Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Институт системных биотехнологий" (ООО "Институт системных биотехнологий") (RU)
Павловец Вячеслав Викторович (RU)
1. A method of producing hyaluronic acid from rooster combs, comprising laundering of blood, shredding, three-stage extraction, filtration, combining the extracts, the bundle of the resulting solution of acetic acid, draining the liquid phase, separation by centrifugation of the expected product, the desired product handling, drying, characterized in that before extraction combs cooled on ice for 2 hours, extraction is carried out with a solution of 0.1 M tris-acetate with pH 7-8, containing EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), 1 mM and 100 mM sodium acetate, etc. ratio of raw material: solution of 1: 2, wherein the grinding is carried out during the first extraction, before filtration the mixture was incubated on ice for three hours after combining the extracts solution was filtered and allowed to stand on ice for 30 min, after separation of acetic acid solution kept the solution on ice for 20-30 hours, the desired product processing is dissolved in 1% acetic acid, adding a freshly prepared solution of 2% (w / v) pepsin in 10 mM hydrochloric acid, pH 4 to a final concentration of 0.5%, heat . incubated 2 hours at 37 ° C, adding chilled ethyl alcohol until a precipitate standing at 4 ° C for one day, the aqueous phase separation, the title product separation tsentrifunirovaniem, drying in vacuo, dissolved in 8 M urea at pH 4 (acetic acid) maintaining 3-4 hours, adjusting the pH to 2 with glacial acetic acid, precipitation of HA gradual addition of chilled alcohol solution until turbid, maintaining overnight at 4 ° C, the precipitate is washed 2-3 times with 70% alcohol and 2-3 times 95 % aqueous, the drying is performed under vacuum or1. Способ получения гиалуроновой кислоты из куриных гребней, включающий отмывание от крови, измельчение, трехстадийную экстракцию, фильтрацию, объединение экстрактов, расслоение полученного раствора уксусной кислотой, сливание жидкой фазы, выделение целевого продукта центрифугированием, обработку целевого продукта, сушку, отличающий