The invention is to provide a person wanting to grow hair with a hair growing means which can be easily continued and is highly effective. A hair restoring/hair growing course 1 includes, as the basic steps: a washing step S4 of spraying shampoo to the scalp and washing the scalp a post-washing recording step S6 of capturing and recording an image indicating the state of the scalp and the hair after being washed using a microscope after the washing step S4 a scalp softening step S11 of softening the scalp by applying skin lotion to the scalp and massaging it, after the post-washing recording step S6 a hair tonic introducing step S12 of making a hair tonic infiltrate into the scalp by an ion introducing machine, after the scalp softening step S11 and a hair follicle activating step S13 of accelerating the activation of hair follicles by massaging the scalp by an ultrasonic generator, after the hair tonic introducing step S12.本發明係以提供:對於希望養髮者而言,可很輕鬆地持續下去之具有很高效果之養髮的手段。本發明的頭皮及毛髮的狀態改善方法中的育毛暨發毛課程(1)的基本步驟,係具備:將洗髮精散佈於頭皮而進行頭皮洗淨之洗淨步驟S4;在洗淨步驟S4之後,使用顯微鏡將顯示洗淨後的頭皮以及毛髮的狀態的圖像予以攝影和記錄之洗淨後記錄步驟S6;在洗淨後記錄步驟S6之後,在頭皮灑上化妝水後進行按摩而使頭皮軟化之頭皮軟化步驟S11;在頭皮軟化步驟S11之後,使用離子導入機將養髮劑滲透到頭皮之養髮劑導入步驟S12;在養髮劑導入步驟S12之後,藉由使用超音波產生機來按摩頭皮,而促進毛母細胞的活化之毛母細胞活化步驟S13。1...育毛暨發毛課程