The novelty is reflected in the seeding mechanism consisting of the two driving wheels (8) which are connected to the cylinder (4), and the seed is stored in the cylinder (4). In the cylinder (4), the axis (21) of the seeding machine is connected to the brush (6) which serves for the expulsion of the seed from the cylinder (4) and the prevention that from the cylinder (4) more than one seed comes out, so that the aperture (12) is covered. On the cylinder (4) are apertures (12). The apertures (12) have the radius which is equal to the size of the largest seed planted by this seeding machine. Around the cylinder (4) there is a roll (10), which is attached by hoops (19). On the roll (10) are apertures (13), and through the apertures (13) the seed of smaller radius passes through. By removal or taking away of the roll (10) it is possible to adjust the seeding machine according to the size of the culture planted. Around the roll (10), there are the brushes (5) which prevent the falling out of seed from the seeding mechanism with the culture with significantly larger seeds. The novelty is also the marker (7) that is in fact a wire that passes over the furrow left from the previous drive of the seeding machine. The seeding machine is pushed manually so that the marker (7) passes over the furrow left away from the previous drive of the seeding machine.Novost se ogleda u setvenom mehanizmu koji se sastoji od dva pogonska točka (8), koji su spojeni za cilindar (4), u cilindru (4) se skladišti seme. U cilindru (4) je za osovinu (21) sejalice spojena četka (6) koja služi za izbacivanje semena iz cilindra (4) i sprečavanje da iz cilindra (4) izađe više od jedne semenke tako što pokrije otvor (12). Na cilindru (4) se nalaze otvori (12) na rastojanju predviđenom za rastojanje semena u redu. Otvori (12) su prečnika koji je jednak veličini najvećeg semena koje se seje ovom sejalicom. Oko cilindra (4) se nalazi valjak (10), koji je pričvršćen obujmicama (19). Na valjku (10) se nalaze