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[学术文献 ] 贸易便利化对加工农产品出口质量的影响——以中国和“一带一路”沿线国家(地区)出口为例 进入全文



[学术文献 ] 中国对CPTPP国家的农产品出口效率和潜力研究——基于随机前沿引力模型 进入全文



[行业报告 ] IFPRI Malawi monthly maize market report, December 2022 进入全文


The Monthly Maize Market Report was developed by researchers at IFPRI Malawi with the goal of providing clear and accurate information on the variation of maize prices in selected markets throughout Malawi. The reports are intended as a resource for those interested in maize markets in Malawi, namely producers, traders, consumers, policy makers, and other agricultural stakeholders.

[学术文献 ] 全球农业贸易治理与中国粮食安全 进入全文



[前沿资讯 ] Ukraine: EU-FAO partnership to ensure recovery and development of agricultural value chains 进入全文


Rural households, smallholder farmers and small-scale agricultural enterprises will benefit from a $15.5 million project funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to support the functioning, reinforcement and strengthening of value chains in agriculture, fisheries and forestry, and their adaptation to the wartime conditions. The project will focus on supporting producers in Lvivska, Ivano-Frankivska, Zakarpatska and parts of Chernivetska oblast with matching grants for on-farm and value chain-based investments coupled with extension and advisory support. “The EU funds for this FAO project aim to re-establish or reinforce pre-war level functionality of agricultural value chains. This is needed to meet the food requirements of local and displaced populations in the west and address food insecurity elsewhere in the country in the immediate and short term, and will be critical to averting a food crisis into 2023,” said Christian Ben Hell, the Sector Manager for Agriculture at the EU Delegation to Ukraine.  Food security worsens rapidly The food security situation in Ukraine has deteriorated rapidly following the eruption of the war on 24 February 2022, which has caused extensive destruction of crops, agricultural and other civilian infrastructure, and disrupted both supply and value chains. FAO’s recent nationwide assessment on the impact of the war on agriculture and rural households reveals that one in every four of the 5 200 respondents has reduced or stopped agricultural production due to the war. Through this EU-funded project, which initially started in February 2021 with a preparation phase but then was put on hold due to the war to be repurposed to meet the current needs, in March-May 2022 emergency agricultural support was provided to over 6 000 rural households. This assistance covered the urgent population’s need for agricultural inputs, cash, vegetable seeds and seed potatoes to continue food production for household consumption. "The testimonies of the individuals and families who I met during my visits to the newly accessible areas confirm the urgent need for immediate support towards restoring their household capacities and avoiding dependence on humanitarian assistance. At the same time, it is imperative that the Government is supported in its efforts to develop the agriculture sector and to strengthen and diversify value chains," said Pierre Vauthier, Head of FAO Ukraine country office. As the war persists, market participants including large numbers of household and family farms, individual producers, small companies, traders and processors are experiencing difficulties in accessing inputs, finance and investment to support continuity and expansion of operations. The major difficulties expected in the next few months in terms of both crop and livestock production activities are low benefits from the sale of products, constrained access to fertilizers or pesticides, and fuel or electricity to power equipment. In addition, the project aims to assist the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in preserving a unique national collection of plant genetic resources, which is of global significance in terms of the volume and diversity of genetic material. The project will secure and safeguard the collections of the Ukrainian plant genetic resources by moving them to a safe storage location and will improve the collections database with modern IT support.

[前沿资讯 ] “一带一路” 绿色发展 进入全文


在共建“一带一路”框架下,萨察尔风电站是中巴经济走廊能源合作14个优先实施项目之一,为巴基斯坦开发了新的清洁电力资源。而在中巴经济走廊的各大项目中,包括水电、太阳能、风能和核能项目的绿色发电厂,占项目总数的六成以上。 放眼世界,绿色正成为高质量共建“一带一路”的鲜明底色。路景相融的中老铁路,成功绕避各类自然保护区核心区和生态敏感点,充分保护沿线亚洲象、热带雨林等自然资源;被誉为巴西“电力高速公路”的美丽山特高压项目,在中国工程建设者的努力下,对施工时砍伐的林木按照同等面积补种,恢复植被1100公顷;在非洲萨赫勒地区,中国理念和技术元素融入非洲“绿色长城”工程建设,助力当地可持续发展…… 从2019年正式启动“一带一路”绿色发展国家联盟,到2021年与28个国家共同发起“一带一路”绿色发展伙伴关系倡议,中国正以国际化的语言和运作方式,扩大“一带一路”绿色发展的朋友圈,深化与相关国家在生态环保、可持续发展等领域的合作。 为更好支撑共建国家的绿色低碳发展需求,中国以“一带一路”生态环保大数据服务平台为依托,开发对外投资环境风险评估工具,编写“一带一路”生态环保大数据报告,指导企业贯彻绿色发展理念,开展绿色投资合作。此外,《“一带一路”绿色投资原则》已获共建国家和发达经济体44家金融机构参与,共推“一带一路”绿色投融资发展。


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