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USDA ERS - Who Shops for Groceries Online?
- 英文名称:
- USDA ERS - Who Shops for Groceries Online?
- 作者:
- Br; on J. Restrepo ; Eliana Zeballos
- 关键词:
- Online grocery shopping; prevalence; frequency; Eating and Health Module; American Time Use Survey;
- 年份:
- Sept
- 出版地:
- Washington, DC, USA
- 总页数:
- 22 pp
- 语种:
- English
- USDA ERS - Frequency and Time of Day That Americans Eat: A Comparison of Data From the American Time Use Survey and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
- Adult Eating and Health Patterns: Evidence From the 2014-16 Eating & Health Module of the American Time Use Survey
- 2014-16 Eating & Health Module User's Guide (2016 Edition)
- Eating and Health Module User's Guide
- Eating and Health Module User's Guide, 2009 Edition
- Eating and Health Module User's Guide
- Nonresponse Bias Analysis of Body Mass Index Data in the Eating and Health Module
- Americans' Eating Patterns and Time Spent on Food: The 2014 Eating & Health Module Data
- USDA ERS - Food-Related Time Use: Changes and Demographic Differences
- How Much Time Do Americans Spend on Food?