The low Warm Cui Qu Let Prepare , Department of vacuum ultrasonic broken wall that this Chong makees to provide are set with a Cui Qu Installed to be made with the extraction of Chao Yin Bo Jin rows under plant No oxygen, low Warm, and can be under the activity for keeping effective ingredients in plant, and Duan Time Inter Inner quickly complete extraction procedures.本創作所提供之真空超音波破壁低溫萃取設備,係以一萃取裝置使植物在無氧、低溫下以超音波進行萃取,而可在保持植物有效成分之活性下,在短時間內快速地完成萃取程序。(10)‧‧‧萃取裝置(20)‧‧‧萃取槽(21)‧‧‧鍋(211)‧‧‧外層(212)‧‧‧內層(22)‧‧‧蓋(23)‧‧‧容納空間(30)‧‧‧超音波產生機構(31)‧‧‧超音波振盪器(32)‧‧‧振動子(40)‧‧‧氣體抽出管(50)‧‧‧萃取液流出管(60)‧‧‧閥(70)‧‧‧溫度感測器(701)‧‧‧頂端