[行业报告 ] 国家发展改革委 商务部关于印发 《市场准入负面清单(2020年版)》的通知 进入全文
[行业报告 ] Mexico: US Exports to Mexico Down on Reduced Demand Due to COVID 19 Effects 进入全文
In fiscal year 2020 (October 2019-September 2020), total U.S. agricultural exports to Mexico declined by five percent to $18.1 billion from the previous fiscal year. Although Mexico remained one of the top three importers of U.S. agricultural, food and forest products by value, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the entire supply chain in both the U.S. and Mexico. The first six months of FY 2020 showed steady bilateral trade, but April-September showed reductions in key categories of U.S. exports. Reductions in FY 2020 exports were most observed in animal proteins in response to preference for lower priced proteins, and closures or reduced capacities in the hotel, restaurant, and institutional sector.
[行业报告 ] 《“一带一路”国家基础设施发展指数(2020)》发布 进入全文
“创新协同可持续,深入传播新能源、绿色建筑、绿色融资的实践日益丰富,‘一带一路’国家基础设施发展前景依然可期”,中国对外承包工程商会会长房秋晨在第十一届国际基础设施投资与建设高峰论坛上表示。 12月2日,《“一带一路”国家基础设施发展指数(2020)》(以下简称《报告》)在澳门召开的第十一届国际基础设施投资与建设高峰论坛上发布。 报告显示,今年新冠疫情影响下,“一带一路”国家基础设施建设呈现新的变化。第一,疫情使“一带一路”基础设施建设受到大的冲击;第二,针对不同地区,基础设施发展差异较大,东南亚保持领先,从国家来看,印尼、马来西亚、菲律宾的发展指数位居前三位;第三,基建类型上,交通基础设施仍然是各方合作的重点,以现代化铁路网、高速公路网、自动化港口和机场为代表的交通类基础设施项目是各方支持和关注的重点领域。同时,疫情暴露了“一带一路”国家公共卫生基础设施的短板,相关基础设施项目建设有望进入快车道;第四,“创新、协同、可持续”将推动“一带一路”国家基础设施新发展。数字化、信息化技术与基础设施建设加速融合,可持续基础设施发展理念深入传播,新能源、绿色建筑、绿色融资的实践日益丰富,“一带一路”国家基础设施发展前景依然可期。 此次研究报告揭示了“一带一路”国家基础设施发展特点和总体趋势,也点明了新形势下“一带一路”沿线各国基础设施建设发展面临的挑战。报告显示,疫情的持续蔓延导致项目建设风险持续上升,东道国社会关系变化引发的各类冲突对项目安全构成潜在威胁,全球经济衰退致使基础设施发展经济环境进一步恶化,经济全球化逆流迫使国际基建参与者承受更大的海外市场风险。 报告提出四项发展建议:一是加强国际合作,改善“一带一路”沿线国家基础设施的发展环境。二是加快融资创新,推动构建多元开放的国际基础设施金融服务体系。三是优化风险与合规管控,构筑国际基础设施合作的坚实根基。四是重视科技创新,促进“一带一路”国家新型基础设施建设的发展。 第十一届国际基础设施投资与建设高峰论坛于12月2-3日在澳门举办。本届论坛以“携手应对挑战,促进全球基础设施发展”为主题,有来自42个国家和地区的400多家单位逾1000人出席。
[行业报告 ] Interim Report on Agricultural Trade between the United States and China 进入全文
Since the Agreement entered into force, the United States and China have addressed a multitude of structural barriers in China that had been impeding exports of U.S. food and agricultural products. To date, China has implemented at least 50 of the 57 technical commitments under the Phase One Agreement. These structural changes will benefit American farmers for decades to come. China also has substantially ramped up its purchases of U.S. agricultural products. To date, China has purchased over $23 billion in agricultural products, approximately 71% of its target under the Phase One Agreement. Highlights outlined in the report include: Corn: Outstanding sales of U.S. corn to China are at an all-time high of 8.7 million tons. Soybeans: U.S. soybeans sales for marketing year 2021 are off to the strongest start in history, with outstanding sales to China double 2017 levels. Sorghum: U.S. exports of sorghum to China from January to August 2020 totaled $617 million, up from $561 million for the same period in 2017. Pork: U.S. pork exports to China hit an all-time record in just the first five months of 2020. Beef: U.S. beef and beef products exports to China through August 2020 are already more than triple the total for 2017. In addition to these products, USDA expects 2020 sales to China to hit record or near-record levels for numerous other U.S. agricultural products including pet food, alfalfa hay, pecans, peanuts, and prepared foods.
[行业报告 ] Trading Together : Reviving Middle East and North Africa Regional Integration in the Post-COVID Era (English) 进入全文
World Bank
The combination of a Covid-19 pandemic and a collapse in oil prices has affected all aspects of the economies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The region’s economies are projected to contract by 5.2 percent in 2020, which is 4.1 percentage points below the forecast in April 2020, and 7.8 percentage points worse than that of October 2019, reflecting an increasingly pessimistic outlook for the regional economy. The region is expected to recover only partially in 2021. The outlook for MENA’s current account and fiscal balances also deteriorated sharply. Driven largely by lower oil export revenue, a drop in fiscal revenue, and the large increase in fiscal expenditure required to respond to the health crisis, the region’s current account and fiscal balances in 2020 are forecast at -4.8 percent and -10.1 percent of GDP respectively, much worse than the forecasts in October 2019. Public debt is projected to rise significantly in the next few years, from about 45 percent of GDP in 2019 to 58 percent in 2022. In dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, the top priority is responding to the health crisis while aiming to preserve consumption and production capabilities. If financially feasible, countries should postpone fiscal consolidation until recovery is well underway. Reallocating spending to deal with the immediate impacts of the crisis and making such spending more efficient, for example, by proactively reducing leakages to ensure relief measures reach the intended beneficiaries can help create fiscal space. In the medium run, there is a strong need to boost productivity to restore growth and stabilize the debt. A powerful way to do that would be to pursue profound institutional reforms that would reshape the role of the state, promote fair competition, accelerate the adoption digital technology, and pursue regional integration, which is the focus of this report.
[行业报告 ] 《中国国家形象全球调查报告2019》 进入全文
9月15日上午,由当代中国与世界研究院主办的《中国国家形象全球调查报告2019》在京发布,本次调查在全球22个国家同步展开,受访者达11000人。中国参与全球治理的各领域表现认可度均获提升,全球治理表现亮眼。 《中国国家形象全球调查报告2019》显示,海外受访民众对中国的整体印象为6.3分,较2018年提升0.1分,呈现持续上升趋势。中国在科技、经济、文化、安全、政治、生态等各领域参与全球治理表现的认可度均获提升,其中文化、安全领域认可度上升4个百分点,其他各领域均上升3个百分点。在中国参与全球治理的实践中,海外受访者最为认可的三个领域为科技、经济和文化,经济与科技并肩成为海外受访者最期待中国发挥更大作用的领域。 2019年,海外民众对“一带一路”的认知度逐年提升,是海外认知度最高的中国理念和主张。在对“一带一路”有所了解的海外受访者中,四成以上的人认为共建“一带一路”“有助于国家和地区的基础设施互联互通建设”和“有助于沿线国家和地区的投资贸易合作”,是“有广阔前景的全球性公共产品”。海外受访者最为期待“一带一路”在贸易畅通和设施联通方面发挥更大影响和作用。 此外,中国科技创新能力认可度持续提升,68%的海外受访者认为中国科技创新能力强,在发展中国家受访者中的认可度超过八成。在受访者当中,高达80%的海外受访者体验过中国饮食文化,体验后对中国饮食文化有较好印象的超过八成。