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[行业报告 ] 联合国报告:中国积极增加科学支出 为全球贡献44%增量 进入全文


近日,联合国教科文组织发布的《2021年科学报告》显示,在世界各国中,中国在增加科学支出方面最积极,2014至2018年间,全球研发投入增量的44%,来自中国。 据报道,联合国教科文组织每五年发布一次该报告。报告显示,全球平均科学支出占GDP的比重,从2014年的1.73%,上升到2018年的1.79%。 数据表明,在世界各国中,中国在增加科学支出方面最积极,全球研发投入增量的44%来自中国。研发支出的24.5%来自中国,而2014年,这个数字为21.2%。 报告中写道,中国科学支出占GDP的比重增加到2.19%,而2014年这一数字为2.03%。同时,按绝对值计算,考虑到购买力平价,美国在科学上的支出仍高于中国——美国为4606亿美元,中国为4390亿美元。科学支出占美国GDP的比重上升至2.84%(2014年为)2.72%。科学支出在GDP中所占比重最大的国家是德国,2018年这一比重增加到3.09%(2014年达2.87%)。 此外,报告指出,注册国际专利最多的是在中国(31.7%)、美国(21.7%)、日本(20%)和欧盟(13.9%)。

[行业报告 ] Policy-induced market distortions along agricultural value chains: Evidence from Ethiopia and Nigeria 进入全文

IFPRI Policy Brief

The performance of agrifood value chains of vital importance for smallholder farmers in developing countries. Measuring and understanding how government policies, such taxes, subsidies, minimum support prices, and government procurement, impact particular value chains is essential to minimize unintended consequences for value chain actors. This analysis of distortions in value chains in Ethiopia (sheep and goats) and Nigeria (cacao and palm oil) uses nominal rates of protection (NRPs) to measure the impact of policies on domestic prices for producers and consumers. Using the NRP methodology is effective for highlighting the significant impact of agricultural policies on prices from the local to the country level and along entire agrifood value chains.

[行业报告 ] 《2021中国与全球食物政策报告》正式发布 > 进入全文


由中国农业大学全球食物经济与政策研究院(AGFEP)联合浙江大学中国农村发展研究院(CARD)、南京农业大学国际食品与农业经济研究中心(CIFAE)、中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所(IAED)和国际食物政策研究所(IFPRI)等单位共同出版的《2021中国与全球食物政策报告》今天正式发布,今年的报告主题是——后疫情时代农业食物系统的重新思考。 新冠肺炎疫情大流行给世界带来前所未有的公共健康危机,重创了人类生存与繁荣所高度依赖的农业食物系统。过去几十年,尽管世界各地在与饥饿和营养不良的斗争中取得了不菲成绩,但仍面临严峻挑战,人类的食物安全与营养状况依旧不容乐观。不健康的、不可持续的农业食物系统不仅会带来营养不良的三重负担(饥饿、微量营养素缺乏、超重或肥胖)、食品安全恐慌和人畜共患病,而且还会加剧气候变化。中国农业食物系统也面临着营养健康、资源环境与气候变化的多重压力。新冠肺炎疫情敲响了推动农业食物系统转型的警钟,未来,我们要在提高农业食物系统生产率的同时增强其韧性和包容性,从而确保人类的营养健康和地球环境的可持续。 正如中国农业大学全球食物经济与政策研究院(AGFEP)院长樊胜根教授说:“新冠肺炎疫情对农业食物系统的打击是巨大的,我们要重新思考后疫情时代农业食物系统的诸多问题,重点应是‘重建以达更好’而不是简单的恢复”! 今年的报告主要探讨了促进农业食物系统转型助力实现碳中和目标的减排路径,分析了调整中国膳食结构对居民健康和温室气体减排的影响,论述了中国农业食物系统绿色转型的重要抓手,总结了电子商务推动农业食物系统转型的中国经验,还研究了双循环新格局下中国农产品贸易的变革、挑战与展望(附目录)。

[行业报告 ] Sustainability of Plantwise: an assessment after 10 years of the programme 进入全文


The global Plantwise programme has been operating since 2011 and is currently implemented in 30 countries, working with more than 200 partner organisations across Africa, Asia and the Americas. Plantwise has been demonstrated to be a working concept for the effective delivery of plant health information to smallholder farmers. However, it is critically important that CABI interventions contribute to lasting positive change beyond the end of direct Plantwise funding, hence the need to assess the sustainability1 of activities across the 30 Plantwise countries. At this advanced stage of Plantwise, it was therefore felt that Plantwise sustainability needed to be viewed from a broader and country-specific perspective to gain a deeper understanding of what elements of Plantwise are operating within the country, whether these are likely to continue and why or why not (beyond the ‘who is going to pay’ question). This synthesis report draws on the country reports of the sustainability assessment carried out in 2020, as well as other recent reports and evaluation studies, to present the key findings as to where indications of sustainability or risk/challenges to Plantwise activities have been highlighted. These findings are presented within the overarching five Plantwise themes: 1) stakeholder linkages, 2) plant clinics and complementary activities, 3) data management and use, 4) information exchange and Knowledge Bank, and 5) monitoring and evaluation (M&E).

[行业报告 ] UNEP Food Waste Index Report 2021 进入全文

UNEP website

The fact that substantial amounts of food are produced but not eaten by humans has substantial negative impacts: environmentally, socially and economically. Estimates suggest that 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions are associated with food that is not consumed. Reducing food waste at retail, food service and household level can provide multi-faceted benefits for both people and the planet. However, the true scale of food waste and its impacts have not been well understood until now. As such, the opportunities provided by food waste reduction have remained largely untapped and under-exploited. If we want to get serious about tackling food waste, we need to increase efforts to measure food and inedible parts wasted at retail and consumer level and track food waste generation in kilograms per capita at country level. Only with reliable data, we are going to be able to track progress on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 12.3, which aims at halving per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reducing food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses. The Food Waste Index Report aims at supporting the goals of SDG 12.3. It does so by presenting the most comprehensive food waste data collection, analysis and modelling to date, generating a new estimate of global food waste; and publishing a methodology for countries to measure food waste, at household, food service and retail level, to track national progress towards 2030 and to report on SDG 12.3. Countries using this methodology will generate strong evidence to guide a national strategy on food waste prevention, that is sufficiently sensitive to pick up changes in food waste over two- or four-year intervals, and that enables meaningful comparisons between countries globally.

[行业报告 ] IFPRI’s 2021 Global Food Policy Report: Transforming Food Systems After COVID-19 进入全文


IFPRI’s 2021 Global Food Policy Report explores the impacts of the pandemic and government policy responses to date, particularly for the poor and disadvantaged, and consider what it all means for transforming our food systems to be healthy, resilient, efficient, sustainable, and inclusive. The chapters in this flagship report explore key requisites for such a transformation in light of the current shock — balancing health and economic policies, promoting healthy diets and nutrition, strengthening social protection policies and inclusion, integrating natural resource protection into food sector policies, and enhancing the contribution of the private sector — and how best to achieve them. Regional sections examine the diverse experiences of the pandemic worldwide, and the impact of varied response measures. 


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