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[前沿资讯 ] 生效一周年,RCEP助力全球贸易投资增长 进入全文


2023年1月1日,《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)正式生效实施一周年。一年来,在国际局势风云变幻、世界经济面临衰退风险的背景下,我国高质量实施RCEP,政策红利持续释放,有效促进区域经济一体化走向深入,为区域和全球贸易投资增长注入了更多动能。 进入2023年,随着RCEP各方进一步落实协定开放承诺,区域经贸潜能有望进一步激发,为全球经贸复苏作出更大贡献。 促进区域贸易往来活跃:2022年,我国对RCEP其他14个成员国进出口12.95万亿元 一排排钢管在生产线上切割、清洗、抛光、喷漆,浙江嘉益保温科技股份有限公司的智能生产车间里,多条全自动生产线开足马力,生产出的保温杯即将销往欧亚市场。2022年,企业出口额超1亿美元。 “2022年年初,我们申领到全省首张RCEP出口原产地证书,为全年出口开了个好头。我们出口日本的保温杯,税率由原来的3.9%下调至3.2%,全年享受关税减让20余万元。” 浙江嘉益保温科技股份有限公司外贸经理顾莉莉说,今年税率进一步下调至2.8%,这让我们的商品更有竞争力,我们有信心进一步扩大出口。 对企业来说,RCEP生效实施的直接利好体现在关税降低带来的贸易成本下降。根据协定,区域内90%以上的货物贸易将最终实现零关税,且主要是立刻降税到零和10年内降税到零,这大大提振了区域内贸易往来的意愿。 杭州海关相关负责人介绍,RCEP正式生效实施,我国与日本之间首次建立了自由贸易关系,黄酒、中药材、保温杯等不少产自浙江的产品对日本出口增长明显。2022年,杭州海关共为辖区2346家企业签发RCEP原产地证书5.28万份,为浙江省进出口货物实现税款减让约2.17亿元。2022年浙江省对RCEP其他成员国进出口1.17万亿元,增长12.5%,拉动全省外贸增长3.1个百分点。 对消费者而言,RCEP生效不仅让部分进口商品价格更实惠,还增加了消费选择。 广西凭祥友谊关口岸,满载东盟进口水果的货车往来不断。近年来,越来越多来自东盟国家的水果出口到中国,深受国内消费者的喜爱。RCEP生效以来,成员国间农产品贸易合作更为密切,缅甸香蕉、柬埔寨龙眼、越南榴莲等多种来自东盟国家的水果获得中国检疫准入,丰富了中国消费者的餐桌。 商务部研究院亚洲研究所副所长袁波表示,RCEP涵盖的关税削减和贸易便利化等措施为企业降本增效带来了实实在在的收益,RCEP成员国成为我国企业拓展出口市场和进口消费品的重要来源地,激发了区域内贸易合作潜力。 据海关总署统计,2022年,我国对RCEP其他14个成员国进出口12.95万亿元,增长7.5%,占我国外贸进出口总值的30.8%,对RCEP其他成员国进出口增速超过两位数的达到了8个,其中对印度尼西亚、新加坡、缅甸、柬埔寨、老挝进出口增速均超过了20%。 深化产业链供应链合作:2022年,我国对RCEP其他成员国进出口中间产品8.7万亿元 原产地累积规则是RCEP的一大亮点。根据该规则,RCEP成员国企业生产过程中所使用的其他成员国原产材料,均可视为本区域的原产材料,可以累积增加原产价值成分比例,使成员国间出口产品更容易达到享受关税优惠的门槛。 “如今我们的产业链供应链布局更合理,与日本客户的贸易关系更密切。”广州市绿安谊服饰有限公司主要生产各类专业工作服,原材料很大一部分来自日本进口。公司副总经理施光告诉记者:“根据RCEP区域价值成分标准,使用RCEP成员国的原产材料进行生产也可以累积计入该货物的原产成分,我们生产的工作服满足原产地标准,可享受RCEP关税优惠。” 专家认为,RCEP成员之间经济结构高度互补,域内资本要素、技术要素、劳动力要素齐全。在原产地累积规则、海关程序和贸易便利化、负面清单推进投资自由化等一系列制度安排下,成员国间货物、服务、投资等领域市场准入进一步放宽,促进域内经济要素自由流动,强化成员间生产分工合作,使得相关产业布局可以更灵活地遵从效率原则,促进成员国间产业链供应链合理布局。 在RCEP政策利好下,成员国间产业合作不断增强,直接投资持续增长。2022年,我国对RCEP其他成员国进出口中间产品8.7万亿元,增长8.5%,占同期我国对其他成员国进出口总值的67.2%。2022年,韩国、东盟对华投资分别增长64.2%和8.2%。 值得注意的是,RCEP的生效实施,使我国部分产业面临来自区域内更加激烈的市场竞争。为此,我国坚持高质量实施RCEP,不断塑造国际竞争合作新优势。 商务部等6部门联合印发《关于高质量实施RCEP的指导意见》,通过专题培训、网上咨询、平台搭建等多种方式,引导企业抢抓RCEP机遇、参与区域贸易投资与产业合作;各地海关持续优化通关流程,提升通关效率、降低通关成本;工信部支持扩大优势工业产品出口,加快改造提升传统产业和培育发展新兴产业;贸促系统搭建RCEP企业服务平台,为企业提供税率查询、原产地资质预判、证书智能秒签等服务。 “尽管RCEP生效实施才一年多,但已在促进贸易便利化、整合产业链、增强区域发展吸引力、推动发展成果惠及中小企业和普通民众上带来了可喜的变化。”新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院副教授顾清扬认为,中国在RCEP中扮演着重要角色,未来中国经济更有力的增长将给RCEP带来更广阔的发展空间。 更大程度释放协定潜力:RCEP15个签署成员国中生效成员数量已达14个 1月2日,RCEP对印度尼西亚正式生效。自此,RCEP15个签署成员国中生效成员数量已达14个,原产地区域累积范围进一步扩大,区域经济一体化深入发展。 多边贸易体制和区域性贸易安排,是驱动经济全球化发展的两个“轮子”。中国贸促会副会长张慎峰表示,充分利用自由贸易协定的优惠政策,可以极大改善企业的市场准入条件,降低经营成本,增强产品、服务和投资的国际竞争力。 贸促会调研显示,一年来,我国企业利用RCEP优惠税率的意识明显提升,主动学习规则、掌握规则、利用规则的积极性显著增强,但是不同企业对RCEP的认知度参差不齐,利用水平差别较大,加强宣传推介、广泛进行培训仍然有很多工作要做。 “今年世界经济下行压力较大,外部不确定性因素增多,我国更需持续推动RCEP高质量实施,深化与其他RCEP成员间的区域经贸合作,更大程度释放RCEP潜在经济增长红利。” 袁波认为,引导更多的企业结合RCEP成员的资源禀赋优势,充分利用原产地区域累积规则参与区域产业链供应链合作,拓展服务贸易、数字经济、绿色经济等领域的合作。 商务部表示,将继续会同相关部门推进高质量实施RCEP等自贸协定,指导各地方、行业和企业用足用好协定,不断提升自贸协定综合利用效率。同时,以RCEP为新起点,与更多贸易伙伴商签自贸协定,扩大面向全球的高标准自由贸易区网络,进一步提高货物贸易、服务贸易和投资市场开放水平,积极参与数字经济、环境保护等新规则议题谈判,稳步扩大规则、规制、管理、标准等制度型开放,更好服务构建新发展格局,推动高质量发展。

[前沿资讯 ] 跨境电商迎来新政策支持 出口商品退运可实现“零税负” 进入全文


财政部、海关总署、国家税务总局近日联合发布公告称,自公告印发之日起1年内在跨境电子商务海关监管代码(1210、9610、9710、9810)项下申报出口,因滞销、退货原因,自出口之日起6个月内原状退运进境的商品(不含食品),可实现退运进境“零税负”。 近年来,随着跨境电商贸易机制逐步完善、国际物流网络持续疏通,我国跨境电商渠道加快拓宽,越来越多的市场主体通过这一渠道实现“买全球、卖全球”。 业内人士分析,部分跨境电商出口商品可能会滞销或者退换货,其中的多数商品被企业在海外以促销、转卖或销毁等方式处理,但仍有少量需退运进境。 此次出台的政策旨在为这些出口退运商品减少税收负担。根据财政部、海关总署、国家税务总局发布的《关于跨境电子商务出口退运商品税收政策的公告》,符合条件的退运商品可免征进口关税和进口环节增值税、消费税;出口时已征收的出口关税准予退还,出口时已征收的增值税、消费税参照内销货物发生退货有关税收规定执行,企业已办理的出口退税应进行补缴。 “按现行规定,除《中华人民共和国进出口关税条例》第四十三条规定的情形外,出口退运进境的商品均应征收进口关税和进口环节增值税、消费税。此次出台的政策,有利于降低跨境电商企业出口退运成本,稳定企业出口预期,支持跨境电商、海外仓等外贸新业态发展。”北京国家会计学院财税政策与应用研究所所长李旭红说。 “这一政策将为跨境电商出口企业挽回不少退运成本,使企业减少后顾之忧,也将为跨境电商行业发展注入信心。”湖南至美通供应链管理有限公司创始人兼董事长张昊铱表示。 在具体操作上,根据公告,企业申请办理进口免税等手续时,需按要求提供有关证明材料。对于偷税、骗税等违法违规行为,按照国家有关法律法规等规定处理。 “这项政策无疑将促进跨境电商行业更好发展。”在中国人民大学公共管理学院教授许光建看来,推动政策落地落实,不仅需要相关部门的协调配合,更需要跨境电商企业依法经营,严格按照政策规定享受税收优惠。 近年来,为积极支持跨境电商发展,财政部出台了多项举措。2022年2月,财政部等八部门发布公告称,自2022年3月1日起,优化调整跨境电子商务零售进口商品清单,增加了滑雪用具等29项近年来消费需求旺盛的商品,新增商品一经上线就受到消费者青睐。同时,调整了清单备注的部分监管要求,与相关国际公约、进口管理办法更好衔接,更加方便相关商品进口。 在许光建看来,财政部会同有关部门出台的优化调整跨境电商零售进口商品清单政策,以及此次出台的跨境电商出口退运商品税收政策,充分考虑了跨境电商企业的诉求和利益,推动我国进出口税收政策更加完善。

[前沿资讯 ] FAO and SEED launch SDG Agrifood Accelerator Programme for innovators 进入全文


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the SEED partnership today officially launched the SDG Agrifood Accelerator Programme, an instrument designed to help agrifood system start-ups develop their businesses while contributing to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Alternative approaches and innovative solutions are needed to transform global agrifood systems in the face of challenges such as rapid population growth, economic downturns, extreme climates and changing consumption patterns. During a virtual event held at FAO's headquarters in Rome, 12 innovators from around the world used a workshop to showcase how they are contributing to the SDGs while supporting such a transformation in their local context. The small- and medium-sized enterprises were selected among the hundreds that comprise the portfolio of the adelphi-hosted SEED partnership. They are to be supported by the programme in three areas: financial readiness, innovation potential, and market reach. The kind of help they will receive includes assistance in the development of business, marketing or investment plans, as well as advice on how to approach potential financiers or on how to go digital. “Together with SEED we want to explore how the innovators involved can make a difference in the transformation of agrifood systems locally as we work towards achieving the SDGs globally," said Stefanos Fotiou, Director of FAO’s Office of Sustainable Development Goals. "Leveraging the network of innovators from SEED and nurturing local agrifood solutions through a tailored innovation support package opens new ways for FAO to have an on-the-ground impact." SEED Executive Director Arab Hoballah said: “The calibre of the twelve selected SDG Agrifood Innovators is inspiring, leading by example for replication and acceleration of change. We are excited to further their SDG contributions with FAO through our joint Programme. We strongly encourage policymakers and financers to take a closer look at these innovative SMEs as they have the potential to become key partners in transforming global food systems in the transition to circularity and sustainability.”

[前沿资讯 ] Biden-Harris Administration Provides $262 Million to Improve Access to Jobs, Health Care and Infrastructure Across the Rural Partners Network 进入全文


U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small today announced that USDA is providing $262 million to improve access to jobs, health care and infrastructure for people in historically underserved communities across the Rural Partners Network (RPN). “The Biden-Harris Administration and USDA are committed to ensuring that people in rural areas have every opportunity to succeed – and that they can find those opportunities right at home in rural America,” Under Secretary Torres Small said. “From renewable energy and new jobs to clean water and quality health care, the Rural Partners Network is connecting rural people to resources that will help them create new and lasting prosperity on their own terms.” The Biden-Harris Administration established RPN to transform the way federal agencies partner with and serve rural people and places, including Native American communities. Led by USDA with support from more than 20 federal agencies and commissions, RPN is central to President Biden’s commitment to ensure all rural people can benefit from federal resources. This includes historic funding from the American Rescue Plan Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act. Torres Small announced the $262 million in funding while visiting with people and organizations in North Carolina participating in RPN. While there, she unveiled an annual report documenting RPN’s accomplishments in its first year and how the network is helping to shape investment strategies for rural communities. The funding announced today will support 68 projects in Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Puerto Rico. The funding will create jobs for rural people and help them expand their businesses. It will provide affordable, well-built homes for seniors and low-income families in rural areas. It will help farmers and ranchers transition to clean energy and find new and better markets for their products. And it will give people in remote areas access to modern water and wastewater systems, and quality education and health care services.

[前沿资讯 ] Weak Governance in MENA Region Worsens Deepening Land Crisis 进入全文

World Bank

Weak governance exacerbates the deepening land crisis in the Middle East and North Africa region, according to a new World Bank report that urges broad reforms to improve land use and access amid increasing stress from climate change and population growth. Titled "Land Matters: Can Better Governance and Management of Scarcity Prevent a Looming Crisis in the Middle East and North Africa?", the report shows how continuing land deterioration in a region that is 84 percent desert worsens water scarcity issues that threaten food security and economic development. "Now is the time to examine the impact of land issues that loom large in many public policy decisions but aren’t always explicitly acknowledged," said Ferid Belhaj, the World Bank Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa. "Quite simply, land matters. MENA’s growing population and the impact of climate change add urgency to addressing the land crisis." The report uses satellite imagery data to show that cropland in MENA countries decreased by 2.4 percent over the 15-year period from 2003-2018, which was the world’s sharpest drop in a region that already had the lowest cropland per capita and little margin for agricultural expansion. During the same period, the MENA population increased by 35 percent and is estimated to expand by another 40 percent to 650 million people in 2050. Comparing land cover data with statistics on wealth inequality and other indicators, the report shows a correlation between land degradation and poor governance. In addition, state ownership of land is highest in the MENA region, but governments fail to manage land assets in ways that generate public revenues, the report says, while access to land is a severe constraint for 23 percent of firms in the manufacturing and service sectors. Also impeding land access are social norms and laws regarding property that are more unfavorable for women in the MENA region compared to other regions, according to the report. In particular, women in MENA countries come under strong social pressure to renounce their inheritance rights over property, often without fair compensation. "You cannot achieve sustainable economic and social development if people and businesses lack proper access to land," said Harris Selod, a World Bank senior economist and co-author of the report. Reforms proposed by the report include establishing transparent market-driven processes to value and transfer land, as well as developing complete inventories of public land and improving the registration of land rights. These are necessary steps to support more efficient land use and land management decisions and to ensure that land serves social, economic and fiscal functions in a region where property taxes represent less than one percent of GDP. Land policies can also help reduce gender inequalities. A tax on male beneficiaries when women renounce their inheritance rights to property could help reduce the gender gap, with the money collected funding initiatives promoting women’s empowerment, the report says. "Increasing land scarcity leads to strategic trade-offs about the best use of land to meet competing economic, social, and sustainability objectives," said Anna Corsi, a World Bank senior land administration specialist and co-author of the report. "However, the holistic approach needed to address core development issues of land policy is critically lacking in the MENA region." The report notes that land scarcity and governance issues vary throughout the region, with countries requiring approaches that are tailored to their unique challenges. For example, wealthy Gulf Cooperation Council countries face severe land scarcity but have better land administration, while the Maghreb countries as well as Iran, Iraq, and Syria are more seriously challenged by land governance issues with less severe land scarcity. A third group — Djibouti, Egypt, Yemen, and the West Bank and Gaza — faces serious challenges in both governance and scarcity of land. In stressing that "land matters", the report argues that urgently addressing the MENA land crisis now exacerbated by climate change and population growth is essential for the region’s sustainable economic and social development.  

[前沿资讯 ] 中欧加强地理标志合作 双方累计实现244个产品互认互保 进入全文


地理标志保护对于推动区域特色经济发展、助力乡村振兴、传承传统文化、促进对外开放具有重要意义。国家知识产权局知识产权保护司司长张志成16日在国新办举行的新闻发布会上介绍,中欧加强地理标志合作,截至目前双方累计实现244个产品的互认互保,有效扩大了我国地理标志的国际影响力。 近年来我国积极开展地理标志对外合作,落实中欧、中法、中泰等地理标志保护方面的协定、协议,参与更多国家和地区地理标志保护国际合作。其中,中欧地理标志协定是我国签订的第一个全面的、高水平的地理标志双边条约。近期,中欧第二批清单互认取得新进展。 张志成介绍,国家知识产权局依法受理了来自欧盟的175个地理标志保护申请,覆盖了西班牙、法国、意大利、德国、希腊等22个欧盟成员国,产品类别集中在葡萄酒、烈酒、肉制品、奶制品和橄榄油等5大类别,占清单总数的90.9%。欧盟委员会也受理了我国的金华火腿、太平猴魁茶、富平柿饼、泸州老窖酒、涪陵榨菜、宁夏枸杞等175个地理标志的申请,产品类别覆盖了酒类、调味品、茶叶、肉制品、中药材、手工艺品、水果等。中欧双方已顺利完成350个产品清单公示工作。 “两批清单覆盖了中欧双方特色鲜明、家喻户晓的地理标志品类,中欧地理标志协定实施工作也进入了新阶段。预计‘十四五’末,中欧双方地理标志互认互保的规模将稳步扩大到550个左右。”张志成说。


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