The present invention provides a method for manufacturing a red crab snack and a red crab snack manufactured by the same. According to the present invention, the method for manufacturing a red crab snack includes: 1) a first step of mixing red crab powder in which a loss of nutrients is minimized by pulverizing a dough material containing wheat flour as a main material and a red crab by grinding the dough material and the red crab after cutting, washing, steaming, and drying the dough material and the red crab and forming a snack dough; 2) a second step of forming a fermented solution obtained as juice of a mandarin, an apple, and a grape is mixed into rye flour and is fermented; 3) a third step of adding the snack dough and the fermented solution, which are individually formed by the first step and the second step, and forming the snack after adding rum, a mulberry root extract, and water in which Pueraria is decocted and kneading the same; and 4) a fourth step of baking the snack formed in the third step by an oven. According to the present invention, the method for manufacturing a red crab snack can make healthy snack having functionality of an excellent texture and excellent taste and flavor by removing the unique fishy odor of the red crab. The red crab snack manufactured by the same is manufactured as the red crab powder, wherein the whole red crab is pulverized and dried, is mixed and the fermented solution obtained is the juice of mandarin, apple, and grape. So, the red crab snack manufactured by the same has rich nutrient ingredients such as chitosan and chitin.본 발명에 의한 꽃게 과자의 제조방법은 1) 밀가루를 주재료로 하는 반죽재료와 꽃게를 절단, 세척, 증숙, 건조한 후 분쇄하여 분말화시켜 영양소의 손실을 최소화한 꽃게 분말을 배합하여 과자 반죽을 만드는 제 1단계; 2) 호밀가루에 감귤, 사과 및 포도의 과즙을 혼합한 후 발효시켜 얻은 발효액을 만드는 제 2단계; 3) 상기 제 1단계 및 제 2단계에서 각각 만들어진 과자 반죽과 발효액을 넣고, 다시 럼주(Rum酒), 상백피(桑白皮)와 갈근(葛根) 다린 물을 첨가하여 반죽한 후에 과자를 성형하는 제 3단계; 4) 상기 제 3단계에서 성형된 과자를 오븐에서 굽는 제 4단계;를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다.본 발명의 꽃게 과자의 제조방법에 의하면, 꽃게를 통재로 분쇄하여 건조한 꽃게 분말을 배합하고, 감귤, 사