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[前沿资讯 ] 中国农业科学院都市农业研究所研发的育种加速器实现多种作物生育期减半 进入全文


日前,从中国农业科学院都市农业研究所了解到,该所自主研发的育种加速器,通过作物全生育期动态光环境精准调控,诱导早期开花与快速结实,实现水稻、小麦、玉米、大豆、苜蓿、棉花等多种作物生育期缩短51%-67%,为加快育种速度、保障国家粮食安全提供了全新的解决途径。 传统育种气候依赖性大,无法全年种植,生育周期长,品种培育需要十年以上,其中加代选育得到纯系就需要5-10年。为了加快育种速度,我国很多育种专家带着珍贵的种子到海南南繁基地进行加代育种,一年形成2-3代种子。 中国农业科学院都市农业研究所智能园艺装备创新团队在国际上率先解析了环境——营养耦合调控生育期机理,通过控制作物生长的环境与营养条件,加速开花和结实,快速推进育种。2021年,通过与钱前院士团队合作,该团队攻克矮秆水稻快速繁育技术,实现水稻生育周期减半、63天收获的重要突破,一年可加代5-6次。 实验室各独立试验小间可实现对温度、湿度、光照、二氧化碳以及根际营养的精准控制,在水稻的研究基础上,实现了小麦、大豆、玉米、棉花等作物快速繁育,生育期缩短50%-67%,一年可加代4-6代的重大突破,为突破季节气候限制以及工程化快速育种提供了重要支撑。 育种加速器试验结果显示,小麦65天左右即可收获,生育期缩短63%,一年可繁育5代以上;大豆53天左右即可收获,生育期缩短51%,一年可繁育6代以上;玉米75天左右即可收获,生育期缩短50%,一年可繁育4代以上;苜蓿70天左右即可收获种子,种子收获时间缩短46%,实现一年多次收获;棉花89天左右即可收获,生育期缩短50%,一年可繁育4代以上;辣椒45天左右即可收获,生育期缩短53%,一年可繁育7-8代。 目前,中国农业科学院都市农业研究所已经研制出了4种不同规格的育种加速器设备,与湖南杂交水稻研究中心、中国水稻研究所等27家优势育种单位合作并推广应用。

[前沿资讯 ] 由新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府、新疆生产建设兵团和中华全国供销合作总社共同设立的国家级棉花棉纱交易中心在新疆国际会展中心揭牌成立 进入全文


2023年12月18日,由新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府、新疆生产建设兵团和中华全国供销合作总社共同设立的国家级棉花棉纱交易中心在新疆国际会展中心揭牌成立。 国家级棉花棉纱交易中心落户棉花主产区新疆,一时间引起社会各界广泛关注。从棉花生产大区到提出加快建设棉花和纺织服装产业集群,新疆的棉花产业正在经历一次次升级,向产业更高端努力迈进…… 地处我国西北内陆干旱地区的新疆,不仅有着适宜棉花生长的独特气候条件,更有着支撑棉花产业发展的雄厚基础。刚刚过去的2023年,新疆棉花产量511.2万吨,总产占全国9成以上。新疆棉花总产量连续5年稳定在500万吨以上,面积、总产连续30年居全国第一。 世界棉花看中国,中国棉花看新疆。规模化、集约化的生产模式、批量作业的现代化农机装备、协同高效的现代农业经营体系、还有蓬勃发展的纺织服装产业,都是新疆棉花留给人们的深刻印象。 这是新疆棉花深入实施供给侧结构性改革,从优化生产结构、加快技术推广、培育经营主体等多方面同步发力的结果,更是身为全国重要商品棉基地的新疆,优化自身特色产业发展体系,从棉花生产大区向棉花产业发展强区递变升级所付出的长期努力。

[学术文献 ] Synergistic interplay of redox homeostasis and polysaccharide synthesis promotes cotton fiber elongation 进入全文


Cell polarity is the foundation of cell development and tissue morphogenesis. The investigation of polarized growth provides opportunities to gain profound insights into morphogenesis and tissue functionality in organisms. Currently, there are still many mysteries surrounding the mechanisms that regulate polarized cell growth. Cotton fiber cells serve as an excellent model for studying polarized growth, and provide important clues for unraveling the molecular mechanisms, signaling pathways, and regulatory networks of polarized growth. In this study, we characterized two functional genes, GhMDHAR1AT/DT and GhDHAR2AT/DT with predominant expression during fiber elongation. Loss of function of both genes contributed to a significant increase in fiber length. Transcriptomic data revealed up-regulated expression of antioxidant genes in CRISPR mutant lines, along with delayed expression of secondary wall-related genes and temporally prolonged expression of primary wall-related genes. Experimental evidence demonstrated that the increase in GSH content and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) enzyme activity led to enhanced total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), resulting in reduced H2O2 levels, which contributed to the extension of fiber elongation stage in CRISPR mutant lines. Moreover, the increased polysaccharide synthesis in CRISPR mutant lines was found to provide an abundant supply of raw materials for fiber cell wall elongation, suggesting that synergistic interplay between redox homeostasis and polysaccharide synthesis in fiber cells may facilitate cell wall remodeling and fiber elongation. This study provides valuable insights for deciphering the mechanisms of cell polarized growth and improving cotton fiber quality. This study validated that the loss of function of GhMDHAR1AT/DT and GhDHAR2AT/DT genes resulted in an enhanced total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) and increased polysaccharide synthesis in the fibers, ultimately leading to a significant increase in fiber length. This research contributes to a better understanding of polar cell growth and fiber development, providing a theoretical foundation for the genetic improvement of cotton fiber quality.

[学术文献 ] Phosphatidic acid interacts with an HD-ZIP transcription factor GhHOX4 to influence its function in fiber elongation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) 进入全文


Upland cotton, the mainly cultivated cotton species in the world, provides over 90% of natural raw materials (fibers) for the textile industry. The development of cotton fibers that are unicellular and highly elongated trichomes on seeds is a delicate and complex process. However, the regulatory mechanism of fiber development is still largely unclear in detail. In this study, we report that a homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-ZIP) IV transcription factor, GhHOX4, plays an important role in fiber elongation. Overexpression of GhHOX4 in cotton resulted in longer fibers, while GhHOX4-silenced transgenic cotton displayed a "shorter fiber" phenotype compared with wild type. GhHOX4 directly activates two target genes, GhEXLB1D and GhXTH2D, for promoting fiber elongation. On the other hand, phosphatidic acid (PA), which is associated with cell signaling and metabolism, interacts with GhHOX4 to hinder fiber elongation. The basic amino acids KR-R-R in START domain of GhHOX4 protein are essential for its binding to PA that could alter the nuclear localization of GhHOX4 protein, thereby suppressing the transcriptional regulation of GhHOX4 to downstream genes in the transition from fiber elongation to secondary cell wall (SCW) thickening during fiber development. Thus, our data revealed that GhHOX4 positively regulates fiber elongation, while PA may function in the phase transition from fiber elongation to SCW formation by negatively modulating GhHOX4 in cotton.

[学术文献 ] Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals a hierarchical transcriptional regulatory network of terpenoid biosynthesis in cotton secretory glandular cells 进入全文


Plants can synthesize a wide range of terpenoids in response to various environmental cues. However, the specific regulatory mechanisms governing terpenoid biosynthesis at the cellular level remain largely elusive. In this study, we employed single-cell RNA sequencing to comprehensively characterize the tran-scriptome profile of cotton leaves and established a hierarchical transcriptional network regulating cell-specific terpenoid production. We observed substantial expression levels of genes associated with the biosynthesis of both volatile terpenes (such as f3-caryophyllene and f3-myrcene) and non-volatile gossypol-type terpenoids in secretory glandular cells. Moreover, two novel transcription factors, namely GoHSFA4a and GoNAC42, are identified to function downstream of the Gossypium PIGMENT GLAND FORMATION genes. Both transcription factors could directly regulate the expression of terpenoid biosyn-thetic genes in secretory glandular cells in response to developmental and environmental stimuli. For convenient retrieval of the single-cell RNA sequencing data generated in this study, we developed a user-friendly web server . Our findings not only offer valuable insights into the precise regulation of terpe-noid biosynthesis genes in cotton leaves but also provide potential targets for cotton breeding endeavors.

[学术文献 ] 响应赤霉素GA3调控陆地棉开花关键基因GhGASA9和GhGASA14的鉴定 进入全文


【研究背景】棉花(Gossypium spp)是一种能够同时提供天然纤维、油料和植物蛋白的经济作物,在国民经济发展中起着非常重要的作用。西北内陆是目前我国棉花种植面积最大的地区,因该区域春季气温回升慢、终霜结束晚,秋季气温下降快、初霜开始早,有效积温不足。早熟性是该区域棉花的最重要育种目标性状之一,开花期是评价棉花早熟的重要特征之一。赤霉素(GA3)是一类四环双萜类植物生长因子,影响花诱导和花器官发育。GASA(GA-Stimulated in Arabidopsis)是一个位于DELLA下游的赤霉素调节基因家族,该家族基因在拟南芥等模式植物的研究中较多,而在棉花中的研究较少,目前仅报道了GASAs响应GA调控棉纤维的伸长和发育。【材料与方法】使用HMMER软件在陆地棉TM-1基因组中鉴定全部GhGASA基因;然后利用TBtools可视化家族基因的染色体定位、保守结构域及基因结构;利用MCScanX鉴定GhGASAs共线性对并通过Circos可视化。提取GhGASAs序列移交至PlantCare通过BioSequence viewer查看启动子顺式作用元件;使用MEGA 7.0并采用邻接法绘制系统进化树;利用转录组数据分析筛选了候选基因,利用qRT-PCR和病毒诱导基因沉默(VIGS)技术初步研究了候选基因的功能。【结果与分析】本研究中根据GASA核心结构域在陆地棉基因组中共鉴定出了38个Gh GASA基因,这些基因分布在18条染色体上。聚类分析将这些基因分为3个类群,GhGASA基因在进化过程中相对保守,主要与大豆和拟南芥等双子叶植物亲缘关系较近。共线分析结果显示,片段重复主要分布在D05染色体上,在GhGASA基因的进化中起着主导作用。顺式作用原件分析发现,该家族基因的启动子序列主要包括与赤霉素等植物激素相关的调节元件。转录组数据和qRT-PCR分析结果显示,GhGASA9和GhGASA14不仅在花器官中上调表达,且早熟棉花品种叶片中表达量显著高于晚熟品种。病毒诱导沉默Gh GASA9和GhGASA14基因后,结果发现TRV:GhGASA9植株的现蕾和开花时间分别比对照TRV:00植株晚了6.30天和4.75天,TRV:GhGASA14植株的现蕾和开花时间分别比TRV:00植株晚了7.70天和5.25天。统计分析发现TRV:GhGASA9和TRV:GhGASA14植株的现蕾和开花时间显著晚于TRV:00,而TRV:GhGASA9和TRV:GhGASA14植株的株高与相对应TRV:00植株的株高无显著差异。外源喷施赤霉素后,与清水对照(MOCK)相比,TRV:GhGASA9和TRV:GhGASA14植株的现蕾周期平均缩短了7.3天、植株的平均缩短了8.3天,株高与对照无显著差异,但比TRV:00都显著变矮。【结论】GhGASA9和GhGASA14响应赤霉素GA3调控陆地棉的开花期和株高。该研究结果为棉花早熟分子育种提供有用的基因资源,并为进一步研究其分子调控机制奠定了基础。


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