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[前沿资讯 ] International organizations scale up fight against deadly livestock disease 进入全文


 Veterinary experts from around the world today attended an event at the Rome headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to mark the publication of a book celebrating the eradication of rinderpest and to launch the next phase of the global fight against peste des petits ruminants (PPR), also known as sheep and goat plague. The world was declared free of rinderpest, a viral disease that primarily affected cattle and buffalo, in 2011. Co-authored by FAO and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, founded as OIE), the book reviews the scientific expertise and activities during decades of eradication efforts, the contributions made by numerous UN agencies and other international organizations, as well as the outstanding role played by national veterinary services. The book (‘Rinderpest and its eradication’) also holds important lessons for the fight against PPR, which the UN has vowed to eradicate by 2030. These include the need for strong global leadership, cooperation through continuous dialogue among partners at all levels, standardisation of technical and reporting tools and the supporting role of networks, including of laboratories, vaccinators and surveillance teams. In addition, the commitment and financial contributions from participating countries is critical for success. PPR is a fast-spreading viral disease that affects and kills small ruminants, mostly goats and sheep, in more than 66 countries in Africa, the Near East and Asia. Its global economic impact is estimated at up to USD 2.1 billion, with over 300 million of the world’s poorest rural families depending on small ruminants for their livelihoods. While the mortality rate of PPR can be as high as 80 percent, as seen in unvaccinated herds in Kenya between 2006 and 2008, eradicating the disease is possible using current vaccines. The necessary tools are already available. Diagnostic tests are accessible and there are currently 23 active PPR vaccine producers that have the capacity to produce the doses needed to get rid of the disease worldwide. “Eradicating PPR is technically feasible and would contribute significantly to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals,” FAO Director-General QU Dongyu said. "But we need all partners to work together, backed with international support and funds, to coordinate joint actions to ensure we work collectively in an efficient, effective and coherent manner." The event in Rome was attended by national government ministers, animal health experts, resource partners and Member States’ representatives.

[前沿资讯 ] Benchmark for world food prices was broadly steady in October 进入全文


 The benchmark for world food commodity prices was broadly stable in October, with rising cereal prices more than offset by declines in quotations for other staples, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reported Friday. The FAO Food Price Index, which tracks monthly changes in the international prices of a basket of commonly traded food commodities, averaged 135.9 points during the month of October, negligibly below its level in September. With the latest update, the index stood 14.9 percent down from its all-time high recorded in March 2022, while it remained 2.0 percent above its level in October 2021. The FAO Cereal Price Index increased 3.0 percent during the month. World wheat prices rose by 3.2 percent, mostly reflecting uncertainties related to the Black Sea Grain Initiative and also a downward revision for supplies in the United States of America. International prices of coarse grains increased by 3.5 percent from September, with maize prices rising even more due to lower production prospects in the United States of America and the European Union, along with dry planting conditions in Argentina and uncertainty about exports from Ukraine. International rice prices increased by 1.0 percent. The FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index declined by 1.6 percent in October and stood nearly 20 percent below its year-earlier level. Rising international quotations for sunflower seed oil were more than offset by lower world prices of palm, soy and rapeseed oils. The FAO Dairy Price Index dropped by 1.7 percent, with the prices of all dairy products covered down since September. Lower than anticipated purchases by China, lacklustre import demand and the weakening of the Euro against the United States dollar underpinned the drop in October. The FAO Meat Price Index was down 1.4 percent in October compared to September, with international ovine, pig, bovine and poultry meat prices all declining on broadly subdued global import demand and increasing exportable supplies. The FAO Sugar Price Index declined 0.6 percent, bolstered by improved production prospects in India. Factors such as rains hampering harvest progress in Brazil, strong import demand from Indonesia and China, and higher ethanol price quotations in Brazil, limited the month-on-month price decline for sugar.

[前沿资讯 ] RCEP和“一带一路”引领 外商投资福建较快增长 进入全文


今年生效的《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)和共建“一带一路”引领,外商投资福建呈现较快增长的态势。福建省商务厅29日通报,今年1-9月,福建省实际使用外资44.9亿美元,同比增长23%。其中,RCEP成员国对闽投资增长65.6%,东盟地区增长156.1%,“一带一路”沿线国家和地区增长184.5%。 随着RCEP的政策红利释放,福建与RCEP成员国以及东盟交流合作迈向更大规模、更宽领域、更高层次。今年以来,2022福建-RCEP国家经贸合作对接会、中国(福建)—菲律宾经贸合作推介会、中国(福建)-新加坡国际高新企业合作发展峰会等先后举办。 今年9月举办的首届中国(福建)-新加坡国际高新企业合作发展峰会上,中新国际高新企业(福州)基地项目、丰树福州智慧供应链及配送产业园合作项目正式签约,合同金额达41.3亿元(人民币,下同),将为闽新合作注入新动能。新加坡创士锋创始人兼CEO李葳指出,在世界经济增长乏力的背景下,RCEP的实施消除了贸易壁垒,畅通了投资渠道,激发了市场活力。 获批成为“21世纪海上丝绸之路”核心区以来,福建成为“一带一路”沿线国家和地区投资的热门区域。今年6月,福建省发改委批复核准福建古雷150万吨/年乙烯及下游深加工联合体项目(中沙古雷乙烯项目),项目总投资420.7亿元,标志着福建迄今一次性投资最大的中外合资项目正式落地。该项目由福建省能源石化集团有限责任公司与全球石化巨头沙特基础工业公司(SABIC)合资建设,将在位于漳州市的古雷石化基地投资建设一套年产150万吨乙烯及下游深加工联合装置,共采用19项全球领先工艺技术,建成后年产值约300亿元,将带动上下游投资超千亿元。 高技术产业、制造业吸收外资占比提升也是福建引外资的突出亮点之一。数据显示,今年1-9月,福建高技术产业实际使用外资增长49.6%,占全省34.2%;制造业实际使用外资增长99%,其中石油化工业增长912.3%。

[前沿资讯 ] “一带一路”带来数字化转型机遇 进入全文


 2013年以来,“一带一路”倡议逐步从愿景变为现实,取得了丰硕成果,展现了强大活力和韧性,彰显了中国作为负责任大国促进全球经济共同发展的责任担当。随着新一轮科技革命和产业变革蓬勃兴起,互联网、大数据、云计算、人工智能、区块链等新技术与各行业加速融合,共建“一带一路”也呈现出新的时代特征,为参与国家经济发展和产业数字化转型带来难得机遇。  增进民生福祉。共建“一带一路”参与国家有很多是发展中国家,数字基础设施较为落后。共建“一带一路”为参与国家经济发展和产业数字化转型提供了重要契机,增进了参与国家的民生福祉。一方面,在共建“一带一路”过程中,中国企业充分发挥自身数字技术优势和先进管理经验,同参与国家共同建设优良数字基础设施,提供数字化服务,并与相关国家合作培养数字人才,有效提升了相关国家劳动力数字化技能和素质。这些务实做法,既有利于这些国家抓住数字经济发展机遇、利用后发优势实现跨越式发展,又促进更多人参与到数字经济蓬勃发展中来,共同享有数字经济带来的便利生活。另一方面,共建“一带一路”也是参与国家文化交流的一个重要平台。随着参与国家数字设备以及数字技术不断普及,不同国家和地区可以将本国或本地区的优秀文化产品通过数字方式呈现和传播,各国人民可以通过移动互联网进行文化交流、学习和消费,从而更好满足人民精神文化需求。  形成发展新动能。传统经济理论认为,人口、资本、土地是经济发展的主要生产要素。随着数字经济发展,数据成为新的生产要素,为经济发展注入了新的动能,既不断催生新的经济发展模式和新产业新业态,又通过赋能传统产业数字化发展,促进传统产业转型升级。近年来,中国与共建“一带一路”参与国家在电子商务、贸易平台服务、智慧物流等领域的合作不断加强,重点数字基础设施项目建设加速推进,不仅与相关国家共享中国数字经济发展的巨大红利,而且有效拓展了区域数字经济发展红利,推动相关国家经济发展和产业数字化转型进程不断加快。比如,随着参与国家数字经济的发展,更多市场主体得以通过数字技术参与到国际贸易体系中来,获得更为广阔的市场机遇和展示自身产品的机会,大大减少了供需双方的市场搜寻匹配成本,既提高了本国要素配置效率和商品流通效率,降低了企业整体运营压力和运营成本,也使企业有条件将更多资金投入产品和服务的创新研发中,实现发展壮大。  继续深入推进共建数字“一带一路”,一方面,需要加强参与国家各层级的沟通协调,推动各国数字经济发展战略有效对接;另一方面,需要深化数据安全保护、数字经济治理规则制定等领域的交流合作和对话沟通,努力就数字经济治理、数据安全保护等问题达成更多共识,为各国用好数字化转型机遇创造有利条件。

[前沿资讯 ] 2021年我国跨境电商进出口规模近2万亿元 进入全文


国务院关于数字经济发展情况的报告28日提请十三届全国人大常委会第三十七次会议审议。报告显示,2021年我国跨境电商进出口规模近2万亿元。 报告显示,截至目前,我国已与16个国家签署“数字丝绸之路”合作谅解备忘录,与24个国家建立“丝路电商”双边合作机制,中国—中东欧国家、中国—中亚五国电子商务合作对话机制建设取得积极进展,中国—东盟信息港、中阿网上丝绸之路建设成效日益显著。中国电商平台助力全球中小企业开拓中国市场,在非洲20多个国家实施“万村通”项目,共享数字经济发展红利。 报告称,我国网民数量、数据资源、数字化应用场景全球领先,人民日益增长的美好生活需要还将催生更大规模、更加多元的内需市场,将为数字经济发展创造无限可能。 报告提出,到2025年,数字经济迈向全面扩展期,数字化创新引领发展能力大幅提升,智能化水平明显增强,数字技术与实体经济深度融合取得显著成效,具有国际竞争力的数字产业集群初步形成,数字经济治理体系更加完善,我国数字经济竞争力和影响力稳步提升。展望2035年,数字经济迈向繁荣成熟期,力争形成统一公平、竞争有序、成熟完备的数字经济现代市场体系,数字经济发展基础、产业体系发展水平位居世界前列。

[前沿资讯 ] 重庆出台《外资行动计划》 三年实际使用外资力争年均增长10%以上 进入全文


从重庆市商务委了解到,日前出台的《重庆市建设高质量外资集聚地三年行动计划(2022—2024年)》(以下简称《外资行动计划》)提出,2022—2024年,力争重庆实际使用外资年均增长10%以上。 《外资行动计划》提出,到2024年,重庆高技术制造业、高技术服务业吸收外资水平明显提高,外资服务全市高质量发展的作用显著增强。同时,2022—2024年,全市制造业吸收外资占比30%以上。 《外资行动计划》提出,要充分释放服务业扩大开放综合试点、国际消费中心培育建设等重大试点政策机遇,着力引进一批高质量外资项目,引导重大外资项目、链主企业、龙头企业集聚,带动全市利用外资高质量发展。 《外资行动计划》明确,要突出产业链、供应链、价值链、创新链“四链联动”和集成发展,优化重庆市外资产业结构,推动先进制造业和现代服务业深度融合;打造高能级外资总部经济,支持外资在渝设立跨国公司总部以及功能性机构。 为推动该计划加快实施,从明年开始,重庆市将对年实际到位外资金额超过一定标准的制造业新项目或增资项目给予奖励,奖励额度比例翻一番;对设立符合条件的研发中心一次性给予200万元开办奖励,并将加大对外资新项目的资金支持。 此外,重庆市还将进一步优化外商投资发展环境,落实外商投资国民待遇,持续推动国家《鼓励外商投资产业目录》增加重庆优势产业目录,动态推出境外人员可申报的职业资格目录,支持重点外资企业向税务机关申请谈签预约定价安排,以稳定经营预期。


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