The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing radish grain syrup, and more specifically, the grain syrup is manufactured by using extracted and saccharified liquid of Bordeaux radishes, ginger, balloon flower roots, and angelica roots. According to the present invention, the grain syrup, which contains a large amount of ingredients such as anthocyanin and diastase, beneficial to health, and which has excellent flavor, can be manufactured. The method for manufacturing radish grain syrup includes the following steps: obtaining the saccharified liquid by juicing and boiling the Bordeaux radishes, ginger, balloon flower roots, and angelica roots; fermenting hard-boiled rice after adding the saccharified liquid and a malt extract to the hard-boiled rice; obtaining a filtrate by filtering a product obtained from the previous step; and boiling the filtrate.본 발명은 무 조청 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 구체적으로 보르도 무, 생강, 도라지 및 당귀의 착즙 당화액을 사용하여 조청을 제조하는 방법에 관한 것이다.본 발명에 따르면 안토시아닌, 디아스타제 등 건강에 유익한 성분이 다량 함유되며 우수한 풍미를 갖는 조청을 제조할 수 있다.