The invention relates to the field of alcohol and pharmaceutical industry, in particular to complex, without distillery bards, methods for producing ethanol, as well as fodder and food grains for the preparation of therapeutic bakery products (grain-light). The technical result consists in increasing the environmental friendliness and productivity of the method and installation for producing ethanol, as well as in obtaining additional grain food (grain light) for people and animals. The technical result is achieved due to the fact that in the proposed method, including grinding grain, mixing with water, heat treatment of the mixture with enzymatic hydrolysis with amylolytic enzymes, sterilization of the mass, subsequent cooling, the final enzymatic hydrolysis (saccharification), cooling to the fermentation temperature and subsequent fermentation obtained wort to produce ethanol, it is proposed that the wort cooled to the fermentation temperature must be divided into liquid and solid phases prior to feeding to fermentation A solid thickener, the solid phase with a humidity of 85-90% is fed to the separator, where the solid phase is obtained with a humidity of 55-60%, the solid phase is then proposed to be dried to obtain a grain product of feed and food purposes “grain line”, the liquid phase is proposed to be sterilized and then it is proposed to return part of the aqueous phase after the distillation of ethanol to the stage of mixing the crushed grain with water, while the other part It can be used as a mineral feed forИзобретение относится к области спиртовой и фармацевтической промышленности, а именно к комплексным без послеспиртовой барды способам получения этанола, а также кормового и пищевого зернового продукта для приготовления лечебных хлебобулочных изделий (зернолайт). Технический результат состоит в повышении экологичности и производительности способа и установки для получения этанола, а также в получении дополнительного зернового продукта питания (зернола