[学术文献 ] Combining suitable brown lint color, fiber quality, and yield in F2 cotton hybrids 进入全文
Naturally colored cotton is eco-friendly because its use in textiles does not require dyeing, and textiles made from colored cotton are the best for human health. Despite their many advantages, the low yields and unfavorable quality traits of colored cotton varieties limit extensive production. Therefore, F1 and F2 populations of inter- specific ( Gossypium hirsutum L. x Gossypium barbadense L.) and intraspecific ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) cotton hybrids were examined to develop brown-colored cotton varieties with superior traits. Gelincik and Nazilli Deve T & uuml;y & uuml; (NDT)-15 varieties ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) with brown-colored lint were used as female parents. The male parents included Giza-75, Bahar-82 ( Gossypium barbadense L.), Fiona, May-455, I(center dot)pek-607 and Claudia ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) varieties with white-colored lint. According to the line x tester mating design, 12 hybrid combinations were obtained. F1 populations had higher yield and fiber length values than their parents and F2 populations. F2 populations had more unfavorable color values (L: whiteness, a*: red-green, and b*: yellow-blue) than their colored parents but were superior to F1s. The ratio of general combination ability variance to specific combination ability variance was less than 1, indicating that yield, ginning out-turn, fiber quality, and color parameters were controlled by non-additive genes. In the biplot graph, color and fiber parameters are located in the opposite direction from yield, indicating that it is difficult to develop colored cotton with high yield and fiber quality. Among the 960 F2 single plants evaluated, ten plants were carefully selected according to the optimization of yield, fiber quality, and color values. Based on potential diallel crosses of the ten selected plants, it was decided to begin a recurrent selection with that population. Furthermore, it was determined that F2 seeds of Nazilli DT-15 x I(center dot)pek-607 and Gelincik x Giza-75 combinations may be successfully given to farmers.
[前沿资讯 ] 首个棉花纤维起始发育单细胞时空组学图谱发布 进入全文
近日,中国农业科学院棉花研究所乡村振兴科技创新团队牵头构建了首个结合单细胞转录组、空间转录组及空间代谢组的棉花纤维起始发育图谱。利用该图谱可以识别关键基因的表达模式及其与代谢途径的关系,深入剖析纤维发育过程中的核心调控机制。相关研究成果发表在《自然通讯(Nature Communications)》上。 棉花纤维是由种子外表皮表面的单细胞发育而来,在种子发育的早期阶段大约25%的胚珠表皮细胞分化成棉絮纤维。解析决定细胞发育命运及调控棉纤维起始和延伸的机制将为提高棉花纤维产量和品质提供新途径。 该研究绘制了棉花纤维早期发育的单细胞转录组图谱、空间转录组图谱及空间代谢组图谱,构建了一个多层次的棉花纤维起始发育的动态调控网络,不仅能够高分辨率捕捉纤维细胞发育过程中的基因表达模式,还能揭示与基因表达密切相关的代谢变化,填补了目前在纤维细胞发育研究中的技术空白。利用该图谱,该研究鉴定到一批调控纤维起始发育的关键基因。研究结果从单细胞水平全面解析了纤维起始发育过程中动态的调控网络,为棉纤维发育研究提供了重要数据资源,也为棉花精准育种提供了理论支撑。 该研究得到了国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等项目的支持。
[前沿资讯 ] 我国科学家成功将棉花秸秆转化为饲用微生物蛋白 进入全文
近日,中国农业科学院棉花研究所李付广研究员团队成功将棉花秸秆转化为微生物蛋白,为棉花秸秆高值化利用和饲料蛋白资源开发提供了新路径。相关成果发表在生物质利用知名期刊《生物资源技术》(Bioresource Technology)上。 2023年,我国饲料用量占粮食消耗的53%,饲用蛋白资源短缺,大豆进口依赖度超80%,畜牧业的健康可持续发展受到严重制约。将丰富的农业秸秆资源转化为饲用蛋白饲料是解决上述问题的可行途径。 棉花是我国重要的经济作物,常年种植面积4500万亩。棉花生物质主要由纤维、棉籽和棉秆组成,三者的比例约为1∶1.5∶5,秸秆生物量占比最大。2024年我国棉纤维产量为616.4万吨,按照谷草比为1∶5计算,棉花秸秆产生量约为3000万吨。目前,棉秸秆主要的处理方式为还田和焚烧,造成了资源浪费。与其他禾本科类农作物秸秆相比,棉花秸秆具有木质化特性,其转化利用更为困难。通过生物合成与生物转化技术,将难以处理的棉秸秆转化为微生物蛋白,不仅可以为畜牧业提供充足的蛋白饲料,而且将有力推动棉花产业的可持续发展。 棉花秸秆主要由纤维素、半纤维素和木质素组成,纤维素和半纤维素约占65%~85%。纤维素和半纤维素经水解后产生葡萄糖和木糖,两者可被微生物转化为多种高附加值产物。然而,自然界中多数微生物可以利用葡萄糖,但是可以有效利用木糖的微生物较少。筛选可同时高效利用葡萄糖和木糖的微生物是秸秆水解液高效转化的关键之一。 该研究首先解析了棉花秸秆不同部位木质纤维素的基本特征,进而评估了这些部位作为木质纤维素原料的潜力,为棉花秸秆的原料化利用奠定了理论基础。通过进一步筛选多种微生物,获得了能够高效利用葡萄糖和木糖合成蛋白质的高效底盘细胞,经过发酵技术将棉花秸秆水解液转化为了微生物蛋白,蛋白质含量达到70%。该蛋白氨基酸含量丰富,最高产量为5.74g/L,糖转化率达到0.23g/g。通过物料平衡计算得出,1吨棉花秸秆可产生约84公斤蛋白和36公斤碳水化合物。理论上,按照此工艺我国每年的棉花秸秆可以产生约250万吨蛋白和100万吨碳水化合物。剩余的秸秆残留物质主要为木质素,可进一步转化为腐殖酸和化肥缓释剂等,以实现棉秆的全组分利用,提升棉秆转化的整体经济性。 该研究得到了国家自然科学基金和棉花生物育种与综合利用全国重点实验室自主课题等项目的支持。
[前沿资讯 ] 华中农业大学张献龙院士团队通过启动子操作创制耐高温棉花新种质 进入全文
全球气候变暖的持续加剧,极端高温天气对农作物生产的的威胁愈发严峻。棉花,作为全球重要的经济作物和我国纺织业的战略支柱,其生产受到夏季频发极端高温的严重挑战。高温与棉花花铃期的高度同步,导致花粉失活、花药不开裂、蕾铃脱落等问题,严重影响了棉花的产量和品质,成为制约棉花产业高质量发展的关键瓶颈。因此,培育能够抵御高温影响的耐热性棉花已成为育种领域的迫切需求。 华中农业大学棉花遗传改良团队在Science China Life Sciences发表题为“Reversing anther thermotolerance by manipulating the cis-elements in the promoter of a high-temperature upregulated gene Casein Kinase I in upland cotton”的研究论文。研究团队通过精确编辑棉花关键高温响应基因GhCKI的启动子区域,成功培育出能够抵御高温的棉花新品系,为棉花耐热性育种提供了全新的基因资源与分子育种技术。 研究团队前期发现,高温下负向调控棉花雄性育性的关键基因GhCKI,其过量表达和基因表达敲低均会导致严重的雄性不育,限制了其在耐高温育种上的应用。为了突破这一局限,研究者转向基因启动子的编辑,以期通过微调基因的表达水平或模式来有效利用GhCKI基因。利用单细胞ATAC-seq数据对GhCKI启动子区域的染色质开放区域进行了深入分析,并结合此前发现的GhCKI启动子上两个对高温胁迫响应至关重要的MYB转录因子结合位点,设计了12个sgRNA。随后,运用CRISPR/Cas9和CRISPR/Cpf1基因编辑技术对GhCKI启动子进行了精确编辑和敲除。经过编辑检测,发现编辑事件主要为大片段的缺失,并根据基因型将GhCKI启动子编辑植株分为八大类(GhCKI-pro1~GhCKI-pro8)。 这些编辑事件降低了基因的表达水平,进一步表型分析显示,GhCKI表达量下降过多的突变体在常温下出现明显的雄性不育,而GhCKI表达下降适中的突变体在常温下花药发育正常。高温处理后,GhCKI表达量仍然处于适中水平的两个突变体(GhCKI-pro5, GhCKI-pro6)其花药发育正常,花粉活力和开裂率显著高于野生型,表现出明显的耐高温表型。 研究进一步解析了GhCKI-pro5, GhCKI-pro6耐高温的分子调控机制,发现MYB类转录因子GhMYB73和GhMYB4可以结合于GhCKI启动子上的两个MYB结合位点,正向调控GhCKI基因在高温胁迫下的表达,当GhCKI启动子上的MYB结合位点或其侧翼序列被敲除后,会阻碍GhMYB73和GhMYB4在高温下激活GhCKI的表达,从而帮助GhCKI-pro5, GhCKI-pro6在极端高温条件下维持正常的花药发育。 研究不仅揭示了GhCKI基因在棉花耐高温育种中的重要作用,更为未来培育高产、优质、耐热的棉花新品种奠定了坚实基础。此外,该研究为其他作物的重要基因通过启动子编辑,提高耐热性提供了新思路,为应对全球气候变暖带来的农业生产挑战提供了技术支持。
[学术文献 ] Spatiotemporal transcriptome and metabolome landscapes of cotton fiber during initiation and early development 进入全文
Cotton fibers are single cells that develop from the epidermal cells in the outer integument of developing seeds. The processes regulating fiber cell development have been extensively studied; however, the spatiotemporal transcriptome and metabolome profiles during the early stages of fiber development remain largely unknown. In this study, we profile the dynamics of transcriptome and metabolome during the early stages of cotton fiber cell development using a combination of spatial transcriptomic, single-cell transcriptomic, and spatial metabolomic analyses. We identify the key genes (e.g., DOX2, KCS19.4, BEE3, and HOS3.7) and metabolites (e.g., linoleic acid, spermine, spermidine, and alpha-linolenic acid) that may regulate the early development of fiber cells. Finally, knockdown and gain-of-function analyses identify the crucial role of GhBEE3/Gh_A09G062900 in cotton fiber initiation. We also construct a publicly accessible website (https://cotton.cricaas.com.cn/ovule/) for visualization of the spatiotemporal gene expression in cotton, providing a reference dataset for further studies on cotton fiber development.
[学术文献 ] Spatiotemporal transcriptome and metabolome landscapes of cotton somatic embryos 进入全文
Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is a developmental process related to the regeneration of tissue-cultured plants, which serves as a useful technique for crop breeding and improvement. However, SE in cotton is difficult and elusive due to the lack of precise cellular level information on the reprogramming of gene expression patterns involved in somatic embryogenesis. Here, we investigate the spatial and single-cell expression profiles of key genes and the metabolic patterns of key metabolites by integrated single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq), spatial transcriptomics (ST), and spatial metabolomics (SM). To evaluate the results of these analyses, we functionally characterized the potential roles of two representative marker genes, AATP1 and DOX2, in the regulation of cotton somatic embryo development. A publicly available web-based resource database (https://cotton.cricaas.com.cn/somaticembryo/) in this study provides convenience for future studies of the expression patterns of marker genes at specific developmental stages during the process of SE in cotton.