[学术文献 ] 亚麻荠籽饼粕基本营养成分分析 进入全文
试验对亚麻荠籽饼粕基本营养成分进行分析,为亚麻荠籽饼粕开发利用提供科学依据。结果表明,亚麻荠籽饼粕中水分、灰分、水溶性浸出物、醇溶性浸出物、粗纤维、粗蛋白、粗脂肪含量分别为8.10%、5.8%、25.4%、20.8%、18.5%、34.25%、9.62%;五种微量元素铁、钙、锌、锰、铜含量分别为219.7 mg/kg、210.0 mg/kg、56.1 mg/kg、27.9 mg/kg、8.7 mg/kg;17种氨基酸总量为17.001 g/100g,其中7种必需氨基酸含量为8.538 g/100g,占氨基酸总量的50.22%,10种非必需氨基酸含量为8.463 g/100g,占氨基酸总量的49.78%;总多酚和总黄酮含量分别为1.45%、1.28%;胆固醇、菜油甾醇、豆甾醇、β-谷甾醇含量分别为83.6 mg/kg、102.0 mg/kg、6.9 mg/kg、266.4 mg/kg。综上所述,亚麻荠籽饼粕含有丰富的微量元素、氨基酸、胆固醇、菜油甾醇、豆甾醇、β-谷甾醇。亚麻荠籽饼粕在动物饲料的应用中有着重要作用,添加亚麻荠籽饼粕可以改善动物饲料的品质,降低饲料成本,具有开发饲料的价值。
[前沿资讯 ] 发改委:当前生猪产能处于合理区间 预计2023年生猪波动比2022年小 进入全文
[学术文献 ] Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 40 regulates piglet performance, antioxidant capacity, immune status and gut microbiota 进入全文
Probiotics can improve animal growth performance and intestinal health. Bacillus species, Lactobacillus species, Bifidobacterium species, yeast etc. are the common types of probiotics. However, understanding the effects of probiotics on the immune status and gut microbiota of weaning piglets and how the probiotics exert their impact are still limited. This study aimed to investigate the effects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 40 (BA40) on the performance, immune status and gut microbiota of piglets. A total of 12 litters of newborn piglets were randomly divided into 3 groups. Piglets in control group were orally dosed with phosphate buffered saline; BA40 group and probiotics group were orally gavaged with resuspension BA40 and a probiotics product, respectively. The results showed that BA40 treatment significantly decreased (P < 0.05) the diarrhea incidence (from d 5 to 40), diamine oxidase, D-lactate, interleukin (IL)-1β and interferon-γ concentrations compared with control group and probiotics group. Meanwhile BA40 dramatically increased the total antioxidant capacity, IL-10 and secretory immunoglobulin-A concentrations in contrast to control group. For the microbial composition, BA40 modulated the microbiota by improving the abundance of Bacteroides, Phascolarctobacterium (producing short-chain fatty acids) and Desulfovibrio and reducing the proliferation of pathogens (Streptococcus, Tyzzerella, Vellionella and paraeggerthella). Meanwhile, a metabolic function prediction explained that carbohydrate metabolism and amino acid metabolism enriched in BA40 group in contrast to control group and probiotics group. For correlation analysis, the results demonstrated that BA40-enriched Phascolarctobacterium and Desulfovibrio provide insights into strategies for elevating the health status and performance of weaned piglets. Altogether, BA40 exerted stronger ability in decreasing diarrhea incidence and improved antioxidant activity, gut barrier function and immune status of piglets than the other treatments. Our study provided the experimental and theoretical basis for the application of BA40 in pig production.
[学术文献 ] 靶向切割猪Y染色体的CRISPR/Cas9载体构建及功能验证 进入全文
[学术文献 ] Dietary medium chain fatty acid and Bacillus in combination alleviate weaning stress of piglets by regulating intestinal microbiota and barrier function 进入全文
The present study evaluated the effects of dietary medium chain fatty acid (MCFA) and Bacillus on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, antioxidant capacity, colonic fermentation and microbiota of weaning piglets. Four hundred weaned piglets were randomly divided into 4 treatments, with 10 replicates per treatment and 10 pigs per replicate. The treatment included: basal diet (control, CON), basal diet with 0.588 g/kg MCFA (MCF), basal diet with 1.3×10 9 CFU/kg Bacillus (BAC), and basal diet with 0.588g/kg MCFA and 1.3×10 9 CFU/kg Bacillus (SYN). Compared with CON group, the average daily gain (ADG) of MCF and SYN in the early (1-9d) and whole stage (1-36d) of trail were improved (P < 0.05), the feed to gain ratio of MCF in later (10-36d) and whole stage of trial were decreased (P < 0.05), and the diarrhea rate of SYN in the early stage (1-9d) of trial decreased (P < 0.05). The digestibility of dry matter, ether extract, acid detergent fiber digestibility of MCF were decreased (P < 0.05) compared with CON. The serum D-lactic acid in MCF, BAC and SYN were lower (P < 0.05), compared with CON group. Compared with CON group, the contents of total antioxidant capacity, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase were greater (P < 0.05), whereas the content of malondialdehyde and the contents of colonic isobutyrate and isovalerate were lower (P < 0.05) in MCF. The microbial Shannon and Simpson diversity was lower in MCF (P < 0.05) than that in BAC and SYN. The relative abundance of Prevotella was greater (P < 0.05), whereas the Treponema and Oscillibacter were lower (P < 0.05) in MCF than that in BAC and SYN. In addition, the metabolic pathways of bacteria such as pentose phosphate pathway, adenosine nucleotides degradation II were enhanced (P < 0.05), whereas the pathways such as incomplete reductive TCA cycle, and TCA cycle IV (2-oxoglutarate decarboxylase) were decreased (P < 0.05) in MCF compared with BAC. The results indicated that dietary MCFA and Bacillus in combination improved the intestinal barrier function of piglets by changing the intestinal microbiota and its metabolic function, and finally alleviated the diarrhea rate in early weaning stage and improved growth performance in whole trial period. In addition, MCFA was effective in improving feed efficiency and antioxidant capacity of piglets.
[前沿资讯 ] 美国农业部发布的玉米大豆产量预估低于预期 进入全文
1月12日周四,美国农业部发布一月份《世界农业供需估算》。报告称,继续保持对农产品产量下降的关注。在美国政府对该国谷物和大豆产量的预估低于市场预期之后,谷物和大豆价格上涨。该报告认为,这一涨势可能会给今年年初看跌的农产品市场带来冲击。具体来看,美国农业部将全美2022/2023年度玉米产量预估值下调2亿蒲式耳,至137.3亿蒲式耳,理由是每英亩单产的提高被收获面积减少160万英亩所抵消。报告发布后,玉米和大豆期货价格上涨。在报告发布之后,由于阿根廷的玉米和大豆减产幅度超市场预期,这两种农作物的期货价格进一步走高。此外,美国农业部预估,美国的玉米出口将减少1.5亿蒲式耳至19.25亿蒲式耳。饲料和残渣用量也下降,将在2022/2023年度减少2500万蒲式耳至52.75亿蒲式耳。总体来看,2022/2023年度美国玉米库存总量减少1500万蒲式耳,至12.42亿蒲式耳,低于市场预期的13.14亿蒲式耳。当季平均农场出售价不变,为6.7美元/蒲式耳。全球来看,美国农业部对南美玉米产量的估计显示阿根廷的产量潜力减弱,而巴西的产量则更为稳定。阿根廷的玉米产量预估下滑至20.47亿蒲式耳,而巴西预估维持在49.61亿蒲式耳。世界期末库存略有下降,从12月份的117.48亿蒲式耳下降至116.70亿蒲式耳;低于市场预期的平均值117.27亿蒲式耳。美国农业部预计在2022/2023年度,全美大豆将减产6900万蒲式耳,至42.76亿蒲式耳,理由是密苏里州、印第安纳州、伊利诺伊州和堪萨斯州的产量有所下降。 收获面积减少30万英亩,降至8630万英亩。单产预估也下滑0.6蒲式耳/英亩至49.5蒲式耳。美国农业部还将美国大豆出口预测下调5500万蒲式耳,理由是需求减少以及巴西出口增加。期末大豆库存下滑1000万蒲式耳至2.1亿蒲式耳的更紧缩水平。美国农业部的报告发布后,大豆价格上涨20美分至每蒲式耳14.20美元。 豆粕价格也呈上涨趋势,短期上涨15美元至425美元。豆油价格保持不变,为每磅68美分。小麦方面,由于2023年全美冬小麦播种面积增至3700万英亩——这是自2015年以来美国冬小麦播种面积最大的一年,但由于干旱,其中一些种植冬小麦的田地最终将被撂荒,因此小麦价格仍可能上涨。世界期末小麦库存走高,从12月的98.22亿蒲式耳上升至98.61亿蒲式耳。 全球主要小麦生产地区中,加拿大和俄罗斯的产量不变,欧盟的产量增加1500万蒲式耳至49.49亿蒲式耳。除了谷物之外,美国农业部提到,有史以来最严重的禽流感正在肆虐北美鸡蛋行业,美国农业部再次小幅下调了预估。创纪录的鸡蛋价格意味着食品通胀仍在肆虐,即使培根等某些食品的价格正在下降。