The purpose of the present invention is to provide food additives. More specifically, the purpose of the present invention is to provide food additives for syneresis inhibition, food additives for imparting smoothness on foods and drinks, and novel wheat flour puffed foods containing the additives.The solution of the present invention is providing food additives for syneresis inhibition and food additives for imparting smoothness on foods and drinks by using a water-soluble polysaccharide originated from Tremella as an effective ingredient. Further, the present invention also provides novel wheat flour puffed foods containing the additives.本發明是以提供食品添加劑做為課題。更詳細而言是以提供用於離水抑制之食品添加劑,用於對飲食品賦予滑順性之食品添加劑,及含有該等食品添加劑的新穎的小麥粉膨化食品等做為課題。解決手段係將源自白木耳的水溶性多醣體做為有效成分,則可提供用於離水抑制之食品添加劑及用於對飲食品賦予滑順性之食品添加劑等。又,也可提供含有該等食品添加劑的新穎的小麥粉膨化食品等。