A method of producing a gradient porous bone scaffold, which comprises: a embryo forming step, which comprises setting a operating parameter, spreading a metallic glass powder on a workbench, and emit a laser light to a part of the metallic glass spreading area to melt the metallic glass powder and form a scaffold. After that, remove the metallic glass powder which is not melting. The method of producing a gradient porous bone scaffold also comprises a scaffold stacking step, which comprises moving the workbench, spreading the metallic glass powder on the surface of the scaffold, and emit a laser light to a part of the metallic glass spreading area to stacking the scaffold. Repeating the scaffold stacking step until the structural character of the scaffold fit the operating parameter. This invention of the method of producing a gradient porous bone scaffold could reduce the cost for preparing the gradient porous bone scaffold.一種漸層多孔骨支架之製備方法,係包含:一初胚形成步驟,設定一操作參數,將一金屬玻璃粉末鋪設於一工作台,利用一雷射光照射該金屬玻璃粉末鋪設區域中之局部,使受到照射之金屬玻璃粉末融熔形成一架體,並去除未融熔的金屬玻璃粉末;及一支架堆疊步驟,移動該工作台,將該金屬玻璃粉末鋪設於該架體之表面,利用該雷射光照射該金屬玻璃粉末鋪設區域中之局部,使受到照射之金屬玻璃粉末融熔並堆疊於該架體,重複進行該支架堆疊步驟,直到該架體的結構特徵符合該操作參數為止,藉此達到減少製備該漸層多孔骨支架的成本之功效。