[学术文献 ] Sweat permeable and ultrahigh strength 3D PVDF piezoelectric nanoyarn fabric strain sensor 进入全文
Commercial wearable piezoelectric sensors possess excellent anti-interference stability due to their electronic packaging. However, this packaging renders them barely breathable and compromises human comfort. To address this issue, we develop a PVDF piezoelectric nanoyarns with an ultrahigh strength of 313.3 MPa, weaving them with different yarns to form three-dimensional piezoelectric fabric (3DPF) sensor using the advanced 3D textile technology. The tensile strength (46.0 MPa) of 3DPF exhibits the highest among the reported flexible piezoelectric sensors. The 3DPF features anti-gravity unidirectional liquid transport that allows sweat to move from the inner layer near to the skin to the outer layer in 4 s, resulting in a comfortable and dry environment for the user. It should be noted that sweating does not weaken the piezoelectric properties of 3DPF, but rather enhances. Additionally, the durability and comfortability of 3DPF are similar to those of the commercial cotton T-shirts. This work provides a strategy for developing comfortable flexible wearable electronic devices. Electronic packaging causes piezoelectric sensors to be airtight, resulting in poor wearing comfort. To address this issue, the authors develop a 3D all-fiber piezoelectric sensor with sweat permeable using the advanced 3D textile technology.
[前沿资讯 ] 浙江大学棉花团队揭示棉花苞叶发育新机制 进入全文
棉花通常具有三片苞叶,位于蕾铃外部,具有保护花和种子免受外界不良环境的影响以及承担一部分的光合作用。窄卷苞叶是棉花苞叶突变体的一种,于1945年在美国阿堪萨斯州的一个农场被发现。窄卷苞叶突变体苞叶长而狭窄,与蕾铃贴合不紧密,是棉花育种上一个重要的抗虫性状和机采性状。该突变体发现距今已有半个世纪之久,但调控该性状的基因却没有被克隆。 近日,浙江大学棉花精准育种团队在国际知名期刊Advanced Science杂志发表了题为“A CC-NB-ARC-LRR Gene Regulates Bract Morphology in Cotton”的研究论文。该研究克隆了棉花窄卷苞叶基因,解析了苞叶发育的分子机制。 该研究通过TM-1和T582的F2作图群体成功克隆窄卷苞叶基因(fg),并利用病毒诱导基因沉默技术(Virus-induced genes silencing, VIGS)、基因编辑技术(CRISPR/Cas9)、RNA干扰技术(RNA interference, RNAi)、单细胞转录组技术等进行了基因功能验证及作用机制解析,并初步提出了一个关于窄卷苞叶和正常苞叶形成的模式。该研究也为进一步研究苞叶形态建成的分子调控机制奠定了重要的研究基础。 此外,利用该研究中开发的分子标记进行辅助选择,将窄卷苞叶表型导入到新疆零式果枝长绒棉品种中,培育出一个新型的窄卷苞叶型长绒棉新品系Gb.CB。该材料可在一定程度上解决长绒棉机采过程中由苞叶导致的纤维含杂率过高的问题,欢迎育种单位合作开发利用。 该论文的第一作者是现代种业所博士生严孙艺、新农院副研究员司占峰、博士生齐国安,胡艳教授为论文的通讯作者。张天真教授为本研究提供了诸多建议和帮助。博士后玄丽莎,在读博士研究生何璐、李笑然,已毕业博士研究生曹译文参与了部分研究。该研究受到农业生物育种重大项目的支持。
[前沿资讯 ] 华中农业大学团队研究最新研究解析了不同棉种纤维品质形成的遗传调控共性和分歧模块 进入全文
据华中农业大学消息,该校棉花遗传改良团队的最新研究解析了不同棉种纤维品质形成的遗传调控共性和分歧模块,开辟了棉花生物育种优异遗传资源精准创制的新途径。该研究为通过种间靶向渗入实现纤维品质改良提供了支撑,相关研究成果近日发表在国际学术期刊《自然·遗传学》上。 “我国是棉花生产大国、消费大国,但优质棉短缺是我国棉花产业链的短板之一。”论文第一作者、华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室博士后李健英介绍,当前我国棉花主要栽培种是异源四倍体陆地棉,而在20世纪以前我国长期种植的棉花是二倍体亚洲棉。将二倍体亚洲棉与异源四倍体陆地棉遗传资源进行比较研究,挖掘种间平行选择和特异利用的基因,是拓宽异源四倍体陆地棉的遗传多样性,从而提升纤维品质的重要途径。 据介绍,研究团队从216份亚洲棉材料中挑选出15份材料进行了PacBio测序。又根据3606份陆地棉材料的进化树、表型变异、地理分布等要素,从中挑选了部分半野生种系和栽培种系材料进行测序,组装了15份亚洲棉和35份陆地棉材料的基因组,并分别构建了基于基因和结构变异的泛基因组。研究团队由此解析了陆地棉半野生种系到栽培种系镶嵌的基因组结构图谱,鉴定出半野生种系向栽培种系的高可变渐渗热点区域。 李健英表示,该研究解析了基因组结构变异从陆地棉半野生种系向栽培种系渐渗的图谱,发现大多数控制纤维品质的遗传位点在亚洲棉和陆地棉是独立存在的,说明控制二者纤维品质的遗传位点差异很大,为将来利用亚洲棉中独特的优异变异改良陆地棉的纤维品质提供了靶点。
[学术文献 ] Combined bulked segregant analysis and Kompetitive Allele-Specific PCR genotyping identifies candidate genes related to the node of the first fruiting branch in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) 进入全文
The node of the first fruiting branch (NFFB) is a credible morphological indicator for the identification of early maturity in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). In this study, a large F2 population resulting from a cross between genotypes 'XSK28' (early-maturity) and 'TM-1' (late-maturity) was constructed to identify candidate genes for the NFFB in upland cotton by bulked segregant analysis (BSA) and Kompetitive Allele-Specific PCR (KASP) genotyping. A total of 2,120,783 high-quality single-nucleotide polymorphisms were detected between two parents and between two DNA pools. By BSA technology, a candidate region of 7.2-Mb on chromosome A09 was identified as the target QTL region for the NFFB. Subsequently, QTL mapping and t-test based on KASP genotyping narrowed the QTL region to 260 kb, containing 20 functionally annotated genes. The quantitative reverse transcription PCR results showed the expression levels of two candidate genes, namely Gh_A09G087700 and Gh_A09G087800, in the early-maturity parent 'XSK28' were significantly lower than in the late-maturity parent 'TM-1' at all three stages of flower bud growth. These two genes may be involved in regulating the formation of the NFFB and can be regarded as promising candidate genes. The study provids valuable information for further revealing the molecular mechanism of the NFFB and marker-assisted selection breeding of cotton early maturity.
[学术文献 ] AtZAT10/STZ1 improves drought tolerance and increases fiber yield in cotton 进入全文
Drought poses a significant challenge to global crop productivity, necessitating innovative approaches to bolster plant resilience. Leveraging transgenic technology to bolster drought tolerance in crops emerges as a promising strategy for addressing the demands of a rapidly growing global populace. AtZAT10/STZ1, a C2H2-type zinc finger protein transcription factor has shown to significantly improve Arabidopsis' tolerance to various abiotic stresses. In this study, we reports that AtSTZ1 confers notable drought resistance in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), amplifying cotton fiber yield under varying conditions, including irrigated and water-limited environments, in field trials. Notably, AtSTZ1-overexpressing transgenic cotton showcases enhanced drought resilience across critical growth stages, including seed germination, seedling establishment, and reproductive phases. Morphological analysis reveals an expanded root system characterized by an elongated taproot system, increased lateral roots, augmented root biomass, and enlarged cell dimensions from transgenic cotton plants. Additionally, higher contents of proline, chlorophyll, soluble sugars, and enhanced ROS-scavenging enzyme activities are observed in leaves of transgenic plants subjected to drought, underscoring improved physiological adaptations. Furthermore, transgenic lines exhibit heightened photosynthetic rate, increased water use efficiency, and larger stomatal and epidermal cell sizes, coupled with a decline in leaf stomatal conductance and density, as well as diminished transpiration rates compared to the wild type counterparts. Transcriptome profiling unveils 106 differentially expressed genes in transgenic cotton leaves post-drought treatment, including protein kinases, transcription factors, aquaporins, and heat shock proteins, indicative of an orchestrated stress response. Collectively, these findings underscore the capacity of AtSTZ1 to augment the expression of abiotic stress-related genes in cotton following drought conditions, thus presenting a compelling candidate for genetic manipulation aimed at enhancing crop resilience.
[学术文献 ] Regulation of lignin biosynthesis by GhCAD37 affects fiber quality and anther vitality in upland cotton 进入全文
Cotton stands as a pillar in the textile industry due to its superior natural fibers. Lignin, a complex polymer synthesized from phenylalanine and deposited in mature cotton fibers, is believed to be essential for fiber quality, although the precise effects remain largely unclear. In this study, we characterized two ubiquitously expressed cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenases (CAD), GhCAD37A and GhCAD37D (GhCAD37A/D), in Gossypium hirsutum. GhCAD37A/D possess CAD enzymatic activities, to catalyze the generation of monolignol products during lignin biosynthesis. Analysis of transgenic cotton knockout and overexpressing plants revealed that GhCAD37A/D are important regulators of fiber quality, positively impacting breaking strength but negatively affecting fiber length and elongation percentage by modulating lignin biosynthesis in fiber cells. Moreover, GhCAD37A/D are shown to modulate anther vitality and affect stem lodging trait in cotton by influencing lignin biosynthesis in the vascular bundles of anther and stem, respectively. Additionally, our study revealed that Ghcad37A/D knockout plants displayed red stem xylem, likely due to the overaccumulation of aldehyde intermediates in the phenylpropanoid metabolism pathway, as indicated by metabolomics analysis. Thus, our work illustrates that GhCAD37A/D are two important enzymes of lignin biosynthesis in different cotton organs, influencing fiber quality, anther vitality, and stem lodging.