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[学术文献 ] Application of chitosan in the cultivation of colored fiber cotton 'BRS Jade' under water restriction 进入全文


In the semi-arid region of Northeastern Brazil, temporal and spatial variations in rainfall are common, resulting in water limitations that significantly impact production, especially of cotton. In this context, chitosan may serve as a strategy to minimize the effects of water deficits by enhancing water and nutrient absorption. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of different concentrations of chitosan as a mitigator of water restriction in the cultivation of the naturally colored fiber cotton variety 'BRS Jade'. The plants were cultivated in drainage lysimeters under greenhouse conditions. A completely randomized design was implemented using a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement, which included two levels of irrigation (100% and 50% of the water requirement of the crop) and four chitosan concentrations (0.0, 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 g L -1 ), with three replications and one plant per plot. Water restriction at 50% of the required amount reduced the relative water content, the synthesis of photosynthetic pigments, and seed cotton weight. However, foliar application of chitosan at concentrations between 0.25 and 0.50 g L -1 alleviated the detrimental effects of water restriction on the chlorophyll b content; carotenoid content; stem diameter; leaf area; 100 -seed weight; average boll weight; seed cotton weight; total boll dry biomass; and dry biomass of stems, leaves, and shoots of the 'BRS Jade' colored fiber cotton plant.

[学术文献 ] Suppressing a mitochondrial calcium uniporter activates the calcium signaling pathway and promotes cell elongation in cotton 进入全文


Mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) is a conserved calcium ion (Ca 2+ ) transporter in the mitochondrial inner membrane of eukaryotic cells. How MCU proteins regulate Ca 2+ flow and modulate plant cell development remain largely unclear. Here, we identified the gene GhMCU4 encoding a MCU protein that negatively regulates plant development and fiber elongation in cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum ). GhMCU4 expressed constitutively in various tissues with the higher transcripts in elongating fiber cells. Knockdown of GhMCU4 in cotton significantly elevated the plant height and root length. The calcium signaling pathway was significantly activated and calcium sensor genes, including Ca 2+ dependent modulator of interactor of constitutively active ROP ( GhCMI1 ) , calmodulin like protein ( GhCML46) , calciumdependent protein kinases ( GhCPKs ), calcineurin B-like protein ( GhCBLs ), and CBL-interacting protein kinases ( GhCIPKs ), were dramatically upregulated in GhMCU4 - silenced plants. Metabolic processes were preferentially enriched, and genes related to regulation of transcription were upregulated in GhMCU4 - si- lenced plants. The contents of Ca 2+ and H 2 O 2 were significantly increased in roots and leaves of GhMCU4 - silenced plants. Fiber length and Ca 2+ and H 2 O 2 contents in fibers were significantly increased in GhMCU4 - silenced plants. This study indicated that GhMCU4 plays a negative role in regulating cell elongation in cotton, thus expanding understanding in the role of MCU proteins in plant growth and development.

[学术文献 ] 'Pink cotton candy'-A new dye-free cotton 进入全文


White cotton is the dominant natural fibre, accounting for a $USD 36 billion share of the $USD 1.5 trillion global textile industry and, for many decades, has been dyed post-production. Modern cotton ginning and spinning processes require longer and stronger fibres, favouring superior white cotton varieties, which are more amenable to post-harvest dyeing. However, large quantities of synthetic dyes from textile dyeing released into the environment/waterways are harming the health of humans and other organisms. Eco-friendly alternatives are urgently needed to reduce pollution and save water; coloured dye-free cotton could be a solution. While naturally coloured cotton has been known for more than 5000 years and occurs in all four species of cultivated cotton, that is Gossypium (G.) hirsutum, G. barbadense, G. herbaceum and G. arboretum, these coloured varieties generally have low yield, poor fibre quality and variable and unstable colours. Although conventional breeding has improved the properties of some coloured cotton, quality and yield remain low compared with white cotton and colour range is limited. Betalains are tyrosine-derived pigments found naturally in the order Caryophyllales of flowering plants, and fungi and bacteria. Betalains comprise two classes of compounds, that is yellow-orange betaxanthins and red-violet betacyanins. These compounds are synthesized through a series of enzymatic steps including hydroxylases, dioxygenases and glucosyl transferases that produce visible colours. As the Malvaceae typically do not produce betalains, we embarked on genetically engineering the betalain pathway in G. hirsutum, the world's largest plant-based fibre commodity. We designed constructs that included the coding sequences (CDS) of BvDODA1 (Beta vulgaris, GeneBank ID HQ656027.1), BvCYP76AD1 (HQ656023.1) and MjcDOPA5GT (Mirabilis jalapa, AB182643.1; Polturak et al., 2017; Timoneda et al., 2019). The CDSs were optimized for Arabidopsis and synthesized by GeneArt . Constructs (pAGM4723 vector) were assembled via Golden Gate cloning with a 2 × 35 S-driven kanamycin resistance gene. The betalain genes were driven by either a 2 × 35 S constitutive promoter or a ltp3/8K12 (LTP) mid-late-stage cotton fibre-specific promoter. Transgenic plants were generated through tissue culture transformation (Murray et al., 1999). Coker 315-11 was used as the recipient of transformation by infection with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGL1 containing different constructs. Transgenic and wild-type (controls) cotton plants were grown in a greenhouse at 28°C/20°C (day/night) with natural light. Despite strong betalain accumulation during fibre development in the fibre-specific lines, the colour faded to light brown/pink in the final days of boll maturation, when the bolls dried and opened (transgenic lines: 55–60 DPA vs wild type: 55 DPA). This suggests that vacuole-located betalain was degraded during the final maturation stage. Cotton bolls were collected at around 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60 DPA, and boll coats were either cut open or removed entirely followed by 48 h of freeze-drying, and the pink colour was retained. Mature fibre or freeze-dried immature fibre (>46 DPA) from controls and five independent T0 plants with the fibre-specific betalain expression were measured by Cottonscope for fibre quality. The results suggested the transgenic lines have the potential to present similar maturity ratio and fineness as the wild type (Line 44). The seed numbers and fibre yield were less in the T0 compared with wild type, which is common to see in T0 generation. Subsequent generations of transgenic plants could potentially retain wild-type-like yield and fibre quality alongside strong pigment accumulation, noting that Coker 315 can be introgressed into modern elite varieties for yield and quality. New colours may be generated by crossing the betalain lines with existing naturally coloured genotypes (Ke et al., 2022). In conclusion, we present a novel example of introducing the exogenous multi-gene betalain pathway to generate a plant-made pink cotton fibre which remains pink until the very late stages of fibre development. Using the betalain pathway is advantageous because the pigment is stable over a wide pH range (Jackman and Smith, 1996), potentially improving colour stability and consistency. Future research could investigate reducing pigment degradation (potentially via cross-linking) and introducing new colours.

[前沿资讯 ] G-Star Raw Explores the Potential of Greenhouse-Grown Cotton 进入全文


G-Star Raw unveiled the “Homegrown Denim” project on Wednesday, the first greenhouse-grown cotton initiative in collaboration with Wageningen University & Research and Dutch Cotton. It explores how cotton grown in greenhouses can minimize the impact of growing the resource-intensive fiber worldwide. With Homegrown Denim, the Amsterdam-based denim brand aims to eliminate many of the challenges with growing cotton. Though it is an easy crop to grow, cotton is needy. In addition to using lot of land, G-Star reports that it requires up to 10,000 liters of water to yield just one kilo of fiber. Plus, considering that land must be situated in a warm climate, sourcing cotton fields marks the beginning of a long, complex supply chain—one that is increasingly asked to be more responsible and traceable. A six-month experiment studied a small group of greenhouse-grown cotton at a research facility in Bleiswijk, the Netherlands. The research examined quality, yield and fiber properties, comparing its environmental footprint to traditional methods. Strategies like precision irrigation and renewable energy were also explored to reduce impact, and economic viability and market potential were analyzed as well. This research discovered that growing cotton in a controlled and protected environment boosts crop productivity, quality and sustainability while lowering the risks associated with outdoor growing.  The top benefits found included increased yield, with plants growing up to four meters tall and producing between five to 23 times more cotton, with the controlled environment enabling cotton harvesting for longer than usual. Greenhouse-grown cotton was cleaner and whiter with minimal contamination as it was shielded from weather damage. The enclosed environment naturally deters pests and diseases, eliminating the need for synthetic pesticides, the research found. Greenhouse systems can also save up to 95 percent of water per kilo of cotton by using recycled rainwater for irrigation, while potted cultivation minimizes soil erosion, thus preserving fertility. “G-Star’s curiosity and drive for innovation led us to our partnership with Wageningen University & Research to study the feasibility of growing cotton in a greenhouse,” Rebecka Sancho, head of sustainability at G-Star, said. “This groundbreaking experiment could revolutionize cotton production by severely decreasing water consumption and lead use, eliminating the use of chemical pesticides, improving the quality of cotton and drastically shortening the supply chain.” With the greenhouse-grown cotton in place, G-Star partnered with local suppliers—including Spinning Jenny, Liberty Threads and Blueprint Amsterdam—to create the first-ever 100 percent locally sourced and manufactured pair of jeans. Every aspect of cotton processing and production was completed in the Netherlands. G-Star also used electric vehicles between suppliers to create the shortest supply chain possible. At this stage, no products will be available for purchase using the greenhouse-grown cotton. Rather, the experiment wanted to investigate the feasibility and potential of growing cotton in a greenhouse. Now that the potential has been proven, a second phase will explore scaling the innovation. G-Star and Wageningen University & Research have partnered with Inno Growers to transition the research efforts into “practical cultivation” and scale-up production. The goal is to enhance cotton yield per square meter, increasing from 1.2kg to up to 2.5kg.   “This research allows us to rethink the way the entire industry is set up,” Willeke Hendriks, chief product officer of G-Star, said. “And that is exactly what we need to do to find new and effective ways to improve our impact together. Therefore, getting involved in this project was an absolute must for G-Star, to support solutions for the future of denim.”

[前沿资讯 ] 新疆搭建棉花抗逆生物育种平台 进入全文


记者从自治区科学技术厅获悉:新疆将投资1500万元搭建棉花抗逆生物育种平台,提升新疆棉花重大品种的抗逆性,以应对盐碱、高温、冷害等逆境胁迫。 植物的抗逆性是指植物具有的抵抗冷害、干旱、盐碱、病虫害等不利环境的特性。植物的优良抗逆性状,在自然条件下很难转移到其他种类的植物体内,需借助基因工程改良等生物育种技术将优良基因导入其他作物中,进而提升抗逆性。 记者了解到,目前新疆棉花的主栽品种以及即将大面积推广的品种综合性能优良,具备了高产、优质等特性,但在抗逆性等方面有待进一步提升。在极端天气气候事件频发多发背景下,提升新疆棉花品种的抗逆性显得更为迫切。 为提升棉花品种整体性能,新疆农业科学院经济作物研究所经过反复论证,策划设计“棉花品种重大农艺性状解析与分子设计育种”项目。该项目为新疆今年发布的5个“揭榜挂帅”项目之一,项目涉及金额1500万元,实施周期为3年。 中国农业科学院西部农业研究中心为该项目揭榜方。未来双方将在人才培养、平台建设、生物育种创新体系建立等方面加强合作,为新疆棉花生物育种创新奠定基础。 作为项目主要参与者,中国农业科学院西部农业研究中心研究员葛晓阳说,该项目将以新疆棉花重大品种源棉8号或其他重大棉花品种为载体,挖掘其他耐逆植物中的耐高温、耐冷或者耐盐碱等优异基因,并通过基因工程改良技术导入棉花,提升棉花品种的整体性能,以有效应对各种极端逆境。 依托该项目,中国农业科学院西部农业研究中心、新疆农科院经济作物研究所等单位将共同搭建新疆棉花抗逆生物育种平台。该平台集生物育种技术、基因挖掘、芯片开发、材料创制等实验技术和经验方法于一体,将棉花育种当中从优异基因挖掘到优异材料创制的周期缩短至1—2年,有效提升新疆棉花生物育种效率。 葛晓阳说,该平台将研发出通用的生物技术体系等,源于棉花但不局限于棉花,还可为提高其他作物抗逆性提供参考。

[前沿资讯 ] Ginning up a Market for U.S. Cotton in Bangladesh 进入全文


For almost 50 years, Bangladesh required U.S. cotton be fumigated because of concerns about the boll weevil. Collaboration between USDA agencies and the Bangladesh Ministry of Agriculture resulted in amended import requirements, exempting the United States from the list of countries required to fumigate cotton upon arrival. This is a significant trade win for American cotton as Bangladesh is the fifth-largest export market for U.S. cotton, with export values exceeding $339 million in 2023. This decision gins up a new chapter for U.S. cotton growers to expand their market access to Bangladesh. As one of the world’s top import markets for cotton, Bangladesh is a growth market with great potential for American cotton for years to come.  FAS worked diligently to improve perceptions of U.S. cotton and provide evidence that the boll weevil is not a serious threat to imports. Momentum spun up when FAS provided significant technical evidence on the near total eradication of the boll weevil back in 2021 to ease Bangladesh’s concerns over the pest. Following that, FAS spent two years meeting with Bangladesh officials, including a High-Level Economic Consultation and an Agriculture and Ease of Business meeting.  The Cotton Council International (CCI) continued bilateral efforts, bringing a Bangladesh delegation to visit U.S. cotton facilities and farmers in November 2022. The delegation witnessed the effectiveness of the Boll Weevil Eradication Program. Also, during the visit, the delegation learned about modern cotton harvesting and standardized ginning techniques while touring cotton fields, gins, and warehouses in Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas.  This is an example of American farmers showcasing high quality agricultural products to an overseas market – a crucial element to growing American exports. U.S. cotton farmers not only utilize the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Boll Weevil Eradication Program to eliminate the pest, but the program also helps thousands of U.S. cotton growers become more competitive. Additionally, the CCI receives FAS Market Access Program funds to help grow overseas markets for American cotton growers. This success is a testament to the continued efforts and nearly 22 years of engagement among the U.S. cotton industry, FAS, APHIS, and Agricultural Research Service officials, and the Government of Bangladesh to advocate for fair and open trade practices that benefit American farmers and businesses.


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