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[前沿资讯 ] Tocklai Tea Research Institute Assam Climate Change 进入全文

World Tea News 网站

美国政府与Amalgamated Plantations Private Limited(前身为Tata tea)合作,在印度茶叶资源丰富的阿萨姆邦的Kakajan茶园推出了一个先进的苗圃。这个创新的苗圃将通过每年生产100万株健康苗木来支持当地和国家的气候变化减缓目标,为该州的碳汇做出重大贡献。苗圃配备了自动化灌溉、灌溉施肥和气候控制系统等先进技术,使其成为大规模繁殖本土树种的理想中心。这一举措不仅将提高阿萨姆邦农业系统的恢复能力,还将为农民和树木种植者提供高质量的苗木。研究表明,包括阿萨姆邦在内的各个茶叶种植区都面临着气候变化的挑战,种植更多的树木可以最大限度地减少气候影响。

[学术文献 ] Influence of Bemisia tabaci-Induced Plant Volatiles on the Host-Choice Behavior of Tuta absoluta 进入全文

Journal of Chemical Ecology 期刊

Plants respond to attacks by insects by releasing herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs), which are known to influence the behavior of natural enemies, conspecific and heterospecific insects. However, little is known about how HIPVs induced by one insect species influence the behavior of an allospecific insect species, particularly if these insects belong to different feeding guilds. Here, using the interaction of two co-occurring insects with different feeding guilds — Bemisia tabaci (a sap sucking insect) and Tuta absoluta (a leaf mining insect) — on potato plants, we report that T. absoluta significantly preferred potato plants infested by B. tabaci. This preference is attributed to the B. tabaci-induced potato plant volatiles. Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) analysis further revealed notable alterations in volatile composition between B. tabaci-infested and uninfested plants. Additionally, gas chromatography coupled with electroantennogram detector (GC-EAD) analysis identified four compounds — undecane, β-caryophyllene, β-farnesene and germacrene D — in B. tabaci-induced potato plant volatiles that elicited responses from T. absoluta antennae. Our findings emphasize how B. tabaci infestation alters potato plant volatile composition, making them attractive to T. absoluta. Understanding the chemical ecology interactions between allospecific insects with different feeding guilds is crucial for understanding how different insect groups affect the host location of one another through HIPVs. This knowledge can contribute to the development of more effective pest management strategies against these economically important pests.

[学术文献 ] Bibliographic and Research Gap Analysis on Herbivore Induced Plant Volatiles in Pest Management - A Case Study 进入全文

Entomological News 期刊

The Herbivore Induced Plant Volatiles (HIPVs) are low molecular weight compounds and mostly belong to terpenoids, phenylpropanoids/benzenoids, Green Leaf Volatiles (GLVs) and amino acid derivatives. Volatile phytochemicals function as airborne indirect defense communication signals that specifically attract natural enemies. This case study discusses in detail metrics of publication on Herbivore Induced Plant Volatiles and pest management in the last two decades as listed on the Web of Science collection. Out of a total of 207 research publications, India and other countries contributed eight and 199 publications respectively, with a publication percentage of 3.86 and 96.13. Globally, the impact factor (JIF) ranged from 0.22 (Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society) to 10.151 (New Phytologist). Similarly for Indian publications, the range was from 0.208 to 4.223. Web of Science citation of all papers published on this topic totaled 4,302 excluding self-citation. The average h-index was 35 and the average citation per year was 245.16. If the research progress through these years is monitored, it was explicit that the research picked up during the last decade and around 87 percent of total publications made were from 2010 to 2021. The researchers should focus more on HIPV synthetic production and application which enhances its uses in IPM.

[学术文献 ] Plant growth promotion via priming with volatile organic compounds emitted from Bacillus vallismortis strain EXTN-1 进入全文

Frontiers in Microbiology 期刊

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by potential plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) play an important role in plant interactions. However, the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are not well understood. Our findings show that the influence of VOCs from the PGPR strain Bacillus vallismortis (EXTN-1) on tobacco plant growth is dependent on the culture media used. The VOCs released from sugar-rich media such as potato dextrose agar (PDA) and King’s B (KB) media were highly effective. However, exposure to VOCs from nutrient agar (NA), tryptic soy agar (TSA), and Luria-Bertani (LB) resulted in chlorosis and stunted plant growth. This effect was caused by the discharge of a large amount of ammonia that altered the pH of the plant growth media. Seedlings exposed to VOCs for 10 days exhibited improved growth even after the VOCs were eliminated under greenhouse conditions. Priming of seeds with VOCs for 24 and 48 h induced higher growth than the untreated control, and seeds with 48 h exposure were better as compared to 24 h treatment. Chemical characterization of VOCs emitted by EXTN-1 in different media using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) showed the presence of 2,3-butanedione and monoxime in all spectra. However, 1-butanol was the prominent peak in VOC of EXTN-1 grown in KB and NA, while acetoin was highest in PDA, followed by KB. Heneicosane and benzaldehyde were exclusively produced in NA media, and these synthetic compounds improved growth in the I-plate assay. This work indicates that VOCs released from EXTN-1 are important for the growth-promoting effect of EXTN-1.

[学术文献 ] Dynamical study on volatiles signaling in plant disease and pest-natural enemy interaction 进入全文

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 期刊

Continuous threat from unwanted pests and diseases is a major challenge in crop fields. The implementation of Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is a potential defense mechanism adopted in sustainable agriculture. VOCs send signals to natural enemies to locate their herbivorous prey (pest). Such beneficial role of natural enemies in plant-pest interaction may be an alternation of chemical pesticides in the cultivated fields. To explore the promising role of VOCs as reinforcement against pests, we propose a Lotka-Volterra type susceptible-infectious model of plant-pest-natural enemies interactions. Throughout the paper, we will explain how to improve plant protection by natural chemical cues and plant fitness. Moreover, we discuss a detailed analysis of complex emerging states to illustrate the underlying mechanism of VOCs-induced plant indirect defense. Analytically, we obtain basic reproduction number to show the stability condition of the endemic and disease-free equilibrium. Furthermore, we show the global stability of endemic equilibrium using high-dimensional Bendixson criterion. We approach bifurcation theory to understand the evolutionary dynamics of the proposed eco-epidemic model. The system experiences transcritical bifurcation which supports the invasibility changes between susceptible and infected plants. Occurrence of Hopf-bifurcation demonstarte the changes of emergent states between stable steady states and cyclic regularities. Numerical simulation depicts the analytical finding for a set of system parameters.

[会议论文 ] Control of the grapevine moth Lobesia botrana through genetic engineering manipulation of host-plant volatiles 进入全文

Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics

The European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana, is one of the most important pests of grape. Feeding activity by caterpillars leads to direct damage to reproductive plant tissues (flower buds and berries), and also to indirect damage by promoting secondary infections by microorganisms. Current control systems are based either on the use of insecticides or on mating disruption: while the first is not environmentally friendly, the second is not particularly suitable for non-delimited areas or areas where the pest population is high. Previous studies have shown that a synthetic blend of the three terpenoids (E)-β-caryophyllene, (E)-β-farnesene and (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene (DMNT) was as attractive for the moth as the complete grape odour profile under laboratory conditions. The same studies also showed that the specific ratio of these compounds in the grape bouquet was crucial, because small variations in the proportion of any of the three volatiles resulted in almost complete inhibition of the blend's attractiveness. Here, we report on the creation of stable grapevine transgenic lines with modified (E)-β-caryophyllene and (E)-β-farnesene emission and thus with an altered ratio compared with the original plants. When headspace collections from these plants were tested in wind-tunnel behavioural assays, they were less attractive than control extracts. This result was confirmed by testing synthetic blends that imitated the ratios found in natural and transformed plants, as well as by testing the plants themselves. With this evidence, we suggest that a strategy based on volatile ratio modification may also interfere with the host-finding behaviour of L. botrana in the field, paving the way for new pest-control methods.


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