The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing fish-shaped cake outer mix containing fish meat and squid. Outer mix in general used for fish-shaped cake manufacturing is prone to quality deterioration because only food additives are added to and mixed with flour for mix manufacturing and sale. According to the present invention, the fish-shaped cake outer mix is manufactured by adding, mixing, and processing food additives with nutritious food ingredients such as fish meat, squid, flour, rice powder, and corn powder, and then the fish-shaped cake outer mix is sanitarily packaged and distributed in accordance with various specifications. Accordingly, a required amount of the fish-shaped cake outer mix can be selectively purchased by consumers, and thus the fish-shaped cake can be improved in taste and quality.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016본 발명은 어육과 오징어가 함유된 붕어빵 외피 믹스(mix)의 제조 방법에 관한 것이다.본 발명은 붕어빵을 제조할 때마다 사용하는 외피 믹스(mix)를 밀가루에 식품첨가물만을 첨가,혼합한 믹스(mix)를 사용하여 제조, 판매하므로 인해 품질(品質 )이 저하되는 현실을 감안하여 영양분이 다양하고, 풍부하게 함유된 어육, 오징어, 밀가루, 쌀가루, 옥수수 가루 등 식 재료와 식품 첨가물을 첨가하여 혼합, 가공한 붕어빵 외피 믹스(mix)를 제조하여 다양한 규격대로 위생 포장, 유통하므로써 수용자는 필요한 량(量) 만큼 선택적으로 구입하여 맛과 품질이 월등한 고급화(高級化)된 붕어빵을 제조할 수 있게 한 것이다.