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[前沿资讯 ] 中国纤维质量监测中心监测结果表明新疆棉花主要质量指标达近五年最好水平 进入全文


日前,中国纤维质量监测中心发布2023年度新疆棉花生产加工过程质量状况监测结果。本次监测周期从2023年4月至2024年2月,监测结果表明:新疆棉花可纺性明显提高,质量持续提升,达近五年来最好水平。 作为国家优质棉基地,新疆的棉花产量占全国九成以上。据了解,新疆已建成棉花仪器化公证检验技术体系,年检验能力1000万吨,实现棉花加工企业全覆盖。新疆市场监管部门深入推进“监管护棉”行动,建设“棉花智慧监管平台”,通过质量补贴引导棉农改良品种、企业改造设备,推行“专业仓储+在库公检”制度,推动新疆棉花收购加工稳定有序,总体质量持续提升。

[前沿资讯 ] 新疆将投资1500万元搭建棉花抗逆生物育种平台以提升新疆棉花重大品种的抗逆性 进入全文


据新疆日报消息,记者从新疆维吾尔自治区科学技术厅获悉:新疆将投资1500万元搭建棉花抗逆生物育种平台,提升新疆棉花重大品种的抗逆性,以应对盐碱、高温、冷害等逆境胁迫。 植物的抗逆性是指植物具有的抵抗冷害、干旱、盐碱、病虫害等不利环境的特性。植物的优良抗逆性状,在自然条件下很难转移到其他种类的植物体内,需借助基因工程改良等生物育种技术将优良基因导入其他作物中,进而提升抗逆性。 记者了解到,目前新疆棉花的主栽品种以及即将大面积推广的品种综合性能优良,具备了高产、优质等特性,但在抗逆性等方面有待进一步提升。在极端天气气候事件频发多发背景下,提升新疆棉花品种的抗逆性显得更为迫切。 为提升棉花品种整体性能,新疆农业科学院经济作物研究所经过反复论证,策划设计“棉花品种重大农艺性状解析与分子设计育种”项目。该项目为新疆2024年发布的5个“揭榜挂帅”项目之一,项目涉及金额1500万元,实施周期为3年。 中国农业科学院西部农业研究中心为该项目揭榜方。未来双方将在人才培养、平台建设、生物育种创新体系建立等方面加强合作,为新疆棉花生物育种创新奠定基础。 作为项目主要参与者,中国农业科学院西部农业研究中心研究员葛晓阳说,该项目将以新疆棉花重大品种源棉8号或其他重大棉花品种为载体,挖掘其他耐逆植物中的耐高温、耐冷或者耐盐碱等优异基因,并通过基因工程改良技术导入棉花,提升棉花品种的整体性能,以有效应对各种极端逆境。 依托该项目,中国农业科学院西部农业研究中心、新疆农科院经济作物研究所等单位将共同搭建新疆棉花抗逆生物育种平台。该平台集生物育种技术、基因挖掘、芯片开发、材料创制等实验技术和经验方法于一体,将棉花育种当中从优异基因挖掘到优异材料创制的周期缩短至1—2年,有效提升新疆棉花生物育种效率。 葛晓阳说,该平台将研发出通用的生物技术体系等,源于棉花但不局限于棉花,还可为提高其他作物抗逆性提供参考。

[学术文献 ] Yield-related quantitative trait loci identification and lint percentage hereditary dissection under salt stress in upland cotton 进入全文


Salinity is frequently mentioned as a major constraint in worldwide agricultural production. Lint percentage (LP) is a crucial yield-component in cotton lint production. While the genetic factors affect cotton yield in saline soils are still unclear. Here, we employed a recombinant inbred line population in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and investigated the effects of salt stress on five yield and yield component traits, including seed cotton yield per plant, lint yield per plant, boll number per plant, boll weight, and LP. Between three datasets of salt stress (E1), normal growth (E2), and the difference values dataset of salt stress and normal conditions (D-value), 87, 82, and 55 quantitative trait loci (QTL) were detectable, respectively. In total, five QTL (qLY-Chr6-2, qBNP-Chr4-1, qBNP-Chr12-1, qBNP-Chr15-5, qLP-Chr19-2) detected in both in E1 and D-value were salt related QTL, and three stable QTL (qLP-Chr5-3, qLP-Chr13-1, qBW-Chr5-5) were detected both in E1 and E2 across 3 years. Silencing of nine genes within a stable QTL (qLP-Chr5-3) highly expressed in fiber developmental stages increased LP and decreased fiber length (FL), indicating that multiple minor-effect genes clustered on Chromosome 5 regulate LP and FL. Additionally, the difference in LP caused by Gh_A05G3226 is mainly in transcription level rather than in the sequence difference. Moreover, silencing of salt related gene (GhDAAT) within qBNP-Chr4-1 decreased salt tolerance in cotton. Our findings shed light on the regulatory mechanisms underlining cotton salt tolerance and fiber initiation.

[学术文献 ] Genetic improvement of Egyptian cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) for high yield and fiber quality properties under semi arid conditions 进入全文

Scientific Reports

Between 2016 and 2018, the Agriculture Research Center's Sakha Agriculture Research Station conducted two rounds of pedigree selection on a segregating population of cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) using the F2, F3, and F4 generations resulting from crossing Giza 94 and Suvin. In 2016, the top 5% of plants from the F2 population were selected based on specific criteria. The superior families from the F3 generation were then selected to produce the F4 families in 2017, which were grown in the 2018 summer season in single plant progeny rows and bulk experiments with a randomized complete block design of three replications. Over time, most traits showed increased mean values in the population, with the F2 generation having higher Genotypic Coefficient of Variance (GCV) and Phenotypic Coefficient of Variance (PCV) values compared to the succeeding generations for the studied traits. The magnitude of GCV and PCV in the F3 and F4 generations was similar, indicating that genotype had played a greater role than the environment. Moreover, the mean values of heritability in the broad sense increased from generation to generation. Selection criteria I2, I4, and I5 were effective in improving most of the yield and its component traits, while selection criterion I1 was efficient in improving earliness traits. Most of the yield and its component traits showed a positive and significant correlation with each other, highlighting their importance in cotton yield. This suggests that selecting to improveone or more of these traits would improve the others. Families number 9, 13, 19, 20, and 21 were the best genotypes for relevant yield characters, surpassing the better parent, check variety, and giving the best values for most characters. Therefore, the breeder could continue to use these families in further generations as breeding genotypes to develop varieties with high yields and its components.

[学术文献 ] Promotion of apoplastic oxidative burst by artificially selected GhCBSX3A enhances Verticillium dahliae resistance in upland cotton 进入全文


Verticillium wilt (VW) is a devasting disease affecting various plants, including upland cotton, a crucial fiber crop. Despite its impact, the genetic basis underlying cotton's susceptibility or defense against VW remains unclear. Here, we conducted a genome-wide association study on VW phenotyping in upland cotton and identified a locus on A13 that is significantly associated with VW resistance. We then identified a cystathionine beta-synthase domain gene at A13 locus, GhCBSX3A, which was induced by Verticillium dahliae. Functional analysis, including expression silencing in cotton and overexpression in Arabidopsis thaliana, confirmed that GhCBSX3A is a causal gene at the A13 locus, enhancing SAR-RBOHs-mediated apoplastic oxidative burst. We found allelic variation on the TATA-box of GhCBSX3A promoter attenuated its expression in upland cotton, thereby weakening VW resistance. Interestingly, we discovered that altered artificial selection of GhCBSX3A_R (an elite allele for VW) under different VW pressures during domestication and other improved processes allows specific human needs to be met. Our findings underscore the importance of GhCBSX3A in response to VW, and we propose a model for defense-associated genes being selected depending on the pathogen's pressure. The identified locus and gene serve as promising targets for VW resistance enhancement in cotton through genetic engineering.

[学术文献 ] Auxin resistant 2 and short hypocotyl 2 regulate cotton fiber initiation and elongation 进入全文


Auxin, a pivotal regulator of diverse plant growth processes, remains central to development. The auxin-responsive genes auxin/indole-3-acetic acids (AUX/IAAs) are indispensable for auxin signal transduction, which is achieved through intricate interactions with auxin response factors (ARFs). Despite this, the potential of AUX/IAAs to govern the development of the most fundamental biological unit, the single cell, remains unclear. In this study, we harnessed cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) fiber, a classic model for plant single-cell investigation, to determine the complexities of AUX/IAAs. Our research identified 2 pivotal AUX/IAAs, auxin resistant 2 (GhAXR2) and short hypocotyl 2 (GhSHY2), which exhibit opposite control over fiber development. Notably, suppressing GhAXR2 reduced fiber elongation, while silencing GhSHY2 fostered enhanced fiber elongation. Investigating the mechanistic intricacies, we identified specific interactions between GhAXR2 and GhSHY2 with distinct ARFs. GhAXR2's interaction with GhARF6-1 and GhARF23-2 promoted fiber cell development through direct binding to the AuxRE cis-element in the constitutive triple response 1 promoter, resulting in transcriptional inhibition. In contrast, the interaction of GhSHY2 with GhARF7-1 and GhARF19-1 exerted a negative regulatory effect, inhibiting fiber cell growth by activating the transcription of xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase 9 and cinnamate-4-hydroxylase. Thus, our study reveals the intricate regulatory networks surrounding GhAXR2 and GhSHY2, elucidating the complex interplay of multiple ARFs in AUX/IAA-mediated fiber cell growth. This work enhances our understanding of single-cell development and has potential implications for advancing plant growth strategies and agricultural enhancements. Two auxin/indole-3-acetic acid proteins interact with distinct auxin response factors and antagonistically control cotton fiber elongation and initiation.


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