The yeast containing the iron, are suspended in a solution containing at least one of carboxylic acid and carboxylic acid salt, iron net comprising the extraction step of separating the solid component of the resulting suspension and the liquid component mETHOD fOR pRODUCING containing yeast extract, and Tetsudaka containing yeast extract, as well as a food.鉄を含有する酵母を、カルボン酸及びカルボン酸塩の少なくともいずれかを含む溶液に懸濁させ、得られた懸濁液の固体成分と液体成分とを分離する抽出工程を含む鉄高含有酵母抽出物の製造方法、及び鉄高含有酵母抽出物、並びに、食品である。