A fragrant cleansing cosmetic product is manufactured by putting in fruit-dried powder from a fruit juice solution when making a cleansing product. The cleansing product comprises cleansing cream cleansing oil, foam cleansing, cleansing lotion, cleansing essence, cleansing gel, cleansing scrub, and cleansing soap. The product can remove wastes or make-ups on the face or the skin in a clean and fragrant manner, having grapes, cranberries, plums, oranges, pomegranates, tomatoes, apricots, lemons, limes, and strawberries.COPYRIGHT KIPO 20161.과일즙액이 과일건조가루를 클랜징 제품을 만들때 넣어 향긋한 클랜징 화장품을 만든다. 클랜징 화장품에는 클랜징 크림,클랜징 오일,폼클랜징,클랜징 로션,클렌징에센스,클렌징젤,클렌징 스크럽,클렌징 비누가 있다.깔끔하고 향긋하게 얼굴이나 피부의 노페물이나 화장을 지울수 있다.포도,크린베리,자두,오렌지,석류,토마토,살구,레몬,라임,포도,딸기가 있다.