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[学术文献 ] Analysis of plant physiological responses based on leaf color changes through the development and application of a wireless plant sensor 进入全文

Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research

Optical sensing has been used to monitor the physiological responses of plants noninvasively and in real-time. In this study, we developed a low-cost plant sensor that performed a spectroscopic measurement at eight wavelengths in the visible region. The sensor head of the system was attached directly to the underside of the leaf, not blocking the light, and eliminating correction work because of the constant distance between the sensor head and the sample. The collected data was shared in the cloud via a network, thereby enabling remote monitoring. The characteristics of the plant sensor as a spectral photometer were validated, with major wavelengths also showing good correlations with those of a conventional spectrometer. The reflectance of 620 nm in this sensor detected plant aging indicator chlorophyll, and 550 nm detected stress indicator xanthophyll. In the field test, these plant physiological responses, seasonal leaf color changes and environmental stresses, were observed remotely. The results indicate that the novel spectroscopic measurement from the underside of the leaf is effective to realize accurate and stable measurement of the plant leaf. The plant sensor can be a powerful tool in the field of agriculture and ecological study by realizing simultaneous, multi-point and remote monitoring at a low cost.

[学术文献 ] A quest for the potato of the future: characterization of wild tuber-bearing Solanum species for de novo domestication 进入全文

Journal of Experimental Botany

Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a staple food worldwide, but modern potato cultivation relies heavily on the use of pesticides to control pests and diseases. However, many wild Solanum species are highly resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses relevant to potato production. Several of those species have been used in potato breeding to confer resistance but this has only been moderately successful. Instead, we propose an alternative approach to utilize the potential of wild Solanum germplasm. Recently, de novo domestication has been suggested to produce more resilient crops: instead of introducing resistance genes into existing crops, domestication traits could be introduced into resistant wild crop relatives to create new crops. Therefore, we selected 10 promising species from the 107 known wild tuber-bearing Solanum species for their resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Selection was based on the existing literature, characterizing species by tuberization under short- and long-day conditions, tuber glycoalkaloid content, starch digestibility and performance in tissue culture. Based on this, the highly pest- and disease-resistant S. bulbocastanaum was chosen. Our results showed that it produced relatively large tubers, also under long-day conditions, and performed exceptionally well in tissue culture.

[相关成果 ] 马铃薯直接抗寒性相关的Indel分子标记及其应用 进入全文


本发明提供一种马铃薯直接抗寒性相关的Indel分子标记与应用。所述马铃薯直接抗寒性相关的Indel分子标记,其全称为Indel0516,包括上游引物序列Indel0516‑F:TTAGCAATGGAACGAGTTCA和下游引物序列Indel0516‑R:ACGTGCATTAGGAGTCATTT。本发明以马铃薯二倍体野生种S.candolleanum的两个株系CND50‑2(PI 473493)和CND48‑2(PI 473345)杂交,构建直接抗寒分离群体,利用QTL‑seq,结合分子标记开发,获得与马铃薯野生种S.candolleanum直接抗寒性显著关联的Indel分子标记。CND50‑2是S.candolleanum中的抗寒株系,CND48‑2是S.candolleanum中的低温敏感株系。利用这个与直接抗寒性显著相关的Indel分子标记检测具有S.candolleanum抗寒株系血缘的种质资源,发现其对后代直接抗寒性的检测较为准确,这说明该分子标记可以应用于S.candolleanum直接抗寒性状的辅助选择。

[前沿资讯 ] An avalanche of Chinese potato patents, but what do they yield? 进入全文

Potato world magazine

In a recent paper by Chinese scientists from the Beijing Institute of Technology and the Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, authors showed that there is an enormous increase in the number of patents related to scientific innovations in China. Although the numbers are less impressive, this also applies to potato science. Remarkably, a social network analysis showed that the potato patents did not necessarily originate from institutions in provinces where potato production takes place. Innovation and production are apparently partly separated. Implementation of innovations in the daily practice of potato production through dissemination and extension of patents requires well-estab­lished cross-regional exchange platforms. That is – also in China – still work in progress.

[学术文献 ] Designer peptide–DNA cytoskeletons regulate the function of synthetic cells 进入全文

Nature Chemistry

The bottom-up engineering of artificial cells requires a reconfigurable cytoskeleton that can organize at distinct locations and dynamically modulate its structural and mechanical properties. Here, inspired by the vast array of actin-binding proteins and their ability to reversibly crosslink or bundle filaments, we have designed a library of peptide–DNA crosslinkers varying in length, valency and geometry. Peptide filaments conjoint through DNA hybridization give rise to tactoid-shaped bundles with tunable aspect ratios and mechanics. When confined in cell-sized water-in-oil droplets, the DNA crosslinker design guides the localization of cytoskeletal structures at the cortex or within the lumen of the synthetic cells. The tunable spatial arrangement regulates the passive diffusion of payloads within the droplets and complementary DNA handles allow for the reversible recruitment and release of payloads on and off the cytoskeleton. Heat-induced reconfiguration of peptide–DNA architectures triggers shape deformations of droplets, regulated by DNA melting temperatures. Altogether, the modular design of peptide–DNA architectures is a powerful strategy towards the bottom-up assembly of synthetic cells.

[政策法规 ] Building the future with nature: Boosting Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing in the EU 进入全文


"Today, the Commission has proposed a series of targeted actions to boost biotechnology and biomanufacturing in the EU. The Communication on Building the future with nature identifies the challenges and barriers and proposes to tackle them, in line with the Communication on the long-term competitiveness of the EU. The advances in life sciences, supported by digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI), and the potential of solutions based on biology to solve societal issues, make biotechnology and biomanufacturing one of the most promising technological areas of this century. They can help the EU to modernise its agriculture, forestry, energy, food and feed sectors and industry. In addition, these technologies can contribute to a more competitive and resilient EU, that provides better healthcare to its citizens, and succeeds in its green and digital transitions."


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