A method and apparatus for correcting alignment error between a tool endeffector and a master actuator in a master-slave robotic system is disclosedwhere the end effector is controlled by the master actuator transmittingcontrolsignals. The method involves receiving master orientation signals, generatingend effector orientation signals, producing control signals based on the endeffector orientation signals, and receiving an enablement signal for enablingtransmission of control signals to the slave. When transitioning from the notactive to active state, the master actuator and end effector orientationsignals aresaved to create previous-saved values. The method also involves detecting adifference between the master actuator and end effector orientation signalsrepresenting a physical alignment difference and adjusting saved slave baseorientation signals to have the same values as the saved master baseorientationsignals so that the control signals cause the tool to satisfy an alignmentcriterion.