The present invention of course be supplied with adequate oxygen to the root of the plant is excellent in maintainability such that no scattering granular activated carbon in the care of such as when moving the or pot when cleaning the pan to provide a plant growth auxiliary body. A plant growth auxiliary body 1, a granular activated carbon 2 a particle size of less than 10 millimeters, the subdivided bag 3 for containing an active carbon 2 has an opening at the upper end, the opening at the upper end It has to be composed of a collectively bag 4 which contained multiple subdivided bag 3. Oxygen etc. released from the active carbon 2 is supplied to the root of the target plant is transmitted through the subdivided bag 3 and the bag 4 together.BACKGROUND.【課題】植物の根部に適度の酸素を供給することはもちろんのこと、受け皿を清掃するときや鉢を移動するとき等の手入れの際に粒状の活性炭素が散乱しない等の保守性にも優れる植物生育補助体を提供する。【解決手段】植物生育補助体1は、粒径が10ミリメートル以下である粒状の活性炭素2と、上端に開口部を有し活性炭素2を内包する小分け袋体3と、上端に開口部を有し複数の小分け袋体3を内包するまとめ袋体4とで構成する。活性炭素2から放出した酸素等は、小分け袋体3及びまとめ袋体4を透過し対象植物の根部に供給される。【選択図】図1