[学术文献 ] 基于重心模型的中国粮食生产与加工时空耦合分析 进入全文
[学术文献 ] 粮食安全视域下土壤健康培育的现实价值、主要挑战与有效路径 进入全文
在强化耕地数量质量生态“三位一体”保护的新形势下, 土壤健康培育是全方位夯实国家粮食安全根基的必然举措。粮食安全视域下土壤健康培育是以提高土壤综合能力和多种功能价值为重点, 以系统化、绿色化、精准化为主要培育特征, 发挥政府、新型农业经营主体和小农户等各利益相关者的作用, 通过推广实施系列土壤健康培育措施, 促进农田生态、农业经济与社会效益有效协调。加快土壤健康培育具有贯彻落实国家战略、推动农业绿色发展、保障食品安全的现实价值。当前, 推动土壤健康培育存在土壤环境监测体系有待健全、生产者对土壤多功能性认识不足、农产品生产成本与价格双重压力抑制土壤健康培育、相关政策体系亟需健全、农作物种植结构与实施主体结构两方面均存在内部矛盾等主要挑战, 亟需抓住夯实培育基础、健全培育体制机制这一关键, 进一步深入推进绿色农田建设、建立健全土壤健康培育技术推广服务体系、促进土壤健康多元主体参与、完善土壤健康培育保障机制, 加快探索提升土壤健康培育的有效路径。
[学术文献 ] Africa pathway to food systems transformation: Challenges and opportunities 进入全文
This paper explores the pathways to transforming food systems in Africa, focusing on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. It examines the current state of food systems, highlighting issues such as food and nutrition security, environmental degradation, low agricultural productivity, limited availability and adoption of yield-increasing technologies, high malnutrition rates, violent conflicts and threats to peace and security, and inadequate governance. The paper emphasizes the need for policy reform, technological innovation, and capacity building to drive sustainable and inclusive food systems. Key drivers of change include policies promoting sustainable practices, increased funding for agricultural research, and improved market access through infrastructure development and trade policies. Good governance practices, including transparency, accountability, and inclusive decision-making, are crucial for effective policy implementation and stakeholder collaboration. Recommendations include empowering women and youth, supporting community-led initiatives, and leveraging the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to enhance intraAfrican trade. By adopting these strategies, Africa can build resilient, equitable, and sustainable food systems.
[学术文献 ] 保障水与粮食安全的国际农业用水管理先进技术与经验 进入全文
[学术文献 ] Drying-wetting cycles affect soil structure by impacting soil aggregate transformations and soil organic carbon fractions 进入全文
Drying-wetting (DW) cycles influence the formation and breakdown of soil aggregates and consequently impact the physical protection of soil organic carbon (SOC). However, the interaction between soil structural dynamics and SOC fraction changes driven by DW cycles is still unclear. Herein, aggregation pathways were tracked by using rare earth oxides (REOs) as tracers. The recombined soil columns were subjected to different DW frequencies (0, 1, 2, 4 and 8 cycles) and two DW intensities (low intensity, Q1; high intensity, Q2). During a 56-day incubation, aggregate distributions, mean water diameter (MWD), REO concentrations, the contents of SOC and its fractions (particulate organic carbon, POC; mineral-associated organic carbon, MOC) were measured. The results showed that MWD markedly increased with DW frequencies regardless of DW intensities and was significantly related to the relative changes of 2–0.25 mm aggregates (P < 0.05). Based on transformation paths, DW cycles stimulated the breakdown of > 0.25 mm aggregates and the aggregation of < 0.053 mm aggregates, thus leading to the increasing formation of 0.25–0.053 mm aggregates. Soil aggregate turnover time was affected by DW intensities and extended with DW frequencies (P < 0.05). Soil aggregate turnover time was displayed in the order of < 0.25 mm aggregates < 2–0.25 mm aggregates < 5–2 mm aggregates. MOC concentration exhibited an increasing trend with DW frequencies. A higher loss of SOC under high DW intensity resulted from more exposure of POC through soil aggregate breakdown. POC concentration was sensitive most to the 2–0.25 mm aggregates turnover time. The structural equation model (SEM) revealed that DW cycles exerted remarkable effects on MWD by impacting SOC fractions and soil aggregate transformations. Overall, our findings suggested that soil aggregate breakdown and formation processes, rather than aggregate size distributions, were more of a concern when evaluating the effects of DW cycles on soil structural stability.
[科技报告 ] Innovation for Sustainable Productivity Growth 进入全文
Total support to the agricultural sector across the 54 countries covered by this report averaged USD 842 billion per year during 2021-23. Many of the countries covered by the OECD Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation report provide support to their sectors, using policies that include market price support (tariffs and other border measures, MPS) that changes the price farmers receive for their products, or via various forms of budgetary transfers, such as output or input subsidies, payments for environmental services, or general services such as infrastructure development.