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[前沿资讯 ] USDA and National Urban League Partner To Promote Equity, Increase Nutrition Security and Expand Services In Underserved Communities Across America 进入全文


Today, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack and Marc H. Morial, President of the National Urban League, announce a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to reaffirm and strengthen the relationship between USDA and the historic civil rights organization. USDA and National Urban League share a common mission to enhance equity across the country, ensure access to adequate nutrition and improve quality of life for underserved populations. Through this strategic partnership, USDA and National Urban League will work collaboratively to promote nutrition and food security, increase access to healthy foods, and ensure equitable service delivery of USDA programs in underserved communities across the country. Moreover, this union will encourage urban agriculture as a means of increasing food production and access, making a living, and improving the environment, thereby building stronger communities. “This signing reinforces USDA’s commitment to improving health outcomes and quality of life in the communities that we serve,” said Secretary Vilsack. “To help those who have been historically underserved, it is paramount that we work together with a shared commitment to improve access to our programs, equip people with the resources they need, and advance equity goals.” "This is a broad and far-reaching initiative that will address inequity and create opportunity at every level of the Department's programming and regulatory responsibility," Morial said. “We’re proud to collaborate with a forward-thinking agency that is committed to carrying out the Biden-Harris Administration’s whole-of-government equity agenda.” In addition to ensuring adequate nutrition and promoting health equity, this MOU establishes the inclusion of urban agriculture and rural development opportunities into USDA's workforce development and entrepreneurship programs so current and future workers can acquire the skills needed to meet the demands of highly skilled agricultural jobs. Together, USDA and National Urban League will explore and develop ways to engage the civil rights organization in an effort to enhance USDA's ability to fulfill its missions efficiently and fairly. The first phase of the partnership will focus on identifying and developing areas in which the USDA offices and agencies can improve their ability to carry out missions through cooperation with and assistance from the National Urban League. Areas include but are not limited to home ownership, access to broadband, help for veterans, and youth development. Another common goal of this partnership will be to increase awareness and understanding of USDA programs and resources.

[前沿资讯 ] Ukraine: EU-FAO partnership to ensure recovery and development of agricultural value chains 进入全文


Rural households, smallholder farmers and small-scale agricultural enterprises will benefit from a $15.5 million project funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to support the functioning, reinforcement and strengthening of value chains in agriculture, fisheries and forestry, and their adaptation to the wartime conditions. The project will focus on supporting producers in Lvivska, Ivano-Frankivska, Zakarpatska and parts of Chernivetska oblast with matching grants for on-farm and value chain-based investments coupled with extension and advisory support. “The EU funds for this FAO project aim to re-establish or reinforce pre-war level functionality of agricultural value chains. This is needed to meet the food requirements of local and displaced populations in the west and address food insecurity elsewhere in the country in the immediate and short term, and will be critical to averting a food crisis into 2023,” said Christian Ben Hell, the Sector Manager for Agriculture at the EU Delegation to Ukraine.  Food security worsens rapidly The food security situation in Ukraine has deteriorated rapidly following the eruption of the war on 24 February 2022, which has caused extensive destruction of crops, agricultural and other civilian infrastructure, and disrupted both supply and value chains. FAO’s recent nationwide assessment on the impact of the war on agriculture and rural households reveals that one in every four of the 5 200 respondents has reduced or stopped agricultural production due to the war. Through this EU-funded project, which initially started in February 2021 with a preparation phase but then was put on hold due to the war to be repurposed to meet the current needs, in March-May 2022 emergency agricultural support was provided to over 6 000 rural households. This assistance covered the urgent population’s need for agricultural inputs, cash, vegetable seeds and seed potatoes to continue food production for household consumption. "The testimonies of the individuals and families who I met during my visits to the newly accessible areas confirm the urgent need for immediate support towards restoring their household capacities and avoiding dependence on humanitarian assistance. At the same time, it is imperative that the Government is supported in its efforts to develop the agriculture sector and to strengthen and diversify value chains," said Pierre Vauthier, Head of FAO Ukraine country office. As the war persists, market participants including large numbers of household and family farms, individual producers, small companies, traders and processors are experiencing difficulties in accessing inputs, finance and investment to support continuity and expansion of operations. The major difficulties expected in the next few months in terms of both crop and livestock production activities are low benefits from the sale of products, constrained access to fertilizers or pesticides, and fuel or electricity to power equipment. In addition, the project aims to assist the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in preserving a unique national collection of plant genetic resources, which is of global significance in terms of the volume and diversity of genetic material. The project will secure and safeguard the collections of the Ukrainian plant genetic resources by moving them to a safe storage location and will improve the collections database with modern IT support.

[前沿资讯 ] “一带一路” 绿色发展 进入全文


在共建“一带一路”框架下,萨察尔风电站是中巴经济走廊能源合作14个优先实施项目之一,为巴基斯坦开发了新的清洁电力资源。而在中巴经济走廊的各大项目中,包括水电、太阳能、风能和核能项目的绿色发电厂,占项目总数的六成以上。 放眼世界,绿色正成为高质量共建“一带一路”的鲜明底色。路景相融的中老铁路,成功绕避各类自然保护区核心区和生态敏感点,充分保护沿线亚洲象、热带雨林等自然资源;被誉为巴西“电力高速公路”的美丽山特高压项目,在中国工程建设者的努力下,对施工时砍伐的林木按照同等面积补种,恢复植被1100公顷;在非洲萨赫勒地区,中国理念和技术元素融入非洲“绿色长城”工程建设,助力当地可持续发展…… 从2019年正式启动“一带一路”绿色发展国家联盟,到2021年与28个国家共同发起“一带一路”绿色发展伙伴关系倡议,中国正以国际化的语言和运作方式,扩大“一带一路”绿色发展的朋友圈,深化与相关国家在生态环保、可持续发展等领域的合作。 为更好支撑共建国家的绿色低碳发展需求,中国以“一带一路”生态环保大数据服务平台为依托,开发对外投资环境风险评估工具,编写“一带一路”生态环保大数据报告,指导企业贯彻绿色发展理念,开展绿色投资合作。此外,《“一带一路”绿色投资原则》已获共建国家和发达经济体44家金融机构参与,共推“一带一路”绿色投融资发展。

[前沿资讯 ] 全球智库看2022年共建“一带一路” 进入全文


2022年,是共建“一带一路”倡议提出的第九个年头。这一年,中方与共建“一带一路”国家一道,坚持共商共建共享原则,把基础设施“硬联通”作为重要方向,把规则标准“软联通”作为重要支撑,把人民“心联通”作为重要基础,取得了一批实打实、沉甸甸的发展成果。截至12月6日,中国已与150个国家、32个国际组织签署200多份合作文件。涵盖世界上三分之二的国家和三分之一的国际组织。 在外媒看来,共建“一带一路”倡议极具“引力”和“潜力”,通过基础设施建设、刺激投资、消除贫困、促进区域互联互通和创造就业、促进经济转型等方式形成了新的发展路径。 基础设施的“硬联通”扎实推进。 作为共建“一带一路”倡议的重要组成部分,基础设施“硬联通”一直是共建“一带一路”的“血脉经络”,在高质量共建“一带一路”过程中发挥着先导性的作用。面对百年变局和世纪疫情交织叠加,基础设施带来的“硬联通”效应正不断为全球经济复苏注入新动力。 2022年,东盟第一条高速铁路试验运行,柬埔寨第一条高速公路正式通车,克罗地亚佩列沙茨大桥、巴基斯坦卡洛特水电站投入运营。高质量共建“一带一路”打造了促进各国发展的新引擎,受到共建国家人民真诚欢迎。 设施联通正成为破解众多共建国家经济发展瓶颈的突破口,成为各国经济增长的“稳定器”和务实合作的“助推器”。开通运营一年多的中老铁路对沿线贸易促进效果明显,为两国人民带来巨大福祉。联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会刊发的《中老铁路:东盟提升可持续运输的机会》中指出,这条铁路线将东盟的铁路网与泛亚铁路网沿线更广泛的铁路通道连接起来,为东盟国家开辟国际铁路运输的新前景。中老铁路可以整合东盟国家的铁路网,将老挝从一个内陆发展中国家转变为一个“陆联国”。这条铁路线也将极大推动东盟铁路运输发展,为提高运输的可持续性提供诸多机遇。 2018年亚吉铁路的正式运营生动展示了共建“一带一路”倡议如何与非洲过去十年发展步调一致。《巴基斯坦观察家报》网站刊登文章指出,共建“一带一路”倡议帮助非洲大陆突破发展瓶颈,促进了全球价值链、工业链和供应链一体化。该倡议正在有效促进非洲大陆铁路、公路、机场和港口等基础设施开发项目建设,最终给埃塞俄比亚带来各种社会经济发展机遇。 规则标准的“软联通”精彩纷呈。 由商品、要素流动型开放转变为规则、制度型开放是“软联通”的关键。《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)已于2022年1月1日正式生效,中国同合作伙伴一起构建了全球最大规模的自贸区。中国还积极申请加入《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(CPTPP)和《数字经济伙伴关系协定》(DEPA),通过高水平开放带动高质量发展。此外,中国已与14个国家签署第三方市场合作文件,建立第三方市场合作机制,彰显出共建“一带一路”不仅重视市场份额的开拓,更重视技术合作、经验交流、人才培养。 据《印度教徒报》网站报道,中巴双方同意在信息技术领域扩大合作,中方将在巴基斯坦建立新研发中心,以探索该领域的新机遇。另据印度《经济时报》网站报道,伊拉克已成为共建“一带一路”倡议的重要伙伴。在伊拉克卡尔巴拉省,中国和伊拉克正在合作建设海拉特重油发电厂。两国还在机场、太阳能和其他项目上开展合作。合作项目涉及道路、桥梁、基础设施、污水处理和海水淡化厂、能源和电力等。 2022年9月在澳门举行的国际基础设施投资与建设高峰论坛上发布的《“一带一路”国家基础设施发展指数报告(2022)》显示,安哥拉和葡萄牙等是其中得分较高的葡萄牙语国家。巴西里约时报在线网站报道称,8个葡语国家在2022年“一带一路”国家基础设施发展指数排行榜上的排名都有所上升。其中,安哥拉是“中国企业在葡语国家开展基础设施合作的重要市场,2021年共签署基础设施项目44个,新签合同额达26.4亿美元,占与葡语国家新签合同总额的39%”。 除基础设施投资外,央行货币互换、中国的卫星和海底光缆网络、学生交流和自由贸易协定等“软联通”领域也是外媒关注的重点。俄罗斯《观点报》网刊发题为《人民币在俄罗斯何时取代美元和欧元》的文章指出,人民币在相对不长的时间内一跃成为莫斯科交易所交易量仅次于美元和欧元的第三大活跃货币。在俄罗斯市场上,投资人民币的基础框架刚刚开始建立,投资机会不会太多,但进程已经启动。《日本经济新闻》网站刊发题为《“一带一路”下一个篇章事关人民币》的文章指出,只有各国开始更广泛地使用人民币,金融融合才有可能实现。 文明互鉴的“心联通”成为亮点。 共建“一带一路”倡议努力构建全球互联互通伙伴关系,雪中送炭、同舟共济更能体现“心联通”的温度与善意,实实在在地推动构建“健康丝绸之路”。 在外媒眼中,共建“一带一路”倡议将和平与发展置于国际合作的核心,非洲大陆由此获得了大量投资,港口、铁路、公路、电信和能源设施等基础设施也得到升级。“鲁班工坊”等10余个文化交流和教育合作品牌逐步形成,“丝路一家亲”行动持续推进,菌草、杂交水稻等“小而美、见效快、惠民生”的援外项目有效增进了共建国家民众的获得感、幸福感。 “鲁班工坊的宗旨是为当地劳动力提供实用技能,以提高发展中国家的就业能力——这一点被许多地方的政府和政界人士长期忽视。”马来西亚联昌国际银行私人银行部门驻新加坡的经济学家宋诚焕表示。香港《南华早报》报道称,全球有3000多名学生从鲁班工坊获得了证书,另有1.2万人正在接受培训。鲁班工坊的进一步发展将在中国教育国际交流协会的指导下实现标准化,以打造鲁班工坊品牌。 小小的菌草,从中国福建漂洋过海走向世界,帮助越来越多的国家消除贫困、减少饥饿、促进就业、保护生态,成为中国开展“智慧外交”的生动注脚。澳大利亚《悉尼先驱晨报》网报道称,在澳大利亚斥资1亿澳元建造的斐济布莱克岩维和军营对面,一家农场正在通过种植由中国援助的菌草创造财富。这种由30种植物基因改造合成的菌草是从中国东南部福建省漂洋过海来到斐济的。当地人表示,“非常感谢中国政府为我们提供援助,感谢他们为我们指明了未来,提供了新产品。”目前,斐济接受过菌草蘑菇种植相关培训的农民已超过2000人。 通过共建“一带一路”,中国客观上已深度融入一个巨大的新的国际体系之中,这对于促进中国在新征程上“形成更大范围、更宽领域、更深层次对外开放格局”将直接产生积极影响。国外智库专家和主流媒体普遍认为,共建“一带一路”倡议不仅有“远见”,更有“定力”——其中,“硬联通”改善经济条件,“软联通”优化游戏规则,“心联通”加强民心交流,三者相辅相成,确保共建“一带一路”倡议行稳致远,成为造福世界的“发展带”、惠及各国人民的“幸福路”。

[前沿资讯 ] 商务部等10部门出台措施支持国家级经开区创新提升更好发挥示范作用 进入全文



[前沿资讯 ] USDA Invests in Critical Infrastructure to Lower Costs, Create Jobs, and Combat Climate Change Across Rural America 进入全文


 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced USDA is investing $285 million in critical infrastructure to lower energy costs, expand access to clean energy for people across rural America, and combat climate change (PDF, 920 KB). USDA is also making an additional $300 million available under the Rural Energy for America Program, including $250 million through the Inflation Reduction Act, to spur further investment. “People in rural America are on the front lines of climate change, and our communities deserve investments that will strengthen our Country’s resilience,” Vilsack said. “President Biden has created a roadmap for how we can tackle the climate crisis and expand access to renewable energy infrastructure, all while creating good-paying jobs and saving people money on their energy costs. These investments underscore the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to providing funding and resources to rural people and communities across the country to help drive economic security and prosperity.” USDA is making 844 investments through the Rural Energy for America Program. This program helps farmers, ag producers and entrepreneurs purchase and install renewable energy systems and make energy efficiency improvements. It reflects the many ways USDA Rural Development helps agricultural producers and rural small businesses lower energy costs.


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