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[前沿资讯 ] 中欧加强地理标志合作 双方累计实现244个产品互认互保 进入全文


地理标志保护对于推动区域特色经济发展、助力乡村振兴、传承传统文化、促进对外开放具有重要意义。国家知识产权局知识产权保护司司长张志成16日在国新办举行的新闻发布会上介绍,中欧加强地理标志合作,截至目前双方累计实现244个产品的互认互保,有效扩大了我国地理标志的国际影响力。 近年来我国积极开展地理标志对外合作,落实中欧、中法、中泰等地理标志保护方面的协定、协议,参与更多国家和地区地理标志保护国际合作。其中,中欧地理标志协定是我国签订的第一个全面的、高水平的地理标志双边条约。近期,中欧第二批清单互认取得新进展。 张志成介绍,国家知识产权局依法受理了来自欧盟的175个地理标志保护申请,覆盖了西班牙、法国、意大利、德国、希腊等22个欧盟成员国,产品类别集中在葡萄酒、烈酒、肉制品、奶制品和橄榄油等5大类别,占清单总数的90.9%。欧盟委员会也受理了我国的金华火腿、太平猴魁茶、富平柿饼、泸州老窖酒、涪陵榨菜、宁夏枸杞等175个地理标志的申请,产品类别覆盖了酒类、调味品、茶叶、肉制品、中药材、手工艺品、水果等。中欧双方已顺利完成350个产品清单公示工作。 “两批清单覆盖了中欧双方特色鲜明、家喻户晓的地理标志品类,中欧地理标志协定实施工作也进入了新阶段。预计‘十四五’末,中欧双方地理标志互认互保的规模将稳步扩大到550个左右。”张志成说。

[学术文献 ] 农业支持水平及政策结构变动的国际比较分析——基于欧盟、美国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、巴西、中国的考察 进入全文



[学术文献 ] 农产品标准协调助推了贸易增长吗?——基于中国果蔬类农产品出口贸易的实证分析 进入全文



[学术文献 ] 农产品贸易对农业碳排放的影响——兼议数字乡村发展的门槛效应 进入全文



[学术文献 ] Intersectoral labor migration and agriculture in the United States and Japan 进入全文

Agricultural Economics

In spite of important differences in their agricultural sectors, the past century has seen a significant decline in the number of people employed in agriculture in the U.S. and Japan. Economic models of intersectoral labor migration focus on expected return differentials as the primary cause of migration from one sector to another. Empirical applications typically assume that migration occurs as soon as the return differential exceeds Marshallian migration costs, but recent work has focused on embedding the migration decision in a real options framework. Structural and institutional elements can also affect the speed at which the share of agricultural labor declines. We consider the factors influencing intersectoral labor migration in the U.S. and Japan using aggregate migration equations and several definitions of agricultural labor and return differentials. We show that real options, although relevant at the household level, have limited implications for sector-level empirical models. Our estimates are inconclusive regarding the importance of the Marshallian trigger in the migration decision, with heterogeneity across the two countries and labor definitions. We argue that this heterogeneity in the wage and migration relationship is driven by differences in the structures of the agricultural sectors.

[前沿资讯 ] USDA and National Urban League Partner To Promote Equity, Increase Nutrition Security and Expand Services In Underserved Communities Across America 进入全文


Today, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack and Marc H. Morial, President of the National Urban League, announce a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to reaffirm and strengthen the relationship between USDA and the historic civil rights organization. USDA and National Urban League share a common mission to enhance equity across the country, ensure access to adequate nutrition and improve quality of life for underserved populations. Through this strategic partnership, USDA and National Urban League will work collaboratively to promote nutrition and food security, increase access to healthy foods, and ensure equitable service delivery of USDA programs in underserved communities across the country. Moreover, this union will encourage urban agriculture as a means of increasing food production and access, making a living, and improving the environment, thereby building stronger communities. “This signing reinforces USDA’s commitment to improving health outcomes and quality of life in the communities that we serve,” said Secretary Vilsack. “To help those who have been historically underserved, it is paramount that we work together with a shared commitment to improve access to our programs, equip people with the resources they need, and advance equity goals.” "This is a broad and far-reaching initiative that will address inequity and create opportunity at every level of the Department's programming and regulatory responsibility," Morial said. “We’re proud to collaborate with a forward-thinking agency that is committed to carrying out the Biden-Harris Administration’s whole-of-government equity agenda.” In addition to ensuring adequate nutrition and promoting health equity, this MOU establishes the inclusion of urban agriculture and rural development opportunities into USDA's workforce development and entrepreneurship programs so current and future workers can acquire the skills needed to meet the demands of highly skilled agricultural jobs. Together, USDA and National Urban League will explore and develop ways to engage the civil rights organization in an effort to enhance USDA's ability to fulfill its missions efficiently and fairly. The first phase of the partnership will focus on identifying and developing areas in which the USDA offices and agencies can improve their ability to carry out missions through cooperation with and assistance from the National Urban League. Areas include but are not limited to home ownership, access to broadband, help for veterans, and youth development. Another common goal of this partnership will be to increase awareness and understanding of USDA programs and resources.


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