[前沿资讯 ] 我国与“一带一路”沿线国家货物贸易额十年年均增长8% 进入全文
商务部部长助理陈春江2日在国新办新闻发布会上说,2013年到2022年,我国与“一带一路”沿线国家货物贸易额从1.04万亿美元扩大到2.07万亿美元,年均增长8%。 今年是共建“一带一路”倡议提出十周年。陈春江说,倡议提出以来,我国与共建国家贸易和投资规模稳步扩大,基础设施互联互通不断加强,产业链供应链合作水平持续提升。在投资方面,2013年到2022年,我国与沿线国家双向投资累计超过2700亿美元,截至2022年底,我国企业在沿线国家建设的境外经贸合作区累计投资达571.3亿美元,为当地创造了42.1万个就业岗位;在工程建设方面,2013年到2022年,我国在沿线国家承包工程新签合同额、完成营业额累计分别超过1.2万亿美元和8000亿美元,占对外承包工程总额的比重超过了一半。 谈及在新起点上持续推进“一带一路”经贸合作走深走实,陈春江说,将重点提质量、拓领域、优项目、搭平台、强保障。包括优化贸易结构,扩大优质商品的进口;深度参与全球产业分工与合作,优化双向投资结构;推动与更多有意愿的共建国家商签自贸协定,加快建设覆盖“一带一路”的自贸区网络;积极商签绿色发展、数字经济、蓝色经济等领域的双边合作协议;聚焦减贫、卫生、教育等领域,建设更多“小而美”项目,不断提升当地民众的获得感、认同感;继续发布对外投资合作国别(地区)指南;推动与共建国家商签和升级投资保护协定,为共建“一带一路”高质量发展提供更多保障
[前沿资讯 ] 聚焦“‘一带一路’这十年”:专家学者热议共建“一带一路”高质量发展 进入全文
“一带一路高质量发展学术论坛”第二届年会在京举行。与会专家学者围绕 “一带一路”十年建设成就、高质量发展的途径与措施等话题开展研讨、建言献策。 全国政协丝路规划研究中心理事长、第十二届全国政协副主席陈元在视频致辞中指出,在共建“一带一路”即将迎来十周年之际,做好总结、展望未来,有利于下一阶段把工作做得更好。“希望与会专家在党的二十大报告精神指引下,结合建设案例,深入开展理论研究和实践总结,加强学术交流,为推动共建‘一带一路’高质量发展奉献智慧和力量。”陈元表示。 “一带一路高质量发展学术论坛”主席、“一带一路”国际科学组织联盟(ANSO)主席、中国科学院原院长白春礼强调,科技界在推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展上具有独特的作用,而且是越来越重要的作用,特别是在开拓绿色、健康、数字、创新等新领域上。应高度重视、整体谋划、统筹资源、创新机制,尽快推动共建“一带一路”科技合作迈上新台阶。 “过去10年来,共建‘一带一路’取得显著成效。推进‘一带一路’建设,有利于共建国家、有利于世界、有利于中国。”全国政协经济委员会副主任、中国国际经济交流中心副理事长宁吉喆指出,10年来,共建“一带一路”得到中国人民的积极拥护,也得到全球许多国家的积极响应,不仅为共建国家、为全球发展带来新动能,也有力促进了各地对外开放和区域协调发展。 北京大学国家发展研究院名誉院长、北京大学新结构经济学研究院院长林毅夫从新结构主义经济学的视角进行了阐释。他表示,在推进共建“一带一路”进程中,以基础设施的建设为抓手,帮助共建国家发展具有比较优势的产业,进而推动这种比较优势转化为竞争优势,提升发展的速度和质量,共建国家会拥有更多的资源来支付建设成本,进行内部协调,也能够创造更多的就业机会让普通民众从发展过程中得到更大的好处,真正助力共建“一带一路”实现高质量发展、实现民心相通。 据悉,“一带一路高质量发展学术论坛”由中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所、全国政协丝路规划研究中心、“一带一路”国际科学组织联盟等16家研究机构、智库和企业于2022年初联合发起。
[前沿资讯 ] Russia, Ukraine, and global food security 进入全文
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and attacks on Ukraine’s agricultural system have led to unprecedented impacts on global agricultural markets, food security, and nutrition, writes CSIS in a piece on the current situation in Ukraine and how it is affecting the world. "Since the implementation of the Black Sea Grain Initiative in August, Ukraine has exported over 22 million tons of grains through the Black Sea ports of Odesa, Chornomorsk, and Pivdennyi, which collectively handled approximately half of Ukraine’s pre-war maritime agricultural exports", says the article linking to a recent IFPRI issue post. Speaking about the increase of staple foods prices, the article states that low-income families shift consumption away from more nutritious food and toward less nutritious food. "A recent analysis from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) illustrates this phenomenon. Prior to the war, Egypt, the world’s largest importer of wheat, procured about 85 percent of its wheat imports from the Black Sea. War-related supply chain disruptions and other factors have led to more than 30 percent increase in domestic food prices. Across more than 6,000 low-income households across the country, IFPRI found that 85 percent of households consumed less meat and 75 percent of households consumed less poultry and eggs, with price increases cited as the main reason for cutbacks. At the same time, consumption of potatoes and pasta increased among 21 and 14 percent of households, respectively. These shifts in consumption could worsen malnutrition across Egypt, including anemia among women of reproductive age and overweight and obesity across the population."
[前沿资讯 ] 我国跨境电商综试区已覆盖31个省区市 进入全文
商务部新闻发言人束珏婷说,截至2022年底,国务院已先后分七批设立165个跨境电子商务综合试验区,覆盖31个省区市,基本形成了陆海内外联动、东西双向互济的发展格局。 束珏婷在商务部当天举行的例行发布会上说,近年来,综试区作为跨境电商发展的创新高地,有效助力外贸稳规模、优结构,有力推动了业态创新发展,整体呈现规模占比高、主体质量持续优化、产业配套日趋齐全的特点。 海关数据显示,2022年,我国跨境电商进出口额达到2.11万亿元,增长9.8%,其中各综试区的进出口额占比超过九成;目前各综试区跨境电商相关企业约20万家,其中被认定为高新技术的企业超过9300家;各综试区积极建设跨境电商产业园,丰富各类配套设施,涌现了一批支付、物流、营销等环节的专业服务商。 束珏婷表示,下一步将继续扎实推进综试区建设,重点做好四方面工作:一是建设一批优秀试点,实现差异化发展;二是培育一批骨干企业,提升综合竞争力;三是推广一批经验做法,向全国复制推广;四是加快跨境电商领域的国际合作,支持各类主体开拓好海外市场,加强与其他国家在规则制定、标准建设等方面的协调互动。
[前沿资讯 ] Pork, milk price fluctuations harmful for rice bowls 进入全文
China Daily中国日报网
Pork and milk play an important role in many people's diet, and their production and sale benefit both producers and sellers. However, the recent fluctuations in pork and milk prices have affected both producers and consumers. The biggest challenge faced by producers is the uncertainty in the price, which prevents them from planning their investments and production properly. This, in turn, exacerbates price fluctuations at times. For consumers, wild fluctuations in price make it difficult for them to prepare the household budget and ensure a healthy diet for the family at an affordable price. And since milk is particularly important for children and the elderly, urgent policy measures should be taken to stabilize the price of milk, along with that of pork. Pork and milk prices across the country have been declining, and some pig and dairy farms appear to be in the red, spreading panic in the market. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the average price of live pigs in 30 provincial-level regions during the second week of January was 16.29 yuan ($2.41) per kilogram after falling for 11 consecutive weeks, and the average price of pork was 29.97 yuan per kg after falling for 10 weeks. During the same period, the average price of milk in 10 major producing provinces and regions, including Hebei and Shandong provinces, and the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, was 4.11 yuan per kg, down 0.2 percent from the previous week and 3.7 percent year-on-year. In a recent price coordination meeting, Hebei authorities set a reference price for fresh milk at 4.10 yuan a kg, with the lowest being 3.93 yuan a kg. But farmers' association members voluntarily proposed that the minimum price be lowered to 3.85 yuan a kg, which showed farmers were willing to sell milk at a price lower than the local government's reference price due to surplus production. And the Shandong provincial government set the reference price of fresh milk at 3.85-4.10 yuan a kg for the first quarter of 2023. This shows the domestic dairy industry is facing a serious production and marketing challenge. Also, there are many factors behind the falling pork prices, with the main problem being an increase in pig supply at a time when consumer demand is weak. In December, for example, some large pig farms accelerated the pace of selling, with some farms stepping up the sale of both early pigs and secondary fattening commercial pigs. And data show the output of live pigs in December increased by 18.3 percent month-on-month, and 7.3 percent year-on-year. The fact that China imported about 200,000 tons of pork in December, up 25 percent from October, and the lingering pandemic forced people to avoid group dining and business gatherings, and the demand for cured pork in South China is yet to pick up has also caused the decline in pork prices. Different from the decline in pork prices, milk prices have been falling because of both domestic and international factors. The COVID-19 pandemic and slow economic growth have prompted people across the world to reduce the consumption of milk products, and a large number of dairy farms have lowered the prices of their products to increase sales. Data show the price of milk in China has been declining after reaching a record high of 4.38 yuan a kg in August 2021. To make matters worse for dairy farmers, the production cost (mainly forage grass and feed) has been rising, further squeezing the profit margin of small and medium-sized dairy farms. Also, the economic problems created by global monetary expansion have affected the industry because dairy cows have a long breeding cycle, which could lead to overcapacity. To stabilize pork and milk prices and facilitate the development of the dairy industry, the authorities should consider taking the following measures. First, digital platforms should be used to establish information-sharing mechanisms and prevent information asymmetry. This is not difficult to do because Chinese livestock and poultry departments have detailed livestock production and market data. But many livestock farms, especially small and medium-sized livestock farms (households), cannot access important information on time due to their limited knowledge. So related departments should consider using short videos and official WeChat accounts to disseminate information among livestock farmers in a timely manner. The proper analysis and interpretation of information, and industrial policy and data will help farmers to prepare in advance to deal with emergencies and plan their production in accordance with market changes. Second, there is a need to establish a benefit-sharing mechanism between processing enterprises and livestock farms, so as to reduce transaction costs and stabilize the supply chains. Perhaps the enterprises and farmers should consider signing long-term cooperation contracts and build long-term benefit link mechanisms so they can better tackle emergencies. And third, the government should use loans, insurance, and other means to support private enterprises, particularly small and medium-sized farms, to smooth their operations against price shocks. For example, price insurance can be used to guarantee livestock producers' income when prices go down below the cost of production. Finally, the government should use the pork and milk powder reserves to ensure smooth market operations. For example, when prices increase too high, the government can release pork or milk from reserves to protect the interests of consumers. And when prices fall too low, the government could purchase these products as reserves.
[前沿资讯 ] 中资企业加速布局“一带一路”商机 “走出去”呈现新投资趋势 进入全文
2023年是共建“一带一路”倡议提出10周年,共建“一带一路”面临新的契机。中企网络通信技术有限公司(简称“中企通信”)中企通信及母公司中信国际电讯(信息技术)有限公司(简称“中信国际电讯CPC”)相关负责人近日接受记者专访时认为,中资企业“出海”是未来不可避免的趋势,企业投资的技术含量也在逐步提升,企业“走出去”过程中需要更加注重满足当地合规要求以及数据安全等。 共建“一带一路”倡议为中资企业“出海”带来契机。 中企通信和中信国际电讯CPC主要为企业提供全球化、智能化的信息通信技术(ICT)服务。近年来公司响应共建“一带一路”倡议,在“一带一路”沿线积极进行业务布局,通过提供本地化服务助力中资企业走出去拓展海外商机。 据中企通信首席副总裁骆嘉钊介绍,配合“十四五”发展规划,中企通信联合母公司中信国际电讯CPC打造了智慧化“云网智安”综合服务,并在“一带一路”沿线国家布置了广泛覆盖。近年来公司不断加大“一带一路”沿线投资布局步伐,包括2016年中信国际电讯CPC收购了荷兰Linx公司,把服务从亚太延伸到欧洲及中亚板块,不但为海外企业在华营运提供多元化ICT解决方案,更助力多个中国企业在“一带一路”和RCEP地区提供一站式ICT服务资源。在云计算方面,公司现在全球拥有21个云平台来服务企业,2022年就有两个新增的云平台分别落户欧洲塔林及美国纽约。 中企通信和中信国际电讯CPC已为许多中资企业“走出去”提供数字化赋能,比如紫金矿业、步长制药,还有中信体系里的中信泰富特钢和中信建设等,这些跨国企业在共建“一带一路”国家的很多项目,使用了中企通信和中信国际电讯CPC国际化资源的本地服务,从而更好地在当地拓展业务。 除中东欧沿线国家外,中信国际电讯CPC近年来也不断加大东南亚地区业务发展和资源布局。目前,公司网络已经覆盖柬埔寨、越南、印度、泰国、菲律宾、新加坡、马来西亚、印度尼西亚等国。 在骆嘉钊看来,2022年东南亚数字经济总交易额可能超过2000亿美元,这也给了业界投资信心。中企通信将联合母公司资源进一步深耕东南亚板块,有望将泰国、马来西亚、新加坡业务组成“铁三角”,支持当地市场发展,并辐射到其他东南亚国家如印度尼西亚、越南以及菲律宾。 越来越多中国企业正加入“出海”行列。中信国际电讯CPC欧洲业务副总裁张涛表示,过去五年间,中国互联网企业继续向欧洲方向投入。此外,很多中资实体企业,包括制造及汽车行业,都在“出海”欧洲,并逐步加大在欧洲市场的投入。全荷兰中资企业协会目前已拥有上百家中资企业会员,其中很多都是来自银行、航空、TMT通信、电动汽车、医药、科技研发等领域的大型企业。 “从大趋势来讲,中国出海欧洲企业主要是高科技、新能源、制造业等研发环境比较多的企业,其中制造业是很大一块,因为中国拥有很强的创新与制造优势。”张涛表示,越来越多中国企业踊跃走出去的原因,首先是积极响应共建“一带一路”倡议;其次是商业合作模式逐步演进,从以前的双边贸易到制造型企业的海外拓展,现在逐步发展到高科技、电子商务、智能制造和医药业等创新型领域。 数字经济和科技创新催生新投资机会。 当前,中国正推进同共建“一带一路”国家开展健康、绿色、数字、创新等领域合作,不断培育合作新增长点。2021年7月,商务部、中央网信办、工业和信息化部印发了《数字经济对外投资合作工作指引》,推进企业开展数字经济领域国际合作。 张涛认为,国家正大力强调数字经济和科技强国战略,中资企业也在逐步加大创新力度。过去几年,中国的通信业、信息业、OTT、电子商务等领域的企业都已经做了很多海外布局,中国的智能制造、新能源汽车等行业,在海外也拥有广阔发展商机。此外,智慧医药、绿色科技和信息产业等,都是未来中国企业走向海外重点布局的集群。 针对中国企业的海外投资机会,骆嘉钊表示,一是看好新能源汽车领域,中企通信的一些汽车业客户通过几年快速发展,目前在车联网技术方面已经走在全球前列;二是人工智能技术,中国的人工智能应用场景丰富,还有积累多年的大数据分析经验,均成为核心竞争力;三是农企种业,近年来不少中国的种业企业希望通过“出海”,一方面与海外企业共同进行研发,加快突破性发展,另一方面也可以开拓海外市场。配合国家发展政策及市场规划,各“出海”企业在欧洲和东南亚地区通过各自独特的竞争优势,市场规模将进一步扩大。 在新经济及数字化时代,对出海的中国企业来说,在海外通常都面临网络连接和数据方面的服务需求,对ICT厂商来说,这中间也蕴含着巨大的服务商机。 围绕中国各个行业的“出海”需求,张涛表示,目前欧洲地区用户的信息化需求,正从网络连接慢慢转向数据管理和数据应用的需求,业务的提供形式也从数据中心逐步向云和安全领域转变,包括智能化、大数据、人工智能等一系列内容,这些可能是客户未来的需求发展趋势,也将成为中企通信和中信国际电讯CPC未来的一个拓展方向和战略。