The present invention relates to a manufacturing method of seasoned laver using salted shrimp fermentation salt, and, specifically, to a manufacturing method of seasoned laver using powder made by pulverizing shrimp shells remained after fermenting salted shrimp and squeezing. The main configuration of the present invention comprises a step of aging and fermenting salted shrimp a step of pulverizing aged and fermented shrimp a step of filtering the pulverized shrimp a step of drying filtered shrimp a step of powderizing the dried shrimp by pulverizing a step of coating the powdered shrimp on a laver sheet (1) in a powder coating device and a step of drying the laver sheet coated with powdered shrimp. The salinity of the salted shrimp is 23-27%, and the aging and fermenting step is performed in the condition of 5-20°C in a cave for 3-6 months. The powder coating device used in the present invention comprises a powder container (7) accommodating the powder (21), a rotary roller (8) installed under the powder container (7) and forming a concave groove (4) on the external surface, and a brush roller (30) installed to contact the rotary roller (8) and having a brush (31) on the external surface. The powder container (7) has a feed screw (20) rotating around a rotary shaft (23) installed inside so as to supply the powder (21) to the lower side of the powder container (7), and laver sheets (1) are continuously supplied by a conveyor belt (10) under the rotary roller (8).COPYRIGHT KIPO 2014[Reference numerals] (AA) Salted shrimp (BB) Aging and fermenting (CC) Pulverizing (DD) Filtering (EE,JJ) Drying (FF) Powderizing (GG) Coating powdered shrimp (HH) Dried laver sheet (II) Oil spray본 발명은 새우젓 발효 소금을 활용한 조미김 제조방법에 관한 것으로 특히, 새우젓을 발효시켜 착즙한 후 잔류하는 새우껍질을 갈아서 만든 분말을 사용하여 조미김을 제조하는 방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 주요 구성은, 염장새우를 숙성발효시키는 단계 숙성발효된 새우를 분쇄하는 단계 분쇄한 새우를 여과하여 착즙하는 단계 여과된 새우를 건조하는 단계 건조된 새우를 분쇄하여 분말화하는 단계 분말화된 새우를 분말 도포장치에서 김(1)에 도포하는 단계 새우 분말이 도포된 김을 건조하는 단계로 이루어지는 것을 특징으로 하며, 상기 염장