[前沿资讯 ] Asia-Pacific countries urged to rapidly transform agrifood systems as hopes fade for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 进入全文
At a symposium convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on agrifood systems transformation in Asia-Pacific, governments, the private sector and other stakeholders are being urged to massively accelerate transformation of their agrifood systems, or risk worsening malnutrition and environmental degradation in the world’s most populous region. Rising food prices, floods, drought, water scarcity, increasing climate-related disasters, the global pandemic and conflicts, are driving food insecurity across the region. These challenges directly impact the most vulnerable people, including smallholder farmers, others depending on the land for their livelihoods and millions of urban poor. Changes in rainfall patterns, crucial for agriculture in the monsoon region and in the frequencies and timings of pest and disease outbreaks have combined to lower yields. Asia and the Pacific already experiences 60 percent of global fatalities and 40 percent of economic losses due to multiple hazards and risks. In summary, the region’s complex agrifood systems are under enormous strain. Asia-Pacific region first out of the gate following UN Food Systems Summit Last year, caught in the grip of a global pandemic, world leaders pledged to transform their agrifood systems to make them more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable. Speaking at the beginning of a three-day Asia-Pacific symposium, the world’s first since the UN Food Systems Summit, which aims to fast-track agrifood systems transformation in this vast region, FAO’s Director-General, QU Dongyu, said the region’s transformation needs to focus on outcomes that result in better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life for all – ensuring no one is left behind. FAO has mapped out four priority areas in which acceleration is needed: 1. Providing immediate support to the vulnerable through social protection systems, especially in rural areas and among vulnerable groups; 2. Boosting agricultural production by ensuring that family farmers have affordable access to seeds and fertilizers, working capital and technical assistance, and links to markets; 3. Facilitating trade in agricultural products and inputs to prevent further disruptions to food production; and 4. Investing in climate-resilient agriculture to address and reverse the effects of the climate crisis. The Director-General warned that the SDG’s would not be achievable unless there is a collective will to defeat hunger, as a priority, in a post-pandemic region. Ongoing crises, including the impacts of COVID-19, the climate crisis, droughts and floods, conflicts and war have disrupted the world’s supply of grains and other essential commodities, Qu noted. The result is “economic downturns and loss of jobs that pushed undernourishment from 8% to almost 10% during the first year of the pandemic, with the number of undernourished that has now grown by 150 million. The majority of this increase is in Asia and the Pacific, accounting for nearly 85 million more people in hunger, as well as in Africa and Latin America,” the FAO Director-General said. “To achieve the SDGs we need a major transformation – one that begins with the transformation of our agrifood systems to ensure they can meet the present and future needs of all stakeholders and consumers.” Asia-Pacific region dangerously backsliding on SDGs According to the recent UN 2022 Asia and the Pacific Sustainable Development Goals Progress Report the region is so off course, it would need until 2065 to achieve all 17 Sustainable Development Goals – a delay of 35 years. The recent disruption to supply chains, lives and livelihoods has come together to produce a crisis of five ‘Fs’ – lack of food, feed, fuel, fertilizer and finance, and a prediction that there could be reductions in cereal output next year due to fertilizer shortages in some countries in the region. However, the backsliding predates even the pandemic, with successive annual editions of FAO’s flagship publication, the State of Food Security and Nutrition warning the fight against hunger and malnutrition was failing in this region. In 2021, more than 400 million people in Asia-Pacific were malnourished, most of them in South Asia, with 40 percent of all inhabitants unable to afford a healthy diet. In Asia and the Pacific, now is the time to accelerate the agrifood systems transformation – to leave no one behind More than 80 percent of the world’s smallholders and family farmers live off the land in this Asia-Pacific region, and the Symposium was told their interests and livelihoods must be safeguarded by measures including social safety nets and reskilling programmes to improve employment prospects. FAO called for bold action by all stakeholders to transform the region’s agrifood systems, saying governments must provide leadership; the private sector must broaden its customer base to provide affordable solutions for smallholders; civil society must work more proactively with policymakers and the private sector; academia must accelerate research, while resource partners must make this transformation their top priority, with FAO committed to helping its Members and partners achieve these objectives.
[前沿资讯 ] 外汇局:我国跨境投融资结构不断优化 进入全文
国家外汇管理局近日发布的《2022年上半年中国国际收支报告》显示,我国近年来实施更大范围、更宽领域、更深层次对外开放,推动我国跨境投融资结构不断优化。 报告显示,随着国内营商环境不断优化,消费市场潜力巨大,外商来华投资兴业意愿较强。截至2022年上半年,外商直接投资存量达3.6万亿美元,较2012年末增长73%。同时,随着实体经济发展和企业实力增强,国内企业“走出去”需求增加,我国对外直接投资由2012年末的5000多亿美元增长至2022年上半年的2.6万亿美元。 在金融市场双向开放的推动下,更多国际资本投资境内证券产品,境内机构投资海外证券市场的渠道也不断拓宽。截至2022年上半年,我国吸收证券投资和对外证券投资分别占总负债、总资产的28%和11%,较2012年末上升12个和6个百分点。 报告提及,近年来,外债增长主要来自境外央行等中长期投资者配置国内债券,稳定性较强的资金在外债中的比重提升,传统融资型外债占比下降。 “我国持续推进人民币汇率市场化形成机制改革,更大程度发挥市场供求在汇率形成中的决定性作用。”报告指出,伴随汇率避险工具推广普及,更多企业运用外汇衍生品管理汇率风险。2022年上半年的企业套保比例提升至26%,企业对汇率波动的适应性明显增强,开展外汇交易更加理性。 报告认为,在市场化调节等机制综合作用下,2012年以来,我国国际收支逐步形成经常项目与资本项目自主平衡、储备资产基本稳定的平衡格局。
[前沿资讯 ] Biden-Harris Administration Announces $502 Million for High-Speed Internet in Rural Communities 进入全文
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that the Department is awarding $502 million in loans and grants (PDF, 221 KB) to provide high-speed internet access for rural residents and businesses in 20 states. The funding is part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to investing in rural infrastructure and providing reliable, affordable, high-speed internet for all. USDA is making the investments through the third funding round of the ReConnect Program. The Department will make additional investments for rural high-speed internet in the coming months, including funding from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which provides a historic $65 billion investment to expand affordable, high-speed internet to all communities across the U.S. “President Biden’s commitment to high-speed internet in rural communities is foundational to ensuring that the nation’s economy continues to expand from the bottom up and the middle out,” Vilsack said. “High-speed internet will improve the rural economy. It will help rural businesses grow and get access to new markets. It will help rural residents get access to more and better health care and educational opportunities. USDA knows rural America is America’s backbone, and prosperity here means prosperity for all.” USDA is making 32 awards in Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas and Wyoming. Many of the awards will help rural people and businesses on Tribal lands and people in socially vulnerable communities. As part of today’s announcement: In Michigan, the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians is receiving a $25 million grant to connect 1,217 people and 26 businesses to high-speed internet in Chippewa and Mackinac counties. The Tribe will make high-speed internet affordable by requiring its service provider to participate in the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Affordable Connectivity Program, which provides a discount of up to $30 per month – or $75 per month for households on Tribal lands – on household’s internet bills, as well as the FCC’s Lifeline Program. This project will serve Sault Ste. Marie Off-Reservation Trust Land, the Sault Ste. Marie Reservation as well as socially vulnerable communities in Chippewa and Mackinac counties. Net Vision Communications LLC is receiving a $12.4 million loan to connect 4,587 people, 300 businesses, nine farms and 15 public schools to high-speed internet in Barton County, Missouri. This project will serve socially vulnerable communities in the county. Oklahoma’s Southern Plains Cable LLC is receiving an $8.1 million loan and an $8.1 million grant to deploy a fiber-to-the-premises network that will connect 7,093 people, 230 businesses, six farms and 29 schools to high-speed internet in Caddo, Comanche, Cotton and Grady counties. Southern Plains will make high-speed internet affordable by participating in the FCC’s Affordable Connectivity and Lifeline programs. This project will serve the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache-Fort Sill Apache tribal statistical area as well as socially vulnerable communities in Cotton County. USDA has announced $858 million in the third round of ReConnect funding so far and plans to make more investment announcements under this program in the coming weeks. Today’s announcement follows the Department’s July 28 announcement that it has invested $356 million through the ReConnect Program to help very rural residents and businesses in 11 states (PDF, 192 KB) gain access to high-speed internet.
[前沿资讯 ] 中国加入《数字经济伙伴关系协定》(DEPA)工作组正式成立 进入全文
2022年8月18日,根据《数字经济伙伴关系协定》(DEPA)联合委员会的决定,中国加入DEPA工作组正式成立,全面推进中国加入DEPA的谈判。 2021年10月30日,中国国家主席习近平在出席二十国集团领导人第十六次峰会时宣布,中国已经决定申请加入DEPA,随后两天,中国正式提出加入申请。在推进加入进程中,中国与DEPA成员国新西兰、新加坡、智利在各层级开展对话,举行了十余次部级层面的专门会谈、两次首席谈判代表会议、四次技术层非正式磋商,深入阐释中国数字领域法律法规和监管实践,全面展现中国在DEPA框架下与各方开展数字经济领域合作的前景。DEPA成员国欢迎中国提出加入申请,赞赏中国为加入DEPA所做努力,作出了成立中国加入DEPA工作组的决定。 下一步,中国将与成员国在中国加入DEPA工作组框架下深入开展加入谈判,努力推进中国加入进程,力争尽早正式加入DEPA,为与各成员加强数字经济领域合作、促进创新和可持续发展作出贡献。 DEPA由新西兰、新加坡、智利于2019年5月发起、2020年6月签署,是全球首份数字经济区域协定。
[前沿资讯 ] 2022年中马企业合作对接会闭幕 达成超200项意向合作 进入全文
由马来西亚对外贸易发展局、中国驻马来西亚大使馆、中国—东盟博览会秘书处和中国建设银行联合主办的2022年中马企业合作对接会9月15日闭幕。 主办方介绍称,为期三天的对接会旨在为两国企业提供交流平台,促进双边经贸合作,同时助力第19届中国—东盟博览会。对接会上共达成意向合作207项,总金额为28.22亿美元。 据悉,联合钢铁(大马)集团有限公司、中电投马来西亚有限公司等企业在13日举行的开幕式上签订8项协议,签约总金额达12.95亿美元。中国建设银行(马来西亚)有限公司携建行中国境内37家分行为本次对接活动推荐266家中国企业与66家马来西亚企业配对,三天内共完成386场一对一云端洽谈会,达成合作意向199项,金额15.27亿美元,涉及涵盖食品和饮料、医疗保健、家用日化、棕榈油、建材、机械、矿产品、大宗商品等多种行业。 马来西亚国际贸易和工业部副部长林万锋在开幕式上致辞表示,区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)的实施将为签署国之间的贸易和投资往来创造更加透明、具体的框架,也为企业合作提供战略平台。希望中方商界人士继续善用马来西亚的商业和投资环境,强化区域商业网络,与马来西亚企业建立双赢伙伴关系。 中国驻马来西亚大使欧阳玉靖致辞说,中国—东盟博览会在推动中马深入交流与合作方面发挥了积极作用。未来中方愿同马方一道,携手奋进,高质量推进共建“一带一路”,继续拓展数字经济、网络安全、人工智能、大数据、现代农业等领域合作,用好现有经贸合作机制平台,不断提高各领域务实合作。 来自马来西亚各大商会,以及中广核埃德拉公司、马来西亚领航国际有限公司等企业的逾300名代表在吉隆坡现场出席开幕活动,马来西亚对外贸易发展局与中国建设银行(马来西亚)有限公司签署了合作谅解备忘录。
[前沿资讯 ] 中国常驻联合国代表:“一带一路”是团结之路、共赢之路、希望之路 进入全文
中国常驻联合国代表团14日同联合国经济和社会事务部共同举行《携手合作,共享美好未来——“一带一路”倡议支持联合国2030年可持续发展议程的进展报告》发布会。 中国常驻联合国代表张军在主旨讲话中表示,“一带一路”倡议是为落实2030年议程贡献的中国智慧和中国方案,在理念、目标和举措方面与2030年议程高度契合,为落实可持续发展目标提供有力支持、注入强大动力。张军指出,“一带一路”是构建全球伙伴关系的团结之路,是加强互联互通合作的共赢之路,是促进全球可持续发展的希望之路,已成为当今世界范围最广、规模最大的国际合作平台。深入推进“一带一路”建设,有利于各国合作应对挑战,是实现标本兼治的正确选择和途径。“一带一路”符合时代需要,符合各国人民的期待,符合各国共同利益。共建“一带一路”不是中国一家的“独奏曲”,而是所有伙伴共同参与的“交响乐”。中方期待同所有合作伙伴一道,秉持共商共建共享原则,深化全方位合作,坚定不移推动“一带一路”高质量发展,为加快落实2030年议程、实现各国共同发展作出更大贡献。 负责经济和社会事务的联合国副秘书长李军华介绍报告时说,当今世界面临诸多严峻挑战和不确定性,“一带一路”开创的伙伴关系和多边合作有力推动各国实现变革性的经济社会发展。该报告由联合国秘书长古特雷斯倡导,用详实数据和事实阐明了“一带一路”倡议对落实2030年议程的重要促进作用,同时归纳了各国和联合国机构参与“一带一路”合作的成功项目和有益经验,将为发展中国家将其自身规划同可持续发展目标紧密结合、实现绿色和可持续发展提供重要借鉴。期待各方共同努力,践行多边主义,推动2030年议程重回正轨。 与会各国大使和联合国机构代表一致祝贺报告发布,高度赞赏“一带一路”倡议有力促进各国消除贫困、经济发展和互联互通,坚信“一带一路”将为落实2030年议程发挥更大作用,认为深入推进“一带一路”合作正当其时,期待同中方深化务实合作,实现共同发展,共享美好未来。 报告由中国-联合国和平与发展基金发展子基金提供支持,通过案例研究、项目成果展示等方式,深入分析“一带一路”倡议对2030年议程的支持作用,详细介绍“一带一路”框架下双边、三边和多边合作的有益经验,对于各方深化“一带一路”互利合作、提升发展能力建设、加快落实2030年议程具有积极启示意义。