Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe bjudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovanija "Voronezhskij gosudarstvennyj universitet inzhenernykh tekhnologij" (FGBOU VO "VGUIT")
Magomedov Gazibeg Omarovich,Магомедов Газибег Омарович,Magomedov Magomed Gasanovich,Магомедов Магомед Гасанович,Lobosova Larisa Anatolevna,Лобосова Лариса Анатольевна,Tutova JAna Vasilevna,Тутова Яна
FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to food industry, in particular to confectionary industry. Disclosed is a method of producing jelly marmalade using concentrated paste of pumpkin, comprising first preparing pumpkin past by washing and inspecting pumpkin fruits, cutting into segments with size of 50-70 mm, removing seeds and inner film, crushing into 3-5 mm pieces, treating crushed fruits for 5-8 minutes in a microwave chamber at specific power 300-350 W/kg, straining through a sieve with mesh size 0.4 mm, concentrating obtained puree at 60-70 °C and under steam pressure in thermal jacket of 0.4-0.6 MPa to dry substances content of 30-40%, mixing agar-agar with water at a ratio of agar-agar: water 1:30, heating until complete dissolution, adding starch syrup, further, boiling out prepared agar-molasses syrup to dry substances weight ratio of 75-80 %, cooling to 50-55 °C, adding stevioside, pumpkin paste, citric acid, thoroughly mixing everything, feeding obtained marmalade mass with moisture content of 30-35 % for moulding by "syringing" into polymer impermeable shell with subsequent twisting of marmalade mass and cooling.EFFECT: invention enables to obtain a new high-quality product enriched with food fibres, vitamins and mineral substances, with low energy value, imparting medical and preventive properties to product, simplifying production process, intensification of production process, widening range of confectionary products of functional purpose and reducing production costs.1 cl, 2 tbl, 2 exИзобретение относится к пищевой промышленности, в частности к кондитерской отрасли. Предложен способ получения желейного мармелада с использованием концентрированной пасты из тыквы, в котором сначала готовят пасту из тыквы, для чего осуществляют мойку и инспекцию плодов тыквы, подвергают их резке на сегменты размером 50-70 мм, освобождают от семян и внутренней пленки, измельчают на кусочки 3-5 мм, после чего измельченные плоды обрабатывают в течение 5-8 мин