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[前沿资讯 ] 新疆图木舒克举办高品质陆地长绒棉现场观摩暨供应链搭建与产销对接会 进入全文


9月25日,由国家棉花产业联盟(CCIA)和新疆图木舒克市联合主办、国家棉花产业技术体系协办的“高品质陆地长绒棉现场观摩暨供应链搭建与产销对接会”在新疆图木舒克市成功举办。 “陆地长绒棉(中长绒细绒棉)”是我国独有的新型高品质棉花品种,通过现代科技手段实现了棉花品种的品质和产量双提升,其纤维品质指标接近长绒棉(海岛棉)水平,但产量水平却远高于长绒棉(海岛棉),成本和性价比优势极其显著,纺织企业及零售品牌等需求旺盛。2023年,国家棉花产业联盟牵头制定的《高品质中长细绒棉 原棉》(T/CPQS T0010-2023)标准(填补了国内外空白),被国家市场监督管理总局主管的中国消费品质量安全促进会正式发布实施。该类棉花品种和原棉标准的推广应用,将对快速推动我国高品质棉花生产、流通和储备,促进我国纺织服装产业高质量发展具有重要意义。 本次会议举行了CCIA高品质陆地长绒棉生产基地、加工基地和CCIA高品质棉纺纱基地、织造基地等揭牌仪式,以及CCIA高品质陆地长绒棉检测中心和CCIA高品质棉花全产业链大数据中心(图木舒克)、CCIA高品质棉花供应链平台等合作建设签约与揭牌仪式;重点观摩了国家棉花产业技术体系育种技术与方法岗位科学家团队培育的陆地长绒棉新品种中棉所703的示范种植,CCIA高品质棉花生产基地的种植管理,以及CCIA高品质陆地长绒棉加工基地、CCIA高品质棉纺纱基地、CCIA高品质棉织造基地和CCIA高品质陆地长绒棉检测中心的建设运营等情况;同时,有关专家分别以《打造国棉CCIA平台 加快我国“棉花和纺织服装”产业高质量发展》《新疆棉花和纺织服装产业发展现状与展望》《棉花纤维产量及品质性状的同步改良及高品质棉品种培育》《高端女装对高品质陆地长绒棉的需求和应用》等为主题作了专题报告,以及棉花科研专家代表及种植、轧花、纺织、供应链、品牌、产业集群等市场环节的代表,围绕CCIA高品质棉暨陆地长绒棉供应链搭建与产销对接进行了发言交流。与会人员一致认为,大力发展高品质棉花是破解国棉产业高质量发展“卡脖子”问题的关键所在,“一二三”产深度融合是提升我国棉花产业国际竞争力和话语权的必由之路。 本次会议集中展示了国家棉花产业联盟与图木舒克市在高品质棉花全产业链深化合作的新成就以及国家棉花产业技术体系在高品质棉花新品种培育方面的新成果,探讨了我国棉花全产业链一体化高质量发展的新路径、新模式,为棉花和纺织服装产业共同发展新质生产力,构建以新疆高品质棉花为核心的一体化、闭环运行的全产业高质量发展生态圈奠定了坚实基础。 作为农业农村部倡导成立和评估认定的全国性、公益性棉花全产业链高质量发展合作平台,国家棉花产业联盟始终着力开展组织联合协同攻关,加强从0到1原始创新;创新棉花生产方式,建设高品质棉花基地;构建全产业链标准,开展产品溯源与认证;加强资源对接服务,搭建高品质棉供应链;打造棉花品牌矩阵,创响国棉CCIA品牌;以及探索形成“创新合作、服务联动、信息共享、资源对接、品牌共建”的产学研协调发展新机制,引领推动了我国棉花产业的高质量发展;同时,积极推动“西北内陆(棉花生产)-内地省市(纺织服装)-自贸港/自贸区(服务贸易)”联动,以期逐步将全国各相关产业地区/聚集地连接起来,形成国内网状架构,促进我国棉花全产业链一体化高质量发展,助力全国统一大市场建设,积极参与国内国际双循环。

[前沿资讯 ] Cotton Revolution: Unlocking New Cotton Varieties for a Sustainable Future 进入全文


Since the first viral cotton disease was observed in Nigeria in 1912, quickly spreading from Africa to North America and Asia, we’ve known cotton is vulnerable. Over the decades, scientists and farmers have worked to protect the billion-dollar industry. With diverse applications spanning clothing, household essentials like bed sheets and towels, medical supplies, and even renewable biofuels, cotton remains an invaluable global crop. New cotton diseases have appeared in recent decades, adding to the industry’s challenges. Climate change and limited resources compound these threats. Meanwhile, the global population continues to grow, further straining the supply chain for a plant that has been woven into our daily lives for the last 3,000 years. The result is rising prices to produce premium cotton. Breeding new, disease-resistant, and affordable cotton varieties using traditional techniques to crossbreed plants with desired traits has been slow, sometimes taking more than a decade. However, genetic modification could significantly expedite this process, says Chris Saski, a plant geneticist with Clemson University, whose research explores the genetic architecture of cotton’s fiber-related traits. “Right now, there are some major disease threats to cotton in the Cotton Belt. Sure, you can use classical breeding that requires extensive experimentation with crossing different plants to release a line with the right combination of traits to address those, but it can take up to a decade or more,” Saski said. “Our work could help shorten this timeline to just two breeding cycles, or about a year.” The goal is to develop these premium cotton varieties with tailored characteristics achieved through precise genetic modifications using biotechnology and gene editing tools. New lines could be designed to produce cotton plants instilled with disease or drought-resistant properties or engineered to produce high yields—the possibilities are endless, says Saski. “With genetic modification, we can design cotton that’s high quality and more resistant to pests and other threats while remaining affordable,” he said. Perfecting the science of gene editing could revolutionize cotton production and lend knowledge to other essential crops; however, a fundamental problem stands in the way: delivering the gene-editing cassettes (small segments of DNA) and successfully regenerating modified plants from single cells. This genetic program of regeneration, called somatic embryogenesis, is written in the DNA of all crops but is silenced by various factors influencing it on Earth. To improve his system for genetic modification, Saski needs to turn these silenced genes on. All life on Earth is subject to gravity, a critical factor in plant development. Gravity influences specific genetic signals and processes within plant cells that guide the development of plant shoots upwardThe official magazine of the ISS National Laboratory® that serves as the primary conduit to communicate impactful results from ISS National Lab-sponsored R&D to the broad scientific community. toward the sun and roots downward in the soil. But plant cells behave differently in space, where gravity is much weaker, potentially leading to a new understanding of the genetics underlying regeneration. Scientists can revert plant cells into a stem cell-like form, similar to human stem cells. The cells can then be genetically modified and reprogrammed into a new plant. Studying the genetic architecture of plant stem cells in tissue culture, both on Earth and in microgravityThe condition of perceived weightlessness created when an object is in free fall, for example when an object is in orbital motion. Microgravity alters many observable phenomena within the physical and life sciences, allowing scientists to study things in ways not possible on Earth. The International Space Station provides access to a persistent microgravity environment., can help identify which genes need to be expressed during somatic regeneration—a key step in genetic modification. Saski and colleagues proposed sending a plant tissue culture experiment to the International Space Station (ISSInternational Space Station) to explore whether microgravity can trigger plant stem cells to regenerate into whole plants from a single cell. The project was selected through the ISS National Lab(Abbreviation: ISS National Lab) A national laboratory that facilitates access to the International Space Station for commercial companies, academic institutions, and U.S. government agencies to conduct cutting-edge research and technology development that benefits humanity. Cotton Sustainability Challenge, which Target Corporation funded. Results from this spaceflight research could help unlock the underlying molecular mechanisms of plant regeneration and remove a significant bottleneck in gene editing cotton and other crops on Earth. Saski envisions a future where gene editing becomes more accessible and efficient, addressing global food, fuel, and fiber supply challenges. High-Flying Cotton Saski’s method for precise genetic modification involves introducing foreign genes into a plant’s genome to produce desirable traits, such as pest resistance or improved yield. However, the success of genetic transformation often relies on the plant’s ability to regenerate transformed cells into whole plants. If regeneration is suppressed, it becomes challenging to achieve stable genetic modification, and the new plant fails to perform. Scientists can potentially manipulate these processes to enhance regeneration efficiency by identifying the specific mechanisms suppressing the regeneration process, which Saski hoped to do in space. He teamed up with Techshot, which has since been acquired by Redwire Corporation, to develop hardware for cultivating plant tissue cultures in microgravity. Saski said there were many challenges to overcome because experimenting with plant tissue cultures in space hadn’t been done since NASA’s Space Shuttle Program ended. These challenges mainly involved keeping contamination out of the hardware and simplifying the experiments. “When students come to my lab to learn how to do tissue culture, the main concern is contamination, for example, having some sort of microbe or fungus contaminate your plates,” Saski said. “So, you can imagine our concern, sending our sterile tissue culture plates to the space station and having astronauts who are likely nontrained tissue culturists work on it.” The team worked with Techshot to design several small, round Petri dishes with growth media and samples of stems from a cotton plant grown on Earth. “The cut stems respond to hormones in the media that initiate cellular de-differentiation into stem cells,” Saski says. On the ISS, the Petri dishes were put into a plant habitat the size of a large microwave that provided controlled light, temperature, and humidity levels for growing the cells. The flight hardware was adorned with Clemson stickers, symbolizing the university’s contribution to cutting-edge space research. In 2021, the experiment was launched to the space station onboard SpaceX’s 24th Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) mission. The experiment took place over about 90 days, “and long story short, there was no contamination, the astronauts did an amazing job, and the experiment was a success,” says Saski. “We do believe that we were able to visualize some interesting morphological changes in the stem cells because of the lack of gravity.” Now, co-principal investigator Jeremy Schmutz, a geneticist at HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, and his team are analyzing the space-flown cotton samples. As analysis continues over the next few months, data from the space cotton should begin flooding in. Based on preliminary results, Saski expects the space experiments will reveal key genes involved in regeneration and how the genes are regulated. The research team can translate this information into a system that enables regeneration in virtually any cotton line that does not currently regenerate, which is typical of most cotton lines, Saski said. With this ability, researchers can edit commercially grown elite cotton lines with genetic traits tailored for growing in specific environments. “So, when we need to engineer drought resistance or resistance to a pathogen, we can use our new system from this project to directly modify an elite line, saving decades,” he said. Over the past few years, Saski’s research team has also performed many experiments back on Earth related to the ISS National Lab-sponsored project. For example, Sonika Kumar, a senior scientist in the department of plant and environmental sciences under Saski’s direction, has identified several key morphogenic genes that facilitate the rapid generation of genetically engineered Coker 312, an upland cotton line with traditionally poor agronomic and fiber traits compared with commercial lines. She developed a system that makes Coker 312 regeneration faster and more efficient and allows her to manipulate plant traits, including drought and disease resilience. This initial research led to new findings related to plant regeneration for upland cotton, which were published in the National Institute of Health journal Plants (Basel). Importantly, the outcomes allow Kumar to establish regeneration systems for direct gene editing of commercially available lines. Saski says these findings have already significantly improved his gene editing system, and the team is excited to see what more is revealed in the space-flown cotton. “It was fascinating to watch the callus, or stem samples, float in microgravity during subculturing by the astronauts,” says Kumar. “I enjoyed configuring plant tissue compatible with flight hardware and developing protocols for the astronauts to conduct our experiment and to capture high-resolution image data. Now, we’ve completed all our space and ground experiments and are working with the genomic data to advance our project to the next stages.” The team plans to use what they’ve learned to regenerate elite lines of cotton, such as Pima cotton, more efficiently and rapidly—saving time and money. Space Solutions for Earth’s Cotton Saski’s project was partly funded by Cotton Incorporated, a national program for upland cotton, the most widely planted species of cotton. The program supports hundreds of research projects to improve profitability for both growers and retailers. Don Jones, director of breeding, genetics, and biotechnology at Cotton Incorporated, says that upland cotton falls behind much larger acreage crops such as corn and soybean when it comes to investment devoted to crop improvement. Not only are there fewer research investments, but cotton is also further hindered by its basic biology: poor somatic embryogenesis. “This, in turn, has slowed gene editing techniques such as CRISPR Cas9 in cotton,” says Jones. “Dr. Saski’s space station project aims to significantly improve embryogenesis, allowing for greater deployment of the latest gene editing techniques to increase yield and sustainably improve fiber quality.” Already, agricultural companies have approached Saski about licensing his technology, but the benefits continue beyond that. Gene banks that store plant diversity in various forms, like seeds, living plants, or cells, could benefit from Saski’s work. If researchers understand genetic programs well enough to store and regenerate cells, we could streamline how we maintain plant diversity on Earth and explore options for space colonization and deep space exploration, Saski says. “Imagine storing plant species as single cells, providing astronauts with a diverse array of plants for research or even sustenance during long-duration space missions,” he said. Saski’s primary focus, though, is growing more crops with less land and water to feed a growing population amidst climate change. As he moves closer to removing the plant regeneration barrier, Saski has become interested in understanding and engineering genetics from weeds into crops, an idea that could help meet the needs of 10 billion people on Earth by 2050. “What resilient traits can we translate from indigenous weeds that might help our crops grow more plentiful and resistant to threats?” he said. “We’re trying to develop pathways to do that, which would significantly benefit people worldwide.”

[学术文献 ] The DUF579 proteins GhIRX15s regulate cotton fiber development by interacting with proteins involved in xylan synthesis 进入全文


Cotton provides the most abundant natural fiber for the textile industry. The mature cotton fiber largely consists of secondary cell walls with the highest proportion of cellulose and a small amount of hemicellulose and lignin. To dissect the roles of hemicellulosic polysaccharides during fiber development, four IRREGULAR XYLEM 15 (IRX15) genes, GhIRX15-1/-2/-3/-4, were functionally characterized in cotton. These genes encode DUF579 domain-containing proteins, which are homologs of AtIRX15 involved in xylan biosynthesis. The four GhIRX15 genes were predominantly expressed during fiber secondary wall thickening, and the encoded proteins were localized to the Golgi apparatus. Each GhIRX15 gene could restore the xylan deficient phenotype in the Arabidopsis irx15irx15l double mutant. Silencing of GhIRX15s in cotton resulted in shorter mature fibers with a thinner cell wall and reduced cellulose content as compared to the wild type. Intriguingly, GhIRX15-2 and GhIRX15-4 formed homodimers and heterodimers. In addition, the GhIRX15s showed physical interaction with glycosyltransferases GhGT43C, GhGT47A and GhGT47B, which are responsible for synthesis of the xylan backbone and reducing end sequence. Moreover, the GhIRX15s can form heterocomplexes with enzymes involved in xylan modification and side chain synthesis, such as GhGUX1/2, GhGXM1/2 and GhTBL1. These findings suggest that GhIRX15s participate in fiber xylan biosynthesis and modulate fiber development via forming large multiprotein complexes.

[前沿资讯 ] Genetic secrets of cotton will make it more climate resilient 进入全文


Cotton is an integral part of everyday life, being used in everything from clothing to bed linens. As climate change intensifies, cotton farmers face the threat of lower yields due to challenges like drought and heat. However, new research offers hope for developing drought-resistant cotton varieties.  Global cotton production  The study authors noted that upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is the world’s top renewable textile fiber, supporting a multibillion-dollar industry with a global production of 120.2 million bales of cotton.  “It is a major economically important crop for the U.S. and for Arizona, where upland cotton is planted on ∼50 000 ha, mainly in the semi-arid environment of the low desert using surface irrigation to complement limited precipitation,” wrote the researchers. “Cotton productivity in semi-arid areas of the Southwestern U.S. is severely threatened by global climate change.” Climate change and drought risk The experts pointed out that increasing climatic variability is responsible for hotter summers, with day and night temperatures far above the thermal optimum (30/22 °C) for the crop, and lower and erratic rainfall patterns which expose cotton plants to an increasing risk of drought.  “Therefore, revealing the physio-genetics mechanisms that regulate cotton’s response to arid conditions is of primary interest,” wrote the researchers. “Specifically, this information can be leveraged for the development of new elite cotton cultivars with improved adaptation to hotter and drier climatic conditions that are predicted in the near future.” How cotton responds to water stress In their recent study, published in the Plant Biotechnology Journal, the team examined how 22 varieties of upland cotton respond to drought conditions in Arizona’s low desert.  The researchers identified two key regulatory genes, GhHSFA6B-D and GhDREB2A-A, that are crucial for helping cotton plants manage water stress while maintaining fiber production.  These genes function like conductors, orchestrating other genes involved in drought response and fiber development. Stress tolerance and fiber yield “We were excited to discover this direct link between stress tolerance and fiber yield maintenance,” said study co-author Andrew Nelson, an assistant professor at the Boyce Thompson Institute.  “It appears that over time, cotton plants have evolved this regulatory mechanism to help them cope with dry conditions while still producing the fibers that are so economically important.” A particularly notable discovery involved the gene GhIPS1-A, which produces an enzyme that helps protect plants from drought stress.  The researchers observed that only one copy of this gene, inherited from the cotton plant’s African ancestors, responds to the regulatory gene GhHSFA6B-D. This suggests that the cotton plant’s drought resilience has deep evolutionary roots, predating its domestication. Fiber production in drought-stressed plants  The study also revealed a tiny genetic variation near the GhIPS1-A gene that appears to influence fiber production under water-limited conditions.  “This single DNA letter change was associated with higher fiber production in drought-stressed plants,” noted study co-author Duke Pauli, an associate professor at the University of Arizona. “Such small genetic differences could be valuable targets for breeders looking to develop more resilient cotton varieties.” Given the increasing frequency and severity of droughts due to climate change, the development of cotton varieties that can thrive with less water is crucial.  The research provides valuable insights and genetic targets to guide these breeding efforts. It also emphasizes the importance of maintaining genetic diversity among cotton varieties, as the range of drought responses observed underscores the need for adaptability in crops facing changing conditions. Regulatory mechanism conserved across time According to the experts, the specialized regulatory mechanism they identified in this study seems to have emerged in cotton well before domestication, most likely reflecting an evolutionary conserved stress response mechanism, similar to that observed in Arabidopsis.  However, this mechanism appears to have undergone additional selection after speciation in order to provide evolutionary advantages under water-limited conditions.  Further research is needed to clarify these mechanisms and develop breeding methods suited to the ongoing environmental crisis. Broader implications of the study  In a world grappling with environmental challenges, understanding how critical crops like cotton respond to stress at the molecular level is vital.  This study not only advances scientific knowledge but also lays the groundwork for more resilient and sustainable agriculture amidst climate change.  The insights gained from this research are essential for ensuring the continued availability of cotton, a staple of the global textile industry, in the face of an uncertain environmental future.

[学术文献 ] Identification of candidate genes for early-maturity traits by combining BSA-seq and QTL mapping in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) 进入全文


Cotton breeding for the development of early-maturing varieties is an effective way to improve multiple cropping indexes and alleviate the conflict between grains and cotton in the cultivated fields in China. In the present study, we aimed to identify upland cotton quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and candidate genes related to early-maturity traits, including whole growth period (WGP), flowering timing (FT), node of the first fruiting branch (NFFB), height of the node of the first fruiting branch (HNFFB), and plant height (PH). An early-maturing variety, CCRI50, and a latematuring variety, Guoxinmian 11, were crossed to obtain biparental populations. These populations were used to map QTLs for the early-maturity traits for two years (2020 and 2021). With BSA-seq analysis based on the data of population 2020, the candidate regions related to early maturity were found to be located on chromosome D03. We then developed 22 polymorphic insertions or deletions (InDel) markers to further narrow down the candidate regions, resulting in the detection of five and four QTLs in the 2020 and 2021 populations, respectively. According to the results of QTL mapping, two candidate regions (InDel_G286-InDel_G144 and InDel_G24-InDel_G43) were detected. In these regions, three genes (GH_D03G0451, GH_D03G0649, and GH_D03G1180) have nonsynonymous mutations in their exons and one gene (GH_D03G0450) has SNP variations in the upstream sequence between CCRI50 and Guoxinmian 11. These four genes also showed dominant expression in the floral organs. The expression levels of GH_D03G0451, GH_D03G0649 and GH_D03G1180 were significantly higher in CCRI50 than in Guoxinmian 11 during the bud differentiation stages, while GH_D03G0450 showed the opposite trend. Further functional verification of GH_D03G0451 indicated that the GH_D03G0451-silenced plants showed a delay in the flowering time. The results suggest that these are the candidate genes for cotton early maturity, and they may be used for breeding early-maturity cotton varieties.

[学术文献 ] Map-based cloning of qLPA01.1, a favorable allele from the Gossypium tomentosum chromosome segment line 进入全文


Cotton is an important natural fiber crop worldwide which plays a vital role in our daily life. High yield is a constant goal of cotton breeding, and lint percentage (LP) is one of the important components of cotton fiber yield. A stable QTL controlling LP, qLP(A01).(1), was identified on chromosome A01 from Gossypium hirsutum introgressed lines with G. tomentosum chromosome segments in a previous study. To fine-map qLP(A01).(1), an F-2 population with 986 individuals was established by crossing G. hirsutum cultivar CCRI35 with the chromosome segment substitution line HT_390. A high-resolution genetic map including 47 loci and spanning 56.98 cM was constructed in the QTL region, and qLP(A01).(1) was ultimately mapped into an interval corresponding to an similar to 80 kb genome region of chromosome A01 in the reference genome, which contained six annotated genes. Transcriptome data and sequence analysis revealed that S-acyltransferase protein 24 (GoPAT24) might be the target gene of qLP(A01).(1). This result provides the basis for cotton fiber yield improvement via marker-assisted selection (MAS) and further studies on the mechanism of cotton fiber development.


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