The present invention relates to mollusks added noodles. The noodles with a fresh and great taste are produced by adding mollusks in noodles when kneading dough for the noodles. An extract or a dried powder of mollusks is added in the noodles when kneading dough for the noodles. The mollusks include squid, small octopus, and octopus, and the like.COPYRIGHT KIPO 20161. 면을 반죽할때 면에 연체동물을 넣어 상큼하고 고급스러운 맛 면을 만들수 있다.2.연체동물의 즙액이나 건조가루를 면 반죽할때 넣는다. 연체동물에는 오징어,낙지,문어등이 있다.