的情况下,随着美国经济好转,消费者倾向于增加动物蛋白消费,迫使美国之外的消费者为美国猪肉支付更高的价格,这可能会导致出口量减少。对猪肉进口国而言,宏观经济变量与动物产品消费之间的正对应关系可能在某种程度上也成立。随着经济表现的改善,猪肉进口往往也会随之增加。

[前沿资讯 ] Multiple vaccine candidates in the works for African swine fever - AVMA 进入全文

The pig site 官网

Researchers have been working for years to develop a safe and effective vaccine against African swine fever that's commercially available. The virus continues to spread in Russia and most of Europe and Asia, including China, and as a result, millions of pigs have been depopulated around the world. The disease is both highly contagious and deadly, and it has no cure. According to the American Veterinary Medicine Association, though, there is still hope.  Recently, the agriculture secretary of the Philippines, William Dar, said the Srst trials of an ASF vaccine candidate were being conducted on 10 farms. Vietnam’s deputy minister of agriculture and rural development, Phung Duc Tien, said Vietnam plans to produce and commercialize an ASF vaccine in the third quarter of this year. In addition, an ASF vaccine candidate developed by researchers at the Harbin Veterinary Research Institute at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences have reportedly seen promising results in clinical trials conducted on 3,000 pigs. The successful development of safe and effective modified live vaccines represents a new frontier in protecting swine from African swine fever. More than 35 countries are now impacted by the disease, including the Dominican Republic and Haiti, which reported their first confirmed ASF cases in 2021. In China, outbreaks since August 2018 have killed millions of pigs, with estimates from the American Society for Microbiology suggesting the losses were as high as 225 million pigs. The successful development of safe and effective live attenuated vaccines represents a new frontier in protecting swine from ASF. “Developing a live attenuated virus vaccine is a complex process depending on a variety of factors, and it could take several years to develop and license a vaccine for ASF,” said Christina Lood, senior director of sustainability and innovation communications at Zoetis. Scientists at the University of Connecticut and the US Department of Agriculture have developed a new ASF live attenuated vaccine. This candidate was licensed for commercial development by Zoetis in September 2019. Dr. Guillermo Risatti, professor of pathobiology at UConn’s College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources and director of the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, collaborated with USDA Agricultural Research Service scientists Dr. Manuel Borca and Douglas Gladue, PhD, to develop the vaccine candidate, called ASFV-G-ΔMGF. The CVMDL is one of UConn Extension’s active service centers that works with federal and state veterinary agencies to enhance disease surveillance and response. The ARS previously announced in May 2021 that Drs. Borca and Gladue had developed the ASFV-G- ∆I177L vaccine candidate. The candidate does not rely on live pigs and their cells for vaccine production, which allows for the production of an ASF vaccine on a commercial scale. Building on that work, researchers from Zoetis and the Friedrich Loeffler Institute in Germany conducted trials of ASFV-G-ΔMGF, also a live attenuated vaccine in edible bait for wild boars and intramuscular injection for domestic pigs. According to UConn, both routes demonstrated efficacy against ASF. Lood of Zoetis said the studies demonstrated that this is a promising candidate. “However, more research is needed to better understand safety aspects," she said. "Finding the right balance between efficacy and safety is the essential and most challenging aspect of live attenuated vaccines.”


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