The present invention relates to agar, and specifically, to a method for preparing cream by gelating agar and food, and cooling and mashing the mixture. In general, existing food prepared by gelation is obtained by soaking or boiling agar in water to prepare gelated water and food, mixing the gelated water with the food, and hardening the mixture in a mold. However, the said technology is used for preparing sweet bean jelly or jelly, and products prepared using the technology are too limited. In order to solve the problems, the purpose of the present invention to prepare the products into cream such that the limited products are capable of being widely used. The method for preparing gelated agar cream according to the present invention comprises: soaking or boiling agar powder in water to obtain food and gelated water mixing the food with the gelated water to obtain a mixture cooling the mixture of the food and gelated water and mashing the mixture to prepare a product in a cream state, i.e. gelated agar cream. The gelated agar cream contains 250 ml of water, 10 g of agar powder, and 250 to 350 g of food. The method for preparing gelated agar cream according to the present invention is capable of preparing products which enable consumers to feel rich flavors, have excellent storage properties as those of war food or space food, and are capable of entirely containing calorific values, by diversely preparing applicable materials, thereby enabling more flavors and textures to be expressed when filling the materials into bread or ice flakes with syrup.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016본 발명은 한천에 관한 것으로 상세하게는 한천과 음식을 겔화를 한 뒤 냉각 후 으깨어 크림으로 만드는 방법에 관한 것이다. 일반적으로 기존 겔화를 시켜 만드는 식품은 물에 한천을 불리거나 끓인 후 겔화된 물과 음식을 섞어 틀에 굳혀 먹지만 이 기술은 양갱 또는 젤리를 만드는 것으로서 너무 제품이 한정적이다. 본 발명은 상기와 같은 문제점을 해결하기 위한 것으로 한정적인 제품을 좀더 광범위하게 사용 할 수 있게 크림화를 시키는 것을 목적으로 한다.본 발은 물과 한천가루를 불리거나 끓인 후 겔화된 물과 음식을 섞어 냉각 시켜 으깨어줘 크림상태로 만든 것이다.(물:한천가루:음식물=250ml:10g:250~350g) 이상과 같이 본 발명에 따르면 여러가지에 응용이 가능한 재료가 만들어져 빙수나 빵속을 채울 경우 더 많은 맛과