Application of bacterial cellulose in the production of potato vermicelli. The potato vermicelli consists of 0.12-0.24% by weight of bacterial cellulose, 3.56-3.57% by weight of potato starch for thickener preparation, 42.75-42.80% by weight of water for thickener preparation and the balance. A quantity of dough preparation potato starch. The method for producing the potato vermicelli comprises (1) a step of adding a thickener-preparing water to bacterial cellulose and crushing and homogenizing to obtain a solution; and (2) adding a thickener-preparing potato starch to the bacterial cellulose solution. In addition, uniformly stirring to obtain an uncooked thickener; (3) obtaining a cooked thickener by heating in a water bath; and (4) cooling the cooked thickener to 30-40 ° C. Then, add the potato starch for dough preparation to 100% and knead well, and (5) push the vermicelli into hot water, take it out with a boil, take it out in the sun, and dry it to dry. Including.バクテリアセルロースのジャガイモ春雨の製造における応用。該ジャガイモ春雨は、バクテリアセルロース0.12-0.24重量%、増粘剤調製用ジャガイモ澱粉3.56-3.57重量%、増粘剤調製用水42.75-42.80重量%及び残量の生地調製用ジャガイモ澱粉からなる。該ジャガイモ春雨の製造方法は、(1)バクテリアセルロースに増粘剤調製用水を加えて粉砕し、均質化して溶液を得るステップと、(2)増粘剤調製用ジャガイモ澱粉を前記バクテリアセルロース溶液に加えて均一に撹拌し、未調理増粘剤を得るステップと、(3)水浴で加熱して調理済み増粘剤を得るステップと、(4)調理済み増粘剤が30-40℃に冷却された後、生地調製用ジャガイモ澱粉を100%になるまで加えて、十分にこねるステップと、(5)春雨を湯に押し出し、茹で上がって取り出し、天日干しにして乾燥させて完成するステップとを含む。