[前沿资讯 ] 2024年农业农村部积极推进种业振兴行动种质资源保护利用工作取得新进展新突破 进入全文
2024年,农业农村部积极推进种业振兴行动,种质资源保护利用工作取得新进展新突破。 圆满完成农业种质资源普查。完成新中国成立以来实施规模最大、覆盖范围最广、参与人数最多的全国农业种质资源普查,基本摸清了我国农业种质资源种类数量、区域分布、特征特性等家底。新收集农作物资源13.9万份、采集制作畜禽遗传材料107万份,对746个濒危作物资源、61个濒危畜禽地方品种进行抢救性保护,做到了应查尽查、应保尽保,育种创新的资源基础更加坚实。 加快推进种质资源精准鉴定。按照大豆玉米油菜、水稻小麦棉花糖料橡胶及大宗蔬菜果树、重要经济作物、小宗作物的顺序依次推进,目前已启动了60种农作物精准鉴定工作,累计完成36万份资源的基因型鉴定(占库存资源的64.3%),5万份资源的三年期多点表型鉴定(占核心种质资源的27.8%)。其中,库存大豆、玉米资源基因型鉴定全部完成,表型鉴定比例超过50%。累计鉴定出具有高产、优质、抗逆等性状种质资源2208份,包括耐密高产高油和耐荫大豆、耐密高产和抗旱粒收玉米、可再生水稻、抗赤霉病高产小麦、短生育期机收油菜等。每年组织10次左右的田间展示活动,向育种企业、科研单位等进行分发7000余次。完成708个畜禽品种样品采集,构建具有自主知识产权的猪分子身份证DNA特征库,已基本完成牛、羊、鸡等其余12个畜种分子身份证构建工作。组装了藏猪、香猪和北京油鸡等3个参考基因组。 深入推进种质资源共享交流。立足产业需求和育种创新需要,发布可供利用农作物种质资源目录,涉及粮食、油料、蔬菜、果树以及棉麻等109种作物,供各类育种创新主体获取。加大优异资源展示力度,向社会公众推介好资源,向社会遴选发布140份优异农作物种质资源,公开推介一批资源开发典型案例,有力支撑了我国种业科研和育种创新。在中国农民丰收节、国际生物多样性日等活动期间,开展种质资源科普日活动,推介好资源,讲好资源故事。 持续完善种质资源保护体系。构建了以国家长期库及其复份库为核心,15个中期库、56个种质圃为依托,440个省级库(圃)为补充的农作物种质资源保护体系,国家层面长期保存农作物种质资源56万份。确定了227个国家级畜禽遗传资源保种场(区、库),实现159个国家级保护品种活体保护全覆盖,长期保存畜禽遗传材料135万份。各省区市建立省级保种场(区、库)671个,基本形成了国家和省两级管理、分级负责、有机衔接的畜禽遗传资源保护机制。61个濒危畜禽遗传资源的群体规模持续增长。确定国家级农业微生物库种质资源库27个,初步构建了以国家农业微生物种质资源综合性长期库为核心、地方专业性资源库为支撑的农业微生物种质资源保护与利用体系。
[学术文献 ] Harnessing genetic diversity in cotton for enhanced resilience against salt stress by using agro-physiological characters 进入全文
Creating salt-tolerant genotypes is crucial for maximizing the productivity under salinized land. To evaluate genetic diversity for salt tolerance, 35 diverse cotton accessions were screened under 17 dS m-1 salt stress conditions using 20 agronomic and physiological traits relevant to salt tolerance. The general linear model analysis indicated significant salinity impacts across the studied accessions, and genotype x treatment effects were also significant for all parameters examined. Among all 35 studied accessions; the genotypes CCB-1, CCB-2, CCB-28, CCB-3, CCB-4, Ghauri-1, JSQ-70, and JSQ-71 showed considerably higher performance for plant height, boll per plant, boll weight, lint percentage, seed cotton yield and fiber quality traits under salt stress. Physiological traits, chlorophyll and carotenoid contents, total soluble proteins, K+, and K+/Na+ were reduced under saline conditions, while biochemical traits such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, H2O2 and MDA level increased. The genotypes CCB-17, CCB-18, CCB-19, CCB-20, CCB-21, CCB-22, Hatf-3, Badar-1, Eagle-2, Eagle-4, CCB-23, CCB-24, CCB-25, CCB-26 and CCB-28 exhibited lower values for agro-physiological and fiber quality character respectively, signifying their sensitivity to salt stress. Under salinity, these genotypes showed reduced antioxidant levels and increased values for K+/Na+, Na+, H2O2, and MDA contents. Whereas the genotypes CCB-5, CCB-6, CCB-7, CCB-8, CCB-9, CCB-10, CCB-11, CCB-12, CCB-13, CCB-14, CCB-15, and CCB-16 demonstrated moderate performance for these traits under salt stress conditions respectively. Utilizing multivariate analysis techniques (cluster and PCA), 35 genotypes have been categorized into three groups based on studied traits: tolerant (cluster-1), moderately tolerant (cluster-2), and susceptible (cluster-3) under saline conditions.
[学术文献 ] Calculation and evaluation of cotton lint carbon footprint based on different cotton straw treatment methods: A case study of Northwest China 进入全文
At present, although there have been many studies on the carbon footprint (CF) of cotton, only a few studies have comprehensively considered the carbon sequestration effect of cotton. The raw material extraction stage of cotton can be divided into two stages: the cotton cultivation-harvesting stage and the ginning stage. During the cultivation stage, cotton plants exhibit a carbon sequestration effect due to photosynthesis, and the biomass produced is ultimately transferred to seed cotton and cotton straw. In this study, quantitative models for carbon sequestration effect during the raw material extraction stage were established based on the carbon sequestration pathways of cotton plants and three treatment methods of cotton straw. The CF allocation principles between main and by-products have been determined as economic relationships and mass relationships. Based on these four carbon sequestration models and two allocation relationships, six different scenarios were proposed to optimize the CF of producing 1 ton of cotton lint during this stage. Results indicate that the CF of 1 ton of cotton lint harvested during the raw material extraction stage was negative in all six scenarios, suggesting carbon reduction. Converting cotton straw into biomass fuel after harvesting sequesters more carbon compared to crushing and returning it to the field. Economic allocation results in a higher CF value for cotton lint compared to mass allocation. The primary contributors to the CF of cotton lint are fertilizer, electricity, and agricultural films. This study offers valuable methodological and technical insights for assessment on cotton fiber textiles, with potential implications for emissions reduction and fostering sustainable development within this industry.
[学术文献 ] The transcription factor GhMYB4 represses lipid transfer and sucrose transporter genes and inhibits fiber cell elongation in cotton 进入全文
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) fiber is a highly elongated single cell with a thickened cell wall. MYB transcription factors are important regulators of plant cell elongation; however, the molecular mechanism involved in regulating fiber elongation remains to be explored. Here, we present evidence that the R2R3-MYB transcription factor GhMYB4 negatively regulates cotton fiber cell elongation by suppressing the expression of 2 crucial genes previously reported to affect fiber development: lipid transfer protein 4 (GhLTP4) and sucrose transporter 12 (GhSWEET12). GhMYB4 is preferentially expressed in elongating fiber cells. Knockdown of GhMYB4 in cotton results in longer fiber cells, whereas overexpression of GhMYB4 in Arabidopsis leads to reduced plant height and root length. Transcriptomic and lipidomic analyses revealed that GhMYB4 is involved in coordinating 3 interconnected biological processes, namely lipid content regulation, auxin signaling, and sugar metabolism. Additionally, we showed that GhMYB4 inhibits the expression of GhLTP4 and GhSWEET12 by binding to the MYB cis-element (TTTAGTG) in their respective promoters. Interestingly, basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor 105 (GhbHLH105) and MYB transcription factor 212 (GhMYB212) counteract the inhibitory effects of GhMYB4 on the expression of GhLTP4 and GhSWEET12, respectively. These findings provide insights into the complex molecular mechanisms regulating plant cell elongation. The interplay between 2 transcription factors modulates the gene expression of a lipid transfer protein and a sucrose transporter, ultimately regulating fiber cell elongation in cotton.
[学术文献 ] Revolutionizing cotton cultivation: A comprehensive review of genome editing technologies and their impact on breeding and production 进入全文
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), a vital global cash crop, significantly impacts both the agricultural and industrial sectors, providing essential fiber for textiles and valuable byproducts such as cottonseed oil and animal feed. The cultivation of cotton supports millions of livelihoods worldwide, particularly in developing regions, making it a cornerstone of rural economies. Despite its importance, cotton production faces numerous challenges, including biotic stresses from pests and diseases, and abiotic stresses like drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures. These challenges necessitate innovative solutions to ensure sustainable production. Genome editing technologies, particularly CRISPR/Cas9, have revolutionized cotton breeding by enabling precise genetic modifications. These advancements hold promise for developing cotton varieties with enhanced resistance to pests, diseases, and environmental stresses. Early genome editing tools like ZFNs and TALENs paved the way for more precise modifications but were limited by complexity and cost. The introduction of CRISPR/Cas-based technology with its simplicity and efficiency, has dramatically transformed the field, making it the preferred tool for genome editing in crops. Improved version of the technology like CRISPR/Cas12a, CRISPR/Cas13, base and prime editing, developed from CRISPR/Cas systems, provide additional tools with distinct mechanisms, further expanding their potential applications in crop improvement. This comprehensive review explores the impact of genome editing on cotton breeding and production. It discusses the technical challenges, including off-target effects and delivery methods for genome editing components, and highlights ongoing research efforts to overcome these hurdles. The review underscores the potential of genome editing technologies to revolutionize cotton cultivation, enhancing yield, quality, and resilience, ultimately contributing to a sustainable future for the cotton industry.
[学术文献 ] Spatiotemporal regulation of anther's tapetum degeneration paved the way for a reversible male sterility system in cotton 进入全文
Male sterility is an important agronomical trait in self-pollinating plants for producing cost-effective F1 hybrids to harness the heterosis. Still, large-scale development and maintenance of male sterile lines and restoring fertility in F1 hybrids pose significant challenges in plant hybrid breeding. Cotton is a self-pollinating crop and exhibits strong hybrid vigor. However, there are currently few breeding methods to achieve cost-effective production of F1 hybrid cotton. Here, we utilized novel functions of the Arabidopsis autophagy-related BECLIN1/ATG6 and a mutant of E3 ubiquitin ligase COP1 (COP1L105A) genes in developing rescuable male sterility in cotton. We have generated multiple male-sterile (MS) and restorer (RS) cotton lines expressing BECLIN1 and COP1L105A, respectively. Cytological observation showed that post-meiotic tapetal expression of BECLIN1 delays tapetum developmental programmed cell death (dPCD) by affecting reactive oxygen species (ROS) balance-this delay in dPCD results in early microspore defects and later small-sized flowers with indehiscent anthers. Furthermore, the evaluation of F1 hybrids developed by crossing MS and RS lines showed that early tapetal COP1L105A expression abolishes expression of BECLIN1 resulting in normal tapetum degeneration, pollen development, and fertility. In addition, the F1 hybrid developed with MS and RS cotton lines in transgenic glass-house and net-house conditions showed the rescued fertility comparable with control plants (WT). In terms of cotton fiber productivity, the COP1L105A-expressing transgenic cotton lines outperformed the WT. The current work effectively demonstrates the wider applicability of the new F1 cotton production system.