The process of producing fermented pickled fiddlehead fern comprising the following steps: providing a plurality of freshly harvested fiddlehead ferns sorting fibrous and decayed stalks of said ferns from step (a) uniformly cutting said ferns at approximately 1 inch into a plurality of longitudinal pieces blanching of said ferns from step (c) from about 2 to 4 minutes plunging said blanched ferns from step (d) in iced water at about 2 minutes removing excess water of said ferns from step (e) using a strainer soaking and fermenting said ferns from step (f) in brine solution from about 15 pcnt to 20 pcnt salinity in room temperature at approximately 2 days fermentation time draining of said fermented fiddlehead ferns soaking said drained fermented ferns at approximately 0.25 pcnt alum solution draining of said pickles in alum solution washing said pickles from step (h) with clean running water boiling separately a plurality of carrots, garlic, pepper and onions in sugar and vinegar (5 pcnt acidity) mixture properly soaking and mixing washed fermented fiddlehead fern from step (k) and boiled mixture from step (I) filling sterilized jars of said fermented pickles from step (m) leaving at approximately 1/2 inch headspace.